Kanha's Surprise for Shakuni

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"Mamashree! What now? If Krishn and Dhriti arrive here on time, both of them would make sure our plan does not work." Duryodhan said pacing around.

"We can't stop them from attending the Abhishek. But we can definately push their time of arrival." Shakuni smiled.

"What does that mean Mamashree?" Dushasan asked.

"My dear Bhanje, that means we'll make sure they don't arrive until our plan is successful. Once Maharaj Dhritarashtra gives his words, they can't oppose him." Shakuni revealed.

"Looks like you don't know how Dhriti is. Once she speaks her mind, no one can refuse her." Karna added in.

"And I don't understand what's the problem in sending Mata Kunti to Khandavprasth? Why do you want her to be here?" Karna spoke further.

"You don't understand Angraj! Dhriti is the combined strength of the other five brothers, and Draupadi. After she left for Dwarka, they turned to Kunti whenever needed. Now, if Maharaj Dhritarashtra won't allow Kunti to go along with her sons, just think about how low their morale would be. And how will they establish a kingdom on that barren land without any kind of moral support." Shakuni explained. Old man thinks too much.

"You're great Mamashree! But how will be stop them?" Duryodhan asked.

"Sab mai hi karke rakh du? And both of you keep sitting like porcelain dolls okay?" Shakuni said in disappointment as Duryodhan looked down.

"Anyways, Dhriti and Krishn would be leaving for Hastinapur tomorrow knowing that they had revievedthe letter earlier today.
Also, my spies told that Dwarkadheesh, Maharani Devki,Maharani Rohini, Dau, Rajkumari Revati and Subhadra are not coming.
So few of my men would make sure they dont let them reach here in time but creating some havocs." Shakuni quickly explained as Duryodhan rejoiced.

"I can feel that Dhriti will change this. She'll not let Mata Kunti stay here if her brothers are leaving Hastinapur." Karna spoke taking their leave.

"Now I really want to see how they are going to rule that land ruled by Nagraj Takshak." Dushasan laughed.


"Time to implement my plan. Or as you say my prank." Kanha laughed as they got down from their chariot.

"Where are we going now?" Kanha asked walking behind her.

"Gauri Temple. The only place from where we can implement our plan. And the sun is about to set. No one would be there at this time." Dhriti giggled.

"Except one." Kanha smiled looking at the figure of Panchali sitting in front of Gauri's idol holding a lotus.

"She's remembering you." Kanha said as both of them slowly walked towards her.

"One more person is remembering me through her." She smiled to herself as she sat beside her.

"Bhabhi......" Dhriti smiled keeping a hand on her shoulder.

"Dhriti! How come you are here so early?" Draupadi opened her eyes as she smiled at her.

"She can't stay behind if someone calls her with all their heart." Kanha smiled.

"Govind.... You as well? And nobody told me about your arrival." Draupadi asked.

"That's because no one knows we're here. Nice surprise isn't it?" Kanha smiled back.

"The real surprise is for Mamashree Shakuni. We figured out he had appointed some of his men on the outskirts of Hastinapur to delay our arrival. Turns out we're one whole day early." Dhriti laughed as she smiled moving towards the idol of her Gauri.

"Sakhi...." Her mind spoke as she joined her hands in front of her.

"Lakshmi....." Gauri's melodious voice answered.

"May your blessings always stay upon Yagyaseni and the little life growing inside her, Shakti." Dhriti smiled.

"You never ask anything for yourself, do you? And my blessings are always with them. But she's more blessed to have Bhrata Narayan and this Santana Lakshmi by her side." Parvati smiled as Dhriti opened her eyes.

"Now let's go before anyone else finds us out Priya." Kanha smiled as he started walking.

"So when are you going to tell this to everyone?" Dhriti smiled at her.

"Tell what?" Draupadi asked confused.

"Oh Bhabhishree, no one starts feeling dizzy and tired one fine day. So you want to hear it from me or Raj Vaidya?" Dhriti smiled.

"You know I can see through your pranks na?" Draupadi giggled as the ladies stopped in their tracks.

"But I'm not joking na." Dhriti tried to convince her.

"You're saying that I'm carrying Arya Yudhishthir's child?" Draupadi asked with sudden excitement as she took a hold on Dhriti's hands.

"No. I'm saying that I'll soon become a Bua. Oh for the second time." A bright smile took over Dhriti's face as Kanha turned around.

"So I'm going to become an Uncle as well." Kanha smiled at them.

"How did you know I was not well this morning and that I'm pregnant?" Draupadi questioned in curiousness.

"I just know." Dhriti laughed as they started walking.

"I must say you've started becoming like Govind." Draupadi stated.

"Alright now! You should enter the Palace through the main doors. And we're sneaking. Make sure you don't reveal that to anyone." Kanha said as they parted ways.

Dhriti looked around as she tried to make sure no one was in her room meanwhile Kanha climbed a tree.

"You know we can directly enter your room like this Priya." Kanha laughed jumping inside her balcony as Dhriti's face bore pure shock.

"Kanha no!!!!!" Dhriti put a hand on her face as she saw a pot falling down her balcony.

"Kanha! Hide somewhere now." Dhriti said as she ran, entering her room through a secret door.

"Sainiko! Someone has been trespassing this place. Look this pot fell from Rajkumari's room. Someone has entered her chambers." The soldiers exclaimed as they entered inside to inform everyone else.

"Now where are you hiding Kanha?" Dhriti tried to find him.

"Here, I'm standing behind you." He said tapping her shoulders as they both broke into laughter.

"So you're saying someone has entered Dhriti's chambers?" Bheem's voice stopped Kanha's laughter but Dhriti continued giggling.

"Yes rajkumar." The soldier said.

"But why would someone enter her room?" Arjun and Nakul said entering the chambers. Kanha pulled Dhriti in a corner as he kept his fingers on her lips silencing her.

"There's no one her Bhrata. And everything is as it is. There's no theif, no trespasser." Nakul spoke as the soldiers nodded and left.

"Its time for a light laughter." Dhriti said while Kanha nodded as Kunti and Draupadi entered the room.

"What happened Putro? Who was it?" Kunti inquired.

"They said someone had entered Dhriti's room. But we checked and no one's here. Everything at its place." Yudhishthir said as a smiled appeared on Draupadi's face.

"Hey Parth....." Kanha voice echoced throughout the room, but only audible to Arjun.

"Keshav! Keshav is here. Did you all hear his voice?" Arjun said pacing around.

"Bhrata,You're dreamin-" Nakul started speaking.

"No Nakul, he's not dreaming." Now was Dhriti's time to trick the younger one.

"No Bhrata, you're absolutely not dreaming." Nakul changed his words.

"Arya Putro, no one is dreaming." Draupadi giggled.

"Exactly! No one is dreaming we're really here." Dhriti and Kanha said coming out of the corner.

"Erhm...." Draupadi cleared her throat as Dhriti quickly freed her hand intertwined with Kanha's while he laughed at her embarrassment.

"Seems like no one is happy having me back, is it? Why are you crying dear Mata?" Dhriti said as she embraced her while Arjun and Kanha hugged each other.

"Didi, instead of entering through the huge doors of your home, you both decided to enter like this! " Sahadev laughed.

"Home? Now Khandavprasth and Dwarka is my house not Hastinapur." Dhriti crossed her arms as Kunti's face changed.

"Putri! Hastinapur is your homeland!" Kunti said.

"Home is where you are born. And I was born in a forest. Home is where a woman lives after her marriage. Dwarka is my home. Hastinapur has always put us in some or other problem. Feeding poison to Bhrata Bheem, Lakshagrah, insulting their Kulvadhu by questioning her character, trying to arrange my swayamwar against my wishes and now? Dividing the kingdom! Just for keeping up with Bhrata Duryodhan's stupid wishes and greed of power. And now my brothers are given that land." Dhriti said as the atmosphere tensed up.

"Tell be Bhrata Yudhishthir. Tell me, is this my home? My home is where my family stays. And now that you have decided to accept the territory of Khandavprasth, that's my home." Dhriti said as a smile appeared on Kunti's face.

"I never thought about this Dhriti. When the news about the division broke out, I could not think anything accept betrayal, injustice with my kids and insult of your Pitashree. You're right Dhriti, you're right." Kunti spoke.

"And what's with the surprise for Mamashree Shakuni?" Draupadi asked.

"Sakhi, division of Hastinapur is purely Mamashree's plot to shower his dear nephew with power. Now knowing that Jyesht won't refuse Maharaj's orders, he tricked him into agreeing on the division. Now here we are, gathered for Khandavprasth's new King's Rajyabhishek.
But but but, Gandhar Raj's plan does not end here. He knows me and Priya won't let his shallow tactics take shape so easily. So he appointed few of his men to delay our arrival tomorrow.
But now that we have arrived a day early, we decided to give him the surprise of his life." Kanha said making everyone chuckle.

"Now, we'll go and meet everyone. Until that, Bhrata Yudhishthir! Call the Raj Vaidya and get your Panchali checked. She was not feeling well since morning." Dhriti smiled as both if them took a leave.

"Panchali! Are you not okay?" Bheem asked.

"Yes Arya. You should call the Raj Vaidya." Draupadi beamed looking at Yudhishthir.


"Rajkumari!" Dhriti's dasi said coming towards her.

"How are you?" Dhriti asked hugging her.

"I'm fine. I miss you so much Rajkumari. But I never got any news of you arriving." She said.

"You'll find out soon. Now go tell Mamashree Shakuni that two people are arriving inside his chambers. Don't wait for his reply." Dhriti smiled as she proceeded towards his chambers.

"Rajkumari. I did as you said.Yuvraj and Rajkumar Dushasan are also present. I know you'll never leave your habit of asking this question." She smiled informing as Dhriti and Kanha walked.

"Pranipat Mamashree." Kanha and Dhriti said in unision as they stood at the entrance.

"Vasudev! Dhriti!" Shakuni stood up as the his dice fell down.

"Pranam Bhratashree and Dushasan you as well." Dhriti faked her smile.

"I should say, you're not the best person to fake a smile. You bear your precious expressions on you face Mahadevi." Parvati spoke making Dhriri suppress her laugh.

"How is this possible!" Shakuni muttered making Kanha laugh.

"What is not possible mamashree? If you can send your men on the outskirts to hinder our arrival, then even I have my ways." Kanha said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh-uh welcome- welcome Yadu Shresht. Welcome Putri. Kalyan ho. Kalyan ho." Shakuni spoke awkwardly smiling.

"Don't worry Mamashree, we won't reveal your plot to Pitamah and Jyesth Pitashree." Dhriti said, the same smile plastered on her face as Duryodhan's breath hitched.

"Handing Khandavprasth to Maharaj Dhritarashtra's Anuj putra does not mean, you're snatching away their well-being. And you always say that this Krishn is mayavi and Dhriti is not an ordinary girl. Now's the time to experience it Mamashree." Kanha, once again whispered to Shakuni, catching him off guard.

"Anyways, we have to meet everyone else. We shall take a leave now. Continue with your game. Oh look, you're winning the game Dushasan! " Kanha chuckled as they walked out of the room.

"I would take the revenge for this Dhriti and Krishn. For everytime you have done this to me and my Duryodhan. I am counting each and every single time you have failed our plans. You shall pay for this, someday." Shakuni said banging his dice on the game board.

"Don't worry Mamashree, it won't take us much time to do something about Dhriti." Dushasan said.


"You know what! Devki Maa is is going to give me a nice scolding once we go back to Dwarka." Dhriti said realizing she hasn't sent a letter after they arrived here.

"Yeh toh tum aur tumhari Devki maa jane. Don't put me in between ha." Kaha teased as they, after meeting everyone, walked back towards Panchali's room where everyone stood around Draupadi with a smile on their faces.

"Oficially Congratulations now." Dhriti said sitting beside her.

"I don't want Mama Shakuni to plot something against Bhabhi and her health now." Dhriti said looking at Kanha.

"Leave it to Bua. She won't let that happen." Kanha smiled.

"Putro! I don't want you all to reveal about Draupadi's pregnancy to anyone so soon. We must take her utmost care and take in consideration all the consequences." Kunti spoke as all of them nodded in agreement.

"Thankyou so much for giving us this good news Panchali." Yudhishthir smiled.

"That's not the only good news Jyesht." Kanha smirked.

"What? Who else is giving us one more sweet news?" Draupadi asked ecstatically.

"Dwarka...." Kanha smiled as everyone stood confused.


"Dhriti and Kanha are no different. I told them to send a letter once they reach and they still haven't." Devki said to Rohini while Vasudev chucked at her worry.

"Maharani Devki! Maharani Rohini! Rajkumari Revati has fallen unconscious." A dasi hurriedly entered as they shot up.

"Hey Prabhu! Go call Vaidyaji. We'll be there." Devki ordered as the two ladies left for her room.

"Balram! Subhadra! What happened to her ?" Rohini said in a worried tone as Dau made her sit down.

"I don't know mata, bhabhi said she wasn't feeling like having some food so I took her leave. But- but she collapsed midway." Subhadra examined as the Vaidya started examining her.

"What's the matter?" Balram asked the other man, checking her.

"There's absolutely no need to worry. Rajkumari Revati will be giving birth to an infant. This Dwarka will be experiencing the birth of a royal baby soon.
She'll gain her consciousness once she gets enough rest." The Vaidya stated congratulating Vasudev and Dau as he took a leave.

"Bhadra, go Putri, offer sweets and flowers in front of our Lord and Putra, make an announcement in the kingdom about this news. Everyone should be a part of this happiness." Vasudev told as the siblings took a leave.

*At the same time*

"What! Really? So I'm going to become a grandmother of two little ones at the same time." Kunti smiled as Kanha nodded.

"A Bua and a Kaki at the same time! How nice is it." Dhriti beamed.

"It must be hard na. To be a kid and still get ready to be a Kaki and a Bua." Arjun teased.

"Yes Bhrata. Now these little ones would be the first to hear the story of Brihannala from me." Dhriti giggled as Arjun ran behind her.

"Don't act like a kid, you're going to have a son now." Dhriti said hiding behind Kunti.

"I should say the same for you. Even you're going to become an Aunt. Act that way." Arjun replied.

"I'm going to spoil them with all my love." Dhriti said finally coming at rest as everyone retired to bed.

"Save some love for your Kanha as well Priya." Kanha said as they walked towards her room.

"Is someone being jealous? I love to see that face of yours." Dhriti said putting her palm on his cheek.

"You know I have my ways na?" Kanha whispered pulling her closer making Dhriti blush harder.

"See even I love seeing this red face of yours." Kanha teased as both of them layed on their bed.

"Kanha....." Dhriti spoke, keeping quiet fr a long time as she rested her head on Kanha's arm.

"Its a boy....." She smiled.

"Jyesht Upapandav- Prativindhya." Kanha completed her sentence, unfolding future's major aspect as Dhriti couldn't wait for his arrival right from now.


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