Lacquered Dwelling

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A fresh breeze of wind blew as all 7 of them got down from the chariot, their glistening eyes searched for the Palace.

Soon a man, who introduced himself as Purochan approached them and took them towards the Palace.

Sahadev sensed his weirdly sweet tone as he nudged Dhriti.

"Do all the people from Gandhar talk this unusual sweet?" Sahadev asked making Dhriti chuckle.

"Purochan, but this place is away from the main town of Varnavat." Yudhisthir spoke as Purochan's face faded.

"Ahm-um yes Yuvraj, we wished to create a beautiful and spacious palace for you and where can we find such a vast land to build a Palace in the main town." Purochan explained as Dhriti tried to observe his expressions.

"So where is your magnificent palace? Beneath the ground?" Bheem asked stepping forward.

"Ah, why are you joking Rajkumar, its right here in front of you." Purochan said as one of his men positioned the mirror in such a way the moon-light reflected multiple times to reveal a beautiful palace.

Everyone's face lit up, except Dhriti who could not find a single reason for having a moonlit palace instead of beautiful little diyas everywhere.

"But Purochan, we need to lit up a diya before entering. That is auspicious. " Kunti said as Purochan's wife gave him a look.

"Yes yes Maharani, please come in." His wife spoke as they entered the huge palace. Kunti lit up a small diya as Purochan had his life in his hands. One wrong move and the Palace would be in ashes just because of a small diya.

Everyone looked at the Palace in awe. Nakul immediately stared staring at his figure in the numerous mirrors kept at an angle for reflection.

"Purochan, so all of the Palace is bright only due to the light of chandrama?" Dhriti asked finally opening her mouth.

"Yes Rajkumari. Me and my family have used all our wisdom in creating this palace." Purochan smiled.

"All of Mama Shakuni's wisdom you should say Purochan." Dhriti thought, examining the whole room.

"Perfect. Really the best Palace someone will ever have in the whole aryawart. "
Yudhisthir praised.

"Bet Dwarka is 10000000 times more better than this place. Isn't it Kanha?" Dhriti's voice reached Kanha.

"Thats a huge number, but you're right. Ofcourse it is Priya. I'm waiting to show you this beautiful Dwarka Nagari. And roam around with you." Kanha replied making Dhriti smile.

"Yes you're right Purochan. You have surely put all your wisdom. Afterall no one other than Vishwakarma can construct a better place than this one." Dhriti taunted referring to Dwarka.

"Jyesht you should give Purochan a reward for his hardwork." Bheem said as Yudhisthir nodded.

"Ahaa, my greatest reward is you all enjoying your stay here." Purochan smiled as Dhriti asked another question.

"How will you light up the Palace on the night of Amavasya Purochan!" Dhriti asked turing and facing him. This caught Purochan offguard. He stuttered to answer her question.

"Arey Dhriti, who wants to wait here till Amavasya. Leave this. Just look how happy Nakul is. Afterall he got so many mirrors to adore himself." Bheem said as all others laughed embarrassing Nakul.

"Yuvraj, may I show you your Bhavan now. Its more breath-taking than this. My wife and son will lead you there." Purochan bowed as his wife and son introduced them to their rooms.

*At the same time in Hastinapur*

"I told you to spy on Angraj's every single move." Vidur spoke to his spy.

"Yes, found out that Angraj Karna decided to stay with his parents tonight as he wanted to discuss something important. His father looked disappointed and a look of horror and betrayal was spread on Angraj's face.
Angraj explained that any Temple's support are its pillars and the innocence and tenderness of the temple solely depends on the idol mounted there. I'm not sad even if the pillars collapse and get crushed, but it's not fair if something happens to that gentle idol." His spy explained.

"A temple's pillar and it's idol? What was he referring to?" Vidur stayed silent for a few minutes.

"No. Oh no. No no this can't be. He-he was talking about Bhabhishree Kunti. She, she is the idol in the temple whos pillars are her six children. Shakuni!" Vidur exclaimed in shock.

"My Dhriti was right. She was right. This was a trap. She told me. I promised her to send help. I have to help them. But how? That Purochan will be around them everywhere." Vidur said trying to think of a plan.

"You will go to Varanavt with a message and some things under this bag of rice. I knew something like that would happen." Vidur said as his sevaks brought a bag of rice.


Bheem tiptoed through the room where Nakul and Sahadev were sleeping. He looked around as he was about to cover Nakul's mouth but Nakul gasped and got up, looking at Bheem with horror as the latter silently signalled him to stay quite.

"Bhratashree, we have roamed the whole palace, and we didnt find any food. Why did you wake me up in the middle of the night. Anyways its you who is going to eat all of it." Nakul ranted rubbing his eyes.

"Oh Nakul, I'll give some of it to you. I know someone who will help me." Bheem smiled as he pulled Nakul towards Dhriti's room.


"Bhratashree, she is not asleep on her bed." Nakul said as they walked across her room finding her.

"A ghost! A ghost!" Bheem shouted as he saw Dhriti standing near the window.

"Stop it Bhratashree. You'll wake everyone up." Dhriti said turning towards them.

"But you do look like a ghost in open hair." Nakul laughed

"I look better than you." Dhriti stuck her tongue out.

"I'm the most handsome man the whole of Aryavart." Nakul said crossing his arms sticking out his tounge as well.

"You're not. Kanha is---- Bhuvansundar." Dhriti smiled absentmindedly as both Bheem and Nakul laughed.

"What?" Dhriti asked completely confused.

"Your Kanha. Our Vasudev Bhaiya. Bhuvansundar. I'll tell this to Jyesht, Bhrata Arjun and Sahadev tomorrow." Nakul laughed as Dhriti turned red.

"Leave that, I'm hungry. Dhriti I want food and we have turned the whole palace upside down but couldn't find the kitchen. " Bheem explained as Dhriti walked out calling for the sipahis.

"Didi, what are you doing. They will be awake." Nakul shook her.

"Its their job to stay up keeping a watch on the Palace Nakul." Dhriti said close to playfully roll her eyes as a sipahi appeared in front of them.

"Take both of them-" she started.

"No not me, only bhrata Bheem." Nakul interrupted.

"Fineeeeee. Take him to the kitchen." Dhriti said as she and Nakul left for their rooms.

"The kitchen is outside the Palace rajkumar. " The sipahi spoke as Nakul and Dhriti turned around in shock.

"Outside the Palace! How come is it outside the Palace. Purochan built such a huge palace without a kitchen in it?" Bheem exclaimed as a worried Purochan and his wife approached them.

"Um forgive us Rajkumar. We had to build the kitchen outside the Palace as all the workers would be staying there." Purochan explained giving him a thali full of Kachoris and sweets as Dhriti was trying to connect the dots of this whole trap.

"I don't know anything. Purochan i want you to establish one kitchen inside the Palace as well." Bheem interrupted.

"But Rajkumar-" Purochan started.

"No ifs and buts, its my order you have to follow it. And what disaster is gonna occur if you build one here in the Palace? Will the Palace catch fire?" Bheem asked stuffing his mouth with Kachoris as Nakul looked at him.

"Um no rajkumar no. No fire. This palace is not gonna catch fire. I'll leave now." Purochan stuttered as he left.

Dhriti banged her hand on the wall in frustration but she quickly withdrew it staring at he wall.

"The carvings? My slight bang on this wall deformed the carvings? How is this possible! " Dhriti thought.

"Didi, what are you thinking? " Nakul asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing...." She slightly let out.
"I'll-i'll go and sleep. I'm tired. " She stuttered as she quickly walked towards her room.

She walked towards her room, where a small idol of Mata Parvati was kept. This idol was so dear to Dhriti, that she carried it everywhere.

"Hey Maa Gauri, show me a way. I can sense danger for my family with every step I take in this palace. Mata, give me strength mata, help me figuring this out." Dhriti tightly shut her eyes. The idol shined as a ray of light reached Dhriti's head.

"Hey Dhriti, My Sakhi Mahalaskmi, Your Parvati is forever there by your side. And I hope Bhrata Narayan will reveal the truth about the purpose you both have on earth. Soon this Dwapara Yug will be blessed with the roop dharan of Trilok Swamini Shri Mahalakshmi ." Parvati smiled as she blessed Dhriti and disappeared.

Dhriti kept glancing around the room as her eyes were wide open, not feeling sleepy at all. Kanha's words ringed her mind. She tried to find every evidence possible but all in vain.

"Kakashree, I hope I'll receive your message soon. I know you might have found something. Something valuable." Dhriti spoke to herself.

"Just remember, house with no diyas just fuels the evil in a dark heart." "What did you mean when you said that Kanha. Is it something to do with this palace. I hope it is cause I'm not vibing with this palace at all. Not even a bit." She sighed.

"Even if you can't reveal anything, just stay with me Kanha." Dhriti said looking at the peacock feather on the necklace as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


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