Chapter 12: Weekend Bonding

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When I woke up I quickly realized it was the weekend. Good thing too, I had been a little stressed lately. Stressed about what you ask? Well Karma and Nagisa have been getting stronger and stronger, and I'm proud of that don't get me wrong! But I'm worried about how strong they will become. I got up and did my morning routine. My phone buzzed as I was going for a morning jog. I clicked the answer call button. "Annnnnd the weekend is here! You two got plans?" Karma asked. "Nope, I'm free all weekend." Nagisa said. "I was going to do some extra training, maybe go see a movie, do some shopping, maybe getting around to finding a house and moving out of the woods I dunno." I said shrugging. "Seriously? You haven't moved in with Karma yet? The dude's house is a mansion!" Nagisa said. "I am fully aware Karma's house is a mansion. But it's nice out here, plenty of clean air and space. I'd prefer to stay out of the city and towns for as long as possible." I said. "What do you mean by training?" Karma asked. "I was going to test the full extent of my creation power and maybe a few of the others. There's still so much I don't know about my powers. How long can I stay in shadow mode now? What all can I create? How many shadows can I control and how long can I control them? Knowing my limits is essential on the field. I need to know what I can do in a situation to avoid getting caught." I explained. "You have a good point." Karma said. "I have to agree. Maybe we can come out and train too. I'd like to know what I can do with my ice since I don't get to use it often." Nagisa chimed in. "Sure! I'm on my morning jog right now but I should get back to base in a while, meet me there k?" I said. "Right see ya'll there." Karma said. "Bye." Nagisa said. I ended the call. 

I worked my way back around to base and found the boys waiting for me. "You two got here fast." I said standing in front of them. "Well I got excited and ran." Nagisa said. "Yeah me too." Karma said. "Alright!" I said clapping my hands together. "First we need to pick a good spot to train with magic. We have no idea how powerful it will get so we need a good place. I would say here but Koro-sensei is always around campus and Karasuma is doing paper work there today." I said. "How have they not found this clearing again?" Nagisa asked. "Yeah, you'd think with mach twenty Koro-sensei would've caught us by now." Karma said. "I mean come on. It's been how long? Months? Since we've started training? How has he not caught on?" Karma asked while shrugging. "It's because I've known for a while now." Came the reply. We looked up to see Koro-sensei landing. "I've known about you guys and your secret training for a while now. I've also known about you two becoming hybrids and using magic." He said. I glared at Karma. "Way to go Karma! Ya jinxed us!" I said. "Ohoho, on the contrary. I've been watching you all train for a while now. The sparing, the weapons, the magic. All of it. I must say it's been a true joy watching Miss, (Y/N) (L/N) teaching her own students." He said patting my head with a tentacle. "By the way, (Y/N). Can you explain why the name (L/N) is so familiar? Perhaps because you're the heir to the (L/N) toy company?" He questioned. I looked away in shame. "Yeah, that's right." I said weakly. "I am an heir to the (L/N) family fortune. But my whole family died and I couldn't protect them. But it's not like a cared for my dad much." I growled. "It's my siblings and my mom that I miss." I said more sadly. "I knew it." Karma said. We all looked at him. "When I first heard your last name I knew it sounded familiar so I did my research. The (L/N) family was a multi-million toy company with three heirs. (Y/N) the eldest daughter. Storm the only son. And finally Ember, the youngest out of the three siblings. The (L/N) family was bright and friendly. But then the eldest heir went missing. Shortly after their mansion was burned down and the rest of the family killed." Karma explained. I almost broke into tears hearing my siblings names again. "The eldest daughter was found a few days later and taken in by a group of assassins. That part I had to do a little hacking to get to, with Ritsu's help of course. I never told her what it was for just that I was interested in finding out about what happened to my mom's friend." Karma explained. He looked at me. "You did end up getting your family's fortune but haven't had to use any of those resources for a while now." He said. 

His words echoed around the clearing for a while. "Wait. THAT MEANS BOTH OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE RICH! HOLY CRAP!" Nagisa shouted. Me and Karma laughed at his reaction. "Well I've already made my own fortune just from being an assassin. This s*it pays well." I said laughing at Nagisa's face. "Anyway, I'm glad you both know about this now. It's not exactly something I can just bring up in a normal conversation. "Oh hey, by the way, Karma's not the only person with millions of yen in his bank account. I'm the heir to a famous toy company surprise." I said sarcastically making jazz hands. Karma laughed at this and Nagisa just stared at me. "AND YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE IN THE FOREST!" Nagisa shouted. "Yep, with my power I don't see myself as rich, I don't rely on my family's money, I make it myself." I said. "No offense Karma." "None taken. I actually agree. Why do you think I never bring it up and get into fights all the time?" He questioned. "True." Nagisa said. "Well I'm glad to see you're taking this well. I just came to let you know you can train with your magic right here. I'll make sure Karasuma doesn't notice anything." Koro-sensei said. "Fine teach. Have a nice weekend." Karma said. "Nufufufufu~ I will. Oh and please don't burn the forest down or freeze it over. I find enough scorch marks and ice all ready." He said taking off. "No promises!" Karma shouted after him. "Alrighty then." I said. "Who wants to try first?" I asked. They both looked at eachother then at me. "Fine." I said. "What to test the limits of first." I wondered. "I want to know the full extent of your creation ability." Karma said. I pointed at him. "Me too, let's try that." I said.

Karma and Nagisa both backed away from me as I closed my eyes and concentrated. 

~Karma's POV~   

(Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I was incredibly curious to see how this would go. Shadows started to swirl around her hands and sweat formed on her forehead. "Focus." She mumbled to herself. She moved her hands and something huge and black started to form in front of her. Well not directly in front of her, you get what I mean. After a while I didn't pay attention to what was forming. I was watching (Y/N). She looked tired but kept going. She was really pushing her limits. After a few more minutes her magic cut out and she opened her eyes. I ran over to her as her eyes closed and she started to fall. I caught her. "(Y/N)!" I yelled. No reply. I checked her pulse. She was still alive. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Is she alright?" Nagisa asked. "She's fine, just passed out." I said. "What the heck did she create-." I was cut off by looking at a house. A FLIPPING HOUSE! "WHAT THE HELL!" Me and Nagisa yelled in unison. A two story building. Possibly with a basement. It was a mix of (F/C) and black. (Y/N) stirred in my arms. "Ugggg, what happened? I feel drained." She mumbled. "Just how powerful are you!?" Nagisa asked in shock. "What?" She questioned. She looked over to where me and Nagisa were stareing. "HOLY F*CK HOW DID THAT GET THERE!?" She shouted. "You, and your magic." I replied almost breathless. "WHAT! I CREATED THAT THING!?" She shouted. Me and Nagisa nodded. I helped her stand. "You sure this is a good idea?" I asked. "I'm fine Karma, just a little dizzy." I said. 

Nagisa went in and explored while I forced (Y/N) to sit down and rest. After a few minutes Nagisa returned. "The house is pretty big. Two stories and a basement. Three bedrooms. Two bathrooms. The entire house is solar powered. The water works and is connected to the river I personally checked. There's a small office with two large bookshelves built into the wall. And the basement I mentioned is actually a Dragonsteel walled training room filled to the brim with training dummies and weapons." Nagisa said almost out of breath. "Anything else?" I questioned. "A kitchen, back door leads out to a hang out spot, there's only three entrances if you don't count the windows, and the house itself is fully furnished." Nagisa said. "Holy s*it." (Y/N) said next to me. She looked at her hands in shock. "Let's not try anything with our powers." She said. We both nodded in agreement. "Hang on, you mention three bedrooms. Did you look into those more?" I asked. He nodded. "Two on the top floor, one on the bottom floor. The one on the bottom floor was white and blue with a dresser, closet, twin sized bed, a desk, a TV, and a bookshelf. It gave off an icy vibe, I personally liked it. The room was small but cozy. It didn't have any windows by the way. Nothing else was in it but a small blue snake plushy with blueish green eyes on the bed." He explained. I nodded as did (Y/N). "The other two rooms on the top floor were way bigger and gave a more open feel. They were also right next to eachother. One of them was a bright ruby red and gold room. It had the same stuff as the smaller room only the bed was king sized. There was also a fireplace right under the TV. The TV itself was embedded into the wall. On the bed there was a red and gold dragon plushy that gave off a vibe of mischief. The room itself gave off a fiery vibe that really made me want to go out and pull a prank. Don't ask. The other room was just like this one only it had a small sliding door that led out to a terrace, this is the third entrance to the house. It was a mix of black and dark (F/C) coloring and under the TV instead of a fireplace there was a small shelf. The bed is queen sized in case you were wondering. On the bed there was a little black and (F/C) dragon plushy that gave off an air of mystery and daring. The room itself gave off the same kind of vibe." Nagisa continued. 

"Well it's safe to say the room with black in it is mine. But what about the other two?" (Y/N) asked. Nagisa shrugged. I facepalmed. "Obviously the other two rooms are for me and Nagisa. Hellllloooo, am I the only one using my brain here?" I asked. "He's got a point." (Y/N) said. "Blue and white, icy vibe, a freaking snake plush? Nagisa hands down. A room that makes you want to go pull a prank? Karma beyond a shadow of a doubt." She said. We both nodded to her statement. "Well, in that case I think we need to explore ourselves." I said getting up and offering (Y/N) a hand. She took it and brung herself back up. "Agreed." She said. 

After we explored the place (Y/N) still couldn't figure out why me and Nagisa had rooms for ourselves. I suggested we go shopping to get some food for her house and get some stuff for the rooms. We had a lot of fun that day and afterward we trained a little bit. Hell you know those two built in bookshelves that Nagisa mentioned? Well behind one of them was a secret door that led to a council room. There was even a flag! We got a few books to help with the bookshelves in the office and in our rooms. Mine was mostly manga but we made sure Nagisa didn't know that. He mostly got adventure stories and fantasy novels. He also got a few mystery and horror books. I didn't know Nagisa was into that stuff. (Y/N) got plenty of books. Some manga, some fantasy, horror, mystery, and a few different books she could use to study for finals since those were coming up. On our way back she was glued to this one story. I think it was called (F/B)? I dunno she didn't let me read over her shoulder. I didn't know she was such a book worm. 

After that Nagisa called his mom to tell her that he was staying over at a friends house for dinner. We all grew a little closer today. Oh something funny. When me and (Y/N) work together to make a meal it tastes amazing! And don't get me started on when (Y/N) made cookies. We kinda had to force Nagisa to go home. "I DON'T WANNA!" Nagisa shouted "NAGISA YOU CAN'T LIVE HERE! I WOULD GET ARRESTED FOR KIDNAPPING!" (Y/N) shouted trying to pry Nagisa off of her leg. "But I don't wanna!" Nagisa protested. "Karma help me!" (Y/N) yelled at me but I was to busy taking a video. "I KNOW YOU ARE NOT VIDEOING THIS!" She shouted. I snickered at her and Nagisa's cuteness. I know I was probably going to get hit with a book later but it was worth it to get some cute footage/blackmail of the both of them. Rio was right about one thing. We were like a little family. (Y/N) turned Nagisa into a shadow and decided to take him home. I sat down in the small living room and sent the video to Rio and Kayano who I currently had in a group chat. 

Karma: Hanging out at Shadow's new home. Nagisa didn't want to leave.                                              Shipping Goddess: Awww, you're like a little family.                                                                                              Mint: You say that a lot. Also when did Shadow get a house?                                                                            Karma: She just got it today. We all went shopping to get stuff for it then had dinner.                          Shipping Goddess: I thought assassin's didn't have permanent homes?                                                    Karma: This place is so remote I think she has a good chance of not getting caught.                              Mint: You have a point. Besides she needs a hideout right? So are you saying she's officially living on the mountain now?                                                                                                                                                        Karma: Yep. House is solar powered and gets water from the river too so no bills. The house itself is decently sized but not to big so it's hard to notice.  

I heard the door open and looked as (Y/N) walked in. "So how'd it go?" I asked with a smirk. "Nagisa's mom." She growled. She plopped down next to me on the couch. "So you met her face to face huh?" I asked. "Creepy b*tch wouldn't stop touching my hair." She growled. I noticed that she shivered a little. "Cold or creeped out?" I questioned. "A little of both." She said quietly. I looked around and noticed the small fire place. I flicked a finger and a small ball of flame shot over and lit it up. "Now who's power is convenient?" She questioned with a chuckle. "Still yours." I responded. She laughed a little more at this. "Do you need to talk about it? I know what she's like but I'm male so I'm probably not getting the worst of it." I said. "I just can't get the look in her eyes out of my head. She kept stareing at me. She wouldn't stop blabbing about how she wished Nagisa was a girl. And she kept trying to It was so creepy. She even asked if I wanted to stay the night. It took every ounce of my self control to not punch/kill her." She growled. She started shivering more. "I can understand why Nagisa wanted to stay here. And I can imagine how he would be shaped to become an assassin from living in a house like that. But her stareing was the kicker. I would've stayed longer if she didn't just stare at me like that." She said. I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. We'll get Nagisa out of there at some point. We just have to deal with it for right now." I said. "I don't want my Blueberry around that b*tch." She growled. "I know, neither do I." I chuckled a little. "We really are becoming like Nagisa's parents aren't we?" I questioned. She started laughing. "I guess we are." After that we studied for a while. I was going to take (Y/N)'s advice and not get cocky. Like she always says. 'Never under or over estimate your opponent.' I noticed (Y/N) pull out a book and write something in it before heading up to bed. I'll ask her about it sometime.  

                                                                             Stats: Team Phantom

Karma: Charm, level 5. Kindness, level 4. Proficiency, level 5. Guts, level 5. Knowledge, level 5.         Blood: Red               Code name:  Red Devil

Nagisa: Kindness, level 5. Proficiency, level 5. Charm, level 4. Guts, level 5. Knowledge, level 5.          Blood: Blue             Code name: Python 

(Y/N)/Shadow: Charm, MAX. Kindness, MAX. Proficiency, MAX. Guts, MAX. Knowledge, MAX.                            Blood: Black           Code name: Shadow 

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