Chapter 4: Midterms

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~A few days later~

Midterms were upon us. I had been prepping the class alongside the teachers as well as reviewing the material. I would be taking the midterms as well. I was bubbling with excitement. Today would be the last day of studying before the midterms the next day. Koro-sensei made copies of himself to help the others. I was popping around the room in shadow mode helping in areas in which they were struggling. "Nagisa do you understand the material now?" I asked pointing to a question. He nodded a bright smile on his face. I popped over by Karma. "And how about you?" I asked. He smirked. "I've got this in the bag." He said with confidence. "It's good to be confident but don't get cocky. Don't forget to study a little extra so they can't pull the rug from under your feet." I reminded popping over to Terasaka. "And hows the meathead doing?" I asked earning a laugh from Karma. He didn't answer and just ignored me. I gave him a small lecture about excepting help when it's offered but then again I never except help from others. Karma and Nagisa eventually dropped the thing with the reports much to my relief. I would show the reports however but they would have to wait for them.  

Me and Nagisa were walking to gym when we heard chatter from the teachers lounge. "Nagisa stay here and tell me what happens." I told him. He nodded and I continued on. Once I got outside I noticed something unusual right away. And that was a certain red head. "So you're not skipping for once." I said walking up to him. He nodded with a smirk. "It might help me get an edge in battle against you." He said. I sighed, If only he knew. I shook my head, "Okay then if that's what you want." I said shrugging. Nagisa came running up and explained what happened. I nodded and pat his head earning a smile from him. "Looks like that principal is going to cheat. Well okay then. He wants a battle. I'll give him hell." I said with an evil smirk. Karma high-fived me. "Again don't encourage her." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. I also told them to meet me after school. 

After gym me and Koro-sensei were double timing it. I helped the students that were struggling and Koro-sensei explained how to work the problems. All the time I was teaching the others some extra material so no matter what they pulled we'd be ready. I found out I could make clones of myself and used those to the fullest. But by the time we were done I was spent. But it didn't help that some of the others said stuff that p*ssed me and Koro-sensei off. After Koro-sensei lectured them while cleaning up the school yard with A F*CKING TORNADO! He set a goal for us. And if we didn't meet it he would take off. I clapped. "He's right you know. As an assassin, especially one of my type it's important to have a back up plan. And like he said, you're also MY students now as well. I expect great things." I said walking away while waving to them. 

After a while in the forest I walked back out into the school yard to see Karma and Nagisa waiting for me. "That octopus really likes to show off huh?" I questioned getting their attention. "Anyway follow me." I said but before that I reached into my bag and pulled out their reports. "Oh and you might want to look over those while we're walking." I said handing them to them. They nodded and followed while reading. 

We entered the forest and after a few minutes. "So about not getting up from some of my attacks." Karma said. "Key word almost." I said jumping over a log. "What do you mean by my bloodlust?" Nagisa asked his voice sounding shaky. "Keep reading." I said as gently as possible. After a few more minutes I heard Nagisa gasp and I could feel Karma's smirk. "Is it really that terrifying?" Nagisa asked almost breathless. I turned and looked at how he was shivering. "Nagisa it's something to be proud of. A natural born assassin is really rare." I said stopping to pat his shoulder. "Be proud of who you are and what you can do." I said giving him a reassuring smile. "Now come on." I said walking ahead again. "Heh, is my bloodlust as scary as it sounds?" Karma asked. Once again I could feel his smirk. "Yep, but like I said it's incredibly impressive." I said. 

We arrived at my camp. "This is my humble abode. Please take a seat somewhere there are a few things I need to get." I said walking inside the cave. Once I returned I was carrying two pairs of combat boots, two pairs of gloves, and two belts. I had also left my cloak inside the cave leaving the bandages exposed. "Go ahead and change into your gym clothes." I said setting the stuff down and walking to the river facing away from them. I heard them get up and leave. I dipped a wash rag into the river and wiped off the concealer on my neck. I also removed the bandages on my arm. Leaving my (F/C)ish black scales visible. I stood up and watched the two return in their gym clothes. Nagisa's gaze flew to my scales instantly. "Anyway as you can see, I have scales. That's because I'm not entirely human. I'm a hybrid. Half animal, half human. My eyes will also turn into slits if the situation calls for it. I've chosen you two as the most likely to kill the octopus so I've decided to train you two." I said. I pulled out two Dragonsteel knives. They were as white as snow. I threw them into the ground at their feet. "These are Dragonsteel knives. They are extremely light and extremely hard as well. Once you pick your's up then you have agreed to train with me. Know that there is no take backs after you've pick it up. This training will also teach you how to control your bloodlust." I explained. "Wait, hold on, slow down. This is kinda sudden you know!" Nagisa said. I smirked, "Think on your feet." I said. "But I have questions! What's this about not being entirely human? What is Dragonsteel? How do you control bloodlust?! This is all way to sudden!" He said. "Nagisa calm down." Karma said. Our gaze flew to him as he reached down and picked up the knife. He held it like he was going to stab someone with a smirk. "I except." He said. The knife shimmered then turned red. I smiled. "Welcome to the world of an assassin Karma, I hope you're ready for a challenge because I'm not going easy on you." I said. "Karma do you realize the weight of that decision! And not only that we have midterms to be studying for!" Nagisa reasoned. "Annnnnd?" Karma questioned. "And?" Nagisa asked. Karma looked him in the eye. "She trusts us to be asking us this. Not only that but I want to be the one to take out Koro-sensei. If she's offering to help with that, then I'm going to take it." He explained. Nagisa sighed. He shook his head but now there was thought behind his eyes. "While you're thinking about it, I'm going to go ahead and start." Karma said turning his gaze to me. "Where do we start?" He asked. I smiled even more. "It depends what kind of assassin you want to be. There is more than one type you know." I said. 

"Wait I remember you saying something like that on our way back from the assembly." Nagisa piped up. I clapped my hands together, "Good memory, but yes. I'm a rare type of assassin called a Phantom Assassin. An assassin that kills with style. We do things differently than others. We prefer a challenge so we warn our target that we're coming, it makes things more interesting." I said. Karma motioned for me to continue. "To be a Phantom Assassin there's five skills you need to have down pact. Charm, kindness, guts, knowledge, and proficiency. As well as acting to pass for a normal student/citizen. There's other stuff as well and training to be a Phantom takes a lot longer but it leads to more fun and interesting assassinations. It's a very interesting but difficult path." I explained. Karma nodded. "In other words we're flashy and proud of it." I said. "You're right it sounds interesting." Karma said. I noticed movement from Nagisa. My gaze flew to him as he picked up the knife. I smiled widely, "Good choice Nagisa." I said. Karma looked at him with a smirk. Nagisa held the knife at the ready. "I want to be a Phantom." He said as the knife shimmered blue. I nodded. "I do as well." Karma said. I chuckled, "I should have seen this coming, you do seem to love a challenge." I said. "Aww, how'd you know?" He asked sarcastically with a wink. "Shadow if I agree to do this I first want to know your past." Nagisa said sternly. I froze then sighed. "Fine, I should have seen this coming." I said. I sat down in the grass as they sat in front of me. "Do you want the short version or the long version?" I asked. They shrugged. I sighed, "Short version it is then." I said. 

"It all happened when I was around five. I was kidnapped from my home and used as a human experiment for this serum that gives humans powers. But it went wrong and made me half dragon. That's why I can turn myself into a shadow and why I have scales." I explained. I pointed to my eyes and turned them into slits. "And why my eyes turn to slits." I then pointed to my mouth and opened it to reveal sharp canine teeth that were way sharper then they were suppose to be. I closed my mouth. "And why my canines are so sharp." I said looking at the ground sadly. "I escaped with my new power and made my way back home somehow. But when I returned my family was dead and my home destroyed. After that I was found by a group of assassins called The Phantoms. They trained me to be a Phantom Assassin and after years of training I was a professional. They over did it with my training however for the first year they never even let me touch a knife. But after my first mission The Black Assassin became known across the world. Two years ago. And now I'm here, about to train my own students." I said. I looked away from them feeling a little down as I started to remember some stuff. "But before I escaped the lab I stole two viles of the stuff that made me half dragon." I said. "Whoa really?" Nagisa asked. I nodded still not looking them in the eye. I sighed, smiled, and clapped my hands together. "Let's not talk about this right now." I said looking at them. "We have training to do." I said. I got up and picked up the two pairs of boots. "These boots have sheaths in them for your knives. Never leave your knife at home, keep it with you at all times." I said. They got up and put on the boots. "These are comfortable." Karma said walking around in them. I picked up the belts. "These belts have sheaths as well, we'll use these for training. I must ask you to not talk about this to any of your classmates." I said handing them the belts. Nagisa clipped his on as did Karma. I picked up the gloves. "A basic for any assassin, don't leave fingerprints." I said tossing the black gloves to the two. Karma slipped his on like he had done it a million times. "Today we won't be doing anything to serious but I still want to remind you to be careful." I said pointing to a log with a target painted on it. I pulled out my knife. "Demonstration." I said. 

I got into a low stance and threw my knife. The force of the throw was enough to knock it over. I ran up and grabbed my knife out of the log like it was a corpse and rolled away like I was avoiding enemy fire. Once I stood up I sheathed my knife in my belt and dusted myself off. "In case your target is in a public area you need to avoid enemy fire. Phantom Assassins do not fear killing in a public place, in fact we welcome it since it draws attention. We welcome the spotlight." I explained setting the log back up. I stood next to them. "Now who wants to go first?" I asked. Karma stepped up. We practiced knife throwing for a few minutes. They learned fast. Karma almost got it perfect first try. Nagisa took a little more work but he got it nailed by the end of the session. 

"You're free to go now. Remember to come here if you need any extra help or want to learn more." I said. Nagisa nodded and sheathed the knife in his boot. He then left. I turned to Karma who was doing a few practice slashes. I smiled, it seems someone is determined to win. "Hey Shadow." He said. "Yes Karma?" I questioned. He sheathed his knife and looked me in the eye. "What's your real name? If you don't mind me asking." He said. I blinked a few times then shrugged. "Well we're going to be working together from now on so eh. It's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." I said. He smirked. "That's an unusual name." He said. I snorted, "Says the one named Karma." I said. "That's fair." He said shrugging. "Well I'll see you later...(Y/N)." He said waving as he left. After he left I updated my book and went to bed. Today was nice. And tomorrow I have a war to fight.

They next day the mood had sunk to rock bottom. I looked at my test scores. 100s in everything except math. Karma threw the anti knife at Koro-sensei almost hitting him. "Go ahead, keep your back turned. It only makes it easier for us to get you from behind." He said. "I am in no mood Karma I-." Karma cut him off by placing his test scores on Koro-sensei's desk. 98s and above. "So they added a few questions to the stupid test, so what I was ready for them." He said with a smirk. I walked up and placed my scores on the desk as well as everyone else crowded around. Nagisa did the same, he made 90s and above. "Like Shadow said, they wanted a battle, I gave them hell." He said proudly. Me and Karma high-fived Nagisa. "But don't worry I'm not going anywhere, normal class has nothing on assassination." Karma said. Nagisa and I nodded in agreement. "This is where I belong." Nagisa said. I put my arms around both of their necks, it was a little hard because of the height difference but I managed. "Like I'm gonna let these two dorks leave!" I said cheerfully. "So where are you going to go? Because you can't fool me, you're just looking for an excuse because you know one of us is going to kill you." Karma said holding the anti knife in a threatening manner. I held my hand up to my ear. "*Gasp* Whats that I hear? *chicken noise* Wait what was that? *more chicken noises* Yeah that's right a chicken!" I taunted. "With all due respect sir you're being a cowered." Nagisa teased. The whole class got in on the teasing and Koro-sensei got defensive. I smiled as me and everyone else started laughing. That night when Karma and Nagisa came for training I congratulated them and taught them a few things. Once they left I updated my book and went to sleep.           

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