Chapter 8: Itona

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We were getting another transfer student today. Like that one guy said 10 to 1 it's another assassin. Ritsu's story gave us a good estimate of his skill level. Needless to say I was kind of on edge and ready to kick a*s if need be. That's when a guy all dressed in white showed up. He made a dove appear. "..." I said nothing and looked at Koro-sensei in liquid form hiding in the corner. The guy in white introduced himself as 'Shiro.' "..." I threw a knife at him when he tried to come in the room. "I don't like you." I said completely monotone. This caused Karma to bust out laughing and Nagisa to struggle to not laugh. "Guys not helping my threat level here." I said also monotone. "I'm sorry. But I can not take you seriously when you say something so funny, like that." Karma said in between laughs. I sighed and shook my head. "Interesting, and who are you?" Shiro asked looking at me. "You can call me Shadow." I growled. Karma and Nagisa both got serious and glared at him. "You know Shadow has really good instincts." Karma started looking from me to Shiro. "Yeah if she doesn't like you just from an entrance than there's probably something up with you." Nagisa added a little of his bloodlust seeping out. "Nagisa! Bloodlust!" Me and Karma barked at him. He calmed down, "Sorry, sorry, lost my cool for a minute." He apologized. I sensed something hot close to me. "Karma that means you too." I growled. He calmed down. I got up and retrieved the knife by Shiro. "Be glad I wasn't aiming to kill." I growled earning an evil grin from Karma and Nagisa. "D*mn straight." Karma said giving me a high-five as I walked by him."Well said." Nagisa said. "Make no mistake, I'm not your new classmate. I am simply his guardian." Shiro said. The rest of the class just brushed my behavior off as normal but me and the boys were ready to go. "Well then let's hope I like them more than you." I growled. Karma snickered and everyone else ignored me. That'a when the new kid burst through the wall and sat at the desk next to Karma. "..." Yeah you know how I threw a knife at Shiro? 

I used a shadow and batted the new kid back out. "USE A DOOR OR A WINDOW NOT THE WALL!" I shouted. Everyone just looked at me like I was insane. I looked around at everyone's stares. "Sorry, I'm in a bad mood." I said completely monotone again. Karma was laughing so hard he started pounding his fist against his desk. "Yeah, 'bad mood.' That's definitely how I would describe it!" He said in between laughs. The new kid came back in and scanned the room. His gaze rested on me before he launched himself at me. I turned into a shadow and watched as he tried to attack me but failed miserably. I yawned as he kept at it. "You done yet?" I questioned. "How is this-." "Possible? Happening? Something along those lines? Listen honey. I'm The Black Assassin, the impossible is just a challenge for me. And right now, I'm p*ssed. So back off before you get hurt or you tire yourself out. Either one is perfectly fine with me." I growled in my distorted voice cutting him off. He growled and returned to his seat still glaring at me. "Good choice." I growled taking human form again. Karma was still laughing his a*s off. "Oh my God she is so p*ssed right now!" He said. "No duh, that's what I just said." I retorted.  

After that the new kid was introduced as Itona. I looked at his hair. Nah I'm calling him Silver. "Hey new kid. I've got a question for ya." Karma said getting his attention. "It's raining buckets out there and you don't have an umbrella. Not only that but there's not a drop on you despite being tossed out there by Shadow. Care to explain that?" He continued. I nodded. He brought up a good point. Silver got up and once again looked around the room. He knelt down and pet Karma's head. "..." One word. Nope. I used a shadow and slung him outside through the hole in the wall. "PLEASE REFRAIN FROM TOUCHING MY FRIEND!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me and Karma smirked. "Oops, power surge. It happens." I said shrugging. Karma still smirked and Nagisa was on the ground laughing. 

Once he returned he just growled at me. He looked at Karma then to me. "You two are the strongest in this class correct?" He questioned. Me and Karma exchanged a look. "Yeah." "Pretty much." We answered. I made a few hand signals under my desk to tell Nagisa to keep quiet about his bloodlust. "Well you have nothing to worry about. I'm still stronger than both of you." He said. "..." "You don't get to say that unless you can actually hit her." Karma said. Karma must have noticed me twirling my knife under my desk. "Shadow." He said. "Hmm? What?" I asked looking at him. "Knife." He said pointing down. "Oh, ohhhhohoho. You mean this." I said holding up the (F/C) blade. "I...wasn't going to do anything." I lied avoiding eye contact. Karma raised an eyebrow. "OKAY, FINE, I WAS GOING TO STAB HIM SO WHAT!? I FEEL STABBY!" I shouted. This time the entire class was shouting at me to be nice. "I FEEL STABBY! WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE, CUT ME SOME SLACK!" I yelled silencing them all at once. I rubbed my temples and sighed. "I need a minute. I'll be right back. Karma you're in charge of teasing and witty remarks, and Nagisa start taking notes on both the octopus and Silver over here." I said. I got up and walked out of the room. I saw Karasuma looking at me by the window. "...I don't like either of them and if they become a problem I want them out of my classroom." I said as I walked past him letting my own bloodlust seep out. It must have reached the class. "SHADOW, BLOODLUST!" Karma and Nagisa yelled. "SORRY!" I called back. I found myself in the teachers lounge. I hacked Karasuma's computer and started looking up some stuff on the new kid. Professor B*tch walked in. "AH!" She yelped jumping back. "Good to see you too." I said sarcastically. She calmed down after realizing it was me. "Oh, Shadow. Why are you not in class...Also why are you hacking Karasuma's computer?" She asked. "Two words. New kid." I growled never taking my eyes off of the computer. I gasped after finding a certain something. I closed the lid on the computer and rushed out of the teacher's lounge. After making my way back to class Itona had already challenged Koro-sensei. "Dang I missed it." I said as he left the room. "SIR WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT AND WHY DID HE CALL YOU HIS BROTHER!?" The class shouted. I stood in the doorway finding it amusing how Koro-sensei was dodging questions. 

Karma and Nagisa walked over to me. "You're right, that guy rubs me the wrong way." Nagisa said. Karma just smirked with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Eh, I'm more or less bored." Karma said. We continued to talk until it was time for science. Itona had a bunch of candy and junk food on his desk in the back. I used a few shadows to take anything chocolaty from the pile. He must have noticed the few missing candy bars. "Where's some of my candy?" He asked completely monotone. I shoved the last bit of the candy in my bag. He gave up and just pulled out the same pervy magazine that the octo-pervert had. I was annoyed at this, even more so when Okajima pulled out the same magazine. I used a shadow and slapped all of them across the face. Karma pet my head for no apparent reason. I let him since it felt nice. "Is that just a thing with you three?" Kayano asked since I started petting Nagisa. "Yeah." "Pretty much." "It's not like I'm going to stop them." The rest of the class was brainstorming ideas on how Itona and Koro-sensei were brothers. I of course came up with the logical solution of genetic modification but no one else came up with that. 

At the end of the day we set up an area for Itona and Koro-sensei. Once they started battling it was quickly revealed that Itona had tentacles. But that's when Shiro started listing off some of Koro-sensei's weaknesses. And then cheated by using a ray that froze Koro-sensei. I snapped after that. Karma noticed that I had clenched a fist and hugged me from behind. "Calm down (Y/N)." He mumbled pulling me away from the ring. I clenched my teeth and started opening and closing my hand. I couldn't stop myself from wanting to murder that little brat. He sat down in a shadowy corner and brought me down with him. "Calm down." He repeated. I growled low under my breath. "(Y/N) you are literally growling." He said chuckling. I didn't laugh nor snicker. "Huh? Stuff like that tends to make you laugh." He said. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Don't be, you've been p*ssed all day and this." He said gesturing to the battle. "Isn't helping. Hell it's making Nagisa p*ssed!" I said pointing to very angry looking blueberry. I snickered, "Dang Nagisa does not look threatening at all." I said sarcastically. Karma snickered. He grabbed my hand. "Feeling better now?" He asked. I nodded slightly, "A little. I'd feel better if I could at least get one punch in on Silver." I said in a hopeful tone. "No way." Karma stated firmly. I snapped my fingers. "D*mn." I cursed. He just laughed under his breath. "Geez I become a monster when I'm mad. Thanks for stopping me before I blew my cover." I said. "What happens when you become really p*ssed off?" He asked. I chuckled. "Let's see. Bloodlust, slitted eyes, swirling shadows, crazy looking but also bada*s looking, and I basically become the living embodiment of hell." I said. "I thought I was the living embodiment of hell?" Karma questioned. I chuckled, "Alright fine, I guess that would mean I become the living embodiment of insanity." I said. "Hmm, sounds fun." Karma said sarcastically. I laughed.

I'm really glad Karma's around to make sure I don't blow my cover. We continued to joke and laugh until the battle was over. Koro-sensei threw Itona outside. "Whoa! Looking cool Koro-sensei!" I shouted. "In your face! I win! Nana, nana, boo, boo! Etc. Etc." He said his face yellow with green stripes. Me and Karma laughed at how cocky the octopus was. "Well someone seems confident!" Karma said. After that short bit of teasing (much to my disappointment) he started lecturing Itona. Yeah Itona looked p*ssed. He charged at Koro-sensei but before he layed a finger on him I wrapped a shadow around him forcing him to sit on the classroom floor. He struggled but my shadow held strong. "Get him to calm down." I said to Koro-sensei and Shiro. I felt a sudden headache. It released my control over the shadow and I fell. Karma caught me thankfully. "Thanks Karma." I said almost completely out of breath. "You've been using way to much of your energy today." He said. "Nagisa, come to the usual place after this is settled." He said. He let me lean on him as we left the building through a window. I taught him well. Once we got to camp my energy had returned, thankfully. You do not want to know how Karma gets when he's concerned. When Nagisa came back he explained what all had happened. 

I chuckled from the rock I was sitting on. "So you got reminded of the time limit til the world's destroyed huh?" I questioned. "That reminds me. (Y/N) why haven't you tried to actually kill Koro-sensei?" Nagisa asked. I thought for a moment. "I...don't know honestly. It's strange I remember first coming here and instantly denying that I wanted to kill him. But make no mistake, I can kill him. But the responsibility falls on you two and the rest of the class. I'll only kill him if it's the last day and no one has any ideas. In other words I'm the fail safe." I said with determination. They both breathed sighs of relief. "Thank God that if we fail the worlds not going to end." Karma said. "Don't tell the others. They won't work as hard if they know that there's no threat." I said. They both nodded. We started training at once. They seemed to be working harder. Karma's guts, knowledge, and proficiency increased. Nagisa's charm, guts, and kindness also went up. I updated my book and went to bed.                                                                                                       Stats: Team Phantom

Karma: Charm, level 4. Kindness, level 3. Proficiency, level 4. Guts, level 5. Knowledge, level 5.

Nagisa: Kindness, level 5. Proficiency, level 5. Charm, level 4. Guts, level 3. Knowledge, level 3.

(Y/N)/Shadow: Charm, level 5. Kindness, level 5. Guts, level 5. Proficiency, level 5. Knowledge, level 5. MAX.           

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