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        ~Your POV~

I watched the students of class 3-E attempt many assassinations. Some of them were really good actually. That  Sugino kid's idea was really creative and probably would have worked if he had been faster. The octopus, 'Koro-sensei', has been trying to convince me to join the class. Heh, yeah right. I wouldn't fit in, and I already have a full education. It was part of my training. Anyway, currently they were trying to hit him while he was all tied up. SERIOUSLY? HOW CAN YOU NOT HIT HIM!? He fell and they continued to try and hit him. He jumped onto the roof, "WHAT'S THE MATTER CHILDREN? CAN'T JUMP THIS HIGH!?" He yelled. They all started whining. I appeared behind him. "No but I can." I whispered. I left as he turned around and fell from loss of balance.

"What's the matter sir?" Nagisa asked. Koro-sensei sighed. "Children I wanted to wait until I convinced her to join this class but, there's an assassin wondering around campus." He said. Everyone gasped. I stayed hidden in the treeline, this might be interesting. "I don't recall the government hiring an assassin yet." A guy in a fancy black suit said. "She's not here government issued, at least I don't think so. She hasn't made any attempts on my life when I asked if she was here to kill me she responded with 'No, I'm not.'" He explained. "What do you mean 'Convince her to join the class?'"  Kayano asked. "She's young, around your age. I'm not sure why she became an assassin, in fact I don't even know her name but I do know she didn't have a normal childhood. I've heard of assassins being trained from children but someone of her age having this much skill, it's inconceivable. And she seems to have powers similar to mine, she can disappear and reappear at will. In fact she just appeared next to me and scared me that's why I fell." He explained. 

They all visibly shivered, except the guy in the suit. "She isn't hostile from what I've seen. She wears a black cloak so you can't see her face, but if you catch her with her hood down she has (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin. You can talk to her but do not engage if she is who I think she is she will defend herself." He said. Wait 'is who I think she is'? Does he know me? No he can't. I thought. "Wait who do you think she is?" The guy in the suit asked. Koro-sensei looked him dead in the eye. "Shadow, aka The Black Assassin." He said. HOW! I thought. "Who?" Nagisa asked. "The Black Assassin first popped up around two years ago, she slowly rose in popularity as one of the greatest assassins to ever live. She only takes jobs that interest her and she has never failed a job. I had no idea she was so young, or how she completed the complicated jobs." He explained.                                                                                                                                                    ~Time skip~                                                                                                                            After that, saying they were spooked would be and understatement. Koro-sensei assured them I wouldn't hurt them but they were still on edge. I don't blame them, but Koro-sensei did make me seem worse than I actually am. I was watching them practice their knife skills. Some of them had good forms. Most of them needed to pick up the pace though. It was nice to watch rookies practice. It reminds me of when I was first learning. They had just finished when a red head showed up. His voice sounded familiar, wait a minute. I closed my eyes and let my other senses reach out. Length between steps, voice, breathing patterns, yep it's the guy I talked with a few days ago. I opened my eyes to see him squeeze Koro-sensei's tentacle as it burst. He reveled a hidden knife and slashed at Koro-sensei, he dodged it but looked worried. My mouth was agape. What? Oh my God that was clever! I thought. I couldn't help but smile, so Nagisa isn't the only one I need to watch it seems. After a few taunts and a small speech he started to walk away. 

"Weapons and blood are his passion, if anyone can kill our teacher, it's Karma." Nagisa said. So his name is Karma huh? I'm going to have to keep a close eye on him. I thought. I watched from the window like always. Needless to say it was alot more interesting than normal with Karma taunting Koro-sensei every five seconds. After school I followed Karma and Nagisa after a bulling incident. These two were the ones I needed to keep close eye on. We entered the train station, they had no idea I was following them granted, but I wasn't far behind. "So Nagisa, I heard you were keeping notes on the octopus." Karma started. Oh I'm not the only one who calls him that. I thought. One thing led to another and after some scarily good timing with a train they separated. I followed Karma since he was heading back up the mountain. He sat on the edge of the cliff where we met. I was leaning on a tree since he had his back turned. "Any reason you were following me and Nagisa?" He asked in an amused tone. I was shocked, "How did you know I was there?" I asked. "I'm sharper than you give me credit for, Shadow." He said. "Alright I'll give you that one, so your name is Karma huh? Interesting name." I said. He chuckled, "Not as interesting as Shadow." He said. I sighed, amusement fading faster than a dying ember. "It's not like that's my real name, I have to hide it. Protocol and all that." I said feeling a little depressed. "Wow that got depressing fast." He said bluntly. "My whole life is depressing." I said equally as blunt. An awkward silence followed that statement. I picked at my fingernails, a nervous habit I picked up over the years. 

"You seem more talkative than last time." He said. "O-oh yeah I guess I am, I mean with the octopus alerting everyone of my presence and knowing you are fully aware of the craziness of 3-E then yeah I can afford to be more open." I said. "Anyway it's getting late, I don't know about your personal life but you should be getting home before it gets to dark. Oh and by the way, great tactic cutting the knife into strips and putting them on your hand. No ones tried that until now and I'm surprised it hasn't been done before." I said before taking off into the forest.                                                                                                                                ~The Next Day~                                                                                                                Oh my God the look on Karma's face! I was laughing so hard at all his failed attempts. How can someone who started off so well fall so hard? He was currently sitting on the branch over the edge of the cliff biting his nail. He was up to something, you can tell because of how tense he is. Nagisa showed up so did Koro-sensei. Karma started asking very specific questions then hE JUMPED OFF THE F*CKING CLIFF!? THAT IDIOT! I rushed out of the treeline, activated shadow mode and jumped after him. In shadow mode I flew behind him and grabbed him. "VERY CREATIVE BUT NOT AT ALL SMART YOU F*CKING MORON!" I shouted. My voice was distorted since I was in shadow mode but it was still easily recognized as my own. His body turned into shadows and without thinking I flew back up. I dropped him by Nagisa and I landed by a tree. Shadow mode deactivated just in time to let me crash into the tree. I panted trying to calm down. The shadows slowly reformed into Karma's body. He gripped his head then looked at his hand. "Wha? What just happened?" He asked. "I...Just saved...Your f*cking life." I growled. I looked at my hand. "How did I do that? I-I didn't know I could turn other people into shadows ack!" I growled retracting my hand from my head. "Oh owww, great now I have to deal with this, way to go." I growled. I was p*ssed that I had to reveal that I was there, but I was also scared. I didn't know my powers could do that, what else can I do? Is this even a good thing? WHY DID I DO THAT I COULD HAVE DIED! "What is wrong with this stupid  class and your stupid suicide assassination attempts? First Nagisa now Karma what's next Kayano? Okada? I swear to God if Sugino trys something this dumb I'm going to kill someone!" I growled. They all looked at me in shock. Their stareing was making me nervous. "Quit staring at me like I'm a freaking alien you morons, can someone actually scold Karma for being that reckless!" I hissed. I tried standing but my shoulder had other plans. I slid back down still hissing. "Alright scratch that plan and no way am I using shadow mode right now." I growled gripping my shoulder. Karma was the first to recover. "Hang on, Shadow? Is that you?" He asked. "The one and only ding dong. I'm also the assassin that just saved your life, granted the octopus probably would have saved you if I hadn't but you know what? My stupid instincts told me to freaking save you, be grateful I didn't have time to process my actions." I growled extremely annoyed. Koro-sensei chuckled to himself. "ALRIGHT OCTOPUS YOU KNOW WHAT!? YOU WANT ME TO JOIN YOUR FREAKING CLASS? FINE I'LL JOIN YOUR FREAKING CLASS! BUT I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THERE ISN'T MUCH YOU CAN TEACH ME I HAVE A FULL EDUCATION AND I'M STUBBORN. GOOD.FREAKING.LUCK!" I yelled.                                                                ~Time Skip Karma's POV~                                                                                        After her little outburst Koro-sensei took Shadow to the infirmary. Nagisa left to go home. I sat alone thinking. It felt so weird turning into a shadow. It felt cold but safe. It felt numb. Is that what she feels all the time? I smiled, she's interesting. I covered my mouth and started coughing. I moved my hand away and looked at it. I tilted my head to the side. A black substance was in the palm of my hand. It looked like blood. "What the?" I questioned. I shrugged, it's probably just the lighting. "Well might as well see how she's doing she did save my life after all." I said. I growled, "Oh great I have to thank her don't I? I should be mad right now she ruined my attempt!" I hissed. But I wasn't, she did save me and she does seem like fun. I shrugged, "Eh, whatever. It's not like it matters I will be the one to kill that Octopus. And like she said, even if she hadn't saved me Koro-sensei would have so it really is pointless."                                                                                          ~Time skip Your POV~                                                                                                                    After the Octopus left me in the infirmary I tended to my own wounds since I refused to let him or the guy in the suit do it. I wasn't badly hurt as far as I had seen. I was about to check on my shoulder. I removed my cloak and started unwrapping the bandage that covered my right shoulder up to my neck. It revealed the blackish (F/C) scales that I had had for a long time. The ones on my neck had concealer on them, it hid them from view since it was harder to hide on my neck. I had been wearing a black sleeveless shirt and black pants under my cloak so once my scales were visible they were visible. I know it's not smart but my options are limited and at least I didn't rely on my cloak to hide them I had the bandages and the concealer. Besides I'm not  around people often. I wiped off the concealer and looked at my scales and skin around them. No bleeding but definitely bruised. I grabbed my cloak and rummaged through my hidden bag. I had it installed into my cloak so I could hide weapons and so I could keep the stuff to hide my scales close. Hey a good assassin is always prepared. I pulled out some bandages and the jar of concealer. I started wrapping my arm up and applied the concealer. I put the stuff away and slipped my cloak on. I was about to leave but when I turned around to see Karma leaning in the door way. It took a lot of self control to not throw a knife at him. I took a deep breath, "Don't do that!" I hissed. "So scales huh? What's all that all about?" He asked with a smirk. I just glared at him. "I'd keep your mouth shut about that. If I could get rid of them if I would." I growled my voice full of venom. I let some of my bloodlust seep out but he seemed unaffected which was unusual. What? How is he not effected? I thought my face must have shown my confusion. "Were you expecting me to take that threat seriously?" He asked. I remained silent. "Others may find you scary but not me, besides if your really all that you would have let me fall." He pointed out.  

I sighed he had a point. "I need to go I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I said walking over to the window. I opened it and jumped out it. I could tell his gaze was following me all the way into the forest.             

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