Vasudev and Dau's Descision

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"Enough now Bua. I'm tired, let's go back." Vaishnavi panted as she stopped Subhadra.

Time had flown so fast that this little bean had grown up into a four year old toddler.
She was like that single ray of sunshine, enough to.warm and brighten up everything around her.
More of a chatterbox whose contagiously cheeky smile would melt anyone, especially Dhriti, at times helping this Princess of Dwarka to get away with all the mischiefs she does.
With sweat now making her face shine in the heat, our little Vaishnavi silently thanked her Maa for braiding her hair, against her wishes earlier this morning.

Like Mother, Like daughter afterall.

"Never ignore Maa's words Vaishnavi cause She's a visionary!
Even Mamashrees say that." Vaishnavi giggled to herself.

Imagine her as our little Vaishnavi.

"Oh Vaishnavi, now we are almost there. And Bhratashree said we both would like it there." Subhadra smiled at her.

"Hm.... My princess if tired. Isn't she? Come I'll pick you up, so you won't get tired any more." Subhadra smiled, lifting the toddler in her arms.

"So this is the Somnath Mandir?" Vaishnavi smiled, looking at its huge architecture.

"Beautiful and calm, isn't it." The princesses entered the temple.

"But Bua, if it's a temple of Mahadev, then why is it known as Somnath?" Vaishnavi innocently questioned as they stood in front of the deity, surrounded by various Maharishis on their holy Pilgrimage.
Amongst these holy men, stood a familiar face, about to end his exile turned pilgrimage as he finally arrived at Dwarka, as promised.

That's right, Arjun was finally here! Here after successfully investing his time to find his inner self as suggest by his dear sister and also getting married to his now two beloved wives, Naga Kanya Uloopi and Princess of Manipur, Chitrangada.
Confusingly looking at the little one standing beside Subhadra, Arjun had no idea how much he had missed in those 7 years of exile. Though unknown about Vaishnavi's identity, a small smile immediately appeared on his face listening to the sweet question asked by this toddler.

"I know, I know why this holy shrine is known as Somnath." Arjun smiled to himself adoring the innocent confusion visible on Subhadra's face.

"Hm..... Good question, but all is know this divine temple was built by Somraj, often known as Chandra dev for his Lord Shiva. That's why this shine is called Somnath, or the lord of Som dev." Subhadra smiled, joining her hands in front of the huge Jyotirling.

"I still know a few things more than you, Subhadra!" Arjun laughed at his own thought.

"Rajkumari! Rajkumari!" Satyaki came running towards Subhadra and Vaishnavi.

"What happened Satyaki?" Subhadra turned around.

"Where is Rajkumari Dhriti? Everyone is looking for her, but she's nowhere." Satyaki spoke with a worry.

"Must be in the Gauri Mandir."
"In the Gauri Mandir." Arjun thought at the same time as Subhadra spoke.

"But Maa was there in the Palace with Revati Kaki all day long." Vaishnavi finally spoke as Arjun shot up a look towards her.

"Maa? As in Dhriti? My-my little sister is a mother now?
Why didn't it strike me earlier? This little sunshine is the splitting image of Dhriti. I'm finally a mamashree. Oh lord, I don't know how much more have I skipped!" Arjun thought to himself, as he pretended to close his eyes, but listening to these three people conversing.

"Satyaki! What if I find her at the Gauri Mandir?" Subhadra raised her brow.

"I challenge you, she's not there. Come on, I'm not blind." Satyaki crossed his arms.

"Challenge accepted. Come with me." Subhadra giggled.

"Bua, I don't think I'm going to walk all the way back. I'll stay here until you prove Kakashree Satyaki as blind." Vaishnavi giggled.

"No wonder, you're Kanhaiya's daughter." Satyaki laughed as he along with Subhadra took a leave.

"Don't go anywhere before I come back, okay?" Subhadra pinched her cheeks.

"Yes Bua, see I'll sit here, until you come back." Vaishnavi said, taking a seat beside Arjun. Destiny surely had its ways and Adi Prajapati Brahmadev had skillfully framed them together.

Vaishnavi kept looking here and there, trying to imitate the numerous sages sitting there. But Chanchala's daughter, she was! How can she stay without fidgeting?

That smile on Arjun's face didn't leave after realizing the truth as he traced back to their own childhood. Vaishnavi, in every way reminded him of Dhriti as by now, he had started missing his sister more than ever.

"What if Maa is not there at her Gauri Mandir? Not in the Palace, not outside the Palace, then where will we find her?" Vaishnavi mumbled to herself in a worried tone.

"Did you say something?" Arjun looked at her.

"Yes, I was thinking about my Maa. Where she must be at this odd time in this burning sun?" This little one innocently replied the truth.

"She has a habit of roaming around, taking in everything that she sees. She can't sit idle at one place for too long. That's in her nature, you better don't worry about her. Afterall, who would dare to go against this tigress." Arjun smiled.

"You know my Maa?" She excitedly asked.

"Ha! I'm her favourite brother.
She's my little sister, ofcourse I know her to every bits." Arjun laughed to himself.

"Who does not know about Rajkumari Dhriti and her brothers, especially the Archer." Arjun tagged along in the fun.

"Archer, who? Jyesthshree uses a spear, Mamashree Bheem slays with a mace, Mamashree Nakul and Sahadev love their sword and axe. " Vaishnavi smiled.

"Ughh Dhriti, you didn't tell her about me?
I'll see you later." Arjun cleared his throat.

"Who's the Archer amongst them other than Maa?
Neither Jyesth nor Bhrata Shatanik or Sutasom." Vaishnavi looked at him with twinkling eyes.

"Shatanik and Suatsom?" Arjun finally turned in for a talk with his niece.

"Yeah, mamashree Nakul's son Shatanik and mamashree Bheem's son Sutasom. They both are my Bhratas." She gave in a cheeky grin.

"What is this leela Keshav! I have missed such major events of my life." Arjun, currently dumbfounded, mumbled under his breath with a sigh as they both continued their conversation.
Vaishnavi felt an unknown bond with him while Arjun was proud to spend time with his only niece and catching up with little things in these years, until his exile was finally over.


"Maharishi Garg and Pitashree have arrived in the Palace." Dau announced as him and Kritvarma, gathered a small assembly.

"Maharishi Garg in Dwarka, all of a sudden? There's definately something big that Dwarkadheesh wants to announce." Raj Purohit mumbled to himself.

"Don't worry Purohitji, Look here they come! Now you'll know what Dwarkadheesh wants to declare." Kritvarma flashed a fake smile at him.

"Pranam Maharishi." Dau greeted him.

"Yashasvi Bhava Putra." Maharishi Garg smiled as Vasudev asked everyone to take their respective seats.

"Kritvarma go, call Krishn and Dhriti." Vasudev ordered as the latter left with a nod.

"Caught you!" Kanha chuckled.

"I was not even ready." Dhriti shook her head, walking down from the top of a hill.

"You're not ready to accept your defeat." Kanha teased.

"Alright Alright.
Waise, why did you send Vaishnavi and Subhadra to Somnath Mandir in this scorching heat that without a chariot? My poor girls." Dhriti looked at the smile spread on Kanha's face.

"The path towards love is never easy." Kanha smirked.

"Our daughter is just 4 years old." Dhriti looked at him in horror.

"Oh Priya, I was talking about Subhadra." Kanha laughed holding her hands.

"Love? I she going to find someone there?" Dhriti flustered, looking at her hands entangled with Kanha's.

"Why do you want to know everything all at once. Enjoy this journey of not knowing things." Kanha explained.

"You two crackheads, I've been finding you in the Palace and you were what? Playing here!
Anyways, Dwarkadheesh needs you to be present in the assembly right now." Kritvarma took a deep breath as Kanha and Dhriti looked at each other in confusion.

"You know something, don't you?" Dhriti grinned at Kritvarma.

"He's about to announce something and for that he has invited Maharishi Garg. That's all I know.
Also, Raj Purohit is present in the assembly." Kritvarma laughed at her, after mentioning the last line.

"Mamashree Shakuni of Dwarka." Dhriti spoke under her breath with a sad sigh as they forwarded towards the assemble hall.

"Krishn, putra! Do you know what's happening?
Just now Maharaj arrived with Maharishi Garg and now Dau has called an assembly! Is there any serious problem?" Devki walked towards them in a haste.

"Devki Ma, there's nothing to worry about. And even if it is, we're here to come out of it, aren't we?" Kanha calmed her down.

"Priya, let's go." Kanha looked at her as she nodded, walking behind with Devki.

"Forgive me, Maharani, but Dwarkadheesh has ordered only Rajkumar and Rajkumari to be present in the assembly."  Kritavarma stopped Devaki as she agreed with a slight worry still eating her.

"Why is Dhriti and Kanha not here yet?" Vasudev looked around.

"Everything that is written in destiny, is sure to happen putra. Leave it onto him." Maharishi Garg assured Vasudev as everyone else stood up on seeing Dhriti and Kanha entering the hall along with Kritavarma.

"Greetings Gurudev...." Kanha and Dhriti smiled, joining their hands in front of Maharishi Garg.

"Aayushman Bhava Putra.
Vijay Bhava Putri." He blessed I'm return as Dhriti looked down with a thought.

"Why did Gurudev blessed me with Vijayshree instead of Saubhagyavati Bhava?" Dhriti looked at Kanha.

"You see, everything has a reason." Replied Kanha, as they greeted Vasudev.

"Now that everyone is here, I would like to mention a few things." Vasudev started.

"After freeing the people of Mathura from the iniquity and wrath of Kans, Maharaj Ugrasen stepped down from his duties and crowned me as Dwarkadheesh.
Now, its time for me to bow out of my obligations and declare my son as the heir apparent to this throne." Smiled Vasudev as Dau looked at Dhriti and Kanha.

"That's right Dwarkadheesh! We should find an auspicious day to immediately crown Balram and Revati as your successor." Purohitji stood up as Dhriti, for the first time, smiled, agreeing to his words but on the other hand, maharishi Garg sighed in dismay.

"Purohitji, if our descision would've been that simple, then do you think there was any need to immediately hold and assembly and invite Gurudev all of a sudden?" Vasudev smiled, asking him to sit as Dhriti looked at Kanha in utter confusion.

"I, Yadav Shreshth, Dwarkadheesh Shri Vasudev, declare my son Krishn and Yaduvansh Kulvadhu Dhriti as the heir-presumptive of this throne." Vasudev announced as a wide beam appeared on everyone's faces except, Dhriti who looked at Dau, wanting to know the reason for not accepting his rightful position and on the other hand  ofcourse the Raj Purohit who stood up to oppose destiny's descision.

"I do not agree on this descision, Maharaj. Balram and Revati are the rightful owners of this title and not Krishn and her." Purohit pointed out.

"Purohit ji! That's mine and Revati's descision to step down and give this title to Krishn and Dhriti.
I don't have any demur, any objection on it. Neither does anyone else." Dau spoke, trying hard to maintain his calm.

"Alright then, crown your younger son as the King, like the coronation of  Maharaj Pandu and then detoriate the condition of this peaceful land just like Hastinapur!" He snapped back as Dhriti's looked down, blinking her tears.

"She's just like her father. Oh wait, she does not even have her father's blood running in her." He continued.

"Raj Purohitji! Its a grave dishonour for you to speak like this about her!" Kritavarma drew out his sword.

"No Kritavarma, stop. Let him speak for now, but once he's done, he has to listen to what I'm about to say." Kanha said with rage evident on his face.

"No! Stop everyone. If this descision is going to cause havoc and rift in this peace surrounding Dwarka, then we don't want to accept it.
The interest and prosperity of Dwarka is more important than all these things, and we dont want it to be hindered.
You're right Purohitji, there might arise a condition like Hastinapur and we dont want that.
Forgive me Pitashree." Dhriti finally spoke up, joining her hands in front of Vasudev as she turned around to take a leave.

"Narayan! Narayan! Prabhu, stop Mata before she really renounces all her titles. Dwarka needs her Prabhu!"  Narad pleaded as Kanha gave an assuring smile.

"Don't worry Devarshi! Now it's time to reveal the hidden identity of him, disguised as Raj Purohit." Kanha let out.

"Rajkumari, Wait!
We agree to each and every word spoken by Dwarkadheesh and Rajakumar Balram. None of us needs or would wish for anyone other than the two of you, administering our Dwarka. Don't strip your titles, Rajkumari."  The ministers gathered in the assembly pleaded her to stop, but she was not ready to listen to anyone.

"Wait Putri!" To everyone's shock, on Kanha's nod, Maharishi Garg stood up from his seat as Dhriti decided to stop, knowing that she can't disrespect his words. The Sabha fell silent as Dhriti finally faced everyone while Maharishi Garg walked in for a much needed recitation of Kanha and Dhriti's divine deeds.


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