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A few hours go by and im almost completely fine. Every thing is back to normal except the fact that I still can't talk. It's not that I like lost my voice or anything it just that I can't get anything to come out. Natsu was helping me walk around the guild so I can see everyone. When I first came out of the infirmary I went to the bar and Natsu got me an glass of water. But then Mira offered to teach me some sign language so that I can't still communicate while I was mute. 
I was able to "talk" with every one and if they didn't understand what I would say Natsu or Mira would help out. The word that I wasn't well spread quickly. Eventually Malissa showed up with another huge bouquet of pick flowers. I signed thank you, then she stayed for a little while to meet Gramps and some of my friends.
Time skip
So it's almost time to go to bed but I don't think that I was going to be able to sleep. I stayed up for a little just watching the clock tick,tick, tick as another 30 mins goes by. Jewel, Jellal, and Dad were already in bed but I was still down stairs. I head to the kitchen to fix my self a PB and J sandwich. Once I finished it, it was about 11:30 so I decide to head to my room. When I entered to room I tip tied to my closet then to the bathroom to change with out waking Jewel. When I had my pjs on I head to my bed, when I lay down I don't close my eyes because I was scared of what I might see. I just stare up at the blank ceiling still not able to talk so I couldn't whisper goodnight  to Jewel even though I know she wouldn't hear me anyway. I kept staring at that blank spot on the ceiling for what felt like for ever. When I looked back to my clock it said 1:00. I was starting to loose the strength to keep my eyes open and they slowly closed as I fell asleep in the dark, quiet room.
            The sun appeared out side my window at my eyes slowly opened to the curtains bowing next to the open window. I must not have realized the window was open that night before. And I didn't have that awful dream.
Then Jewel sat up in her bed.
          "Good morning" I say but all she does it look at me with wide eyes.
          "What? Is something wro-"I start to say when it hits me.
           "I can talk" I say with a happy tone. I shoot up out of my bed and hug Jewel and then run down stairs as fast as I can to find Jellal and Dad.  
           "Jellal! Dad!" I yell.
           "What is it!" Dad yelled.
           "Your voice. It's back" Jellal said with a huge smile.
           "Yeah." I say as a form a huge smile that stretches across my face. I run up to hug them and they hug back then I feel another set of arms wrap around us and I tilt my head to see Jewel had come down from her bed.
        "Oh I gotta go" I say as I bolt up stairs to get dressed. Then I run back down stairs to grab the toast from the toaster and eat it on the way to the guild. When I get to the guild I slam the doors open and like before a table comes flying at me. I was so happy and excited I just broke the table in to and every one just dropped their jaws and stared. Then I see Natsu and gray pulling each other's hair, well they where now they are frozen in surprise. I run to Natsu and just say...
           "Hello" he stares at me for a minute.
           "Your voice, your beautiful voice, it's back." She says while everyone just watches.
            "Shut up before Jellal gets here he will kill you." I say looking around for him.
           "I'm fine he let me kiss you remember?" Natsu asked. I had completely forgotten about the small kiss on the forehead. I just smile and lightly hit his arm but being Natsu he exaggerated and fell to the floor and started to fake cry. It was pretty funny it even made Luxas chuckle. 
            We hung out for the rest of the day just chilling and having a good time. Then later that day I got invited to an all girls slumber party at Lucy's. so of course I said yes I would come. I went home to get pack a bag then I headed to Lucy's. When I got there I saw Erza, Levy, Mira, Lisanna, Juvia, Wendy, and Cona but not Jewel I guess she didn't want to come. We had a good night and when we went to sleep at like 12 I didn't have the nightmare and even if I did I knew that I wasn't alone I was surrounded by friends that would help me.

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