Chapter 36: Koro-sensei's Past and Shadow's Lessons

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~Short chapter, like really short~     

After everyone had settled down Koro-sensei started his story. He was the real Reaper. That I excepted quickly enough. It was what came next that shocked me. "People say that the Reaper is a basic assassin. The truth is I'm not. I was actually a Phantom Assassin. Just like (Y/N). More specifically I was a Phantom a lot like Nagisa. My roll was recon and to handle missions alone just like a basic assassin. Of course I still did things with flare. But I also had a student. A little five year old girl that lost her family and had supernatural powers." He explained. Everyone looked at me to see that I was smirking. "I had a feeling you were familiar from the moment I saw how alert you were. The cockiness was another dead give away. Only one of my teachers would be that chill with a classroom of assassins and still do things so dramatically." I said. So our pasts were intertwined. Great. That's all well and good. I was honestly shocked but I didn't let it show. It was time to hear the rest. (The rest of you know the rest. If you don't...what kinda fan are you? Sorry author be lazy.)

After everyone heard it, straight from his mouth. They felt sad. They felt sorry. I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "Yep that's pretty morbid. Almost as morbid as my past. Keyword almost." I said. This earned a few chuckles from the others. "Now looky here. Everyone can feel sorry for you all they want but what's in the past is in the past. Sure revenge is fine and everything but sometimes it's important to move on. I've made peace with my family being dead, and I've settled for simple taking out the guy who tore me away from them and then hunt down the one that killed them. Until then I've decided to live my life. It doesn't matter what kinda background you come from. Even if you were originally my teacher a target is a target." I said taking out my rubber knife. "And if the others don't have the guts to kill you I sure as hell do. Because as your student both here and in the past it's my duty. As an assassin, it's my duty." I said. "Here's a lesson for everyone in this class, not just to those who I call my students. To the teachers as well." I continued. "You don't dwell on your past. It doesn't matter where you come from or who you grew up with. What matters is where you are now and where you see yourself in the future. You don't focus on your past. Learn from it sure. But don't let it haunt you. As a Phantom I've learned to spread my wings and bring change where ever I go. So let me ask all of you. Where do you want to go? Where do your wings take you? Do you let your past define you? Because if you do you'll never break free from your shackles. Break the chains of the past and focus on the future instead. Make mistakes, learn from them, no one is perfect. What's important is that you know that." I said. I smiled genuinely. "As long as you can learn from your past and not let it haunt you, you'll be fine. And if your afraid that's fine. It proves your alive and that you're human. But don't let that fear control you. Learn from it, master it, and prove that you can conquer it." My face dropped a little. "I have nightmares. Really bad ones. About my family dying and about people I care about now dying. The ones that scare me most are the ones that happen in present time or the future. I've come to terms with my past but what scares me most is seeing people I care about die in front of me when I can do nothing. But even if I'm scared of those nightmares. Even if I panic when I wake up. I learn that fear. I master it. So that I'll never have to feel it outside the twisted realm of dreams that my crazy mind conceived. So my two lessons of the day are this. Don't let your past define you. And don't let fear control you. I bid you all farewell." I said tucking into my normal bow before going shadow mode and going home. 

Once there I got some chocolate and relaxed on the couch for a while. All this talk about past has really worn me out. I thought my eyes getting heavy. I yawned and decided to turn in for the night. The next morning I slept in since it was now winter break. Well that is until a certain red head ran into my room and shook me awake. Very violently. "(Y/N)! Wake up! (Y/N)!" He shouted. "Karma let me sleep it's winter break." I grumbled rolling over so I didn't have to face him. "GET UP RIGHT NOW YOU LAZY DRAGON!" He shouted. I grumbled something and ignored him. At least until I heard the screaming. "KARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Itona and Nagisa shouted causing me to shoot up. I glared at the red head as he smiled nervously. 'What the hell did you do?' I signaled. 'I may or may not have pranked back Nagisa and Itona for the Neko thing.' Karma signaled back. 'But now I need to hide. Help me.' I sighed and grabbed his hand. I went shadow mode and brought him to the council room. "You can hide here." I said about to leave. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Back to sleep." I responded shadowing away.       

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