Chapter 2: Rats and TVs...

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Gary: Hey Karl! I'm setting up dis new TV we bought, like, ten years ago

Karl: That's just splendid. I'm going to get a snack.

~Eight years later~

Gary: I'm DOOOONE!!

Karl: ~sips coffee~ Hm, that took way longer than it needed to take. ~snatches remote~


Karl: ~pushes a button on remote~

~T.V. makes a weird fart sound~ ~nothing happens~

Karl: ~clears throat~ You took this long, and this is what the telly does.

Gary: Wait... is it upside down...?

Karl: ~stares at the ugliest telly in the whole world~

Karl: ~sighs~ I should've known that I should be the one to install these things. 'Cause this is going just as well as the time you tried to install that pipe for the kitchen sink-

Gary: H-hey! It wasn't that bad! And anyways, it was that rat's fault that it made a home in there.

Karl: Hm, sure.

Gary: It's true! That rat's been tormenting me ever since we've gotten that sink.

Karl: Suree-

Rat: ~pokes head out from under sofa~


Karl: What are you screaming about- ~looks down~ Really-

Gary: -EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! ~grabs remote from Karls hand~ ~yeets with full power and pure accuracy at Rat~

(classic slo-mo turns on)

Rat: ~eyes slowly turn as big as basketballs~

Karl: SSHHI-


(classic slo-mo turns off)

~remote hits the Rat with a rubber ducky squeak sound effect~

~TV turn on~

Gary: ~does little victory dance~ ~hears non-victory music play~ ~looks up and sees TV~

Gary: Oh hey! It's working now- Wait, is it upside down?

Karl: ~Stares at squashed Rat with the remote~ ~remote somehow lost all its buttons~

Karl: ~sighs~ Was that truly necessary? Because now we've got a ugly rat on the carpet, and a ugly telly with no a remote control.

Gary: The TV's not ugly! It's just... Upside down. And the remote... Erm, we'll just... Pretend we've got one! But, beyond the remote control, why don't we get this TV fixed!

Karl: We? I'm going to be the one that fixes it-

Gary: ~flips TV right side up~ ~screen flips back to being upside down~

Gary: 😲 😒

Karl: ~sighs~ ~looks down to pick up the dead remote again~ ~sees that the Rat's gone~

Karl: What the, where'd the Rat go?

Gary: ~flips TV over again~ ~screen flips back~ The heck?

Gary: ~lifts TV up~ ~looks at the bottom of the TV, then onto the table it was sitting on~

Rat: ~glares at Gary from table with two evil red eyes~

Gary: 👀


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