Chapter 7: Being a professional

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Professor B*tch is a great language teacher don't get me wrong but her methods are like I said questionable. She was teaching the class about ice breakers. "No, no, Shadow how about you. Throw me an ice breaker." I gave her a look then sighed. "Fine, 'Hey, your eyes are really pretty you know.'" I said. She shook her head. "That was good but not what I was looking for." I growled under my breath. "At least I'm trying to keep the cap on, trust me as a Phantom I know more than a few ways of grabbing attention." I growled. "Is there something you want to say?" She asked in annoyance. "No, not at all. The only thing I was saying is that you're a professional in your own right but I'm on a whole other level. Now if you'll excuse me I've been getting a bad feeling so another assassin is probably going to show up and I'd rather try and keep my identity secret. See ya." I said opening the window and jumping out it.  I made sure to do a front flip as well. Landing as graceful as always I sat out in the school yard so I could cool off. "Ah, good evening Shadow." Koro-sensei said. I just threw an anti knife at him knowing full well it wouldn't work. "Nifufufuf~ Someone seems feisty today." He said. I growled. "I know Miss Yelavic is difficult at times but she is a great teacher." He said. "I know that. But as a professional it bothers me how she always sticks to one tactic. Or maybe it's because the seduction technique was never one of my favorites. Who knows." I said. "As a professional her tactics are perfect and her methods are flawless. But as a Phantom Assassin, one that has level 5 charm I must say she's lacking in some cases. She loses her cool to easily, she trys too hard to teach these methods to the others, and I just find it awkward how there are two professional assassins in one room, both with completely different methods." I said. "I can see how it would bother you. But her teaching methods also works well and makes it interesting for the students so they'll remember it." He said. I smiled. "True, but I'm going for a run. If Karma and Nagisa come here looking for me tell them to meet me in the normal place. They'll know what it means." I said jumping into a tree and tree jumping. I didn't give him time to ask questions. The wind in my hair, and my cloak flying out behind me, I loved tree jumping. Before I knew it two blurs ran past me, one red and one blue. I sped up and caught up to my two students. I laughed at how they were both smiling. "Enjoying yourselves much!?" I shouted. They both laughed in response. We reached my camp in no time. Once we came on the tree line we back flipped into the area. We all sat down laughing for a while. "I can see why you like that!" Karma said. Nagisa nodded. "That felt amazing." He said laying on his back. My phone buzzed. I took it out of my cloak and looked at my messages. 

???: This is The Black Assassin, Shadow, correct? If so I have a mission for you.    Me: Yes this is Shadow what do you need?                                                                              ???: Like I said I have a mission for you.

Below that text was a document including the information about the target. I nodded and smiled. "It's been a while since I got a request. And the target is evil to the bone so I don't mind taking him out." I said. "Whoa hold on, you got a mission?" Nagisa asked sitting up. Karma read over the texts and document. "So when will you get back?" He asked. "Shouldn't take me that long. This is a simple mission that I would do in my free time. I should get back sometime tomorrow." I said standing up. "Dang." Nagisa said snapping his fingers. Karma seemed disappointed. "Let me guess you wanted to come?" I asked with a smirk. They both nodded. I pat their heads. "I'd let you come so you could get some experience under your belts but you do have school and we all know how Nagisa's mom is." I said sadly. They nodded. 

I returned sometime tomorrow morning. I walked out into the school yard to see Karasuma explaining something. "I see I didn't arrive a second too late." I said alerting everyone to my presence. Karma smirked and Nagisa smiled. "Welcome back!" Nagisa cheered. "How'd it go?" Karma asked. I smirked. "Dude never even saw me coming and if you watched the news they got some great footage of me." I said proudly. They both got up and high-fived me. "Okay hold on I'm confused." Karasuma said. 

I pulled up the video on YouTube and held it out for everyone to see. Everyone crowded around me to look. On the video I was standing on one of the chandlers of a casino with a smirk. I took out my knife and threw it at my victim as security showed up. They started shooting at me as I jumped down and retrieved my knife just like I had shown Karma and Nagisa on our first day of training. I smiled at the person holding the camera and turned into a shadow. I took human form on the chandler and ran across them to the giant window in the back. I turned back to the crowd of people because security had stopped shooting at me. I smiled, blew a kiss, and jumped out the window. "Who was that!?" The person holding the camera shouted. He ran over to the body and found the calling card I had dropped. It was purple with a black dragon on the back of the card. On the other side in black letters. "I am Shadow, The Black Assassin. I have claimed another victim in the name of justice." He read aloud. The video ended there. 

"Whoa, she looked incredible!" Kayano shouted. "Show off." Rio murmured. I smiled proudly. "This is what my missions tend to be like. I'm a Phantom Assassin. I do things with style." I said with a smirk. Karma high-fived me and Nagisa hugged me. "That is incredibly risky!" Karasuma scolded. "What's all the commotion about?" Professor B*tch asked walking up with a drink in her hands. I showed her the video. "...THAT'S YOU!?" She shouted. I nodded. "All in the days work of a Phantom Assassin." I stated proudly. She took the phone and watched the video again and again while mumbling stuff. "That grace, the look in the eyes even under the mask, all while under enemy fire!" She said in shock. She turned to me, "What level charm are you!?" She asked. I smirked. "Level 5 across the board. I said I was a professional after all." I reminded. She stared at me in shock then shook her head. "We are talking about this later!" She hissed then proceeded to try and give Karasuma the drink she was holding. I was confused so I asked Karma. He and Nagisa brought me up to speed. That's when I noticed the second assassin in the trees observing. I bugged him for a bit. He had a very heavy ascent. "So you are Shadow hmm?" He questioned. "Yeah what about it?" I asked. "I saw what you did last night on the news. You have a talent for your craft." He said. "Why thank you. I am a Phantom after all." I said. I returned to the rest of the group for the day. But when the end of the day came Professor B*tch came out victorious.  

Me and Karma trained but Nagisa couldn't come this time. We drilled with our knives and spared a little bit with them. Thing is I don't have to hold back nearly as much with Karma as I do with Nagisa. In fact I gave him a real gun and told him to aim for a tree that I had painted a target on, go nuts. I made sure he had a strong stance, which he did. And his aim was impeccable. Nagisa was right in saying blood and weapons were his passion. I nodded in approval and we worked on a few more things. We had decided to take a break before beginning magic training. "I think today's training will be a little more progressive." I said sipping on some water. "Why do you say that?" Karma asked with a smirk. "Because fire magic and shadow magic are surprisingly similar despite being polar opposites." I said. Now he looks confused. I grabbed his hand and opened it with the palm facing up. A small flame took form in his hand. "If you set the forest on fire you would be able to control it like I can control shadows." I explained. I turned into a shadow. "You can turn into fire just like I can turn into a shadow." I said. I returned to human form. "And something I found out recently I can make stuff out of shadows, but it does take a lot of energy." I explained making a small dagger out of shadows. The black blade sat in the palm of my hand shimmering in the fading sunlight. "You can do the same with fire." I explained. "How do you know this?" He asked looking at me with suspicion. I chuckled and let go of his hand. "I knew someone with fire abilities once." I said. "They could do all this stuff and so much more. She was another one of the experiments in the lab." I said. He nodded. We practiced with magic for a while even spared a little more. After training we hung out for a little while. His ruby red scales seemed to shine in the fading light of the evening. His golden slitted eyes seemed to follow my movements carefully. He was a dragon ready to strike. We trained until nightfall, we went into town to get something to eat as well. 

"Hey (Y/N) how do you keep that phone charged?" He asked. "My secret." I said not in the mood to explain. I yawned and bid him good night before heading back up the mountain. I updated my book and went to sleep. 

Later on the next day me, Karma, and Nagisa asked Koro-sensei if we could come to the movies with him. When we were about to take off I was more than nervous. "I'm starting to regret this decision." Nagisa said. Karma smiled but there was fear in his eyes. "Nagisa if this kills me I'm going to haunt the f*ck out of you." I growled completely monotone. Karma nodded. Koro-sensei reassured us but that didn't help when we took off. Once we were above the ocean Ritsu brought up the fact to Karma that this would be a good time to take a shot at Koro-sensei. "True, but the thing is I don't want to die." He said eyes wide in a sassy tone. 

After we got back from them movie we talked about it. Koro-sensei was crying his eyes(?) out over the plot twist. "I just liked the explosions." I said being completely honest. Karma was just a fan of the director and Nagisa was a fan of the series himself. We parted ways after that but I felt like I was being watched. I made sure to check the area before updating my book and heading to bed.                         

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