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"Pranam Matashree! Pranam Pitamah and Jyesth Pitashree." The four of them said entering Dhritarashtra's chambers as they saw Yudhishthir's face bearing expression of pure worry while Kunti and Draupadi looked down in betrayal.

"What's the matter Pitashree?" Bheem asked as Vidur entered the chambers.

"Shakuni's shallow tactics, Maharaj Dhritarashtra's vanity and Duryodhan's stupidity is the matter putro." Vidur whispered in Arjun's ear.

"I think this is the correct time for this descision to take a shape. I cannot dishearten Putra Duryodhan, nor I can do the same for Anuj putra. Therefore I've decided that Duryodhan will continue to be the Yuvraj of Hastinapur, while Pandavas's would be given the territory of Khandavprasth to rule as independent kingdom." Dhritarashtra explained as Shakuni's wicked smile started getting wider.

"Division of the Kingdom! That's impossible. Jyesth has his rights over the throne of Hastinapur. Pitashree denounced his throne due to the curse. Jyesht has done no wrong." Bheem got up.

"No Bheem. I never asked for any kingdom. I have no kind of greed and thirst for the kingdom. I agreed to take Khandavprasth in our share because Maharaj had offered me, and following my right is Dharam.
So better not make a fuss about it, and let's start making the arrangements for Rajyabhishek." Yudhishthir replied calming him down.

"Pitamah...." Arjun spoke looking at him in pure sorrow as Bhishma looked down, helplessly.

"I am staying true to my oath. Until death comes at my feet, my loyalty and my service will always and forever be for Hastinapur and it's glory." Bhishma explained as Duryodhan grinned, having Pitamah as a strong backbone to the throne.

"We have always considered you as our father Pitashree. Your wish is an order for us. This Pandavas are ready to accept the territory of Khandavprasth and make it the capital of our kingdom." Yudhishthir said glancing at his brothers.

"You know what? Didi should have been here." Nakul muttered in frustration.

"She'll be here soon. I'm sending a letter to Dwarka." Arjun said motioning Vidur.

"Uh- alright then. We'll have a small ceremony for Putra Yudhishthir's Rajyabhishek. We dont need a lot of people for that." Shakuni finally interrupted.

"Yeah. Just Hastinapur and Dwarka." Vidur smirked.

"Dwarka?" The colour on Shakuni's face faded.

"Yes, Dwarka. Dhriti is the Rajakanya of Kuruvansh and after the division, even she has equal rights on Khandavprasth, like her brothers." Pitamah spoke as Dhritarashtra nodded.

"My Dhriti won't even ask for a single piece of land. And they're talking about her rights. As if they are rightfully giving away the kingdom." Kunti said looking down as Draupadi gulped down a glass of water.

"What happened Putri?" Kunti asked looking at her.

"Nothing Matashree, I just felt a bit dizzy." Draupadi give a little smile.

"Coming days are going to be occasional and we have to do a lot of work. You better rake some rest putri." Kunti smiled, patting her.

"Mahamantri, spread the news amongst everyone in Hastinapur. And send a letter to Dwarkadheesh, inviting all of them for this ceremony." Dhritarashtra nodded with a smirk of greed as the Pandavas shrugged, taking a leave.

"Jyesht, sometimes you take the wrong decisions." Bheem slowly said as Yudhishthir turned around in anger.

"Bheem! Whatever I did was right. I never go against Dharma, nor against my elders' wishes. Now if you think I am wrong, I don't know what's on your mind." Yudhishthir snapped back as others looked at him.

"There's only one thing on my mind.
Call Dhriti as soon as possible." Bheem said as he stormed away leaving the others.


"Save some for me as well." Kanha laughed as he and Dhriti stood at a corner of the enormous garden, trying to hit the fruits with their y-sling as little children tried to collect the falling fruits.

"Bhaiya look, we have more fruits in our casket. We win!" The overjoyed children said circling around Dhriti as she giggled.

"What! No.... We had more. They all ate it." Kanha laughed.

"Haww, we didn't! Next time I'm in Jiji's team. They have been winning since so many months." A little girl came forward as she innocently acted to scold Kanha.

"Okay okay I'm sorry bas? Next time we'll climb the tree and pluck the fruits before them." Kanha whispered.

"But next time we would play a different game won't we? Otherwise someone will climb the tree to gather the fruits before us." Dhriti giggled with the children around her.

"Next time I'm in Jiji's team. " The Little one said sitting on Dhriti's lap.

"Alright alright, we'll play some other game tomorrow. Let's see who wins." Kanha said keeping a hand on Dhriti's shoulder.

"What game will we all play?" Dhriti asked as she realized the smirk on Kanha's face.

"Gilli danda! Yes!!" Kanha laughed at Dhriti, remembering Bheem talking about how she always loses in the game.

"I see what you did there." Dhriti whispered.

"You know me too well." Kanha said grabbing some fruits from her basket as she laughed back.

"Okay everyone, tomorrow we'll play gilli danda. The losing captain will bring the makhan for the winning team." Kanha announced laughing as Dhriti face palmed herself.

"We'll play on the sea shore. Otherwise If Baldau finds that we have hit something, he'll not leave anyone of us." The children giggled as Kanha nodded.

"Devkinandan! Rajkumari! A letter has arrived from Hastinapur for Dwarkadheesh and one for both of you." Kritavarma approached as Dhriti questioningly looked at him, if he knows something as he worryingly nodded a yes.

"It finally happened. The one thing we feared the most." Dau arrived, as Kanha read the letter, with the four of them walking away from the garden.

"Its just few months after your wedding and Gandhar Naresh Shakuni has already started putting his ploys at work." Dau spoke as Kanha handed the letter for Dhriti to read.

"What! Khandavprasth? Its been a barren land since ages. Nobody lives there. Also, its under the control of Nagraj Takshak." Kanha sighed raising his eyebrows.

"Who has sent this letter Kritavarma?" Dhriti asked, rage slowly covering her face.

"Rajkumar Arjun." He said as Dhriti sat down on her chair.

"He did not inform about Jyesht Pitashree's decision to divide Hastinapur, neither did he felt like writing about his decision to accept the territory of Khandavprasth and now he suddenly decided to invite us for his Rajyabhishek." Dhriti fumed as Kanha kept a hand on his shoulder.

"Mata and Pitashree has asked both of you to attend the Rajyabhishek on everyone's behalf." Dau informed as Kanha nodded while Dhriti looked down in dismay.

"We are needed there Priya. We have to go." Kanha said putting a hand on her shoulder as she nodded.

"Should I start making the arrangements for your journey tomorrow?" Kritavarma asked as Kanha nodded no.

"No Kritavarma. We're not waiting for the day of Abhishek. We'll be leaving today. Make all the necessary arrangements." Kanha lightly smiled as everyone took a leave.

"Today!?" Dhriti suddenly exploded with question as Kritavarma and Dau took a leave.

"Oh Priya. Come here." Kanha pulled her, making her sit beside him.

"As I told you,  only if everyone would have listened to what we said, this Lakshmi-Narayan would have never felt the need to incarnate on earth.
Treta Yuga destroyed the king of demons, but seems like we can't identify demons just from their outer appearance. Sometimes, they're disguised as Gandhar Naresh Shakuni and his tactics." Kanha chuckled.


"Convey our greetings to Maharaj Dhritarashtra and tell him the reason for our absence." Vasudev patted Kanha as he nodded.

"Take care both of you. And send a letter back to Dwarka as soon as you reach there." Devki said making Kanha chuckle.

"Oh mata we're not kids." Kahna said assuring her as she nodded a no.

"Don't worry mata, I'll make sure someone sends a letter." Dhriti laughed hugging her as their chariot took a leave.

"Mamashree is in such an illusion that he feels by handing over Khandavprasth to Bhratashrees, he's snatching away their share of happiness." Dhriti sighed.

"He does not even have the slightest idea that the land that would have Mahalakshmi's blessings would never lack behind in wealth , prosperity and success. Then does not matter even if it's a barren territory like Khandavprasth." Kanha smiled at her.

"You know what Kanha?
I mean obviously you'll be knowing." Dhriti giggled on her own words.

"I know what?" Kanha innocently asked.

"Hey Trikaldarshi, you know everything. And everyone else will know that soon as well." Dhriti smiled lookin away from him.

"Being unknown to the future is better than knowing everything and not living the moment." Kanha said putting a hand around hee shoulder.

"I've got a plan." Kanha grinned.

"More like you've got a prank." Dhriti laughed as he faked a frown.

"Its time for Mama Shakuni and Bhrata Duryodhan to get a surprise." He whispered explaining everything to her.

*At the same time*

"I should have sent the letter asking them to arrive today itself." Arjun ranted to his other brothers as they stood inside the armoury holding their weapons.

"Bhratashree, Dwarka is a long way from Hastinapur. Don't expect them to reach here today itself." Nakul said nonchalantly as Arjun tried to hit the target, missing it on Nakul's comment.

"Rajkumar Yudhishthir." A man called out, standing at the entrance of the armoury as Yudhishthir smiled walking towards him.

"Spies have informed that Dwarkadheesh, Maharani Devki, Kumar Balram, Rajkumari Revati and Rajkumari Subhadra won't be coming.
Another one informed that Rajkumari Dhriti and Vasudev Krishn will be reaching the borders of Hastinapur soon." The spy informed as a smiled appeared on Yudhishthir's face.

"That a great news. But make sure, no one reveals it to anyone. Let it be a surprise for all. And it's on you." Yudhishthir greeted him as they parted ways.

"What's the news Jyesht?" Bheem questioned, knowing Yudhishthir won't lie.

"News is airing that no one except Dhriti and Vasudev are coming for the Abhishek and- " He decided to reveal.

"Oh! Even Rajkumari Subhadra is not coming?" Arjun asked interrupting him as Sahadev nudged Nakul.

"Yeah, that's actually sad for Arjun. For you." Bheem turned keeping a straight face as Yudhishthir was relieved that he doesn't have to reveal the other part of the story.

"I did not mean it in that way Bhrata Bheem. I was just asking. Like Subhadra, I mean Rajkumari is always with both if them na." Arjun stuttered making the younger two giggle.

"Imagine if I ever tell this to didi." Nakul said making scenarios.

"Don't you ever think about it. I already have to get myself out of that Brihannala story.
Its a secret between us." Arjun warned Nakul.

"Well, she knows all our secrets." Sahadev laughed even more, annoying Arjun.

"Listen here! Favourite children. You're not telling this to anyone.......... Please." Arjun's strong voice changed into a softer one as he pleaded them.

"Alright Alright, we'll see. I mean we won't tell anyone." Sahadev assured as Nakul gave him a knowing smiled, turning back to their respective works.

"When is Dhriti arriving Matashree?" Draupadi asked entering Kunti's chambers.

"I don't know Putri, mostly tomorrow knowing that Arjun has sent them a letter today.
Anyways, are you feeling any better now?" Kunti smiled making her sit.

"Yes Mata, I'm good to do all the work now." She assured as Kunti took a deep breath.

"Putri, the 6 if you will now be suddenly loaded with a lot of responsibilities. But I'm sure you will definitely look into various matters and help the 5 of them." Kunti carassed her.

"Yes we will Mata, also you'll always be there to teach us and guide us, won't you? " Draupadi asked her.

"That's what I fear the most Putri. Jyest Shree can go to any extent when it comes to fulfilling Duryodhan's wishes. And then, no one can oppose his orders." Kunti said as tears escaped her eyes.


Firstly, I'm so so sorry for not updating it yesterday. I had a test *cries in a corner* which kept me busy right from the morning. I hope you all understand.

Secondly, this chapter might be a crappy one because I had no strength to write anything. I got the news that my Biology professor and his wife have tested positive for Covid. So I jad absolutely no strength or any idea about what to write here for this chapter.

I really hope you all understand. And sorry if the chapter was not what y'all expected.
I promise next chapter would be great.


Hope you like this.
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