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           So I woke up in my pink sleeping bag next to Erza's cake printed sleeping bag. I was the first person up so I decided to go for a walk around magnolia. I left a note so no one would think the worst.
Hi friends
I just want to tell you that if I'm not back when you awaken I'm just on a a morning stroll. I didn't want to wake anyone so again don't worry I'm just taking a walk.
           I left the note on the table next to Lucy's bed. When I left the building I took a moment to just enjoy the beautiful spring day. I started to walk in no particular direction because I didnt really have a destination. I was about 10 mins in to my walk when a little piece of paper flys towards me. When I grab it I read it in my head.
Hello karma,
I hope you are doing well. In case you were wondering, I'm doing fine. Actually I'm doing great. I'm sure your wondering why I'm in such a good mood. Well I am so happy because I have someone you love.
              Then I stop reading with wide eyes. I decide to continue reading.
             So if you want to know who I have you have to solve this little riddle.
1- hi_klm
2-w_ can talk more later
3-_e can talk more later
4-look at 2 and answer again
5- do you know who it is yet gir_y
I hope you figure it out. Oh and by the way no telling any one. I will be watching.
"Grrrrrrr" I growl and I look around to see if I could find him. But nothing I don't see anyone not even just a citizen. Then I start to mumble the questions to myself again to figure out who he took.
"Jewel" I mumble when I figure it out. Then I bolt home. When I get to the house I run strait to my room to look for her but nothing then I start to look for Jellal.
"JELLAL!" I yell and he comes running.
"What?! what happened!" He yelled. Then I remembered if I tell anyone even Jellal something will happen to Jewel.
            "Oh there you are. I couldn't find you and I started to get worried." I say thinking on my feet
            "Oh did you need to tell me something" he asked
            "Yeah... uh... oh yeah Jewel wanted me to tell you she went on a mission by herself and won't be back for a few days." I say trying to think of an excuse for Jewel not being here.
           "Oh that's weird, she didn't tell me she was going to go on a job. Oh well, do you know what it was?" He asked.
          "No she didn't tell me." I say
          "Oh ok well I'll ask Mira later." He said.
          "Oh no you can't!" I kind of yell.
          "What why?" He asked
          "Because... uh... because, because she disdnt tell Mira." I say quickly
           "She has to Mira it's the rule and Jewel is not the kind of person to break a rule." He said
           "Yeah I guess your right." I sigh
           "Hay something's up what's wrong?" He asked then the door flys open and Erza and Lucy come rushing in.
           "Karma!" Lucy yelled
           "We where so worried you've been gone all day when you said you where only going on a morning stroll are you ok?" She added
           "Oh I'm fine" I say and I just walk out side and then to the guild. They didn't stop me they let me go but I could hear Jellal  coming up to me when I got close to the guild doors. He didn't say anything he just walked by me, opened the doors and went to the bar where Mira was. Oh no he's going to ask.
           "Hey Mira can I ask you something?" Jellal asked.
           "Yeah what's up Jellal." Mira said
           "Well karma said Jewel left for a mission earlier can you tell me witch one. Please." He said but Mira just looked confused
            "Oh Jewel didn't check out a mission." She said then Jellal turned around and looked at me.
            "Karma what's going on where's Jewel?" He asked surprisingly calm. I don't say anything I just slowly start to back away then turn around and run.
             "Karma!" Jellal yelled
             "Karma!" I hear Natsu yell then all I hear are the faint yelling of Jellal and Natsu in the distance.


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