The Truth

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The excited ladies, Subhadra and Revati took Dhriti through the hallways to the enormous Palace, without realizing Dhriti's lost eyes trying to find answers in the Palace.

"This. This is yours and Bhratashree's room. Isn't it gorgeous? Me and Revati Bhabhi have set up everything even more better than Bhrata does." Subhadra giggled as Dhriti gave a small smile sitting down on the bed.

"Dhriti.... You're looking so low. Is everything alright? Or is something bothering you?" Revati asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No Revati jiji, everything's alright. I loved the ceremony. Its just that I'm a bit tired." She spoke slowly.

"She's right Bhabhishree. Everything must be tiring you Bhabhi. Also, the sun has already set. You should take some rest." Subhadra smiled at her as a dasi entered.

"Rajkumari, Devkinandan is entering the chambers." She informed taking a leave.

"Erhm.... We'll leave both of you. You know. Let's go Revati Bhabhi." Subhadra teased making Dhriti giggle a bit.

"I'll see you later dear Subhadra." Dhriti teased back as the other two left the room, meeting Kanha midway.

"What? Am I looking funny? What's the reason behind the that smirk." Kanha asked smiling at them.

"Nothing Nothing, let's go Subhadra." Revati giggled pulling Subhadra as Kanha entered his chambers to find his curious Priya looking at each and every object neatly arranged.
The size of the room was twice her own room back at Hastinapur.
Her favourite lotuses and Kanha's favourite jasmines beautifully tied everywhere in her sight.
A swing in the balcony which gave a beautiful view of the entire city.
The garden around the Palace where little children used to come and play. Dwarka was more like a family than a monarchy. This was her home now, and she was already loving it here.

The delicate anklets, gifted by Devki to her dear daughter-in-law making mild sounds as she walked around the room.
She had already changed her wedding attire. Her veil was folded and nicely kept aside. She was now wearing a simple, plain lehenga
Her heavy jeweleries kept on the table in front of the mirror as her long, smooth hair were lose open.

"I don't mind some attention on me." Kanha chuckled turning her little figure around.

"I can't help. Dwarka is so beautiful. When are you taking me on that sea shore? All these things are just pleasing me." Dhriti asked holding his hands.

"And what about the right time you were talking about? Something you said that I was missing. What's that? Now tell me." Dhriti said as Kanha smiled at her.

"You want to know?" Kanha mischievously smiled.

"Can I ever figure you the meaning behind these smiles of yours?" Dhriti asked crossing her arms.

"Ofcourse. Only you can. Now let's go. Even I can't wait." Kanha said as he held her hand, taking her out.

"What happened Kanha?" Dhriti spoke as Kanha stopped walking suddenly.

"Your payals. Their sound would wake everyone up. Especially Subhadra. And then leave it to her to tease us about sneaking out, for the rest of our life." Kanha giggled as Dhriti tried to figure out a way.

"Then let's go back. We'll go there tomorrow morning. " Dhriti said as Kanha stopped her.

"I have my ways." He smirked picking her up in his arms.

"Kanha.... Oh my god." She gasped at this sudden event as he started walking.

"Put me down. Kanha!!!! Someone will see us like this." Dhriti said shaking her feet.

"Shhhh. If you keep speaking then someone definately will. And then everyone will tease you. Now your choice." He playfully shrugged.

"Ughh. Fine. Sometimes I can let you win." She gave in as Kanha giggled.


The bright moonlight gently shined on their radiant faces as Dhriti walked on the shore, partly wetting her feet into the little waves hitting the shore.

"Priye... Tell me , don't you remember anything?" Kanha asked turning her attention as she stopped walking.

"I don't know what I am supposed to remember." Dhriti replied as he suddenly remembered a few incidents happened in the past.

"Its not your fault Priye. Its jus the fulfilment of Shri's wish." Kanha smiled.

"You didn't tell me the reason why I saw how Agnisuta originated in my dreams.
Why I didn't see Mata Lakshmi but everyone else.
I saw a godly woman dressed in white, surrounded by peacocks and holding a veena.
The reason behind the golden light surrounding me everytime I hold a lotus.
The reason of Devarshi Narad's sudden appearance during my Swayamwar.
What association did Alakshmi had with me? why was she warning me about something.
The blurred visions about Samudra Manthan. Shri Narayan taking the Kurma avatar, Vaskui around the parvat. Mahadev drinking the poison.
You said it's Shri's wish getting fulfilled in some way. Why? Why Kanha. What does Shri Mahalakshmi and everything related to her has to do with me?" Dhriti said now panting to breath as she sat on a rock.

"Because Shri is you. Hey Kuntiputri, you're Narayan's Shakti. Trilokinath's Ardhangini. You are swayam Trilok Swamini Shri Mahalakshmi. " Kanha said holding her tightly knowing that she may lose her consciousness.

"No. No no. You-you're kidding me. Kanha. What kind of joke is this. I know you love me a lot. But have you started considering me so great that you're calling me an avatar of Trilok Swamini. That Shri Lakshmi, who was Mata Sita in the Treta Yug. I'm not even near to her comparison." She spoke as she started crying heavily.

"I told you Priya, asking for this promise will only stress you out to a larger extent when I'll reveal the truth. But you wanted to live a normal life. Without knowing about your superiority. About you powers. And I could've never said a no to your wish." Kanha smiled still holding her.

"What promise Kanha?" She asked looking at him as he carcassed her head, putting his hand on her eyes as Dhriti's timeline started going in the past.

"Mahadevi, your sacrifice for my Ram avatar was beyond my own strength. People will never recite Shri Ram's name without taking Devi Sita's name. It will always be Sita-Ram. But how will I repay your sacrifice Priye. Ask for a wish for your Narayan to fulfil." Dhriti saw Narayan resting on Adisesh as Lakshmi smiled at him.
Her gaze immediately turned around in fear to find Kanha holding her hands.

"Swami, you know I would never ask for anything unless and until you aren't separated from me. That's all I want. But still, if you want to repay, in our ashtam avatar, I want myself to forget everything about my past, my powers. My only identity should be my earthly form. Nothing else. I shall not remember anything until you yourself make me remember it on the correct time." Said Lakshmi as Dhriti took every detail of her appearance into her eyes.

Lakshmi was her. She was Lakshmi. They resembled each other. But yet Lakshmi looked more godly, more soft, more powerful and more beautiful with that huge crown on her head and bright read sari beautifully draped around herself.

Her gaze then shifted to Narayan as tears started forming in her eyes. The supreme form was Kanha himself. No normal person could pick out the difference between the two of them expect the mormukt which her Kanha wore. The same smile, the same love for his Lakshmi in his eyes.

"Hey Lakshmi, you never asked this Narayan anything for yourself, for your vanity for your happiness. Your happiness was always comprised in the happiness of the ones who surrounded. The wish you asked for, is more like a tapasya Priye. Why would you want to put yourself into another pariksha?" Narayan questioned with a smile on his face.

"Sita never got that happiness because she had already shown her godly forms. Maharaj Janak knew about her reality. The Kingdom of Ayodhya considered them as their lord.
Sita never got a chance to mix among the commoners Swami. She was a princess, a Queen and the supreme Lord's wife. She was prayed. Normal people were forbidden from even casually talking to her. She never got a chance to experience the normal life on earth. So in next birth, I want to forget my powers and live the life of a normal girl, mix up with the commoners. Be the casual one. No one shall ever be forbidden from meeting this Lakshmi devi. I love everyone in my trilok." She beamed as Narayan proudly nodded.

"You're truly the jagat kalyani Priye. Even after the people of Ayodhya had considered you as impure and asked you to give multiple Agniparikshas, you still have a heart for all of them.
But remember my dear Chanchala, the people in Dwapar Yug are more evil than the previous one.
The dirt in their hearts lead to the discrimination amongst societies.
There, power and throne matters more than dharma.
People would take the path of adharma to achieve their objectives.
Will your fierce form be okay amongst them? Will you bear this Priye? " Narayan looked at her worriedly.

"Hey Kamal nayan, I'm ready for it. Sita had slaughtered Shastra Ravan on the battlefield, but no rishi has ever mentioned any account of this event. Why? Because females were considered weak. Not this time Swami. This time, your Lakshmi would be there in the battlefield. You won't fight anyone, she'll fight all of them, defeat them and stabilize equality amongst men and women. " Lakshmi said courageously as tears started dropping our from Dhriti's eyes as Kanha subconsciously wiped them.

"Hey Vijaya Lakshmi, Ashta swaroop Dhairya Lakshmi, in this Dwapara Yug, in order to erase Adharma and re establish Dharma, I'll incarnate as Krishn. Rishi Kashyap and his wife Aditi, who have the boon of being my parents for three births would come again as Mata Devki and Pitashree Vasudev.
Rishi Drona and his wife Dhara, with their intense penance will receive the fortune of being my foster parents and raise me as their own son until I kill Jaya disguised as Mamashree Kans." Narayan said getting up.

"Narayan, I would appear on earth by the hands of Vidhata, bhrata Brahmadev as a gift to Chakravarti Samrat Maharaj Pandu and Maharani Kunti while they stay in the forest.
Dharmaraj Yudhishthir, Vayu putra Bheem and Indra putra Arjun would be my bhratashree while Ashwin putras Nakul and Sahadev would be the younger ones.
The existence of six of us shall sow the seeds of Dharma sthapana while the humiliation of my entire nari jati shall ignite the flames for the Mahayudh." Lakshmi said standing beside him as she joined her hands and bowed down to him as Narayan, taking one last look at his Priye, left for the earthly abode.

Kanha looked at the subconsciously overtaken body of Dhriti as she lied in his arms.

"Priye...." He softly spoke, gently wiping the cold sweat on her bright face as she smiled.

"I am the Trilok Swamini Shri Mahalakshmi. I was Siya in the Sapta Vishnu Avatar, emerged from Mata Bhudevi. Sri Ram's Ardhangini, Maharani Sita.
I was humiliated, not once not twice but thrice! Yet, yet we both bore the pain and fulfilled our duties." Dhriti cried still not opening her eyes.

"Priye. Open your eyes Priya. Look at me." Kanha said getting up, as the wind started blowing faster.
He closed his eyes as he appeared in his original Avatar. Shri Narayan stood there, with his four arms holing a mace, Sudarshan Chakra, conc shell and a talwar, fondly smiling at Dhriti, who was trying to open her eyes.

"Swami....." Was the only thing leaving her lips as she collapsed near his feet crying. Shedding tears of endurance, of happiness and of pain.

"Mahadevi, Pran priye, get up. Compose yourself Swamini." Vishnu smiled as a beam of radiating light passed through his hand on Dhriti's forehead, as she gained back all her senses.

Her smile at Narayan was something even devarshi Narad would have not been able to explain putting together all his knowledge. No Swarg Apsara could have even neared her beauty as she joined both her hands, bowing down to her Narayan.

"Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya." Her melodious voice chanted as she transforms herself into Shri Mahalakshmi's original Avatar.
Draped in pure red, uniquely worn sari with yellow threads.
Her gold jewelry, lying gracefully on her body.
The four arms held her dear lotus in one , pot full of wealth and prosperity in other, third hand in shanti mudra while the fourth arm, beautifully painted with red kumkum imparting love to every being under it.

"Narayan! Narayan! Prabhu. Mate , Dhanya ho both of you, Dhanya ho! Shri Lakshmi-Narayan have finally appeared in their original forms on earth. Dharma sansthapana is not to far Mate. Hey Prabhu, accept this Bhakt Narad's Pranam." Devarshi said bending down near their feet, paying his respects as his Prabhu and Mata smiled blessing him.

"Hey Shri Lakshmi-Narayan. You both have once again purified my abode by placing your holy feet on them. By appearing in your mulswaroop in my presence. Always protect me hey Trilokinath, hey Vishnupriya protect my peaceful stability." Lord Varun said rising from the ocean as he bowed down in their service and the divine pair nodded at him.

"Priye, its time to come back in our earthly forms." Narayan smiled as both of them appeared back as Krishn and Dhriti.

Dhriti looked around her with the same happy and curious eyes as she bent down to take some water in her hand. The same look of curiosity and jot in her eyes. A glint of her casual and funny nature reflecting back.

"You're liking Dwarka's sea shore too much, isn't it?" Kanha said bending down at her level as a smirk appeared on Dhriti's face.

"Ofcourse I love it here. But you know what I like more?" She smiled at him.

"What are you up to Priya?" Kanha playfully questioned as Dhriti splashed water on his face making Kanha chuckle.

"Challenging your Kanha, is it? " Kanha laughed as he ran behind Dhriti.

"No no ofcourse not! I just like to trouble you Devkinandan! " She giggled as Kanha finally grabbed a hold on her wrists. Their faces turned towards one another as their eyes immersed into each other's. Nothing could be a purer manifestation of love than the one their eyes reflected for each other.

"You wanna know what I enjoy the most?" Kanha smirked as Dhriti nodded a no.

"This!" Kanha laughed picking her up once again like earlier as Dhriti fondly smiled putting a hand around his neck while his strong arms were gently holding her.

"Are you abducting me, Yadukul Shresht?" Dhriti joked making Kahna laugh.

"Ofcourse, this Yadukul Tilak Krishn is abducting his Rajkumari. Now his wife, from the shore of Dwarka to their Palace, when he knows his Priya adorns a lot.
He promises to show her around this lovely kingdom." Kanha laughed as Priya joined in, her tired body burrying her face in the crook of his neck as they steadily entered their chambers through the back door.

"Good night Kanha! " She smiled closing her eyes.

"Good night Priya." He smiled carassing her face as he blew off the lamps before retiring to bed.


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