SagarSujata to PrithaDuhita

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"Maiya mori, mai nahi makhan khayo!"

Krishna's loud pleas quaked through the walls of Nanda's dwelling as the naughty little dark Lord fled past Yashoda, who chased her Kanhaiya with a stick in her hand.

"Today I won't spare you one bit, Lalla!" The fortunate mother panted, "Every single day I wake up to the Gopis grumbling about your ‛art' of stealing their butter. Tujhe aaj dand nahi diya toh mera naam bhi Yashoda Maiya nahi!" She shrieked, finally grabbing a hold of her son whose mouth was smeared with makhan.

A quick giggle escaped the berry like lips of Devi Lakshmi, who in Śhrīpīṭha, was merrily meditating upon the leelas of her beloved.

"Is there any mother who punishes her lovely child? I tell you, I have personally never seen such a Maiya." Krishna comically muttered, looking back at a glaring Yashoda.

"Oh really? Now you won't be able to 'personally' see anything because I'm going to tie you against this woodden mortar!" Yashoda sneered, collecting ropes to tie her son's hands, "Now no more monkey business before I return back from the banks of Yamuna!"

"Mamishree! Anarth hogaya, Mamishree!" The tender smile on the lips of Lakshmi, who was bouyantly enjoying the Baal Leelas of her Lord, weakened at the sight of a troubled Ganesha and his elder brother.

Mahalakshmi in Shripitha

Rising from her seat, she inquired in concern, "Putra Ganesh, Putra Kartikeya... What misfortune?"

"Uh. De-Devi Tirangini ―" The elephant headed lord stuttered.

"Mata Tirangini! What happened to her?"

"Well, Devi Tirangini has ―
Oh Mamishree... I do not have any answer to your questions at the moment. But just so you know, Devi Tirangini wants you to be present at Samudra Loka at this very moment!" Kartikeya revealed in a haste, making the Vaikuntha Samragyi ready to leave her abode expeditiously.

"While enjoying the pastimes of Yashoda Maiya beat Swami, perhaps the time has come for me to get my share of pastings from Mata Tirangini too." Lakshmi mordantly frowned to herself before appearing at the massive entrances of Samudra Loka ; her nephews, stealthy giggling beside her.

"I see you fell a prey to one of Parvatinandans' escapade too, Anujaa." A devata of Royal status with pleasant appearance, slender and rounded body chuckled at Sindhujā.

"What escapade are you exactly referring to, Bhrata Chandra Dev?" She queried, innocently furrowing her forehead that was painted with fragrant sandalwood paste and an everlasting sindura.

Glancing at each other, the dauntless sons of Shiva, shared an expression full of apprehension that the Moon God would spoil the forthcoming surprise for their dear Mami.
Aggressively clearing his throat, the older Kumara whispered, "Chandra Dev, seems like it's a lie that the poets potray when they say that oceans have deep secrets. This oceanic kid can't keep even one!"

Lakshmi stared at the two men in befuddlement.

"Mamishree..." Ganesh mused, pulling the goddess's arm with his trunk.

"Ganeshaa..." She squinted her eyes in reply, mimicking the former's tone of speech.

"Now, you did come with us to Samudra Loka," Parvati's youngest spoke, crossing his arms above his chest, "but you are required to shut your eyes close before entering the palace of Samudra Dev and Devi Tirangini."

"I am supposed to close my eyes? Hmm, I wonder why."

"So that you couldn't see all the decorations made for MY birthday," Chandra dev burst out into laughter, stepping forward to answer, "And if you can't see the festivities, you won't be disappointed that the Abode is illuminated for ME."

"Oh Bhrata Chandra, I do not mind even if the fiesta is organized solely for YOU and YOU only. My happiness lies in the contentment of those around me. But on the demand of my dear nephews, I shall close my eyes for their glee." The beloved of Vishnu assured, closing her eyes on the request of Kartikey and Ganesh.

The two kids, holding Lakshmi's arms on the either side, led her way; the magnificent palace of the Ocean Lord grew closer.

As truly said, the ocean grows darker in the deepest of it's corners. The sunlight that once never dared to reach down to illuminate the grandeur of the colonies and Palace of Samudra had today graced their warm hued streaks like glitters under the bluish waters. His multitudinous devotion towards Shrimati Mahālakshmī couldn't stop the mighty Surya Dev from curling up broken in the celebrations of her propitious reappearance.

"Mamishree, now you can open your eyes. And if you wish, you can also close your ears to exclude what Chandra Dev has to say." Ganesh giggled, urging Lakshmi to finally open her eyes to the opulences arranged for celebrating her.

Before treasuring the luxury presented for her, the Chandra Sahodari's heart melted at the frown decked on the face of her brother.
"Don't ridicule my dear brother again and again, putro," pulling them by their ears, she chortled.
"Bhrata Chandra, today's Sharad Purnima celebration is as much for us as it is for me, enjoy it to the fullest!" She further assured, gesturing the moon god to come along with her too.

The Samudra Loka was a phenomenon that had seen blood, poison, golds and pearls. Monsters had birthed from the raging whirlpools while Sindhujā had graced the trilok by arising from the deadly yet nurturing currenrs of the realm of her divine Parents.

Celebration as it had been held for eons, brightened both the ocean and it's creatures, including the King and Queen's palace. Dances held in large and small groups for the Trilok Swamini and her closely following brother. The gandharvas and nymphs bowing down to the Children of the Ocean, pausing their rhythmic moves.

Stones and gems of a plethora of colours were placed strategically on the sides of all traceable paths to reflect the rays of moon and welcome everyone's cherished goddess. The devatas and all other worldly beings had devotedly placed the Swastikas, various auspicious symbols and Lakshmi Padukas at every few meters to please the Mother of the Universe; the path to the palace's rostrum further laid with lotuses and lilies on whose end stood the revered Goddesses Shakti and Sharada, to perform the austerities of their Shri.

"To begin with, I want to wish everyone a very prosperous Sharad Puranima. My heart is full and overjoyed to see you all here on this significant occasion, making all these arrangements, preparations and decorations for us. I am thankful for all of these merry surprises!" Standing at the altar, Devi Lakshmi greeted everyone.

"Narayan, Narayan! We should be thanking you, not the other way round, Mata. You take care of us and ardently look after the entire creation all the time," Narada addressed on the behalf of everyone, "In return for all that, this is just a small gift from us devotees to you. Please accept it, Mata."

As Mahālakshmī accepted the reverences with a nod, the veneration of the goddess begin. As promised earlier, the ever merciful Chanchala let the Yaksha King Kubera have the repute of worshipping her before anyone else; followed by the sanctified pairs of GauriShankar and VaaniBrahma and other pairs of devatas. As the celebratory cries and hails of the holy name of Mahālakshmī softened their echos, the mother of the mother of universe - Devi Tirangini walked up to her.

"Sindhu, Even though you are my daughter, I am aware that your true identity is that of Param Ambika Adi Shakti. I'm always constrained by my motherly devotion and commitment for you. But putri, having seen this wonderful celebration and everyone's ardour for you, I've made the decision that I'll gladly bid you farewell so that you can descend down for the liberation of mortals." Tirangini confided into her daughter with a voice laden with nothing but love.

Devi Tirangini

"Maate , I too want you to be with me, by my side all the time. But we both have our own dharma and karma to look after and to fulfil that, I have to follow my Swami and soon descend on Bhuloka," Sindhujā answered, tightly holding the former's hands as a result of her compassionate instincts, "Mata and Pitaji, Mahadev, Gauri, Brahmadev, Sharada, Ulūka, Garuda, Narada, Ganesh, Kartikeya and all my bhaktas present here; now the time has finally struck for me to manifest, unite with Shri Hari Narayan and fulfil the objectives of our avatars. Therefore, I bid you all an adieu. We all shall meet very soon!" She concluded, glancing at everyone's tearful smiles and closing her eyes for a final attestation.

"O Swami, in my finals bits before forgetting all my memories, I am remembering your bewitching form. Grant me the permission to begin the journey of once again reuniting with you." Chanchala gently closed her lotus eyes, meditating upon her lord for a sign.

"O Priye, now that I'm being tied to the mortar by my dear Yashoda Maiya, I hope your transcendental form manifests soon to tie this unconquerable Lord with the ropes of your love." Narayan's euphonious voice reverberated in her ears, the ever lasting sindura filled forehead of the akhanda saubhagyavati, gleaming bright as a sign.

Nodding at the intimation, the vivacity of the Trilok Swamini euphorically transferred itself into a gigantic Sahasrakamala; ready to be rested into the hands of Pandu and Kunti.

The aqua marine palace of Samudra Loka, that usually blended well with the blue waves of the ocean proudly stood out with the glistens and golds that Shri Mahālakshmī had just left behind, mixing with the salt just as beautifully as the sacramento green of the leaves mixed with blue hues and grey lines in the sage green marble.


Madri slumped against the abrasive barks of timber. Her slender hands reactionarily covered her visage in order to recompensate the huge body-shaking sobs that racked upon her like untimely, hard hitting waves who crashed with the pain of her heart.

On the other side of the wet, rain-washed woodlands of the Shatashringa, Kunti's aimlessly wandering eyes finally came to a rest as soon as she caught a little glimpse of Madri ; who had stationed herself under the dim penumbra of the canopy trees.

"All of us were extremely terror-stricken to know that you hadn't returned sooner," her heart palpitated at the sudden stop of vigour, "Its a good alleviation to find ―
Madri? Why are you shedding tears dear?" Kunti levelled beside her, with a face full of regard.

"Today while returning from the forest with woods, I came across a group of Sages and their disciples, rejoicing in the glory of the Supreme Lord. I couldn't stop myself but join that venerated association of devotees," Madri began, restricting her welled-up tears from spilling, "At that time, the group of holy people were narrating the story of the joyous birth of Devi Sita and how she bought triumph amongst the residents of Janakpuri."

"Did you heart get full upon listening to the glories of our magnificent Goddess, Madri?" Kunti broke a small smile, touching her co-wife's shoulder in reassurance.

"Who would not be gladdened upon hearing her sweet past times, jiji? But my heart.." the princess of Madra felt a layer of unsettling emotions form over ber ability to speak, "But my heart is just as vacaous as it appears to be full from a distance. Listening to the delight of Maharaj Janak and Rani Sunaina upon begetting a divine daughter after being childless for soo many years has further fueled my pessimism and yearning for a child of my own. Which is know is never possible, jiji. I will always be reminisced as the childless queen of Kuruvansh."Madri stated, a plaintive cry soon escaping her quivering lips.

"This is not at all true Madri!" Kunti bolstered her, empathy flushing over her face for the affliction felt by Madri, "You too have the right to bear the children of Aryaputra."

"No jiji, Rishi Durvasa gifted you this boon as a reward of your relentless efforts. I do not want him to be enraged with you for not abiding with the secrecy of the mantra." Madri refuted, almost cordially accepting her blighted fate.

"Whether it is about anguish or accomplishments, every member of the family shall be inherent of the share. This is how a family grows together," The benevolent princess of KuntiBhoja construed, "Therefore Madri, I will wholeheartedly teach you the mantra Maharishi Durvasa entrusted into me."

"Really, Jiji?"

"Of course, Madri!"

"Right! Let me now go and quickly inform Arya about this!" Madri declared, prancing towards the family's little hut.

At present, Kunti's smile unfurled like some happiness growing, much as the opening of a spring flower, kissed by first ray of sun light. It displayed how it came from deep inside to light her eyes and spread into every part of her just by a mere thought of her little family finding solace even after renouncing the royally accustomed pleasures.

"Kunti..." A holy voice pompously spoke, wincing Kunti out of her merry thoughts.

The woman's eyes meandered through the yonder skies that looked like millions of ancient treasure troves full of symbolic golds, burgeoning their dazzles simultaneously.

"O noble Kulvadhu of Kuruvansha," An elderly cosmic figure with four heads materialized in front of Kunti. His long white beard symbolised his wisdom of antiquities while his arms held the Vedas, Rosary and Kamandalu full of water; no less than the holy amrita.

"Having impressed the celestial deties and the never-ending cosmic parents with an altruistic love towards your family, benevolence and compassion towards your co-wife without any material feeling of constraint or superiority. For being a karma yogini in real sense by denouncing the worldly pleasures to be a devout wife and begetting godly children not for greedy desires but out of consideration towards the welfare of your Kingdom, O Pritha, I am guided to bless you with a child. A girl-child." Brahmadev made a seraphic bodement, revealing a Sahasrakamala resting on his fourth hand that nestled the Jagat Janani Shri Mahālakshmī in her mortal manifestation.

Baal Swaroop of Mata Lakshmi
in the arms of Brahma dev

"Kunti? All this ― " Pandu arrived at the pious site, peering quizically at the Sahasrakamala.

"Arya, being please with our deeds, Brahmadev himself has arrived to bestow upon us the felicity of embracing a daughter!" Kunti narrated in delight.

"A daughter?" Pandu gushed out an unconcealable smile.

"O descendant of Shantanu, this girl child won't just be a daughter but a gratification to your entire dynasty. From your ancestors to manifolds of successors to come, she shall liberate them all. Her tender arms, posessing the valour and fortitude of Adi Parashakti will quench the Jambudweepa's thirst for righteousness," The Creator of the Universe, touched by the exultation of the cosmos; continued, "Good men shall rejoice and the wicked ones shall get a glimpse of their calamitous end in her presence ; O Princess of Kunti Bhoja, on the auspicious tithi of Sharada Purnima, I entrust you with this heavenly daughter who alone is prosperity personified!" He declared, scrupulously putting the gigantic Sahasrakamala in Kunti and Pandu's hands.

The couple smiled harmoniously at the sight while Madri stood in the middle, her beam challenging the boundaries of her face ; all the three mortals adoring the supereme manifestation of the Goddess of the World.

Her complexion was like the molten gold who's elixir fell down straight from the esteemed abode of Mahavishnu. The fair skinned one's lustrous face could even humble zillions of suns and moons shining altogether. The goddess, in the form of a child for the emancipation of the yuga, bore all the auspicious symbols on her lotus feet. Her moisture laden doe eyes were like the Ocean of mercy where every living creature ultimately finds a shelter. Even her mellifluous cries sounded like the melodious tunes emanating from the Veena of Devi Saraswati.
When Kunti meticulously ran her hand over her daughter's luciously soft hair, it seemed like the the sun's golden rays materialising on the earth.

Jagat Janani descends on Earth

"O revered son of Ambalika, on the proposition of the Saptarishis, this goddess-like daughter of yours shall go by the name of Dhriti. Born with the qualities of sheer determination, patience, firmness and perseverance; this daughter of Kurus will be famed and idealized all across the Jambudweepa." The first of the trinity promulgated with pride.

Diverse winds, butterflies and bumbling bees, all blew and flew in glee to have a touch of those godly feet that would grant salvation to even the most wrecked souls of all.

At the Vijaya Muhurta of Sharad Purnima, all the celestial deities, Gods and Goddesses appeared in the sky. The planets, stars and luminating heavenly bodies all aligned in tranquility, producing a brilliance in all quarters to welcome the divine manifestation. The rain laden skies cleared up, hundreds and thousands of lotuses bloomed, felicitous birds chirped in jubiliation while riches and prosperity touched every single part of Aryavarta.

Indeed the Bhuloka had turned herself into Śhrīpīṭha to eulogize and welcome the supreme most Goddess of the Universe under her shelter.


Happy Shri Krishna Janmashtami, everyone!
May Prabhu always protect us and fill our lives with love and satisfaction oh and also with the presence of his beloved Mata Lakshmi ♡

How able was I to portray the divinity of the celebration of Sharad Purnima and the birth of Dhriti on Earth?

Since the chapter was longer than usual, did you find it straining to read or was the flow good?

The original nature of the relationship of Kunti and Madri is a bit shaky according the Adi Parva of Mahabharat but I decided to show it in a better way. Did you all like it?

Also, if anywhere, you come across Madri misspelled as Madrid... I'm sorry. It's just my keyboard exposing the amount of times I talk about Football in a day (๑•﹏•)

Hope you like it,
If you do, don't forget to vote and comment,

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