Partha and his Sarthi

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"Trahimam! Trahimam Prabhu, Trahimam!""

Mournings of the Universe slowly cascaded over the horizon of the sanctity of Vishnuloka. It was that time when the colours that painted the world in elation, merged into a tint of gloom, helplessly subjugating to the demons of a new society, solely spectated by Shri and her Hari.

"Swami?" The Lotus eyed Goddess rose from the laps of Ananta Shesha, her heart fumbling at the adversity of her children.

"Chanchala?" Her Lord followed, "What has made your enlightened soul malleate into the moulds of disconcert?" he smiled, fervently holding her by her shoulders.

"Swami, ever since the birth of Duryodhan, the entirety of Prithviloka is incessantly wailing at the presage. Winds are obdurately howling, making it impossible for the Rishis are Maharishis to perdure their yagnas anymore. The mahapaap nashini Devi Ganga, that pristinely flowed across the capital of the Kurus is now coveting to change her course away from the obscenity that has insinuated on Hastinapura.
If such happenstances thus persist, the time cycle will come to an untimely end even before it begins." Waves of pain washed over the Kohled eyes of Sagar Sujata.

"Asambhav!" Narayan interposed,"The entire purpose of the creation of the universe would be lost if it was predestined for the world to be dominated by evil tribes."

"O Jagadishwara, you are omniscient. Everything unfolds right in front of your ubiquitous sight. You are already aware about the misfortune that has cloaked around the kingdom of Dhritarashtra. My imperishable Lord, this Prakriti, a part of my own energy, laments in distress whenever a soul with devilious tendencies materializes into existence and everything indicates that the evil souls are none other than Dhritarashtra and Gandhari's children's"

"Priye, the evil and wicked minded son of Dhritarashtra shouldn't be associated with the likes of a conventional human for he is none other than the portion of Kali Purusha, who fans the flames of hostility that ultimately consumes everyone." Narayan explained, noticing the subtle turn if expressions on his Lakshmi's face.

He further added, tying his hands behind his back, "And affliction doesn't desist soo soon for the Kurus. My beleoved, all of Gandhari's sons are thereon incarnated on earth from the lineage of the sinful Ravana, and will keep contributing in the slow destruction of the fair fame of Kuruvansh."

"Demons and people of demonic nature have taken birth on the earth and have started their roughish ventures. In the form of Kansa, Asura Kalnemi is exploiting the people of Mathura, due to the curse of Brahman Kumaras, Jaya and Vijaya will be bear the name of the ghastly and unjust ― Shishupal and Dantavakra. Now, Kali Purusha has materialized on earth, to aid the machiavellian Shakuni, whose soul had long ago, became a vessel for Dvapara." The Universal Mother's longing eyes pondered on the disastrous thought.

"Just now, you addressed me as the omniscient Lord and now your Lotus eyes are meeting the flares of heat while narrating the capers of Asuras. Very Chanchala-like!" The Blue Lord's guffaws echoed around.

The goddess crossed her arms seating herself on a bedecked swing, "Oof, Swami!" she frowned, looking in a different direction.


"In a few Manav Varsha, I have to descend as the Princess of this cunningly targeted Kuruvansh and you want to have a laugh about it?" She loured even more, making Narayan wanting to chuckle even more.

And he did.

"Hmm..Then what should I do instead beaming?" The Lord began, smile forming like a crescent on his illustrious face, "If my Ardhangini is going to perform the leela of saving the world by being the Kaal of the wicked, then this servant of hers has nothing more to do than be extremely elated."

"You're not my sevak, you're my Swami," Shri's doting eyes finally turned to look at his lotus face, "And now do not say that this is a test, a test of the fate. Even if it is, then why do we get tested over and over again? Why do we have to bear the pains of separation in every yuga of every kalpa?" her lips trembled with every question she asked.

"Adharma may be prevailing in any little corner of Aryavarta, but since this Avatari is the preserver of Triloka, he must very soon assume his eight avatar and therefore," Hari stopped to wipe the few drops of inconceivable grief rolling down his Harini's eyes, "Instead of pondering on the implications of a questionable fate, I wish to spend the remaining little time with my Queen."

"There lies love in separation and separation in love. Even the sorrow of Virah from you contributes to the jubilation of my heart and therefore I am not saddened by the truth of being devoid of your presence, Swami. The reason for my sorrow is due to your absence on the forthcoming Sharad Purnima." The Goddess of Fortune smiled through her welled up eyes that had stopped the tears from streaming down just to adore her Mohana.

"Don't be dispirited Shri. I'll make sure to eat your share of delicacies all by myself to celebrate the reappreance day of my beloved." Narayan assured candidly, making Lakshmi to raise her brows at the jest, "and not to spoil the fun for you but..."

"But what?"

"Samudra Loka has planned a grand celebration for Sharad Poornima."


"Yes! But Mahadev told me that it was for Chandra Dev so don't relish in sheer excitement. Maybe the celebration is for Chandra, not Chandra Sahodari." The Lord of Vaikuntha shrugged innocently, laughter immediately erupting at the elaborate expressions of his Lady.

"You and your witticism! When, on Bhuloka, there won't be anyone to drape a freshly made vaijaynti mala around you everyday before the sunrise, then you'll remember all your pleasantries." A pout passed on Shri's plumped lips.

"Priye, you too will soon take birth in the lineage of King Bharata and as per your own wish, will readily forget your primordial form," Narayan cracked a broken smile, "But me? I will have to hang on the things that'll give me the strength to face the separation and those are these memories. Witty remarks ― in the language of people born from the ocean."

"Says the one who dwells in the middle of Ksheer 'SAGAR' " Lakshmi's cheeks flushed red in an attempt to hold back her giggles.

"You know, how I've learned it from the best source of inspiration― Mahadev. He too dwells on Kailash 'PARVAT' along with 'PARVATRAJ' putri Parvati. I must say, our in-laws adore us very much!" Vishnu striked back humorously.

"I didn't let you grab a win with your win this time," The Lord continued, taking the artfully painted hands of Chanchala into his, "But maybe..maybe I'll let you have your own little glory when the Samragyi of Vaikuntha becomes the Rajkumari of Kuruvansha."

"Sure you will! But for that to happen, you have to enter the womb of Mata Devaki, who'd be due anytime now." Padmaja nodded sarcastically.

"I'll miss proudly sporting around with my Kamalakshi."

"And I'll miss figuring out the meanings of my Kamalnayana's pleasantries."

And so, grip of their intertwined fingers slowly slackened as Narayan's eminent soul dematerialized like trails of gold.


Convinced by the Rishis, Maharishis and Siddhas, that a child can be obtained from the foremost of all Devatas by means of austerities and penances, Pandu had decided to hence please Indra.

Subduing his senses with his mind, Pandu started the great penance near the foothills of Shathashringa Mountains
In the summer he kept a perpetually blazing fire all round him to remain in the trance of continual muttering of the mantras. When it rained, he incessantly remained sitting on the bare ground whose hubris was being washed away and gladly got himself drenched by the downpour of rain in order to show his ardency towards Devraja. As the winters coursed in with its short nights, he kept performing the austerities by observing numerous fasts.

Performing such prudences and engrossed in the muttering of the twelve syllabled mantra dedicated to Indra for over a year, the esteemed son of Aditi finally presented himself in front of the mortals.

"I'm beyond gratified by your devoted absolution and atonement, O son of Ambalika." Indra dev added, "Kunti, upon Maharishi Durvasa's command and your husband's austerities I shall beget you a son."

"Grateful for your benevolence, Devendra!" The mother of Bheem and Yudhishthir acknowledged with a smile, "Just like you are the foremost of all devatas in Swarga Loka, similarly I wish for my son to be the Narottama ― foremost of all mortals."

"O Kunti! Your son shall be equal to Mahadeva in prowess and unconquerable like me. After defeating all the King, with the aid of his siblings he will numerous illustrious yagyas. In the future, he will please the Devadidev and get the great weapon by the name of Pashupatastra from him. On the orders of Sagar Sujata Devi Mahalakshmi, he will put an end to the Nivatkavacha demons." Hearing the words of Indra himself, smiles and tears of fulfillment cloaked the brilliant face of Pandu and Kunti who graciously held the little figurine of her son in her arms.

Apprehending the divine prophecy of Devraj, sages from the summits of Shatashringa descended to perform the christening of the divine child.

"The dark skinned child shall be named Arjuna for symbolically the noble son of Pandu's hands shall always be clean and never tainted by any wrongdoings. The Narottama of dark complexion will become the man with the cleanest deeds." The Munis joyously announced, enumerating numerous blessings upon him.

Gandharvas' ecstatic melodies and showering flowers had blanketed the earth. The Saptarishis and Parjapatis, in exultation, had arrayed themselves in the sky.

All animate and inanimate objects of the cosmos celebrated the transcendental manifestations of both Partha and his Partha Sarthi.



You all wanted me to write some 'romance' so here it is!
Yes, roasting and goofing around is my idea of Love.

Also, the dialogue about Nivatkavacha DOES NOT include Mata Lakshmi resemble reality. The dialogue is modified and planned completely by me for the story and elaborate plot purposes so don't think it's true or like CTRL C + CTRL V it.

Hope you liked it,
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