Chapter 11: Pool Time

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We were all hiking down the mountain is sweltering heat. Me, Karma and Nagisa hung at the back of the group. "Why is he making us do this?" I whined. "Maybe to swim, the main campus has a the opposite direction." Ritsu said from my phone. That's when we came across a pool that Koro-sensei made. I grabbed Karma and Nagisa's shoulders before they could jump in. "Guys, scales!" I hissed at them. "S*it." "Dang it." They both said. We just sat on the side of the pool. "Why aren't you guys joining in?" Kayano asked from her float. "I'm not that good at swimming." I lied. "Water ain't my thing." Karma lied. "I wanted to keep them company." Nagisa lied. She just shrugged and floated away. Okajima was taking pictures, I slapped him with a shadow. Then I heard a small. "Eek." From Koro-sensei. He had gotten splashed with water.


Me and Karma were over there in seconds and started rocking the lifeguard tower he was in. "Eek! Karma! Shadow! Stop it! Both of you! Nagisa! Help! Call off your friends!" Nagisa was busy writing in his notebook. He looked up. "I can't control anything they do. You're on your own sir." He said going back to his notes. Me and Karma were just laughing our butts off. He got off the tower and panted on the pool line. "Don't read to much into it I just didn't feel like taking a dip at the moment it's not like my tentacles get all swelled up if they get wet or anything." He said while whistling. Nagisa wrote that down. Once everyone had gotten out we went back to campus. Me, Karma, and Nagisa stood around when Terasaka kicked the bike that Koro-sensei made down. "Well someone's more violent today." Karma said to me and Nagisa. "He's got something planed." Nagisa said. "Or he's in a bad mood." I said. 

Then Terasaka made a little speech that I didn't pay intention to and bug bombed the place. After the smoke cleared he called Koro-sensei a monster. "If he's such a monster then why don't you just man up and kill him? That is what we're here to do after all." Karma said while smirking. "You want to start something? Good because I've wanted to bash your stupid head in since the beginning-." Karma grabbed his chin while covering his mouth. "I think you've got it backwards. You've got to bash my head in before running your mouth." Karma said holding a finger over his mouth still smirking. Terasaka slapped his hand away. "Let go of me. YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF FREAKS!" Terasaka yelled storming out. Karma turned to me smirk still plastered on his face. "Nice intimidation factor." I said high fiving him. "Thanks, I've been working on it." He said. Everyone else looked deep in thought. 

That night me, Karma, and Nagisa staked out the school. We knew Terasaka was planing something so we stuck around for a while. Nagisa had called his mom and told her he was sleeping over at a friends house. We didn't see him come by the school. We decided against cheeking the forest. I didn't get to update my book but we all got some extra training and slept on the roof of the building. Karma and Nagisa were becoming more and more like me. I sat up and looked at the swirling cosmos above. "What is it with you and staying awake late at night?" Karma asked sitting next to me. Nagisa was already fast asleep, not used to staying up. "I dunno, it only happens when others are around or somethings on my mind." I said. He kept talking to me until I was tired and went to bed. I feel like our bond is growing deeper.  

The next day during lunch we were eating lunch outside...on the roof. Yeah, we are Phantoms after all. Terasaka walked around the side of the building. We all left our stuff on the roof and jumped down in front of him. He jumped back. "Geez! Ya'll are so creepy!" He shouted. "Terasaka, if you have a plan let us in on it." Nagisa started but was cut off. "I'm not like the rest of you! The wolf's got eyes for prey the cow's got eyes for hay!" He shouted at us. "I wonder where you got that phrase." I said aloud. "You're not nearly smart enough to come up with that on your own so tell us." Karma said. He just stormed off like yesterday. "Let him go. Something tells me we'll find out soon." I said. 

We were walking around the forest when we heard a large bang from the pool. We exchanged worried looks and rushed over there. Once we broke the treeline we saw the pool dry and everyone gone. "This can't be good." Karma said. "I-I didn't do it." Terasaka stuttered beside us. He continued talking random gibberish. I was more worried about my classmates. After Karma taunted him and punched him we ran in the way the water was flowing. Karma, Nagisa, and I all watched as Itona and Koro-sensei fought. Koro-sensei was really slow. That's when Terasaka showed up. Told me and Karma to be puppeteers and use him as a puppet. Me and Karma came up with quite the plan, and it worked like a charm. Karma being the strategist and me executing the plan. This was also our strategy for checkers. Play it defensive until finding out the opponents strategy and weaknesses, zero in on them, then go all out. Me and Karma sat on a rock close to the water where the fight was going down. After everything was done and over with Terasaka tried to pull me and Karma into the water but we dodged his grip. "I hate you two." He growled at us. "Is that anyway to treat your puppet masters." Karma taunted. "THAT WAS A ONE TIME THING YOU LITTLE DEVIL!" Terasaka yelled. Me and Karma weren't going to let him live that down, ever. 

That day at training. "Alright, as you can tell I wasn't very active yesterday or today." I said. "Yeah you have been strangely quiet." Nagisa said. "Well these last few days I've seen them as trials for you two. And seeing how Karma got some experience with manipulation today, and with Nagisa's little episode yesterday it's time to take training up a notch once again." I said. I took out my knife and channeled my magic into it. Shadows swirled around it and once they cleared the knife was now a sword. "If you channel your magic into Dragonsteel it will turn into any weapon you choose." I said. Karma tried this instantly and his knife became a gun. "Should've seen that coming." I said. "What can I say, I like guns." He said shrugging. For a while I had them practice changing knives to guns, guns to swords, swords to grenades, and so on so forth. Then, since we didn't get to do it, went swimming. I also turned that into training. "Alright start trying to use your magic underwater, you never know what kind of situation you'll be put in." I said. Karma had a little trouble but got the hang of it. Nagisa on the other hand was doing great. We practiced holding our breath, using magic, and hand to hand combat all underwater.

After drying off Nagisa left to go home. Me and Karma chatted for a bit. "Today was really fun, but the training was tough." Karma said. "If you practice underwater you should get even faster." I explained. "Yeah but it did take a while for my flames to become strong enough to be used underwater." He said. "But your flames are stronger now." I pointed out. "True." He said. "So about the anime store." He said. "I thought we agreed I didn't see you and you didn't see me." I growled. 


I walked down the street in town when I spotted an anime store. Making sure no one I knew was around I walked inside. I found some Fairytail manga and was about to pick it up when another hand reached for it at the same time. I looked up and met the same golden eyes I was accustomed to. "(Y/N)! W-what are you doing here!" "I could ask you the same thing!" I picked up the manga and handed it to him. "I didn't see you, and you didn't see me. This never happened." I growled then left.        

~End Flashback~ 

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over sometime and watch some anime." He said. I nodded. "Let's not let the class know k?" I asked. "Agreed. I don't think we need to give Nagisa more blackmail he can use on us." He said shivering. "Hahaha, NO. Blueberry doesn't need more blackmail. This is why I didn't want you to corrupt him." I hissed. "It's still funny." He said. "He caught us singing Drag me Down. And got it on video. It's not funny." I said. "Fair enough, let's just be glad he didn't show it to Rio, we'd never hear the end of it." He said. I chuckled. "Or Kayano, I'd be getting spammed so much." I said. He laughed with me. "True." 

As if on que my phone rung. I picked it up. "Yellow?" "Can you explain this video?" Kayano asked. I hung up. "Who was it?" Karma questioned. "Kayano, she saw the video." I said in a panicky tone. "S*it." Karma cursed. My phone buzzed, a text from Kayano. 

Mint: Why did you hang up huh?                                                                                                                                    Shadow: No reason, just terrible connection you know?                                                                                      Mint: Oh really? Then please explain this video.

The video showed me and Karma sitting next to eachother in a clearing when I started humming. (Play song above)

Me: I've got a fire for a heart. I'm not scared of the dark. You never seen it look so easy.          Karma: I've got a river for a soul. And baby you're a boat. Baby you're my only reason.          Me: If I didn't have you there'd be nothing left. The shell of a girl who could never be her best.                                                                                                                                                                                         Karma: Ohh, if I didn't have you I'd never see the sun. You taught me how to be someone, yeah.                                                                                                                                                                                 Me: All my life, you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me.                                          Karma: All these lights, they can't blind me. With your love nobody can drag me down.        Me: All my life you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me.                                            Both: All these lights, they can't blind me. With you love nobody can drag me down. Nobody, nobody. Nobody can drag me down. Nobody, nobody. Nobody can drag me down.  Karma: I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark, you've never seen it look so easy.                                                                                                                                                                                        Me: I've got a river for a soul, and baby you're a boat. Baby you're my only reason.                    Karma: If I didn't have you there'd be nothing left. The shell of a man who could never be his best.                                                                                                                                                                                  Both: Ohh, if I didn't have you I'd never see the sun. You taught me how to be someone yeah. All my life, you stood by me, when no one else was ever behind me. All these lights, they can't blind me, with your love nobody can drag me down. Nobody, nobody. Nobody can drag me down. Nobody, nobody. Nobody can drag me down.                                                           Me: All my life, you stood by me. When no one else was ever behind me.                                           Karma: All these lights, they can't blind me, with your love nobody can drag me down.          Me: All my life you stood by me when no one else was ever behind me. All these lights, they can't blind me,                                                                                                                                                                   Both: With your love nobody can drag me down.                                                                                             Me: Nobody, nobody.                                                                                                                                            Both: Nobody can drag me down.                                                                                                                             Me: Nobody, nobody.                                                                                                                                                     Both: Nobody can drag me down.  

The Karma and me in the video started laughing. "You never mention you could sing. Or hold a note that long." Video me said. Video Karma kissed my check, "You never asked." He responded.

Shadow: umm, this video is fake.                                                                                                                                    Mint: Sure it is. How long? And how long until you were going to tell me?                                                Shadow: The video is fake!                                                                                                                                              Mint: Quit lying and tell me!                                                                                                                                            Shadow: That video doesn't mean anything! Nothing is going on!                                                                Mint: Look I'm not going to tell anyone. Just tell me what happened. 

I put my phone away. "We're screwed." I said. "Your fault for not noticing Nagisa sooner." He responded. "I was kind of distracted ya know!" I said. "You're the one who decided to date a devil." He said shrugging. "You're the one who asked out an assassin." I countered. "That's fair." He said. I put my phone on silent, not in the mood for Kayano's spam. "So, what are we going to tell them?" I asked. He hugged my from behind like normal. "The truth?" He tried. "Are you crazy?" I questioned. "Not as crazy as you." He said. "Fair enough. Truth it is then." I said. "Ugggg, I'm never going to hear the end of this." I said. He just chuckled. "Hey on the bright side, Nagisa won't have any more blackmail." He said. "Good point, and thank God." I responded causing us both to laugh.  

The next day when me and Karma entered class. Kayano ran up. "Explain!" She hissed. "We're about to. Just go sit down." I said. She nodded but glared at me as she went. "What was that about?" "I dunno, but I think somethings about to happen." Me and Karma walked up and behind the teachers desk. I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. Once everyone was looking at us the three teachers walked in. "Did you have to invite Professor B*tch and the Octopervert?" I asked. Karma shrugged. "We need to tell everyone so his blackmail is ineffective." He said. "Fair enough. Attention everyone, me and Karma have an announcement." I said. I took a deep breath. "Me and Karma have been dating for almost five weeks now." I said raising the hand he was holding.        


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