Raj Purohit's Truth and Vasudev's Declaration

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"What do you think Dhriti, renouncing the titles would favour the interest of people?
In reality it would just feed his vanity and aims, don't fall weak in front of someone like him." Maharishi looked at her.

"Maharishi Garg! There's a difference between someone who preserves the integrity of a state and the one who let's the entire clan down by raising weapons on her own family!" The Priest commented.

"Don't take the unfair advantage for my silence and taciturny." Dhriti slowly whispered.

"Dwarkadheesh, I have no objection in crowning Krishn as the next King, my displeasure is only towards Rajkumari Dhriti." The Purohit pointed out.

"May I know the reason why?" Kritavarma spoke in a sarcastically calm manner.

"She is the daughter of a person who ruined his life by getting cursed by a sage, what character do you expect in her?
And, Maharani Kunti and Maharani Madri begot their sons from various gods, but no one ever mentioned how this, this Dhriti was born! Why? I'm sure it's something worth hiding rather than defaming their own characters." He laughed in return as it started thundering,the moment Dhriti clenched her fists.

"This is not the correct time Priya." Kanah softly consoled.

"This is the last time I'm taking any insults thrown at Matas and Pitashree" She took a deep breath.

"Dwarkadheesh, give me the permission to slaughter this man!" Kritavarma now held his naked sword in one hand as the other ministers stood up.

"You can't attack a Brahmin! That's against the Dharma!" He counterattacked.

"And who said you are a Brahmin?" Kanha finally raised his voice as Dhriti turned her gaze towards him, to see him this angry for the first time.

"Wha-what do you mean Krishn?" He stuttered as Kanha walked towards him.

"Purohit ji, what is you gotra?" Kanha furrowed his brows.

"Sarniha, Upamanyu Gotra." He straightened himself.

"I hope you know that Upamanyu Gotra of Sarniha Kshatriya never belonged to any of the main Brahmin Gotra of the Saptarishi." Kanha smirked.

"Upamanyu Gotra...... I've heard it somewhere. Sarniha Kshatriya! Oh! Oh! What a blunder. Jarasandh belongs to the Sarniha Kshatriya Kul." Dhriti thought to herself.

"Even Vishvamitra was a Kshatriya, but his penance gave him the title of Maharishi." He replied to Kanha.

"What penance did you perform?
Spying over Dwarka?" Kanha raised his brow.

"Purv Magadh Senapati Chitraksh! What did you think, me and Dau are foolish enough to blindly accept Jarasandh's constant declaration of your death?" Kanha put a hand on his shoulder as the latter jerked in fear.

"Jarasandh's Spy?" Vasudev asked in utter confusion to his two sons.

After those seventeen battles with Jarasandh, when we, along with the citizens of Mathura, relocated to this divine land created by Vishvakarma himself, upon Jarasandh's orders, his Senapati Chitraksh disguised himself as Raj Purohit just to spy on our every move." Kanha explained as the ministers' fury rose to no limits.

"Dwarkadheesh, Rajkumar! Give him a death sentence for this filthy act and allow us to take our regiments towards Magadh for the final time." Kritavarma and the others raged.

"No Kritavarma, not without knowing each and everything he has to say about Jarasandh and his shallow tactics.
And, if it would've in his fate to get killed by us, then there was no use of those remaining 16 battles.
I would've put an end to his entire clan during the very first battle. But he's not meant to get liberation through my hands" Kanha mildly smiled.

"Chitraksh has thrown a hurdle of insults towards Dhriti, Kunti, Maharaj Pandu and Hastinapur. Therefore, putri Dhriti, I bestow upon you, the responsibility to give him a justified penalty." Vasudev smiled as Dhriti slowly nodded.

"Chitraksh, you are convicted of gathering and delivering potential information in order to help an enemy state, therefore you can be sentenced to death. But since neither you, nor Jarasandh himself have caused any harm to the citizens and well being of Dwarka, you are...... Sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment.
Also, send a letter to Magadh Naresh Jarasandh, about the same." Dhriti spoke, back with her sharp voice as Kanha proudly smiled at her.

"Dharmaraj Yudhishthir's sister afterall." Kritavarma prominently whispered to Dau as he gave a light chuckled towards his dear friend.

"Vasudev, putra, do not delay any longer.
Announce the coronation of Dhriti and Krishna throughout Aryavarta.

On the next purnima,
There is sun in Aries,
Its lunar month of Chaitra,
And the full moon will move towards the Punarvasu Nakshatra, making it one of the most auspicious event according to astrology." Maharishi announced as everyone gave heir respective nods in agreement.

"Punarvasu is my birth Nakshatra." Dhriti smiled.

"Hmm.... That's why considered very auspicious. So auspicious that my Rohini Nakshatra stands no chance." Kanha joked back.

"Krishn, accept this request of your Dau, Gurudev and Pitashree, brother.
Not anyone other that you deserves to take up this title of Dwarkadheesh." Dau smiled at him.

"I've always obeyed yours and Pitashree's orders, Dau.
We both accept your descision." Kanha replied.

"Dhriti, when a daughter comes as a wife, she takes over the responsibility of her in-laws, but when she becomes the queen, the entire state becomes her family.
Her obligation to the state exceeds that of her family. After the coronation of Krishn, you will become the queen of Dwarka. You have to play an important role by being his strenght through all of this." Vasudev looked at Dhriti.

"I will." She smiled back in complete assurance.

"Kritavarma, now keep that sword back into the scabbard, you have a lot of work to do." Vasudev spoke add everyone else chuckled.


"I told you to run under that huge tree." Subhadra said, squeezing the water from her lehenga.

"What? You though that the tree would save you from this heavy rains and thundering?" Satyaki laughed, looking at himself being drenched as well.

"Very erratic that it started raining in this month. All of a sudden." Subhadra spoke as they saw Revati, Rohini and Devki discussing something in the middle of the hallway.

"Dhriti, Krishn! What did Maharaj say? Is there something we should worry about?" Devki asked looking at the approaching figures of her children.

"So neither did Revati nor Mata Rohini tell you anything?" Dau laughed.

"Revati, you knew about this?" Rohini turned towards her.

"And Mata you knew about something else?" Revati questioned.

"I only knew about the blinds for Raj Purohit. What did you know?" Rohini laughed.

"How did you know this Mata Rohini?" Dhriti asked with an interest.

"Overheard us talking about him." Dau chuckled.

"I did not purposely overhear, I was about to approach you two, and it happend that you were talking about his plans." Rohini corrected as she turned towards Revati for her answer.

"Wait, look Mata, I knew just a bit about this. So I thought, instead of giving you both restless souls only half the information, you all should wait for some more time to get a detailed story." Revati giggled.

"Mata Rohini, Devki Maa, Pitashree has made a decision for my Rajyabhishek." Kanha declared as everyone ecstatically received the news.

"Really is this true? Can you imagine how happy I am right now?" Satyaki and Subhadra joined their happiness as Dhriti's expression changed into a look of horror.

"Wait, Subhadra.... If you and Satyaki are here, then, wh-where is Vaishnavi?
Wasn't she supposed to be with you?" Dhriti spoke in a distress tone.

Subhadra gasped as she realized she left Vaishnavi back and the Somnath Mandir, promising her to be back after a while.

"Som-Somnath Mandir.
She was too tired to walk, so I told her to stay there until I come back to take her......." Subhadra looked down in guilt.

"Oh lord!" Dhriti mumbled as she ran towards the exit of the palace.

"Krishn! What are you smiling for? Go with her." Rohini shook him, looking at the smile on his face.

"Going going! She'll be alright though, let there be a reunion." He risked giving a chuckle in from of his two mothers before following Dhriti.

"What reunion?" Devki and Revati looked at each other.

"Whatever it is. Subhadra, now don't cry, go change your clothes before you catch cold. And you too Satyaki, don't fall sick, you have a lot to do until the Coronation." Rohini ordered as everyone parted their ways.


"Its so cold here!" Vaishnavi sneezed as Arjun brought her, inside the shade of the temple.

"I don't know how come it started raining in this month." Arjun said, wiping the drippling cold water from her face.

"I should've controlled my anger. All this heavy pouring is just because of me." Dhriti sighed looking at Kanha as they climbed their respective horses.

"Where did Bua and Kakashree Satyaki go? She promised to come back na." Vaishnavi spoke, looking out for someone.

"Vaishnavi! Vaishnavi?" They heard voices approaching them.

"The saviours are here!" Arjun chuckled, recognizing Kanha and Dhriti's voices.

"Look! Its Maa and Pitashree. Comeon let's go." Vaishnavi jumped, pulling Arjun with all her force.

"Maa! Pitashree! We're here." Vaishnavi smiled running towards them.

"Vaishnavi!" Dhriti smiled, bending down at her lever as she covered the little ones body with her dry dupatta.

"We thought we have to stay her all night." She hugged back her mother.

"Oh how will I forget my chatterbox.
By the way, who we?" Dhriti giggled before asking her the question as Vaishnavi pointed towards Arjun, now talking with Kanha. She squinted her eyes observing the smiles on Kanha and the other ones face.

"I hope I'm not at all dreaming." She laughed walking towards the tow of them with Vaishnavi in her arms.

"Only if I'm even mildly recognizable." Arjun laughed back.

"My Brihannala is back." Dhriti squealed while Kanha took Vaishnavi in his arms as Dhriti finally hugged her brother.

"I am not Brihannala. My name is Arjun." He whispered tightly squeezing her.

"Yeah yeah!
Arjun, Brihannala dono ek hi hai, stop crushing me." She giggled.

"You both know each other?" Vaishnavi asked in confusion.

"Oh I forgot!
How dare you not tell her about me!" Arjun broke the hug, twisting Dhriti's ear.

"What? Vaishnavi, don't you know about Bhrata Arjun?" Dhriti tried turning behind.

"No, you and Mamashrees told me about Brihannala." She innocently spoke as Dhriti mentally face palmed herself while Kanha controlled his laughters.

"Oops....." She gave a cheeky grin at Arjun.

"This is Arjun, you Maa's older and Mamashree Bheem's younger brother.
He's that Archer, the one he was talking about." Kanha smiled, giving the final introduction as Vaishnavi smiled, with questions in her mind.

"Why are you disguised as a sage, mamashree?" She giggled looking at him.

"Yeah about that. Long story short, I was given a punishment." Arjun sneezed before completing his sentence.

"Oh god, both of you. Let's go back so I can make some medicinal decoction you two." Dhriti said turning around.

"Your exile is not yet over Parth...." Kanha smirked.

"Not over? When will it end, Madhav?" Arjun enquired.

"Maybe when the destinies meet." He smile putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Destinies will keep meeting, whose going to stop it. But Bhrata, atleast head back to the ashram, I'll send someone with the medicine." Dhriti smiled as everyone took a leave.

"Now you need to do one thing for me, Vaishnavi." Kanha whispered as they both climbed on the horse.

"And what is that?" Vaishnavi grinned.

"Do not reveal Mamashree Arjun's presence to anyone before I say so. Especially to Bua Subhadra." Kanha smiled as she nodded.

"Now you need to tell the same to Maa as well. Otherwise she'll reveal the secret." Vaishnavi looked at him.

"The real secret is yet to come. But don't worry, I'll tell Priya our plan." Kanha smiled back.

"You know where is is going and what it would lead to, don't you Bhrata Narayan?" He heard Parvati's voice.

"Yes I do, Gauri. But for now focus on our coronation, won't you?" They both shared a light chuckled.


Happy Friendship Day to all those amazing friends I made here on Wattpad. You guys are real gems,(not the chocolate.)

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