Chapter 38: Listen To Your Heart

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I was hosting the party on Christmas Eve so that the class could spend time with eachother and still spend time with their families. I was dressed in my normal civilian attire as was Karma and Asano. The theme may be Christmas but we do whatever we want. The others however wore something Christmas themed either that or some fancy dress for the girls. I saw lots of people giving eachother gifts. Me and the Phantoms would be exchanging gifts tomorrow. I stood next to Karma while everyone else was dancing, eating, or chatting. "You've seemed...down lately." Karma said. I shrugged. "Really? I don't feel much different." That's a lie. Karma tilted his head to the side. "Really? You don't feel different? Please Shads you think I wouldn't notice by now that somethings bugging you. Ever since the Kayano incident you seem to be off. You keep watching the others carefully. And your paranoia has shot through the roof. I get it Kayano's reveal shocked us all but-." "That's not it." I said cutting him off. "What?" He questioned. I sighed. "I knew about Kayano for a while now. And I know that the others are all who they say they are. You think I would actually tell the class who I was if I didn't trust them all? No, I knew Kayano was trust worthy because I could see it in her eyes. She'd never try to use my identity against me." I said keeping my head tilted down. He sighed. "So what is it then?" He asked. I grit my teeth a little. "You all asked me why I snapped at Shiro like I did. Well..." I trailed off. He leaned closer a little. "He's the head researcher in the lab that turned me into a hybrid. Or at least he was. I'm not sure now. But yeah. Even if becoming a hybrid is how I ended up meeting you guys that b*stered still ripped me away from my family." I growled. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Karma pat my shoulder in understanding. "You'll get him. You always do." He said. I smiled a little. "Thanks Karma." I said. After that I walked around making sure everyone was having fun. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. It was Asano. "Hey Asano." I said. "Hi. Do you mind if we train a little bit? Even if it's a party I want to try and catch up with everyone as fast as possible." He said. I smiled a little. "Sure thing. Come with me." I said. 

He followed me as I led him to the living room. The party was down stairs so up here should work fine. I sat down in one of the chairs and he sat in the chair opposite me. "Okay so how are you doing with turning into a shadow?" I asked. "Pretty well. I can stay in a solid shadow mode for a good five minutes or so." He said. I nodded. "You've still got a ways to go but your doing great. There's something that I've been meaning to test with you for a while now." I said. I used a shadow to bring down the spell book. I placed it on the table between us. "This is a shadow dragon spell book. In it is multiple spells that shadow users can use. But that's another thing. Only those that can use dark magic can see the spells inside. Open the book and tell me if you see the spells." I said. He nodded and opened the book to the first few pages. His eyes lit up. "I can see words." He said. I chuckled a little. "Once again, this is something we keep between you and me. Don't let the others know about it." I said smirking slightly. He nodded and looked through a few spells. "There is a lot of creation spells in here. Wait a minute summoning familiars? What's a familiar?" He asked. "A familiar is a magical creature that can help you fight. Though sometimes they can be...odd." I said avoiding eye contact. "Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked. "What!? Pfft! No!" I said. Just then a small squeaking sound was heard from my hoodie's pocket. Asano gave me a look. I huffed a little and crossed my arms. "I don't have anything quit giving me that look." I said. He raised an eye brow. My pocket squeaked again. "Hush please." I whispered. More squeaking. I sighed in defeat. "Fine fine." I growled. I reached inside my pocket and pulled out a tiny black dragon with (F/C) markings. It spread it's tiny wings and squeaked. Asano nearly jumped out of his chair. "What the hell!" He said in shock. "Asano this is my familiar, Nova. Nova this is Asano." I said. The tiny dragon squeaked a greeting. He calmed down and sat back down. "So was this a result of you being curious?" He asked. "Yep! Though I don't regret it much. Nova is a good companion. Of course she's still young so she's really needy but I don't mind that much." I said. He picked up the book and read over the familiar page while I played with my little dragon. "Oh I see. Anyone can have a familiar if they use magic. And depending on the element and personality of the user the familiar can range from mythological creatures to something as simple as a caterpillar." He said. I chuckled slightly. "I think that our familiars would take the form of our bloodlust. Hence why mine turned out to be a dragon. Of course she's still a baby. And from what I read the familiar you summon will start out young. You have to help it grow and you have to train it." I said. "So it's a pet basically." He said. "A magical pet." I corrected. Just then I heard someone come up the stairs. I used a shadow to retrieve the book and Nova hid in my pocket.  

"(Y/N)! There you are!" It was Karma. "Hey Karma." Me and Asano greeted. "Hey. Sorry to cut this short but it's time Shads!" Karma said. My eyes lit up. "BRB Asano. I'll see you in a minute." I said jumping out of my chair and leaving the book behind. I followed Karma and we weaved our way through the crowd and onto the stage. The curtain was closed but we were getting into position. I sat at the piano and took a few breaths. "You ready?" Karma asked picking up the microphone. I nodded. The curtain lifted and the everyone shut up. I took a few more breaths and started playing. ~Play song~            

I know there's something in the wake of your smile,

I get a notion from the look in your eyes, 

You've built a love,

But that love falls apart,

Your little piece of heaven,

turns to dark,

Listen to your heart,

When he's calling for you,

listen to your heart,

There's nothing else you can do,

I don't know where you're going,

And I don't know why,

But listen to your heart,

before you tell him goodbye.


Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worth while,

The precious moments are all lost in the tide,

They're swept away,

and nothing is what it seems,

the feeling of belonging,

to your dreams,

Listen to your heart,

when he's calling for you,

Listen to your heart, 

there's nothing else you can do,

I don't know where you're going,

And I don't know why,

But listen to your heart,

before you tell him goodbye. 


And there are voices, that want to be heard, 

So much to mention, but you can't find the words,

The scent of magic, the beauty that's been, 

when love was wilder, than the wind,

Listen to your heart, 

when he's calling for you,

listen to your heart,

there's nothing else you can do,

I don't know where you're going,

And I don't know why,

but listen to your heart,

before you tell him goodbye! 

Listen to your heart. 

I don't know where you're going,

and I don't know why,

but listen to your heart,

before, you tell him goodbye.


Clapping and cheers erupted from the crowd. I smiled a little as did Karma. I noticed Koro-sensei crying his eyes out in the background causing me to laugh a little. I stood up and walked over to Karma's side. I waved at everyone happy that they could all come. After that I stood by the door telling everyone bye and thanking them for coming. Of course when I saw a couple that I like I made some mistletoe appear on the door. Karma's idea not mine. I went up to my room and got on my computer.

Shadow: Yo Void! 

Void: Hey Shadow. So how're you doing?

Shadow: I'm doing fine. Held a small party for me and my friends. 

Void: Awww, why wasn't I invited? *Pouts*

Shadow: *glares* you know why you destructive little f*cker. 

Void: Lol! I'm joking. 

Shadow: I know. 

Void: .......

Shadow: ...

Void: I can't figure you out. Ever. Girl how do you do it?

Shadow: Simple, I don't give a s*it. 

Void: Lol! Fair enough. So how's everyone?

Shadow: Red Devil is still a devil. Python is still a stalker. Silver is still an emotionless f*cker. And Kitsune is just...fine actually. He hasn't done anything weird except for being Devil's twin.

Void: So everyone is still normal.

Shadow: Normal isn't how I describe it but sure. 

Void: Yeah, when are you guys ever normal?

Shadow: Never. That's what makes us great. 

Void: XD! Alright, I get it. Have you talked to Reap lately?

Shadow: Ummm, how do I put this?

Red Devil: There's a 95% chance that he's dead currently. 


Void: And what do you mean 95% chance of being dead?

Red Devil: Tsk tsk Shads. You never told us you had more online friends. 

Shadow: You never asked you little f*cker. 

Void: Is that just your favorite curse word or something?

Shadow: Kinda? *shrugs*

Red Devil: Well nice to meet you...Void was it?

Void: That's me. And I've heard a lot about you from Shadow. 

Red Devil: I had no idea she talks about me. What does she say. 

Void: Can't say. She'd murder me. 

Shadow: D*mn right I would. 

Red Devil: Aw, that's no fun. 

Shadow: Shut it Devil. Don't forget we live in the same house. 

Python: Yeah, all of us do. 

Silver: How the hell do you have friends outside of me, Reap, and the others?

Kitsune: Don't be mad they forced me here.


Nav: That would be my doing. Sorry mistress. 

Shadow: F*ck all of you. 

Red Devil: You know you love us. 

Kitsune: I'm going to leave now. 

~Kitsune has left the chat~

Python: Yeah. For the record this was Devil's idea. 

~Python has left the chat~

Red Devil: Traitor....

Silver: I'm still here. 

Void: LOL! You didn't tell me your students were funny!

Shadow: Yeah, real stand up comedians the lot of them.

Red Devil: ...I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not. Then again she's always sarcastic. 

Silver: Queen of emo. 

Shadow: ...........

Red Devil: Umm shads?

Shadow: You both have three seconds. 

Silver: S*IT!

Shadow: 1

Red Devil: F*CK!

~Red Devil is AFK~  (Away from keyboard)

~Silver is AFK~

~Shadow is AFK~

"WHERE ARE YOU TWO LITTLE F*CKERS!?" I shouted starting to hunt them down. "THEY'RE IN HERE!" Asano shouted from his room next to Karma's. I smirked and flung the door open to see Karma trying to jump out the window and Itona fleeing to the closet. "Hey boys~." I said in a sing-song tone. "F*CK F*CK F*CK!" Karma shouted jumping out the window. Itona followed after him in a panic. I laughed and looked out the window to see them both running into the forest. "That was fun." I said. "Shads bloodlust." Asano said. I got that in check real quick. "Sorry about that." I said. I returned to my room and to a sleeping Nova on my desk. I pet her tiny head lightly before telling Void good night. I quickly patrolled the area around my house. Checked the security cameras. And used a few shadow clones to bring Karma and Itona home. Once they were home I scolded them for running around at night in the forest and made sure to lock everything down. I updated my book. Made sure Nova was fed. And retired for the night. 

~Time skip brought to you by a chibi Author-Chan finally getting over her writer's block~  

The next morning I was awoken by four people tackling my peacefully sleeping form. To say I was unhappy was an understatement. Karma had to drag me out of bed and downstairs. I complained. A lot. But they got me woken up with Christmas chocolate. After that and breakfast we all sat in a circle. Time for the gift exchange. "Okay before we begin with 'Merry Christmas' and whatnot I'd like to say happy birthday to our two twins. They're both 16 now! Congrats!" I said looking at the strawberry blond and red head. They both smiled as the other two gave a few cheers and whistles. "Now then since Karma is older." "By a few seconds!" "He'll be drawing cards from a hat. Whoever's name he draws will be the one to pass out gifts first. This will continue until the last person." I explained. Everyone nodded in agreement. I passed Karma the hat and he drew a name. "Nagisa you're up." Karma said showing everyone the paper. Nagisa smiled and went to retrieve his gifts. "So what do you three think he got?" Itona asked. Me and Karma shook our heads. "We heard him say a few ideas but he were to busy with our own shopping and hiding to notice." I explained. "By the way (Y/N)." Asano said. I hummed in response. "What's your bloodlust like? I've never really experienced it before only felt it activate." He said. I chuckled evilly. "My bloodlust takes the form of a black dragon. My bloodlust causes the person under it's effects to have slight bursts of insanity. In other words it makes them see things that aren't there. I can also change how they perceive others. Say if I was to use it right now the people effected would be you, Karma, and Itona. I could make Itona seem a lot stronger and more intimidating to you two but at the same time I could make Karma look like some kind of demon." I explained. The others gave me looks. "You never told us this." Karma and Itona deadpanned. "Ever wonder why I seem more scary to only you when everyone else around me is fine?" I questioned. "..." Silence. Then two facepalms. "We are so stupid." Itona muttered. Karma just sighed. Nagisa showed up and passed out a few gifts. Karma's was a new D.S game. "Aw, you know me so well Blueberry." Karma said with a smirk. Itona's was some new tools. "Sweet. Thanks Nagi." He said. Asano's was a new book. "This looks interesting. Hope it's as interesting as it looks." He said with a small smile. Mine was a stuffed animal with chocolates. "Blueberry you just scored a lot of points." I said with a smirk. I started eating the chocolate immediately. The others sweat dropped. "Cheater." Some of them grumbled. Karma drew the next name. "Asano." He said smiling at his twin. Asano retrieved the gifts from behind him. He passed them out to everyone. Itona's was a small snake plush. "(Y/N) helped me with that one." He said sweat-dropping a little. "Hey I love it so it doesn't matter." Itona said while shrugging. Karma's was a few matches. "Hehehehehe. I'm gonna have fun with this." He said with an evil smirk. "I had a feeling he'd like that." Asano said nervously scooting away from his evil twin. Nagisa's was a small necklace. It had a silver chain and was made with blue and green gems. "Aw! I love it! Thanks Starburst!" He said. "Please don't call me that." He said. "Hmm, interesting choice in gift." I said. "I ran into Nagisa and Kayano a few times at the mall. I noticed that Nagisa kept stareing at anything with green and blue gems." He explained. "So you noticed that huh?" Nagisa questioned scratching the back of his head nervously. "It was kinda obvious." Asano responded. Mine was a book. The cover was a dark brown but there was no title or description. "Open it and look at the back of the front cover." Asano instructed. I did what he said and my eyes lit up. I smiled brightly. "How the hell did you...?" I trailed off. "I have sharp hearing. And you mumble a lot when your planing stuff or reading." He said. I laughed slightly before holding out my hand for a high five. He accepted with a smile. "Thanks Starburst! This helps a lot!" I said. The others questioned what it was but I just said it was a secret. Karma wasn't the only one unhappy about not knowing but we moved on. 

"Next one is...Ritsu?" Karma questioned. Said girl appeared on my phone as I held it out. "Hai! I have a gift for everyone as well. You should be receiving" She said. Their phones beeped and they all pulled out their phones with confused looks. After seeing what it was Nagisa cried happy tears. Karma smiled warmly. Itona cracked a small smile. And Asano just chuckled a little with a small smile. "A digital copy of mistress (Y/N)'s photo album. It was my idea therefor my gift but she's the one who provided most of the pictures. I had a few to contribute as well." Ritsu explained. "Thanks Ritsu." Karma said. She nodded before disappearing. A certain yellow octopus showed up a few seconds later. "Hey Koro-sensei." Me and Karma greeted. The others stayed silent. "I see you're all doing a gift exchange. Mind if I sit here and watch?" He questioned. "You got lonely didn't you?" I questioned with a smirk. He dodged the question by asking about everyone's relationships. "Let's just continue. I'm not comfortable with answering relationship questions." Nagisa said. We all smirked at him and he blushed a dark blue. "L-let's move on." He stuttered. Karma drew the next name. "Itona. Show time." He said. The silver haired male got up, nodded, and went to go get his gifts. My gift was a new knife. "I made sure to test the durability a little bit. It's a good one." He confirmed before I even asked. I smirked and threw it at the wall. It lodged itself into the wall nice and deep. My smirk only grew and the others scooted away from me. I laughed at their nervousness and used a shadow to retrieve the knife. I twirled it in my hand. It was a good knife. Nagisa's gift was a deck of rock, paper, scissors cards. Me and the other two laughed at the reference. "Really hedgehog? Giving it to the one person who doesn't get the reference!" Karma said while laughing. "That's the point." Itona said. Nagisa looked at us in confusion. "I'll teach you how to play later Nagisa." I said. Itona gave Asano a box. When Asano looked inside the box we smirked. Almost evilly. No correction, evil smirk. "Thanks Itona." He said closing it up before the rest of us could see. "S*it." Nagisa cursed. "Well f*ck what was inside?" I asked. "Nothing." The two chorused together. Me and Karma gave them looks. Itona gave Karma a new knife as well. "I was lazy so...there have fun you d*mn sadists." Itona said looking at both me and Karma. I laughed as did Karma. "Hey I'm fine with a new knife." He said twirling it in his hand skillfully. Karma drew the next name. "Welp my turn. This outta be fun." He said getting up. He returned a few seconds later with one box. "Okay. May not seem that impressive but it gets better." He said seeing the disapproving glares of Itona and Nagisa. He pulled our four i-pods. "What are those?" Itona asked. "I-pods. They're like phones but for music. Remember a while back ago when I asked all of you to make a list of your favorite songs?" He asked. We all nodded. "This was why." He said. He passed them all out. I opened the device and a lock screen appeared. "The password for all of them is 'Phantoms'. Feel free to change it later." Karma said dismissively. I entered the password and a playlist appeared. Whoa! He wasn't kidding! "Nice one Karma!" Nagisa said. Itona nodded. "I approve." He said. Asano shot a glare at Karma. "Alright big shot. How much did this cost you?" He asked. I snickered a little. Karma shrugged. "Not important currently. But after purchasing the i-pods and downloading the songs I hooked them all up to your accounts. So if you want more songs it's coming from your pocket." Karma explained. I nodded. "Alright. Nice job Karma. I'm just glad you didn't make a scene." I said slipping the device into my hoodie pocket. Nova squeaked a little in protest. Everyone shot me a look. I started coughing to cover it up. "S-sorry. Little something in my throat." I said. They bought it except for Asano because he knew about Nova. "Okay Shads. Your turn." Karma said since I was the last one left. I snapped my fingers and shadow clones went up stairs to retrieve everything. 

Two boxes and one envelope sat in front of each one of them. One of the boxes had the number one on it. The other one had the number two. And the envelope had a three on it. "Open them on my command in order of the numbers." I said. They all nodded. "Okay. You can open the first one. This is my gift to you as your friend and classmate." I stated. They opened them. It was a T-shirt that had something to do with their personality and their favorite curse word. "So this is why you asked us our favorite curse word so long ago. Nice move Shads." Karma said. Asano snickered lightly. "Why would you ever give me the sarcastic shirt!" Asano said faking surprise and hurt. Karma rolled his eyes. "We get it King of Sarcasm." Karma said. Asano's shirt said 'Me? Sarcastic? Never!' it was something funny be he liked it. "Moving on." I said. The each slid the second box in front of them. "Okay. This one is from me as a fellow phantom and your leader. Go ahead." I said a smile forming on my lips. They tore into them and looked in shock and wonder at was inside. New and updated uniforms. 

(Something along these lines. They keep their boots and masks though. There are hoods they can flip up to cover their hair.)

Karma's was red with gold gloves, Nagisa's was blue with green gloves, Asano's was orange with violet gloves, and Itona's was silver with gold gloves as well. "These uniforms are designed so that you don't constantly wreck your uniforms on the battle field. They can channel your magic and not get damaged by it. The fabric is really strong too so no worries about it tearing. As long as you keep the hoods down and masks off they'll look like winter coats to other people. Also if they look uncomfortable looks can be deceiving. These are very comfortable. I made sure of it while designing them." I explained. "Whoa!" They all said in unison. "I got to work on these after the Okinawa incident so that is was easier to move around and these are magic resilient. Outside magical attacks won't do much damage to the wearer or the uniform and the uniform won't be effected if you start using magic. The others had problems with that." I added. Karma nodded. "So not only was that a field test for me and Nagisa. It was also a field test for the uniforms." Karma said. I nodded. "The basic uniform always worked for me until recently. With my powers growing and becoming really destructive I needed to adapt. Since you and the others powers are also getting that powerful something needed to be done. So here we are." I explained. "Wait." Itona said. He picked his up and squinted at it. "Is that Dragonsteel reinforcement I see?" He questioned. I smirked and nodded. "Good eye as always Itona. I combined the Dragonsteel recipe with fabric to create this. The fabric is as light as a feather for easy mobility but as strong as titanium for protection. The magical properties of Dragonsteel helped with many things while creating these new uniforms." I explained. "So Dragonsteel uniforms?" Asano questioned. "That are stylish as f*ck." Karma added. I nodded agreeing with both statements. "Oh another thing before I forget." I said. "These uniforms also regulate body temperature. You can wear them in Summer or in Winter and you'll stay at your normal temp levels." I explained. This caused all of them to light up instantly. "HOLY S*IT!" Nagisa shouted in shock. "AW HELL YEAH!" Karma shouted. "This is sweet." Itona said. "How on earth?" Asano questioned. Ritsu appeared on my phone in the new uniform. Her's was pink with white gloves. She also wore a mask with matching colors. She gave us all her signature salute and smile that had a tint of mischief and evil in it. "I helped mistress (Y/N) with designing. I think it looks stylish." She said. "YOU BET IT'S STYLISH!" Karma shouted. "Ritsu also came up with the idea to combine fabric with Dragonsteel. She kept track of my progress and was a big help too. She modeled finished projects as well and this was the end result." I explained. "Ritsu nice work." Itona praised. "I'll do anything I can to contribute." She said. She bowed and disappeared.    

"Okay onto the last gift. You can ask me about the uniforms later." I said. They nodded and picked up the envelopes. "Inside the envelope is a spell that I learned recently. It can be used by anyone with magic. However it is a one time use spell. And I recommend using it as soon as possible. Inside is the spell itself as well as what it does. Also if you plan on using it now go to the basement or your own room. And I can not stress enough that you need to be alone for it to work." I explained. Asano ripped his open and read over the spell quickly. "OkayI'mgoingtocastthisnowbye!" Asano shouted running down into the basement as fast as lightning. "Translation please." "Okay I'm going to cast this now bye." "Thanks Shads." Karma said ruffling my hair. I smiled a little. "So why is Asano going to cast it right away?" Itona asked. "Because I told him about it the other day. And let's just say he's jealous of what I got out of the spell." I explained. "What did you get?" Nagisa asked. I chuckled a little. "Find out yourselves." I stated. They all retreated to their rooms to use the spell so me and the living sponge sat alone in silence for a minute or so. "So what does the spell do?" Koro-sensei asked. "You remember what a fimiliar is right?" I questioned. "I'm the one who first told you about them. Of course I remember." He said. I smirked as Asano walked up with a baby fox in his arms. Oh correction baby kitsune. "I have a magic fox." He stated. "Kitsune. It's a baby kitsune. You can tell because of the power it's radiating." I corrected. "I thought they had nine tails?" He questioned. "They only get nine tails when they become one hundred to a thousand years old. The older a kitsune gets the more tails it gains." Koro-sensei explained. Nova popped her head out of my pocket and sat on my head. "It sure is alive here." Koro-sensei said. "Of course it is. With all the magic and chaos this house is never boring." I said with a small smile. "So what are you going to name her?" I asked. "Her?" Asano questioned. "You can tell from her magic presence. Males have a more ecstatic presence. She's calm and from what I can see asleep." I explained. "Female huh?" Asano hummed and got lost in thought. "Our familiars use the same powers as us right?" He questioned. I nodded. The Kitsune has bright orange fur and I can't tell the eye color since her eyes are closed. "Amber. I think I'm going to go with Amber." Asano said. "A strong name." I said nodding my approval. 

Not a few seconds later Nagisa came running out of his room with a small blue snake on his shoulder. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed. The snake hissed and Nagisa continued his freak out. "Koro-sensei can you stop him please." I said. "On it." He said. He wrapped a tentacle around the blue haired male and stopped him from screaming. "Calm down Nagisa." I said. "There is a snake on my shoulder!" Nagisa hissed. "So?" I questioned. He gave me the look. "It's just your fimiliar Nagisa it's not going to hurt you. In fact if you raise it right your fimiliar will protect you." Koro-sensei explained. "Exactly I mean look at little Nova." I said pointing to the dragon. "She may be small now but she's going to grow up and help me fight. That's what the familiars are for. Besides being adorable pets for magic users." I said. "So Amber, when she grows up, will help me fight and protect me." Asano clarified. I gave him two thumbs up. "Until then you need to care for her. And hey." I said snapping my fingers. "I read in the spell book that familiars will have a human form once they get older." I said. "Oh. that might be useful." Asano said. "Wait hold on what?" Nagisa questioned. I explained what a fimiliar is to him. He had calmed down. "So this snake..." He trailed off. "Is your fimiliar." I finished for him. "And what a beauty he is." Koro-sensei stated. "He?" Nagisa questioned. "Your fimiliar is male. You can tell by the way they act. We were able to tell Asano's was female because of her calm nature and the fact that she passed out after being summoned. Yours is still awake and currently trying to figure out what the hell is on my head." I said pointing to how the snake was glaring intensely at Nova who was taunting him by flaring her wings open. "So I need to think of a name right?" He questioned. I nodded. He closed his eyes. "How about Guardian? You said that my fimiliar will protect me right? So..." He trailed off. I smiled and pat his head. "Good name choice." I said. 

Itona walked out completely and utterly calm despite the white wolf puppy in his arms. "Hmmm. I was expecting it to be a hedgehog." I said. He glared at me. "That's her to you." He growled. "So you can tell already huh?" I questioned. "I searched up what a fimiliar was before using the spell. Also she's a wolf. Female wolves are more or less built for speed instead of being bulky like the males." He explained. "Did you already name her?" I asked. "Fang." He responded. "So Amber, Fang, Nova, and Guardian. We're missing one." I said. Just then Karma came barreling down the stairs. A small red blur was chasing him. Karma hid behind me and the other red blur stopped right in front of my face. It was a small red dragon with gold eyes. "A male fire dragon huh? I was right our familiars take the form of our bloodlust animal." I said. He was flapping his wings right in front of me. Nova peered down from my head and flew down to meet the other dragon. They sniffed at eachother. I smirked seeing that Nova was slightly bigger. The red dragon dipped his head slightly to Nova. They started to fly around and play. "What was that about?" Itona asked completely lost. "Looks like my Nova is bigger than your dragon Karma." I said looking at the red head behind me. "Flare. His name is Flare." Karma told me. "Why was he chasing you?" Asano asked. "Because he's crazy." Karma said coming out from behind me. He sat on the couch with a sigh. We talked for a bit. I explained everything they needed to know about their familiars and how to properly take care of them. "And if you couldn't tell already the tiny black nightmare is my fimiliar. Her name is Nova." I explained. "Yeah. Because she's a nightmare." Karma said rolling his eyes. After that we got everything cleaned up, and our gifts put away. I was walking around the house letting Nova stretch her wings when I heard arguing from the council room. I walked in to see Karma and Nagisa arguing about if we should kill or save the octopus. I coughed to get their attention. They both froze on the spot. 

"Okay let's get a few things straight." I growled closing the door behind me as I walked down into the council room with them. "Nagisa I don't pick favorites and I don't give points. That's not how I work. First things first, I don't care if you kill him or not. I'm neutral in this." I started. "It won't affect me at all. If he's alive cool, if we kill him that's fine. I don't care." I added. "Second, I hate seeing you two fight. It hurts as your teacher and as your friend. But if you must fight I won't be interfering. You have to resolve this yourself. And I don't give a f*ck how you resolve it. Just fix it and fix it soon." I growled. Then it hit me. I can use their rivalry to my advantage. I have a spot for the Phantom Trial. I smirked a plan now in mind. "You know what? Screw it I just came up with a plan. Continue on I have stuff to do." I said walking away. "Karma...what does that look mean?" Nagisa asked nervously. "It means we're either screwed, she came up with a plan, or both." Karma translated. I closed the door behind me and found Asano. I dragged him to my secret room. He asked questions. "Hold your questions for now I need your help."     

WHOA! I'M BACK BABY! I have over come writer's block with magic! (Not even joking I found a 'reverse writer's block' spell in a book here on Wattpad.) But I am BACK and better than ever! I'm filled with determination! But also sadness because it hurts me to write the next chapter. For those of you who know what comes next you understand. I HATE SEEING MY BOYS FIGHT! Also lots of feels next chapter. Don't forget to comment, follow, and vote! I hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Don't forget to soar high and roar and as always may the stars light your path my Dragon Army! Bye~

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