Chapter 6: Ritsu

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Once we got back to school a few days later I was quickly notified that we would be getting a transfer student. Yay. Anyway Karasuma told me what she was. Needless to say I brought a riot shield. "Umm, (Y/N) why do you have a riot shield?" Karma asked. We had started walking to school together. I explained what the new transfer student was. "Ohhhh, fun. Please tell me you have more than one of those things." He said. I shook my head. "Sorry." I said. Once we got to class I noticed everyone giving me weird looks. Oh would they be wishing they had one. I sat at my desk and noticed how Karma had tensed up. He was waiting for it. Nagisa must have noticed because he was on edge. That's when the machine 'woke' up. After some introductions she started shooting the place up. Karma turned his desk over and was using it as a shield as I hid under my riot shield. Nagisa did the same thing as Karma. Once she was done she started calculating. Then she did it again. This time she blew off Koro-sensei's finger. Everyone was shocked. I looked up. "So what! It's just a finger!" I shouted. She continued this for the rest of the day. Once Karma and Nagisa came over for training we started drilling a few new moves and I started teaching them English. Professor B*tch was a good language teacher but her methods were questionable. We practiced a few new formations and spared a little, without the knives of course they aren't ready for that yet. Karma's tolerance for pain was really high and Nagisa used his size for an edge in battle. We decided to hang for a bit afterward. 

"So about the new girl. (Y/N) are you sure you don't have any more riot shields?" Karma questioned. I shook my head, "Trust me I checked." I said. Nagisa drank some water. "This place is really relaxing you know." He said. Me and Karma were kind of a bad influence on him. "If you're that worried we can just skip tomorrow, come out here, drag (Y/N) with us, and train for a while." Karma said. Nagisa shook his head, "I'm not skipping Karma." He said. Karma snapped his fingers in disappointment. He's been trying to get Nagisa to skip for the past few days. "Taking in account for how annoyed the others were there might be some interference tomorrow." I said. They both nodded. The sun was setting once we finished up. They left and I updated my book. 

The next day Terasaka had taped down the machine's guns. Class continued like normal but I still had my riot shield at the ready. After class me, Karma, and Nagisa met up like normal. Only this time before we went into the forest Koro-sensei asked us for a favor. For the rest of the night Koro-sensei updated her system while me, Karma, and Nagisa taught her a few things about team work. "You three seem to know a lot about team work." Koro-sensei said. I paused mid conversation and looked at the two. "Well you heard their reports." I said laughing nervously. "True." He said brushing it off. I sighed in relief as did the boys. We continued talking to the machine and finally we were free to go. "Nagisa do you have an excuse for your mom?" I asked him as we left the building. Since I told them my past they told me about theirs. He nodded, "I was studying with some friends and lost track of time." He said. I pat his head. "Good and remember if it ever gets too much for you, she can always have an 'unfortunate accident'." I said. Nagisa shook his head, "I can handle it." He said with a smile. "Alright as long as you're okay." I said with a concerned smile. He left leaving me and Karma alone. I sighed, "I really do worry about him." I said. Karma pat my head this time. "Nagisa's tough, trust me I know. I mean we did know eachother in the past." He said. I smiled, "That doesn't stop my worrying but fair point. If anyone can deal with his mother it's him...That doesn't mean I don't want to kill her though." I added with a glare. He chuckled, "That makes two of us. We've got to protect our little blueberry. I still want to corrupt him though." He said laughing. I punched him lightly while laughing, "Don't you dare." I said. We chatted for a while longer until he decided it was time for him to go. I waved bye. After he left I returned to camp and updated my book. Today was fun surprisingly. I crashed for the night. 

The next day the class was shocked. "Morning." Me and Karma greeted the machine. "Ah, good morning Master Karma and Mistress Shadow. Hey where's Master Nagisa?" She asked. Everyone looked at us in shock. "I'm here!" Nagisa said running into the classroom. "Good morning Nagisa. And I thought I told you that you didn't have to call us that." I said. "But I want to. After all you and the two masters taught me last night I owe it to you and Koro-sensei." She said. I sighed and facepalmed. "Hey I don't mind." Karma said. "Of course you don't mind." I groaned. He just stuck his tongue out in a cute but teasing manner. Nagisa walked up. "So I see everyone's getting to know her." He said. We nodded. "CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Sugino yelled. "I had Shadow and the others assist me with upgrading her. She now has a personality and a variety of different functions. But don't fret, her bloodlust is still intact, I made sure of that." Koro-sensei explained walking in. At the same time she took out her guns with a cheer. "If you want to assassinate me this young lady will be a crucial asset. So treat her with kindness." He continued. "Which reminds me." She said looking at me and Karma. "I'd like to challenge you two again." She said with determination. I smirked as did Karma. "You're on, but it'll have to wait until after class." I said. She smiled.

She seemed to be getting along with everyone during free time. "Oh and that's check Cibia." She said. She had won against the poor boy in chess. He faceplanted the table. "She did that in the first few moves." He grumbled. "And that's game." I said taking her last piece. "Awwww, I still can't beat you two." She said in disappointment. Karma smirked, "We are the King and Queen of games." He said putting his arm around me. I didn't mind, Karma is being Karma. But I did hear the clicks of a camera behind me. I used a shadow to take the phone followed by Rio's protesting. "I'm confiscating this." I said as the shadow dropped it into my hand. I flipped through the photos and found a few of the different ships of the class. I put my contact info in her phone and tossed it back after deleting a few of the pictures of me and Karma. "Send me some of those pictures later. Especially the ones of Kayano and Nagisa." I said with a smirk. Karma smirked, "Send me some of those as well." He said. We looked at the two protesting teens in question. The newly dubbed Ritsu started up a few more conversations. She was coming along great. 

After school me, Karma, and Nagisa trained like normal. The others of the class had stopped coming to train with me so I had time. We sat on top of my cave taking a break after teaching them a few new moves. "(Y/N) how far have we progressed?" Nagisa asked. I nodded and smiled. "Really well. You two have been learning a lot faster than I thought you would." I said patting his head. I reached over and pat Karma's head too. "Why is your hair so fluffy?" I asked. He shrugged. "Speaking of, why do you always pet me?" Nagisa asked. I shrugged, "I just do. I don't need a reason." I said. Karma nodded and pet Nagisa too. The funny thing is he never really minded and it was adorable. We talked for a while longer then Nagisa told us some great news. "Since the excuse I use for my mom is that I'm studying with friends she's extended my curfew as long as I'm just studying at a friends house!" He said cheerfully. We all smiled. "That's great!" I said. We had a mini celebration before getting back to training. After that we all watched the stars for a little bit. Hell we even went into town and got some food. After that we parted ways and I went back up to the mountain. Today was a good day. A really good day. I updated my book and went to bed. 

The day after I nearly had a heart attack once Karasuma explained what all had happened. I ducked under my desk and waited once class started. Luckily for me, she didn't shoot the place up. She was being rebellious with her original master. I got out from under my desk as did Karma and Nagisa. I chuckled that they had the same reaction I did. We congratulated Ritsu and welcomed her into our little group of rebels. "Hey you're cool Ritsu, feel free to talk to us any time." I said. "Welcome to the Phantoms." Karma said pulling out a party popper. I laughed at the joke as did Nagisa. It confused everyone else. We smiled and partied for the rest of the day. After school we met up at the usual place.

"Alright!" I said going inside my cave. "It's time to take it up a notch." I said cheerfully. I got a red sleeveless shirt and pants as well as a red cloak, red gloves, red boots, and a red and black masquerade mask. I gave that to Karma and got a matching set only in blue and black and gave that to Nagisa. "Phantom Assassin uniforms." I said pulling out my black and (F/C) mask. I put that on as Karma and Nagisa left to put their's on. They came out quickly and I smiled at them. Karma was flat out rocking his uniform and Nagisa looked like it was always meant for him. I made sure they knew these had sheaths in the cloak, boots, and that the black belts I gave them would work with these outfits. While I was explaining Karma was giving me a weird look. "Are you crying?" He asked. I took off my mask and wiped my eyes. "Sorry, sorry, I'm just proud right now." I said. I got out my phone. "Come here I need a picture." I said putting my mask back on. I set it up with a timer and posed with Karma and Nagisa with their knives. The picture clicked and I ran over to look at it. It was perfect. With me in the middle, Karma on my right, and Nagisa on my left. I smiled while Karma smirked and Nagisa smiled as well. Both the boys had their knives in a ready position. (Like the cover of the book)  

Needless to say the picture became saved, favorited, as well as became my background and lock screen. "Send me that picture later." Karma said. Me and the boys had already exchanged contact info a while back ago. "Today's training will be a little different, when I said it's time to take it up a notch I didn't just mean for you two getting uniforms." I said in a more serious tone. I pulled out a suitcase. I sat down with my cloak layed behind me. The boys sat the same way. I opened the suitcase to reveal two white viles. "Are these..." Karma started but trailed off. I nodded and picked them up. "These contain the same serum that turned me half dragon. You're smart enough to know where I'm going with this." I said. Nagisa looked from me to Karma to the viles. "I want you to know I'm only offering this to help speed up your training and that it's a choice. Not a request, not a demand, a choice. Do you want to become stronger?" I asked. "Will it hurt?" Karma asked bluntly. I nodded with sad eyes. "Yes, it will hurt a lot. But it will give you powers and abilities that no one else will have." I said. "Except me of course." I said laughing to try and lighten the heavy mood. It worked, they both smiled and nodded. "Alright, do it." Nagisa said. I handed them both a vile. I looked at Nagisa. "Do you, Nagisa Shiota. Promise to uphold the code of a Phantom Assassin? To protect your teammates, to kill only those who deserve it, and to kill with style and stealth?" I questioned speaking the words that had been spoken to me. He nodded, "I do." He said with confidence. He drank the vile and almost instantly started to clutch his head in pain. Nagisa recovered after a few minutes. He looked up with dark blue slitted eyes. There were scales on his neck and left arm. "Whoa, I can hear your heart rate!" He said in shock looking at his hands. I noticed he had to sharp fangs now. "Welcome to my world." I said in a joking manner. Nagisa held out his hand and ice formed in the center of it. He dropped it in shock. I chuckled. "Go and practice that for a little while." I said. He nodded and left, I noticed that he seemed faster now as he was drilling with his knife and combining a few ice attacks. Weak at first but getting stronger as he continued. I looked back at Karma who was tapping his finger impatiently. I chuckled at this. I asked the same things to Karma. He drank the vile. The same thing that happened to Nagisa happened to Karma. Only Karma didn't show he was in pain. He looked me dead in the eye during his transformation. But I could see him clench his teeth at times. Same changes with Nagisa happened with Karma. Scales, fangs, eyes. But Karma had fire magic. No surprise there. They drilled with their knives and magic. I taught them how to hide their scales as well as gifted them with jars of concealer and bandages. We even tree jumped so I could test their mobility and speed. Karma looked like he was flying and Nagisa was nothing but a blur. Enough said. Once they were leaving they looked like they did before they took the serum. But I still noticed their fangs. Lucky for me I had enough time to teach them how to control their eyes. Nagisa left and Karma stayed for a while. We talked about random stuff and just joked around like normal. Like nothing was different. But something was different. He was no longer fully human. He was like me. And he seemed to be enjoying every second of it.                                 

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