Chapter 2: Wow just wow

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~your POV~ 

I awoke in my camp and realized what had happened the other day. "Ugggg great now I have to go to school all over again." I growled pulling myself out of my sleeping bag. I got started on my morning routine, washing off, hiding scales, and getting food. Good thing I pack ahead. I changed into my normal attire and threw on my cloak, I even put on a pair of (F/C) gloves. After completing everything  I started to the campus. I pulled out my phone (yes I have one) and plugged in my earbuds (yes I have those too) and started jamming to music. (F/S) started playing and that's when I started humming. That quickly turned into singing. 

I soon arrived to see everyone else walking in. I looked into the window and observed a light feeling of paranoia kicking in. I smothered it however. It didn't mater they were stuck with me now, and I know a certain red-head who's going to get pranked hardcore. But I noticed something odd. A blond chick was clinging to the octopus. I smirked. I opened the window drawing attention to myself. "Wowwww! I didn't know there was going to be another assassin here!" I said with fake excitement. I folded my arms on the windowsill and rested my head on them with a smirk. "If I had known I would have brought my poison! You gotta tell me these things ya' know!" I said. Nagisa sweat-dropped and Karma smirked. "If you couldn't tell I'm Shadow, nice to meet you all. Now can someone explain whats going on?" I questioned. Everyone was silent. I rolled my eyes, "Stunned silence I see, welp I can make a good guess based on what I see." I said bluntly still keeping a friendly tone. "Wow, the fake friendliness is suffocating I think I'm gonna puke." Karma said bluntly but I could tell it was a meant as a joke. I chuckled slightly dropping the fake smile in favor of a sinister smirk. "Ya' got me! But you really can't blame me for at least attempting to not strike fear wherever I go." I said in a serious but playful tone. "Anyway can someone actually explain what's going on I really am confused." I said more seriously. Karma gave me a brief run down. "Okay thanks." I said. My gaze flew over the room until it landed on Nagisa. "Hey Nagisa." I said. He froze up, "Y-yeah?" He stuttered. "You have notes on the octopus right? Toss em over." I said. He did so and I caught them with ease. I flipped through the notebook, there wasn't much there. I sighed and closed it. "Not much here but I can work with it, not that any attempt I make will be serious." I said tossing it back to Nagisa. He caught it quickly, I took note of this. "Nice reflexes, let me know when the notebook is updated, oh and nobody come into the forest I'm going to set up traps, Karma I'm looking at you!" I said. He just smirked. I sighed, "Anyway, I'll be taking my leave now." I said backing away from the window and tucking my hand into a fancy bow. "Later." I said turning into a shadow. Little did they know I was hiding in the doorway.

3, 2, 1 annnnd. "WHAT!?" The entire class minis Karma, Nagisa, and Koro-sensei shouted. I snickered to myself as Nagisa and Karma were pestered with questions. They all calmed down after a while, chatter was still going though. "So that was Shadow huh." "She seems somewhat nice." "Dude you got praised by a professional assassin!" "Calm down, calm down, so you probably could tell that was Shadow, and it seems Karma already knew her based on her actions yesterday." Koro-sensei said. He explained what all happened yesterday and then introduced the new teacher. Everyone either didn't hear my comment about how she's an assassin or is just ignoring it. I stopped listening at some point and left to set up traps. That's when I realized I needed anti material. I barged back into class. "Oh hey does anyone know where eye-brows stores the anti octopus material?" I asked. They all shook their heads. "Dang, I'll just find some myself then." I said leaving not even bothering with their questions. 

~Time Skip~   

I didn't find any material, but I still set up traps all over the forest, most would end up as pranks for wandering students. Anyway gym just started so I decided to give some pointers. "Hey." I said walking out of the tree line. They all seemed shocked to see me. "Just because I don't plan on killing the octopus doesn't mean I can't help out with your training." I said with a smile. I started circling all of them while they started training. "Sugino. Keep your stance strong, one wrong move can cost you your life." I said. "Nagisa, strike like you're going for a kill strike, treat every blow like it's an actual killing blow." I said helping him with stance and striking force. "Okuda, for the love of-here." I said correcting her stance. "Like I said if your stance is weak so are you." I said walking out in front of them next to the guy in the suit. "Assassination is very serious, one wrong move could get you killed on the field." I said. "Unless you're me, a special type of assassin that has a flare for dramatics." I said smirking. Everyone gave me a look. "Don't worry about it." I said. "Okay, so I think it would be a good idea if we started spar-training right away." I said. "By the way I never caught your name." I said turning to the guy in the suit. "I'm Karasuma I appreciate the help with their training." He said. I gave him a quick nod. I paired them all up but after I was done I realized Karma wasn't here since Nagisa didn't have a partner. I sighed, "Nagisa, where's Karma?" I asked. "He's probably skipping." He responded. I sighed, "I'll go find him later, until then you'll be paired with me, and don't worry I'll tone it down for you." I said taking out the rubber knife from my cloak. "I see you already have one then." Karasuma said going to check on some of the other sparing students. Me and Nagisa stood in defensive stances waiting for other to make the move. His gaze was steady, his stance was decent, and his wavelength was calm. He charged quickly, his bloodlust was strong. I jumped out of the way actually surprised at how quick he was. Once I landed I went in for an attack almost instantly. He dodged quickly by rolling out of the way once he got up he started attacking relentlessly. He was fast and he was treating each strike like a kill blow. I was right, he has potential. We continued our spar for a while but then I decided it was time to finish it. I started speeding up and moving in zig-zag patterns. I started hitting some pressure points. I landed smoothly away from him as he fell. I looked forward like there was a camera and fixed my gloves with a smirk. "The shows over." I said my catchphrase. I was lucky no one saw my eyes turn into slits. (See what I did there?)   

After that I helped Nagisa up. "You actually did a lot better than I thought you would, you have potential." I told him. He thanked me for the compliment. Koro-sensei showed up and the blond chick showed up. Before I knew it they were off to the storage shed. I was curious but not as bad as my classmates. A few seconds latter massive gunfire sounded. I wasn't worried because that sounded like real guns and not the anti guns. The others left and I decided to go out into the forest to find Karma. I found him struggling in a net I had set up. "Hows it going up there?" I asked getting his attention. "It's great you should join me." He responded crossing his arms. I took out my (F/C) Dragonsteel knife and cut the rope. He fell to the ground with a yelp. He seemed angry but we laughed it off. We chatted on our way back to the classroom. I actually joined the class for once. I laughed when Karma gave Blondie the new name of Professor B*tch. After everyone left I pulled out a book with a black cover. I pulled out a pen. I started writing an update about all that had happened today.                  

I closed the book and put it and the pen away.  I sighed and watched the sunset through the window. I chuckled, maybe it won't be boring here after all.   

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