Chapter 13: Finales

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Just like with midterms I was rushing around helping everyone study and work problems. Karma and Nagisa weren't upping their game much but that's because they've been doing most of their studying with me. "Karma, Nagisa! Pick up the pace!" Koro-sensei barked at them. "Easy teach. Don't worry. We've got this." Karma said. After a few taunts to Terasaka Koro-sensei demonstrated how losing a tentacle affects his speed. Then he set the goal. Those who rank top in a subject get to pop one tentacle. This got the class nice and motivated. 

Once we got back in the classroom everyone was talking about it. Okada seemed to be really looking forward to it. "You seem really motivated." Karma said. "I know science backwards and forwards. This is my chance to contribute to the cause." She said. "That is if you can beat me. Science and Language Arts are my two top subjects. You and Kanzaki will have a challenge." I said. "I welcome your challenge, Shadow." She said with confidence. "This is great! All of us are good at one subject or another. Koro-sensei will lose so many tentacles he won't know what hit him." Kayano said. That's when Sugino's baseball rival called. He told us that the big five have been helping A-class study. "Wait you mean that group of people led by Karma's clone?" I questioned earning a few laughs. He started introducing them in an announcer voice. "Ummm, Shindo what are you doing?" Sugino asked. "Oh, ummm, sorry. I've always wanted to be an announcer. I'm just practicing." He said. Then he introduced Asuno. "Exactly. Karma's clone." I said earning more laughter. 

We were invited to study on the main campus. I decided to tag along to help them study. I decided to drag Karma with us. We would be heading up now. Once we were there everyone was shocked at how Karma and Nagisa were studying. Hanging on every word I said. Listening and working on the problems I gave them. "I thought you two weren't going to care this time?" Kayano said. "We care about where we place. We only slack in class because we've been taking extra sessions with Shadow." Nagisa explained. "Especially Karma. He seems to be very fired up." Nagisa said. "Forgive the pun." He added to me and him. "Pun forgiven." I said. "I don't want anyone knocking me off my spot right now. Besides I've got a bone to pick with mister student council president." Karma growled gripping his workbook harder. Everyone looked at him in shock. Except me. I knew what he was talking about. "Karma, help me pick out some work books." I said. He nodded and came with me. "So which subjects do the others need to work on?" I asked looking at some of the books. "I think Nagisa needs some help with math. Kayano as well. And I think you need some work with your math too." He said with a smirk. "Shut it Devil. I only threw the math test because I need to stay somewhat inconspicuous. But not this time. I want to bash Asuno too." I growled grabbing a few of the books. "Then lets take him down." Karma said helping me carry some books. 

We returned to see some A-class a*s holes messing with my friends. One of them said my code name. "I heard my name and I appeared." I said setting the books on the table. Karma set his stack next to mine. "Whoa that's a lot of books!" Isogi said. "You study with me we go all out. I'm not pulling any punches this time." I growled. "Anyway what's this little fight about? If there's a bet involved I'm in." I said. "Actually yes, these idiots." Nagisa said pointing to the a*s holes. "Decided that if we rank top in most of the tests then they have to do anything we say." He continued. "Same thing applies to us." He said. "Done and done, this'll be fun." Karma said smirking. Nagisa threw a book at him. "Don't get any ideas devil!" He scolded. I laughed at the two. The A-class big five (From what I'm told) started asking why someone like me was in E-class and not A-class. "Because I'm not an a*s hole like the rest of you. Now scram." I growled. My glare sent them packing but they started screaming random gibberish while they left. I sighed. "We should have studied at my place. At least there aren't any a*s holes there." I growled. "Yeah let's go to Shadow's." Karma sighed. "Does she have books there?" Me and the boys started laughing. "No duh! Shadow is a huge bookworm!" Karma said. "I'll have you know I am a book dragon. Not a worm." I corrected. "Whatever." Nagisa said. 

We left and I took them to my house. They were shocked by it. Except Rio and Kayano for some reason. "Anyway we'll be studying in my room." I said. "Why not the table or council room?" Karma asked. "I'd like to make sure we're close to a bathroom and have plenty of light." I said. "Fair enough." Karma said. "I'll get some snacks fixed, Karma, Nagisa." I said looking at the two. They nodded and led the rest of them up there. I got some leftover cookies and some green tea. Once I entered my room the boys were studying on the ground. Rio and Kanzaki were out on the terrace and Kayano and Okada were laying on my bed. Kayano had my little dragon plushy. "Snacks and drinks." I said setting the platter on my desk so the others could get up and get them. "Shadow you never mentioned you had a limited addition (L/N) company Dark Dragon!" Kayano said. "Wait you recognize that plushy?" I asked. "Of course! I love (L/N) company plushies!" She said. "Yeah, I think she gave me the Devil Dragon? Is that what it was called?" Karma asked. I nodded. "Ah yes. Devil Dragon is a mischievous soul with fire for a heart. I can see why she'd give that to you." Kayano said. "Yeah, she also gave me the Ice Viper." Nagisa said. "Lucky! Ice Viper is a calm soul that keeps calm under pressure. Giving it to you was a given." Kayano said. "Wow, you know a lot about these plushies." Isogi said. "Of course! I have almost every one of the (L/N) plushies!" Kayano said cheerfully. "R-really?" I questioned. "Yeah, I just find the back stories and personalities adorable." She said. "Wait plushies have back stories and personalities?" Nagisa questioned. "(L/N) plushies do at least. Each plushy is given a name and personality as well as a back story. Each plush is made with love and care overseen by one or two of the (L/N) family." I explained. Everyone stared at me. "I'm a big fan." I lied. "Me too!" Kayano said with cheer. "Wait if each plush has a back story what's the background of Devil Dragon?" Karma asked. Kayano gasped. "You haven't told him!?" She asked in shock. "But D.D's back story is by far the cutest both in real life and the plushy universe!" She protested. "It's not that cute!" I protested. "It's the cutest out of them all!" She argued. "Can you just tell me the back story." Karma said. 

"I'll start with the plushy universe back story. So it all started when Dark Dragon was lonely. She was a lone dragon wandering around since her entire family had gone missing. So sad." Kayano said starting to tear up. "Don't go into Dark Dragon's back story! I know it's tempting but don't do it!" I said munching on a cookie. "Dark Dragon eventually came to rest in a tree. The next morning she was found by none other than Devil Dragon. Of course Dark Dragon was never one to trust easily especially after her family disappeared so she tried to distance herself from Devil Dragon and his friends but she could never bring herself to up and leave. She drew a line in the sand and told him to not cross it. But he found her interesting. Devil Dragon felt a connection to Dark Dragon. And he crossed the line over and over until he finally broke down her barriers and got to know her for her and not the cold face she put up around others. Dark Dragon was actually very mischievous and just liked to play around and joke with friends. She could always keep her air of mystery but still lived in the spotlight. Devil Dragon was able to bring out this side of her, and he was now her closest friend. And to think, it all started with Devil Dragon nearly falling off a cliff with a broken wing." Kayano recited like she knew the story by heart. I smiled at the story. "Gets me every time." She said whipping away a tear. "Falling off a cliff you say? Boy does that sound familiar." Nagisa said smirking at me and Karma. "Shut it Blueberry." I growled at him. 

"The story behind D.D's creation is on a whole other level of cute." Kayano said. "You see the oldest daughter of the (L/N) family is the one who thought up Devil Dragon as a companion for Dark Dragon. She was always very fond of Dark Dragon and felt sad the she had no friends like the others. So she came up with the back story, design, and personality of Devil Dragon. To be the light to Dark Dragon's night. It's very impressive for a child of only five years of age." Kayano explained. "Awww, that is cute." Rio said. "It's why Dark Dragon and Devil Dragon are my favorite pairing out of all the plushies. They are such a good team and it's such a cute story on either end." Kayano said. "These plushies have ships!?" Karma questioned. "Yeah! Although Dark and Devil are the top ship of the fandom I ship Cute Kitten and Ice Viper way more." I said. 

After a few little shipping wars we went back to studying. Karma and I finished early so we went down to the kitchen to start making dinner for everyone. "You never mentioned that Devil Dragon was your creation." Karma said. "It was just my idea. I only thought of his personality and back story. My parents chose the name and design." I said. "You also forgot to mention the back stories and personalities." He said. "You never asked." I responded. 

After everyone ate (and asked me to be their mom) they left. Karma stayed behind and played some video games before we went back to studying. After completing a few stacks of workbooks we parted ways.

The next day during testing everyone was struggling. Except two people. Me and Karma's pencils were moving like lightning across the paper. Looks like completing 50 workbooks for each subject really works. "Time's up." Me and Karma were already finished. This process repeated again and again. By the time test results were in we already knew who had taken first place. Under my request Koro-sensei announced the classmates who had tied first in subjects with me and Karma. And those classmates would be obliterating tentacles. "Children, these will be the people who obliterate tentacles sure. But they either tied first place or came one point behind." He said. "The truth is our very own Karma Akabane and Shadow ranked first in every subject with perfect scores. Tying them with Gakano Asuno for first of the entire school." Everyone looked at us in shock. "Yeah doing 50 workbooks for every subject each night is a really officiant way of studying." Karma said with a smirk. "And Shadow makes a good teacher, find the weakest subject then work on that, after it's sharpened help with others. Just like her battle strategy. Hone in on weaknesses." Karma explained. "His weakest subjects were actually science and Language Arts, lucky for him those are my strongest subjects. I may have gone a little overboard." I said scratching the back of my head. "Ummm, you think!? I now know 30 different languages and now know how many moons each planet has as well as now giving you reason to call me the Devil of Poisons!" Karma shouted. I shrugged. "These skills can be applied to being a Phantom so see it as preparing you for the field." I said. He sighed and shook his head. "Whoa hold up 30 different languages! How did you learn all that in only a week or so!?" Nagisa shouted. "I was...really determined to beat Asuno." Karma said avoiding eye contact. "Okay seriously what is up with you two!?" Kayano shouted. "It's personal don't worry about it." He growled. "Anyways this means that two E-class students have ranked over the majority of A-class therefor we win the bet." Koro-sensei said. "Hold on teach aren't you forgetting a subject?" I said nodding to Terasaka. After the dispute over Home Ec. It was agreed Rio, Isogi, Okada, Terasaka and his friends all got to obliterate a tentacle. Seven, seven tentacles popped. Anyway we had an assembly to go to.  

Me and Karma held our heads high. "Well, well, if it isn't mister big shot on campus." Karma said as we faced down Asuno and the big five. "Karma we have an assembly to go to. Quit messing with your clone and let's go." I said. "Hang on Shadow, we're in no rush." He said in his normal teasing tone. "Karma." I growled. "Sorry." He said backing up. "Why are you always so scared of her. She is your girlfriend is she not?" Asuno asked while glaring at him. "You still have things to learn. I don't fear her, I respect her and her word." Karma said with a smirk. I nodded in approval. "He's right. Trust me if he was scared of me then I'd be scared of myself." I said in a joking tone. "I still don't see how Akabane of all people ranked first on midterms." One of the big five spat. "I ranked first alongside Shadow because I had a teacher to push me out of my comfort zone, and a girlfriend who lectured me about cockiness daily." Karma said while chuckling. "The thing that separates me the master, from you the novice, is that I've failed more times than you've even tried. I drilled that lesson into his head almost everyday." I said. "Never under or overestimate your opponent. That's the only lesson I needed to learn." Karma said while patting my shoulder. "She's a good teacher. And an even better girlfriend." He said. "Aww, thanks Karma I like the sweet side of you. But still we need to get going before Nagisa wonders where we are. Also don't forget you promised we would go and pull some pranks later." I said. "How could I ever forget that! You're talking to the master of pranks you know!" He said with his 'devil smirk.' I shook my head at him. We left and went to the assembly. 

When we got back to the classroom Koro-sensei just had to prepare a giant guidebook. I just used a shadow to carry mine around. "Geez how convenient is your power?" Nagisa asked. I shrugged. After Koro-sensei explained where we would be going for this field trip as I was calling it I stood up from my desk. "It's time for an Assassination Vacation!" I shouted.                

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