Chapter 37: The Mall

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It became December before we knew it. Me and the others had been planing a Christmas party for a while now. Me, Karma, and Asano were going with Kayano and Nagisa to the mall so that we could go Christmas shopping. Yukimura insisted we called her Kayano so that's what we stuck with. "Alright guys let's do this!" I said with a smile. Karma just ruffled my hair. "Hey! Cut that out Kitten!" I growled playfully. He just looked away with a blush on his face. Kayano, me, and Asano had winter clothes on since it was snowing. Karma was in his normal attire as was Nagisa. The cold doesn't affect Nagisa and Karma can regulate his body heat because fire. People were giving them weird looks however because it was FREAKING SNOWING! "Way to keep your cover guys." I said while face palming. Karma just laughed at me and Nagisa smiled kindly. We all walked into the mall. "Okay guys here's the plan: Nagisa and Kayano you two will be shopping buddies. Make sure you don't wander off to far from eachother. Get all your Christmas shopping done. Me, Karma, and Asano will be looking for ingredients, decorations, and presents for the party. We all get two hours to shop and then we meet back here. Anyone get's lost call me or Karma. We can find you easily. Does everyone understand?" I asked. They all nodded. "Alright then. Let's go!" I said grabbing Karma's wrist and dragging him off. Asano followed behind us with a small chuckle. Once we were far enough away I gave Asano a shopping list. "This is the ingredients necessary for the party. I'm putting you in charge of it. I can make decorations myself so me and Karma will be keeping an eye on Nagisa and Kayano while shopping for gifts. Operation 'Christmas Miracle' is a go." I said with an evil smirk. Both of them nodded with matching smirks. This was actually a match making trip. Asano wanted in so I factored him in on the plan. "Got it. But you two better get some cute pictures of them for me." Asano said. I nodded. "Yes, yes. Just don't screw up with the ingredients." I said. "We should get going. They're on the move." Karma said sneaking a look at the two assassins. I nodded to him then to Asano. "Good luck. Don't get caught." Starburst said before walking off. 

Me and Karma proceeded to follow Nagisa and Kayano as they went into the first store. Nagisa pulled out a list. "Okay let's knock out the toughest ones first. Karma, Shadow, Asano, and Itona. We don't know that much about them so it'll be hard to shop for them." He said. Kayano looked deep in thought. "Well for Shadow she likes to read right? But she also loves knives. So maybe a new book or knife?" She tired. Nagisa hummed in response. "Maybe. She also loves stuffed animals and chocolate soooo." Nagisa trailed off. "The real tough ones are gonna be Karma and Itona. Well more or less Itona. Actually no scratch that I know the perfect thing for him. Asano loves to read and has this weird thing with starbursts. Ugh, this is going to be tricky." Nagisa growled. Kayano laughed slightly. "True. But I think I have some ideas. I wasn't just observing Koro-sensei you know." She said. With that she started dragging the blue haired male around the store. Me and Karma would do things that would nudge them a little closer together. The plan was going swimmingly. Kayano "accidentally" tripping and falling onto Nagisa. Kayano getting scared and grabbing Nagisa's hand. You know the usual small plots. My power is very convenient. Kayano and Nagisa went from store to store with us following. We got some good pictures too. And just like we planed got Christmas shopping done while doing it. Kayano and Nagisa even went to the cafe for a break. Me and Karma sat at the table in the corner so they wouldn't see us. 

~Two hours later~      

We all met up at the entrance of the mall. All of us had a lot of bags and what not. Me and Karma each had twenty bags each. Yeah we went overboard. "I'm not even sure how you're carrying that." Asano said sweat-dropping. He only had like three large bags. Kayano and Nagisa had like ten bags each. "We should all take these home and start wrapping. I have wrapping paper and tape at my place." I said with a sigh. "How are we even going to get there with all this stuff?" Karma asked. I smirked. "Follow me." I said walking out the front doors. We went to a back alley and a black circle opened up in front of me. "First a few ground rules: Number one, don't talk. Whatever you do. Do not talk. Number two, don't wander off. Stay close and follow me. Asano Karma I'm looking at you two. Number three: If you do get lost stay still and stay put. I'll notice you're gone and come looking for you." I said. A few shadow clones took everyone's bags. "Let the clones take your bags and jut focus on staying close to me. I'm serious don't wander off. Once again I'm looking at you two." I said glaring at Karma and Asano. Me and the clones jumped into the black circle and was instantly in the shadow void. The others soon followed. I did a quick head count to make sure everyone was still here. Everyone accounted for. I let a clone take my bags and made the gesture to follow me. They all did so but let their gazes wander around for a while. After a while of walking straight I made a sharp turn to the right. The others followed suit as closely as possible. Right, left, straight, left, left, right, straight. Walking through the shadows like I had done it a million times. Oh wait, I have done it like a million times. I looked up since we were in the right place. An opening appeared above me and the shadow clones jumped out. I helped the others out. All except for one. The red headed devil was missing. I let out a silent sigh and face palm and climbed out the opening. We were in my room. "Karma's missing. I'm going after him. Stay here I'll explain later." I said. With that I dove back in and started looking around for the red head. I eventually found him. He was sitting down pouting with his arms crossed. I facepalmed and helped him up. He smiled nervously at me. I just silently facepalmed. 'What's the one thing I specified not doing?' I signaled. 'Wander off.' He signaled back. 'And what did you do?' 'Wandered off.' After that I brought him back out. I closed the opening behind me after I helped Karma out. "Anyway what was that place?" Karma and Asano questioned in unison. "That was the void between shadows. It's a relaxing place and a good place to hide. Especially when you're trying to ignore someone." I said shooting a glare at Karma. He just smirked like always. After answering a few more questions we all got out the wrapping paper and started working on the gifts. While we were doing this I sensed rising tension between Nagisa and Karma. Later that evening Nagisa and Kayano went to the park. Me and Karma followed seeing that we're stalkers. I'm pretty sure I spotted Rio too. Get this...Nagisa and Kayano are a thing now! I was so happy but Karma's the one that gave us away by shouting congratulations at Nagisa. The two boys started chasing eachother around and Nagisa threw a few snowballs at Karma while I stood next to a blushing Kayano. I smiled at her. "Congrats girl. It's about time you two got together." I said. She smiled at me. "It's mostly thanks to you." She said. I pat her shoulder and grabbed Karma since he was about to attack the blueberry and start a massive sparing match. "C'mon Strawberry. We've got a party to plan." I said dragging him away from the park. Today was fun.....somewhat. 

Terrible chapter I know but don't worry plot points are coming soon. Trust me I'm not one to write filler chapters without reason. Author-Chan has serious writer's block as well so cut me some slack please. Excuse the errors.         

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