Chapter 3: Assembly

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~A few days later~

After doing my normal morning routine I made my way to the campus. Once again jamming to music on my way there. I went in through the window again and sat in my seat in the back. "Oh hey Shadow." I was greeted by Karma walking in. We were both early. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "School assembly, I didn't go but the octopus left about a minute ago. "Huh? Maybe I should go." I mumbled using the window again. "Do you ever use doors?!" He called after me. I smirked, nope, because Phantom Assassins don't use doors. I went into shadow mode and made my way down the mountain. I looked as my friends entered the main campus building. Professor B*tch was panting at the gate. I laughed at this. "Sh-Shadow! Y-you're l-late!" She said. "Ah, sorry. I overslept, it's normal." I said. She managed to catch her breath and scold me but then strutted in. I watched her make her big entrance, now it was my turn. I entered through the skylight without anyone realizing I was there. I landed next to Karasuma. He almost got me in a hold. "Whoa, who's that girl in the cloak?" One D class student asked. "Why's that teacher trying to grab her?" Another one asked. Karasuma relaxed, "Oh it's just you." He said. "Is she a teacher?" "No way dude, she's way to young." Karasuma pushed me over to the E-class line up. "Guess that means she's a student." "Great more E-class trash." 

"D-class dummies." I growled under my breath. Nagisa who was in front of me started laughing. So did the others around me. Only a few days here and I feel like I belong. Wow, these kids must be a whole other level of crazy. I smiled, they really do deserve better. Anyway after the assembly I was walking with Nagisa to get a drink from the vending machine. Some D-class students walked up as I was getting my drink. Blah blah blah, talking trash, blah blah blah, insults, blah blah blah, threatening to kill us-wait what! I chuckled as I grabbed my drink. "You, kill us? Oh my God are you serious? Pffft, you wouldn't have the guts to even slap us! Not only would we take you down but that would go on your permanent record. And to top it off, we are so much better than you are. The only reason you feel so high and mighty is because you have your stupid principal and status quo to hide behind. Let's face it, if we met on the streets alone you would be as good as dead. So shut your stupid pig mouths and walk away before someone actually gets hurt. And trust me, it won't be us." I said getting up in their faces with a fierce glare that I perfected over my years of killing. Needless to say they ran away screaming. "I could've handled them." Nagisa said with a pout. I pat his head and smiled at him. "I know, but I wanted a piece of em. You can have the next ones." I said. He smiled back at me. Nagisa is like a little brother to me. He and Karma are the ones that have potential but they're also the ones who I've gotten close to. I really do like them, and in some occasions they have similar thoughts. It's really a pleasure to watch these two train. 

As we were walking to the old campus we talked about random stuff. "Hey Shadow." Nagisa said in a serious tone. I gave him a look. "Yes Nagisa?" I questioned slowing down. "Why did you become an assassin?" He asked. I sighed walking slower so we were away from the others. "Truth is I didn't have much of a choice in the matter. I was taken away from my family and when I escaped and came back they were all dead." I explained sadly. My eyes getting a little cloudy. "Why were you taken away?" He asked. I looked down avoiding his eyes. "I'd rather not talk about it." I said. He sighed, "Fine, but can you explain why you said you were a different type of assassin?" He questioned. This time I smiled. "Nagisa there are many types of assassins, you are being trained to be a basic type of assassin. I was trained to be a basic as well, but then I was trained in a different way. I was trained to be a Phantom Assassin." I stated proudly. Before he could ask any more questions we were called over by Sugino telling us to hurry up. "Coming!" I shouted. I grabbed Nagisa's wrist and ran over to the others. Once we got back to the old campus we were approached by Karma.   

"How'd it go?" He asked. "I actually had fun." I said with a smirk. Nagisa rolled his eyes, "You should've let me deal with them, I've been wanting to talk back to them." He said with another pout. I pat his head. "So what happened?" Karma asked. Nagisa explained everything that happened, even my sneaky but stylish entrance. "I was right, she never uses doors! Also nice job." He said high-fiving me. "Don't encourage her!" Nagisa said. I smiled, "You two should get to class, ya'll have midterms coming up." I said. "She's right." "Heh, you coming?" Karma asked. I shrugged, "Sure, couldn't hurt to review." I said walking with them. As we were walking I heard some noise from the teachers lounge. While Nagisa and Karma were talking I stood by the door. Looking in I saw Koro-sensei, Karasuma, and Professor B*tch talking. 

"Guys we need to talk about Shadow." Karasuma said. "Agreed, she's not anything like the rumors I heard about her." Koro-sensei chimed in. "Not only that but she acts more like a teacher than a student." Karasuma added. "How so?" Professor B*tch asked. "Well for one, whenever the others fail an assassination attempt she lectures them on what they did wrong and praises them for what they did right. She also one on one trains her classmates after school, hell she even picked out our top snipers." Karasuma said. I heard a light sigh and rustling papers. "And the two most likely to kill the target." He added. "What? Who?" She asked. Karma and Nagisa. I thought as Karasuma said it aloud. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Karma I can understand but NAGISA?" She said. "It says so right here." Karasuma said picking up one of the papers. "Nagisa may not seem like it but he has the skills of a natural born assassin. He doesn't strike people as dangerous and he uses that to fly under the radar and strike when you least expect it. During training I've noticed he waits for an opening to make that one killing blow, he doesn't drag out the fight. One of the only things that worries me is his bloodlust." Karasuma paused for a minute. "Keep going." Koro-sensei said softly. "His bloodlust is hard to describe but it's one of the few things in the world that's scared me to a point of freezing in place. His bloodlust feels like a python squeezing the life and light out of you. It brings forth a feeling of helplessness and fear. In the short times I've felt it I have seen a snake slithering up my leg and injecting me with venom that forced me to be still. It scared me almost as much as Karma's. The words I'd use for his bloodlust is creepy, paralyzing, terrifying, cold, and nerve-racking. It makes you think things like. 'This is it.' and. 'I'm going to die.' It's one of the few things in the world that's scared me. Nagisa is one of my top students. And if he ever decides to become an assassin I think his code name would be something along the lines of 'Blue Cobra.' or 'Python.' Either one would work. But no matter how I make it sound I'm truly impressed. I'm proud of his potential and I want to help sharpen that blade."  Karasuma put the paper down. 

I peeked in the door and saw them all visibly shiver. "The way she worded it is impressive I'll admit. It felt like I was in her shoes and felt it myself." Professor B*tch said. "I agree, what about Karma's?" Koro-sensei said. Karasuma shivered again. I shivered too. But this time a walked in. Their eyes flew to me instantly. "Karma's you might want to hear straight from the source." I said. "S-Shadow!" They all said. I chuckled, "I'm an assassin if there's a conversation going on I tend to listen in." I explained. "Fair enough." Koro-sensei said. I took Karma's report from Karasuma and pulled up a chair. I sat with my legs crossed. "Karma is another one of my top picks throughout the whole class. He's smart, strong, and when I tell him to come at me like he's trying to kill me, he does so. It's honestly scary how good he is with weapons, and he knows a surprising number of death blows. With a good number of his attacks I almost didn't get back up. Key word almost. He loves to fight and tends to drag them out. Personally I don't mind this, the only thing that I worry about is his bloodlust." I stopped there taking time to shiver. "Shadow are you alright?" Professor B*tch asked. I shook my head to clear it. "I'm fine. But you might want to sit down for this." I said. They all exchanged a look and then pulled up chairs. I took a deep breath. "Karma's bloodlust is one I've never felt before and if we're being completely honest it scares me more than Nagisa's ever will. Nagisa's makes you freeze in place, it's the bloodlust of a basic assassin. But Karma's is almost the exact opposite. It makes you want to move, to run, to get away even though it's pointless. Nagisa's is cold, it freezes, but Karma's feels like it's burning. It hurts. His bloodlust takes the form of a dragon. Nagisa's is untapped potential, but Karma's feels like he's been honing it for years. It's sharp like a searing hot blade. It makes me glad he's on my side. Trust me if he was on the opposite side of a war I would run away and hide. If Nagisa was trying to kill me at least it would be quick and painless. But Karma is the opposite. He'll kill you slowly and painfully. When facing Karma I feel like I'm going up against the living embodiment of hell itself. When going up against his bloodlust it makes you think stuff like. 'Oh f*ck.' and 'Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.' as well as 'RUN YOU IDIOT GET OUT OF THERE!' And trust me these are all things I've thought. But I'm still impressed. This kind of potential is crucial of this mission. Nagisa is to kind. He would think twice before killing the octopus. It's reassuring to know at least one person wouldn't think twice. I'm proud of him to say the least. If he was to become an assassin his code name would be something like 'Red Devil.' or ' Dragon.' Either is really appropriate." I said. I looked up at them. "So tell me, what would you rather face. A snake, or a dragon?" I asked. They all looked shocked. "Anyway I should get to class. I'm going to help them study. This school will do everything in it's power to protect it's status quo. They want a battle. So I'm giving them hell." I said picking up my reports and putting them in my bag. 

I walked into the classroom grabbing everyone's attention. "Ummm, the teachers are currently frozen in place in shock so I'll be helping ya'll study for midterms." I said setting my bag down. "What did you do?!" Nagisa shouted. I shrugged. "I just read one of my reports." I said. "Reports?" Sugino questioned. "For those of you who train with me after school one on one I write reports about your skills and tactics. They were a little more than shocked over two of the reports I wrote." I said picking up a piece of chalk. "Who's reports were they?" Karma asked with a smirk. "Hmmm, Blue Cobra's and Red Devil's." I said. "Vague answer noted." Karma said. Kayano looked deep in thought. "So I guess that means Karma's and Nagisa's." She said aloud. I froze. They all gave me looks. I laughed nervously, grabbed my bag, and made my way out the door. I started running. Almost instantly Karma and Nagisa flew out the door and gave chase. "GET BACK HERE!" Karma yelled. I just laughed and ran faster. I think Nagisa was wondering why I wasn't using my power. They even chased me out into the forest before I lost them. Once I got back to camp I updated my book and slept for the night.                                           

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