Chapter 6:Playing Roblox(First time for Karl...)

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Gary: So, what game do you wanna play?

Karl: ~sips coffee~ ~clears throat~ Dunno.

Gary: Hm... Maybe Royal High? I hear they have a new archery game.

Karl: I think you've been watching way too much Sofia the second, or was it the first?

Gary: FIRST. (offended)

Karl: ~sips coffee~ Yeah, I'll pass. I really don't feel like the color purple today, and no dresses.

Gary: Aw... ok then, what about.... an obby!

Karl: ~chokes on coffee~ A what?

Gary: Just join me in this game, and tell me if you like it.

Karl: Alright then-


Karl: ~clears throat~ Okay, so. Why? Are. We. Flying IN THE SKY.

Gary: Just jump onto the floating clouds. And DON'T fall.

Karl: Well, I already know that. But, why, in the name of coffee should I trust that bloody sad cloud?

Gary: Trust it because this is a game.

Karl: ~rolls eyes~ And why are we playing this game again?

Gary: Because it's fun?

Karl: Mhm, jumping on flipping BLOODY MARY CLOUDS, just totally fun.

Gary: You respawn... Karl, it's just a game...

Karl: You go first, I don't trust it. ~sips on coffee~

Gary: Okeeeeeeeeeeee'

Gary: ~goes onto cloud~ ~jumps to next cloud, misses~

Gary: ~falls~ ~dies~ ~faceplants on respawn in lots of mental and physical pain~

Karl: ~sighs~ Well, not falling sure is confirmed.

Gary: ~from way behind~ DON'T WAIT FOR ME! I'M NOT THE BEST AT THIS GAME!

Karl: Hm, not surprising.

Karl: ~jumps on clouds~ ~continues~ ~makes it to the next spawn place~

Karl: Hm, do I really dare to step on this and faceplant? Doesn't sound very intriguing.

Gary: ~still way behind~ THAT'S THE NEXT SPAWN POINT! NOW IF YOU DIE U WILL SPAWN THERE INSTEAD OF BACK HERE! ~feels intense regret~ Holy avocado toast, is this what the end feels like-?

Karl: Hm, all right then.

Karl: ~steps on spawn point~

Karl: ~light flashes~

Karl: HOLY- ~almost drops coffee over the edge~ ~catches~

Karl: ~groans~ ~sips partly spilled coffee~

Karl: ~looks down at spawn~ ~sees coffee evaporate as soon as it hits it~
Karl: Gary, your super spawn point just EVAPORATED my COFFEE.

Gary: ~suddenly right beside Karl~ Just reset, you'll have all your coffee back! Uh, probably.

Karl: You can say that over my dead body. That reset button looks even worse than the clouds.

Gary: Nah, it can't be that bad! Let me try...

Gary: ~explodes~ ~body parts go in all directions~ ~mouth falls in front of Karl~

Karl: ~looks down~

Karl: Not bad, he says... ~sips on coffee~

Gary's mouth: ....

Gary's mouth: ~teleports them and Karl to murder mystery~

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