Chapter 10: Bada*s Blueberry

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~Don't play the song until I tell you~

Today in gym we were sparing. Karma was sparing with Karasuma. Nagisa was next and I was supervising. Karma wiped out a second anti knife and ran in the zig-zag pattern that I taught him to use. Needlessly it worked like a charm. Karasuma got confused on where he was going to strike. Karma jumped over him and held one of the anti knives to his back. All while smirked just like I taught him. "Excellent work Karma." Karasuma praised. The Devil just smirked. "Shadow has good pointers, the zig-zag thing really works." He said. "Whoa! Looking cool Karma!" I cheered. "Thanks." He said walking over to us. "Nagisa you're up." I said. He nodded and took out the anti knife. He walked over and him and Karasuma started at once. "I'm so glad that my scales only go to my right shoulder." Karma sighed in relief. "Yeah, you and Nagisa's scales are easy to hide. Meanwhile yours truly has them growing on both her arms." I spat. "Your scales have been growing on the other side?" Karma asked with concern. "Already same length as the other arm." I said. "That'll be a problem." Karma said. "No duh." I spat. "And they're growing on my neck too! I need to use double the bandages and concealer." I spat. We were talking quietly but I don't think anyone was paying much attention. That's when I sensed it. Cold, venomous, deadly. I looked to see Nagisa get blocked by Karasuma. Fear was visible in his eyes. "Nagisa!" Me and Karma yelled rushing over to the Blueberry. He rubbed his head. "I'm fine guys just got a little to in to it." He said. We both knew he could've dodged that easily as well as get a strike in. He was good at keeping his cover. "Are you okay, that block was a little over the top." Karasuma said helping Nagisa up. "I'm fine, trust me not the first time it's happened." He said shooting a glare at me and Karma. Karma looked away while whistling and I was looking at my nails. "Really guys?" He asked in a disappointed tone. "Anyway I'm fine." He said looking up at Karasuma. I always noticed how Karasuma looked Nagisa in the eyes. Only me and Karma tend to do that according to Nagisa. More reason for me to kill his mom. 

After that me and Karma decided to spar. No knives or magic. One on one, fist to fist. I still beat him, but we drew a crowd. I know sat on Karma's back with my legs crossed. "Anyone else?" I questioned. Everyone shook their heads. "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" Karma whined from under me. "You get too cocky." I said turning it into a lecture. "Alright, alright I get it geez." He said struggling to get me off. "Isn't Karma stronger then her physical whys? And isn't Shadow pretty light? How is she holding him down?" Isogi questioned. "You'd be surprised, Shadow is a lot stronger then she looks. Yes she's pretty light but if she wants you to stay down you're staying down." Nagisa explained. I got off Karma deciding to not torture the poor boy any longer. "I'M FREE!" Karma shouted jumping up. "Keep that up and you won't be for very long." I growled. He just backed up with a smirk on his face. "Try me." He said. I rushed forward at lightning speed and gave him a good solid punch to the gut. He didn't fall but he did get flung back a little. "HOW ARE YOU STILL STANDING!?" The class shouted. He clutched his stomach in pain. "Geez you didn't have to punch me that hard." He said. "Pent up frustration." I said. "Sureeee." He said. "Don't make me come over there." I growled. 

I sensed something evil fast approaching. I signaled to Karma, 'Trouble, fast coming, get Nagisa and go to the treeline.' He signaled back, 'Got it, but you come too.' 'Fine.' I walked away from the area and picked up my bag. "Well there's something I need to go do. See ya later." I said turning into a shadow and leaving. I waited in the treeline watching the others. "That reminds me. Nagisa there's something cool I've got to show you." Karma said walking over to the Blueberry. "HOW ARE ABLE TO WALK WITHOUT STUMBLING!?" The class yelled. Since I just left Nagisa assumed something important was going down and nodded. Karma brought him to the treeline and made it look like they were leaving. I got them and brought them back to the spot where I was watching the class. Then a new guy showed up. Name, Takaoka. He's a new gym teacher. "Is that what you were so worried about?" Karma asked. "Use your senses, what do you feel from this guy? What is his aura like?" I asked turning this into a learning experience. Nagisa and Karma's eyes narrowed. "Evil, malice." Karma said. "Darkness and desire too." Nagisa added. "Good." I said nodding. "His aura is just massive swarming desire. It's disgusting." Nagisa spat. "I have to agree." Me and Karma said in unison. Takaoka brought out sweats for everyone. I used a few shadows to steal a slice of chocolate and strawberry cake as well as some blueberry pie. Chocolate for me, strawberry for Karma and the blueberry pie for Nagisa. I also grabbed three forks. "Your power is very useful." Nagisa said stuffing blueberry pie into his mouth. I wasn't much better, I was wolfing down the cake. "Whoa, some of the pie is gone!" Okajima said. "Same with the strawberry and chocolate cake!" Kayano said. "Did someone take a few extra sweats?" Takaoka asked. I could tell there was malice behind his words but the class didn't seem to notice. "I don't think anyone could eat it that fast." Isogi chimed in. "Well maybe Shadow for the chocolate but she's not here at the moment." He added. "I can see Karma eating strawberry anything in less than a minute." Sugino said. "Oh how right he is." Karma said already finished. "How!?" Me and Nagisa mumbled through our sweats. "Do you think Nagisa likes blueberry?" Kayano asked. "I mean it's possible, Karma and Shadow have to call him blueberry for a reason." Kanzaki said. "It's probably because of his hair and the fact he's an adorable little sweetheart." Okada said. Me and Karma laughed under our breaths but Nagisa was not amused. "Who are these people you're talking about?" Takaoka asked. "They're some of our classmates who left a little while before you got here." Sugino said. "Yeah, boy are they missing out!" Okajima cheered eating some cake. "Yeah, Shadow and Karma I can understand but I think they might be a bad influence on little Nagisa." Kayano said while sighing. "Yeah I'm not sure hanging out with a demon and the devil is a good idea for anyone." Rio said. "They're still adorable together, and Nagisa is like their son." She added mostly to herself. "You're way to in to that." Isogi said. "Can you tell me more about them?" Takaoka asked. "Which do you want to learn about first?" Kayano asked. "This Nagisa person." 

"Out of them all Nagisa is the youngest and the one we know a lot better." "Yeah Nagisa has been around since the beginning of the year." "He's also very intelligent. He keeps notes on Koro-sensei's weaknesses but he's probably the weakest out of the three." "Oh how wrong they are." I mumbled. "Yeah." Karma said nodding. "In the words of Shadow, 'He's a precious little Blueberry who needs to be protected'." "But over the last few days we've seen his more evil side. He's really good with blackmail and shockingly loves to tease people if he gets the chance." "Yeah, Karma's influence if you ask me." "Don't forget the pranking." "Okay now this Karma." Everyone shivered.

"Karma's sadistic and we know a surprising number of facts about him." "Yeah Karma is interesting to say the least." "He's strong, fast, and deviously clever. He's got murder in his blood." "Yeah being honest Karma is scary when he want's to be. He's also very violent." "Guys he's not that bad. Just the other day he was laughing like a normal person with Shadow." "True, but remember besides Shadow herself, he's the only one who's been able to tag Karasuma in sparing." "That's right he did do that today." "But he's got a sweet side if you get to know him. He's not invincible. He actually loves anything strawberry flavored and loves to just tease and joke around with Shadow and Nagisa. We've gotten to see Karma's sweet side over the last few days just like we've seen Nagisa's more evil side." "Okay, you keep mentioning this Shadow person." Everyone exchanged a glace.

"Shadow, if we're being honest, we don't know much about. She's very tight lipped about her past and we only know a little about her skills and those rare times when she let's something slip." "Shadow is a professional assassin, she came here of her own free will, hell knows why." "She joined the class on Koro-sensei's request and is by far the strongest out of everyone here. Hell even Karasuma has yet to challenge her." "She's silent, fast, and a lot stronger than she looks. In the words of Nagisa 'If she want's you to stay down, you're staying down.' Not only that but she has this bad habit of popping up out of nowhere when you least expect it." "Just a side note, but these three always stand and walk in formation. Karma on her right, Nagisa on her left." "She teaches us stuff too. She tests our reflexes almost daily. She challenges us. She's like a walking fortress with no cracks or dents. And you should see her in action. During her sparing matches with Karma and on occasion Karasuma she's fast as lightning and stronger than thunder, it honestly shocked us that Karma was able to still stand from one of her punches earlier." "Yeah, Shadow is pretty much invincible. But she too has a nice side. She loves to play games and pranks. She also loves chocolate. And she spends so much time with Karma and Nagisa. Those two are lucky to be close to someone like her. It's like they've always got a protector watching them constantly. And she listens to their advice if they have it." "But even so we don't even know her real name but I wouldn't put it past that Karma and Nagisa knows. Her mind is a mystery, her past is foggy, and her true intentions never show. She's an assassin, and a good one at that." "Hey you're forgetting she may be stealthy but she loves to show off. Remember the video?" "Oh right, she's such a show off, and not a normal assassin. She lives in the spotlight but still stays a mystery."  

After that they showed Takaoka the video of my latest job. They had started stalking the internet to see if I do anymore jobs. "Wow, never knew I was that scary to them." I said sitting flat on the ground facing Nagisa and Karma instead of over the bush. "Do I really seem that helpless to them?" Nagisa asked. "Hey don't let that get you down, it only means that they haven't seen what you can do." Karma said. "Be glad they don't, one of the reasons I don't want them to find out is because I'm scared you two will be outcast if they learn the truth. I mean look at how the described me. A mystery, an untouchable fortress, a protector for those who don't need it. They see me as danger." I said sadly. "(Y/N) that's not what they said." Karma said. "But it's what they thought. I could see it written on their faces. No one can hide stuff from me." I said looking down. To help clear my mind we changed into our uniforms then returned. But when returned Karma had to hold me back from ripping Takaoka's head off. We watched until he gave Karasuma a knife. Told him to pick a star student to fight him. This time Karma didn't hold me back, he wanted in. We all walked out there in formation, it drew their attention. Karma on my right, Nagisa my left. Me leading the way. We were p*ssed and everyone could tell. 

"Karasuma. Let me pick a champion." I growled. Karasuma nodded and tossed me the knife. I caught it and twirled it in my hand. "I'm going to assume you're the one they call Shadow." Takaoka said. "The one in red must be Karma then, and the one and blue is Nagisa." He continued. "I guess the class was paying attention to how me and the boys always walk and stand whenever we're in a group. I am Shadow. The one in red is in fact Karma Akabane and the one in blue in indeed Nagisa Shiota." I said. "And guess what?" I asked. "We're p*ssed off at how you've been treating these kids." Karma said in a p*ssed off tone. "My students." I started. "Our classmates." Karma and Nagisa chimed in. "Our friends." We all said in unison. "We are a family here, but you sure as hell ain't a part of that family." Nagisa spat. "Well said." I agreed nodding. "D*mn straight." Karma growled.  

I turned to the two, I watched the both of them. Who to pick for this? It has to be one of these two since Takaoka would beat any of the others. "Nagisa." I said with confidence. "It's showtime." I said handing him the knife. Karma nodded seeming to be satisfied with my choice. Nagisa looked at the knife in his hand. "Shadow, you and Karma look me in the eye when you talk to me. That's something not even my own family will do." He said. I felt a pang of sadness for my little blueberry. "There is so much I still don't know about being a Phantom, and I'm not as strong or as smart as Karma. I can't imagine why would choose me." He said. "Nagisa, you are stronger than you think, you know more than you say, and you hide so much from others. You're a kind soul but you're not weak, and you most certainly aren't useless. You're strong and powerful. You are a viper who thinks he's a bunny. I can't think of anyone better suited for this. Get out there and prove to everyone why you've earned your place as one of my students." I said proudly. "If you think I'm the right choice for this." He started down the hill. "Then I will not doubt your choice." He said calmly. His cloak flew out behind him. His eyes glowed under his mask. And he had a bright smile on his face. His hood remained on his head, it's a secret between Phantoms. That way the hood won't come off even when fighting or jumping around. Even if you roll out of the way the hood will stay up. "Nagisa remember the last two Phantom Assassin rules we were taught!" Karma called after him. Nagisa nodded. 

~Play song now~

He stood opposite Takaoka. He threw the knife at Takaoka's feet. The larger man jumped back. "I won't be needing that." He said with confidence. "Ladies and Gents!" Nagisa called out. "When challenged to a duel never use a weapon your opponent had given you. Why is that?" He asked. "In this case the knife could be dulled." Karma called out. "Right!" Nagisa said unsheathing his Dragonsteel knife. "Always use your own weapon. This my friends is a Dragonsteel knife. The weapon of choice for any Phantom Assassin. This was a gift from my friend and teacher Shadow. I've trained with this knife since the beginning of midterms." Nagisa announced. "This knife represents my strength and power, which I have been sharpening for the longest time, since birth even. It may not seem like it but I am a fighter. And now without further adue, iiiiiiiiiiiit's showtime!" Nagisa said charging at Takaoka. Takaoka scrambled to pick up his knife and barely dodged Nagisa's attack. Nagisa continued the fast paced attacks not giving Takaoka time to recover. He jumped over Takaoka and tried to strike at him from behind. Takaoka blocked with his knife but Nagisa ducked under the knife and tried again. Nagisa jumped over Takaoka again and sheathed the knife. He started coming at Takaoka with punches. Takaoka had to stay on his toes to avoid getting hit. "Nagisa's got a good strategy here. Keep him on his toes and don't give him time to recover." I said. Nagisa continued his relentless attacks, all with a smile. His movements were strong but graceful. This kept the audience captivated. Nagisa threw a few kicks in for good measure. Takaoka barely had room to breath let alone attack. Nagisa jumped back away from Takaoka putting distance between them. The older man panted in his spot sweat visible where Nagisa hadn't even broken a sweat. "And now, for the finishing move. How many people here want him gone? Let me hear your voices." He said. Everyone started cheering. "Go Nagisa!" "You got this bro!" "Do it to it!" "Kick his a*s!" "That's our Python!" "WHOA! LOOKING COOL NAGISA!" Those last two came from me and Karma. "I have ice in my veins but fire in my heart!" Nagisa declared. "END IT!" Kayano shouted. "GO BLUEBERRY!" Rio. "YOU CAN DO THIS!" Okada. "All my life you people have stood by me when no one else stood behind me. This is my thank you." He said. He charged in a zig-zag pattern, so fast even my eyes could barely keep up. Then he ran past Takaoka, the larger man fell to the ground. Nagisa fixed his gloves while facing the crowd and me. "Ice to meet you." Nagisa said his catchphrase with an evil smirk. The class erupted into cheering. Nagisa took a bow just the way I do it. One hand behind the back and one over the heart. "Thank you for watching you have been a wonderful audience tonight." He said. Me and Karma rushed over and tackle hugged the smaller boy. Yeah we all fell to the ground. We just sat there laughing. "Nagisa that was so amazing, you did everything the way I taught you with your own spin on it. I'm so proud right now." I said on the verge of tears. "I was holding my breath through most of that fight. Way to go keeping me on the edge of my seat." Karma praised. "Thanks guys. I had fun actually." He said. "THAT'S THE POINT!" I shouted. We started laughing again. Karma pulled Nagisa into a hug. "Ugggg, I can't believe I was worried." He grumbled. "Did I hear that right?" I questioned with a smirk. "The great Karma Akabane was worried about me. There's something new. But seriously thanks you two." He said with a smile. I was crying at this point. "My little Blueberry is all grown up!" I said. "Are you crying?" They both asked. "No." I protested weakly. "Alright come here." Karma said pulling me a hug. "I'm so proud right now!" I said while sobbing. "Easy there." Karma said. "I've never been so proud! I now know what Koro-sensei feels everyday and it's a good feeling!" "Shadow we are in public." "I don't care my little Blueberry doesn't need me to protect him any more." "Shadow calm down." "I can't!" Karma sighed and pulled out a chocolate bar. "Oh, chocolate." I said snatching it form him. I munched on that while the others stared at us in confusion. "This happens a lot so I keep emergency chocolate on me all the time now." Karma said. "Yeah, she calls me her little Blueberry. I swear she's always so protective of me." Nagisa said. "Aww, you're like a little family and Shadow's the mom!" Rio said. "Daww, that's so cute." Kayano said. "Does that make me the dad?" Karma asked. This caused the two fangirls to go into shipping mode. "Karma, now look what you did." I scolded pointing to the two. "But it's funny." He whined. "For you, you're not the one they pester about it." I hissed. Nagisa yawned. "Oh right, you must be worn out. You wanna go hang out somewhere?" Karma questioned. "Yeah/Sure." Me and Nagisa said in unison. We all got up and started walking. "Hold on I have questions." Karasuma said. "I do as well and besides it's like the middle of the day." Koro-sensei pointed out. "S*it they're right." Karma cursed. I grabbed their wrists. "Hang on." I said turning them into shadows with me. I still had a hold on their wrists and we shadowed off to my cave. We got there quickly and reverted to normal. Both the boys were dizzy. "Ugggg, that feels weird." Nagisa said. "Warn me when you're going to do that." Karma whined using the wall for support. He covered his mouth with his hand and started coughing. "You two okay?" I asked. "Yep/I'll live." They responded. "We need to discuss what we tell them. We can't mention the half human half animal thing or the magic. Nor can we mention Nagisa's blue blood. That would cause trouble." I said. "So that leaves the time of when we started training and the fact that we've been training to be Phantom Assassins." Karma said. Nagisa nodded. "It'll explain some stuff and hopefully answer some questions they have." He said. "They don't need to know about my blood either, that's irreverent." I chimed in. "So basically anything supernatural we leave out." Karma said. "Welp I'm worn out." Nagisa said. 

We all went back to the school and explained the things we agreed on discussing. I also apologized about not asking permission to train Nagisa and Karma. The rest of the class still saw them as fellow students (except Terasaka because he's him.). I was so relived to hear that these two would still be seen as normal. I was worried that I was going to be outcast but no, in fact the others praised me for training two assassins who can kill Koro-sensei. I let Nagisa and Karma go home early. I updated my book and went to sleep. We didn't say anything about my name or past either.     

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