Chapter 5: School trip

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After a few days so many things have happened, Karma and Nagisa's training has come along great. I've been getting a little excited to spar with them and to give them Phantom Assassin uniforms. But that'll have to wait because we're going on a school trip. Me and Karma were standing off to the side as groups were being formed. If it came down to it me and Karma would be in a two person group. "Hey Karma, Shadow, do you wanna be in our group?" Nagisa asked. "Sure." Me and Karma said in unison. "You two aren't going to start anything right?" Sugino asked. "Oh don't worry." Karma said with his 'devil smirk'. He pulled out a picture of him and a dude who looked on the verge of death. "When I stir up trouble out of town I make sure there aren't any witnesses to talk about it." He said. I could see the horns and tail at this point. "Who me? And careful Karma, your horns are showing." I said in a teasing tone. "Says the assassin." He said. "We're all assassins get with the program." I said playfully. He just put me in a headlock. I slipped out of it and gave him a light punch to the arm. "Great! And now they're in our group!  Way to go Nagisa." Sugino said sarcastically. After that Okada joined our group as well as Kayano. 

Once we borded the train me and Karma sat opposite eachother. Kayano and Nagisa sat next to us and Okada found a place by Kanzaki and Sugino. Once the train started moving I got bored quick. "Alright." I said clapping my hands together. "Who's brave enough to face me in a one on one game. Or we could play UNO or Monopoly." I said. "Don't those last two ruin friendships?" Kayano asked. I shrugged and pulled them out as well as checkers and Battleship. "I'm good at checkers." Karma said with a challenging tone. "You're on pal." I said setting it up. Red for Karma, black for me.

"King me." Karma said moving his piece forward. I pulled out a fake kings crown from my bag and placed it on his head. "...You're really random sometimes." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. "Seriously where is she keeping this stuff?" Kayano asked. "I'm keeping this." Karma said. I just snickered and we continued with our game. After a fierce battle of wits and strategy I emerged victorious. "WHAT? HOW DID I NOT SEE THAT?!" Karma shouted. I smirked as he pouted. "That was such an impressive move." Nagisa said in awe. "How did you do that?" Kayano asked in pure shock. I chuckled, "It's a secret." I said. "Okay! Next game!" Karma shouted pointing at me. I set up Battleship. This time Karma won. I nodded in approval. "Impressive Karma." I said with a smile. "HA! IN YOUR FACE!" He shouted. I just smiled at how happy he was. "Shall we move on?" I said setting up an UNO match with Kayano and Nagisa included. "Tag-team or everyone for themselves?" I questioned. "Tag-team, you and me verses Nagisa and Kayano." He responded. Kayano got up and sat next to Nagisa as Karma sat next to me. Needless to say we crushed them. 

"All hail the King and Queen of games." Kayano said giving us a small bow. I just smirked and high-fived Karma. "Is it possible to tag-team in checkers?" Nagisa wondered aloud. Karma smirked, "Wanna find out?" He asked. Nagisa shook his head violently. "No thanks!" He said. "I'd be scared if I had to face them together." Kayano said with wide eyes. "That's right back down while you can." I said crossing my legs and arms with a smirk. "ANYONE WANT TO CHALLENGE THE KING AND QUEEN OF GAMES?" Kayano shouted. Anyone who was paying attention to our game shook their heads but a few people excepted the challenge. We crushed them in Tag-team checkers. Pretty soon we had won against everyone, except Koro-sensei who was no where to be found.

Koro-sensei did show up but he got motion sickness. I felt his pain. When I was younger it was terrible. Kayano, Okada, and Kanzaki all got up to go get something to drink. I plugged in my phone and started listening to music. "You never mentioned you had a phone." Karma said taking out one of my earbuds. "You never asked." I countered. He put the earbud into his ear. I was listening to my rock playlist so it was mostly songs by Skillet, Panic! At the Disco, Imagine Dragons, and Set it Off. "Oh hey I love this song." He said starting to hum to it. "Huh, guess that means we have similar taste in music." I said. 

I must have dozed off because I felt someone shake me awake. "Shadow, get up we're here!" Karma said sounding annoyed. "Ugh, sorry." I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I yawned and stretched causing my earbud to fall out. I collected that and picked up my phone. After putting that away I collected all the games and stuff. I don't know where Karma put the kings crown but I didn't really care. After getting all our stuff we got off the train and left it at the hotel where we would be staying. We started exploring the city while all the other groups were busy with assassination attempts. This city had a very rich assassination history to say the least. 

We went into a back ally. I was on edge. I sensed fast approaching danger. I used a few hand signals that I had taught to Karma and Nagisa that there was something coming. They both nodded and moved into a formation around the other three. Nagisa and Karma on the sides while I turned into a shadow and followed, waiting to ambush. Even though we had only been training for a few days they were already far ahead of everyone else. I was on the wall of the ally when the thugs showed up. Karma and Nagisa moved into position increasing their bloodlust so that the thugs knew to back up. They stood in front of the others in a protective manner. "Whoa what?" Kayano asked. "Stay behind us." Nagisa said keeping the lid on his bloodlust so it didn't effect our classmates. "W-who are these people?" One of them said. Karma looked up at the wall where I was. "NOW!" I shouted dropping onto the leader of the thugs. Karma knocked one out in a flash and Nagisa hit pressure points on the rest causing them to fall. I used a pressure point on the leader causing him to fall as I rolled away. Karma stood up and turned to Sugino. "See, no witnesses no problems." He said with a smirk. I stood up and dusted myself off looking around I spotted more thugs sneaking up behind the girls. I was on them in a flash and punched them both in the gut causing them to cough up blood. I then delivered a swift punch to their faces knocking them out. I let their crumpled forms fall beneath me. I turned to the others as Nagisa took the last one out. "Too much?" I asked wiping my hands off on my cloak. "Naw it was perfect." Karma said. "Nagisa did you get them all?" I asked turning to the blue headed assassin. He dusted his hands off. "One got away but I don't think we need to worry about him." He said. I nodded and high-fived both of them for a job well done. 

We were pelted with questions instantly. I waved my hands in a downward motion. "I'll explain. You see I had a feeling something like this might happen so I taught Nagisa and Karma a few hand signals, pressure points, and formations, just in case. Hence why Nagisa asked me and Karma to be in his group." I lied skillfully. Nagisa and Karma nodded, "Yep, we might want to let Koro-sensei know in case they try to attack another group." Nagisa said. Karma cracked his knuckles. "Oh, I hope so." He said. We called the octopus but no one else had reported a kidnapping. Either way the rest of the assassinations were canceled and we were all called back to the hotel for a headcount. Unfortunately for me and Karma no one else had been attacked. 

I changed into the kimono they had set out at the hotel and, after getting some chocolate milk, walked into the girls room where we would be staying. They were ranking the boys. I sighed and shook my head as the girls noticed my presence. "Hey Shadow what about you?" Kayano asked. I looked around, "Who me?" I questioned dodging their question. "She's dodging the question." Rio said. 

~Meanwhile with the boys~       

Karma had just walked in with his strawberry milk to find the others ranking the girls. "Hey Karma what about you, which girl do you have the hots for?" Okajima questioned. Karma thought about it for a minute. "Shadow, hands down." He said. The others looked at him in shock. Nagisa even spat out some water he was drinking. "WHAT!?" They all shouted. A few went to help the currently choking blueberry. "She puts up with my antics and chooses to hang out with me. Not only that but with her power, just imagine all the mischief I could get into with her helping." He explained his reasoning. A few of the guys nodded. "That's reasonable." One said. "Hey no one's going to tell about this right?" Someone asked. "Of coarse not." "We aren't stupid." Just then they noticed the pervy yellow octopus in the doorway. "Don't mind me." He said scribbling something inside a little book then closing the door behind him. Everyone except Karma and Nagisa shot up and gave chase. 

~Meanwhile with the girls~

Rio had the others pinning me to the ground as she tickled the life out of me. "HAHAHAH-OKAY OKAY STOP HAHA STOP IT PLEASE!" I shouted. She stopped giving me time to breath. I wasted no time and turned into a shadow so she couldn't do it again. "Alright FINE! If you must know I do think Karma's kinda cute." I said mumbling the last part to myself. Despite the mumbling and my distorted voice they heard it loud and clear. Rio nodded, "Yeah he's defiantly the hottest out of them all." She admitted. The others agreed. I returned to human form and then pointed at Kayano. "What about you huh? Don't think I don't notice the way you look at Nagisa!" I shouted. Now all the attention was focused on her. Professor B*tch showed up and we talked to her. Until that stupid octopus interrupted girl talk. everyone started chasing him. He got cornered in the hall by the girls and boys. Me, Karma, and Nagisa all stood off to the side. A few knives were being tossed around as Koro-sensei struggled. I even heard a few anti guns go off. 

About an hour later everyone else had settled down to sleep. I picked up my blanket and pillow and went out to the hallway. I wrapped myself in my blanket as I looked out the open window at the stars and the inky black in between them. Black, like my powers, and my blood. That's right, my blood is black. Hence why I try to never blush. If I blushed it would be black and that would alert everyone to my not being human. I was so lost in thought I didn't hear the opening of a door or the footsteps of a certain red head. He sat down behind me and hugged me from behind. I instantly knew it was him since no one else would try that. I relaxed. "Can't sleep?" I asked. He chuckled. "Too many people around." He responded resting his chin on top of my head. I let him. I was probably blushing. "Are you blushing black?" He asked seeming to have noticed. "Well my blood is black so probably." I said. We both chuckled. "Just another thing that's so supernatural about you." He said. "You scared?" I asked in a teasing manner. "Of you? Never." He said. I laughed lightly at this. "Nice to hear." I said. My gaze dropped from the window. "Something wrong?" He asked. I sighed and shook my head lightly. "That's a lie." He said. "Fine, I'm scared of myself." I growled looking at my hand. "Black blood, powers that seem to be growing every day. Ever since I saved you I've been discovering new abilities I never knew I had. Just the other day I discovered I could control shadows." I said making on stretch over and form a ball in my hand. He grabbed my hand causing the ball to disappear. "That's not something to be afraid of. It's something to be proud of." He said. "Like Nagisa and mine's bloodlust. You told us that it was something to be proud of, not to be feared." He continued. I chuckled. "Thanks Karma." I said looking back at the window. "No problem (Y/N)." He said. 

I heard a slight gasp from behind him. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "Yep." He growled. He shifted slightly and I heard an anti gun go off as well as a yelp. "Nagisa, Kayano go spy on someone else!" He growled. I laughed to myself as I heard them leaving. "They're gone." He said returning to his position.       

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