Chapter 35: Kayano

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"How about that play huh? Karma and (Y/N) really sold it didn't they?" Nagisa questioned. I blushed a little. "What can I say? I'm naturally good at acting. And it is necessary for Phantoms." I said. "Yeah but for a second I forgot that those tears were fake." Rio said. "It looked like you were actually struggling to control yourself. For a second I thought you were actually going to kill me." Karma said with a sigh. I snickered lightly. "Karma's performance wasn't bad either. He would have sold it if he actually cried but then again when does he ever cry?" Asano questioned. "Karma? Cry? Pfft, that'll be the day." I said rolling my eyes. "Hey!" Karma said sticking his tongue out at me. I returned the gesture. Yukimura called Nagisa out of the classroom. I watched him go and made sure to shoot her a warning glare before returning to the conversation. Koro-sensei went off to look for Nagisa and Yukimura while we were talking. I knew she would take this opportunity to execute her assassination attempt but yesterday I made it clear to her that if she hurt Nagisa in any way I would make her life a living hell. 


After I said that she chuckled. "I should have known you'd figure it out soon enough. You are really smart after all." She said. I laughed a little. "True. Tell ya' what. I won't tell anyone about you or your assassination plot just as long as you don't hurt anyone. Hurt any of the others I'll make sure you die before you get your revenge." I threatened. "Seems fair to me. I don't hurt the others and my secret stays safe until I reveal myself. Sounds good." She said. "From one assassin to the other I would be careful if I were you. Tentacles can be nasty things. Trust me I've heard from Itona. My apologies for the pain." I said. She smiled. "It doesn't bother me. Once I disappear into the role nothing can bring me out of it." She said. I opened the window. "Welp I've got training this evening. Glad we could have this chat. Latter Yukimura." I said shadowing out the window. 

~End Flashback~    

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud bang. We all ran outside and saw Koro-sensei on the ground panting and Yukimura on the roof of the building. Nagisa ran out. "Guys, Kayano, tentacles!" Nagisa said out of breath. I looked at the green haired girl on the roof. We shared a nod before she started ranting. Then when she was about to use her tentacles to leave she smirked at me. "Oh and just to make sure the Phantoms don't try anything." She said. One of her tentacles grabbed me. "I'll be taking your leader." She said. With that she set off dragging me with her. I gave her the 'really b*tch?' look while she was doing this but I let her have her moment. It was her first attempt after all. We now stood in a tree. She looked precious. Note the sarcasm. "So why didn't you shadow away when I grabbed you?" She asked. I shrugged. "You could say payback." I said. "For what?" She asked. "Remember when the Reaper kidnapped Karma?" I questioned. "Oh right he shouldn't have been caught huh?" She questioned. "He has magic he should've used it. But did he? No. For some strange reason he let himself get kidnapped sooooooo here we are." I said with a shrug. "Fair enough." She said. My phone rung. She glared at me when I took it out. "What? It's just Karma. Besides my phone can't be tracked so your fine." I said. "Look I'll even put in on speaker." I said clicking the button. 

"Where are you?" Karma asked. "Earth, where are you?" I countered. "(Y/N)! This isn't a joke!" He shouted. "Really? Cause it's hilarious to me." I said. Yukimura chuckled a bit. He sighed. "Look, she did't hurt you did she?" He asked. "Her? Hurt me? Karma do you even know me?" I asked. "APPARENTLY NOT BECAUSE THE (Y/N) I KNOW WOULDN'T LET HERSELF GET CAUGHT!" He shouted. I growled. "Funny, cause I'm pretty sure I said the exact same thing to a certain red head that got himself kidnapped by THE DEMON GOD D*MN REAPER!" I shouted back. I heard a lot of sighs and facepalms from the other end. "Oh is the rest of the class there? Great! Now let me all ask you a question. How da f*ck did Karma of all people, the Second in Command of the Phantoms, get himself kidnapped by an assassin of the basic category?!" I shouted. "Wait WHAT!?" Asano shouted. "Yeah, Karma got himself kidnapped by a freaking assassin somehow and I had to come save his a*s! Isn't it suppose to be the other way around?" I questioned. "And just for the record he could use his magic at that time so don't go saying it was because you didn't have magic because that's a freaking lie!" I yelled. I hung up right there and shoved the phone in my pocket before smiling at Yukimura. "Sorry you had to see that." I said. "Geez, I didn't know you were that upset about it." She said. I noticed she had gone to the other end of the branch while I was yelling. "I just worry about him ya' know? And that f*cking idiot got himself caught. What if I hadn't been around to save him, what if the Reaper had someway to counter my magic? Then what huh? I don't understand what goes on in his head sometimes but he doesn't have an excuse for this one. Sure I made sure to scold him but I don't think it got through to him." I said. She smiled at me sadly. "You really love him huh?" She questioned. "No duh." I said. 

Afterward I used my shadow magic to make her a spare change of clothes. I knew the school uniform was uncomfortable. I changed into my causal clothes too. Black tee-shirt, sweatpants, and a black hoodie. We stood on a hill over looking the city. "So care to explain your past and everything? I know who you are but I don't know what brought you to this." I said. She chuckled. "Alright." She said. She explained it to me. I honestly felt sorry for her, and I could understand the pain of losing family. I hugged her. "Yuki I can understand that kind of need for revenge." I said. "Wha? Oh right. You lost your family too." She said hugging me back. "I didn't have a big sister but I had a little brother and sister. My parents too. I'm a lone survivor of my family. I can relate to you through that. And I understand that need for revenge. Because I feel that same need for revenge." I said. I pulled way and looked at the shorter girl. "So if you survive this let's train together sometime." I said. She nodded and smiled. "I'd love that." She said. Then Shiro had to show up and ruin the moment. "Ugh. Shiro." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah, he wants in on my plan but it's not like I listen to him." She said rolling her eyes. When Shiro tried to lecture her she struck at him with her tentacles and I used a few shadows to swing at him. "Mind your own business." We both growled. "I can kill him without your help." She growled. She got into take off position. "Let's go Shadow." She said. "Right." I said while nodding. We left him. 

After we found a good spot and sent Koro-sensei the text. Go time. Once night fell the class came. Yuki made sure that I sat behind her since she didn't want her quote unquote 'hostage' to go yet. If she did so Team Phantom would be able to act freely. I'll admit she is smart. "When Nagisa, Karma, and Shadow all went out to face Takaoka it took everything I had to not step in. When the thugs came I was able to keep my cover. When the Reaper stepped onto the playing field it took so much self control to not attack him on sight. But I managed." Yuki said. The entirety of the class tried to talk her down. Even Karma, but I noticed how The Phantoms were eyeing me and not her. But once Itona stepped in she lit her tentacles on fire. I couldn't help but whistle at that one. She used them to make a ring of fire trapping her and Koro-sensei inside. I jumped back when the fire came close to me. Sorry but once again I'm a creature of darkness. From the moment she started fighting her movements were fast and fierce. She was having an insane break down because of those tentacles. But this is one situation where I can't interfere. I couldn't hear what the others were saying over the raging fire and her insane laughter. The fact I was one fire circle away didn't help. Not only that but my head was pounding at the intense bloodlust she was admitting. It was effecting even me. I could tell Karma was keeping the fire from spreading and Nagisa was helping as was Asano and Itona. So that's magic power adding to the list. Koro-sensei had put out a clone for the class. He was telling them something. The heat was starting to get to me as well. Once the clone disappeared they seemed to come up with something. Well Nagisa, looked like he came up with something. I saw Karma smirk and nod to Nagisa. Yuki hit Koro-sensei's heart. For a split second I thought he was done for but he grabbed her quickly. 

Nagisa walked through the fire his cold icy aura quelling the flames. He walked up to her and DOVE RIGHT IN FOR A KISS! HOLY S*IT! "WHOA LOOKING COOL BLUEBERRY!" I shouted taking pictures. Rio and Karma took pictures as well. 15 hits and she was outta here. I was fangirling so much at the moment. They removed her tentacles and put out the fire. Rio and Karma each grabbed Nagisa's shoulders with matching smirks. I popped up right in front of him. "Well, well, well someone took a page out of the Phantom Assassin book of tricks." I said with a smirk. "AH SHADOW! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?" Nagisa shouted. "I've been here the whole time and I got that on video! Way to go Blueberry you hit it right on the money!" I said still smirking. He blushed blue and covered his face in embarrassment. I chuckled evilly. Then me and Professor B*tch lectured him about only getting 15 hits. "Naw, Nagisa's current record is 60 hits in ten seconds, Karma with 80 in ten, and then me with 100 in ten." I corrected her. "Really that's impressive." She said. "Well for Phantoms we do have to max out our charm stat." I said. I felt an arm snake around my waist. I turned and met the golden eyes of Karma. "Riiiight, you're probably p*ssed at me right now." I said. "P*ssed does not even describe how I feel right now." He responded. I chuckled nervously at how close he was. Normally I would scold him for causing a somewhat P.D.A but I kinda deserved it. I'll admit it. I'm not a coward. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a terrible person that obsesses over the littlest things. I get it. But I knew Yuki wouldn't hurt me and as you can see, I am uninjured." I explained. He sighed. "You are such a handful." He said. "You're one to talk." I countered. He closed his eyes and sighed again. "Look I'm sorry about the Reaper incident. Just please don't pull s*it like this." He lectured. "Fine, just as long as you don't get your a*s caught." I said. "Fine. Are we at an agreement?" He questioned. "Yep." I said as he let me go. Shiro showed up. I swear to the Demon Gods I'm gonna kill that guy one of these days. But once he took of his mask, that's when real s*it went down. 

My eyes widened. That voice, that face. I started flashing back to my time in the lab. My breathing got more heavy and my power skyrocketed. Koro-sensei recognized this guy. But so did I. Once Koro-sensei told us his name he took his friend and left. I launched forward about to give chase but Karma wrapped his arms around my waist preventing me from getting far. "GET BACK HERE YOU B*STERED!" I shouted my voice trembling with rage. Everyone looked at me and the red head currently holding me back. "NAGISA A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Karma shouted. "LET ME GO! I'LL MAKE HIM PAY! I'LL KILL HIM WITH MY OWN TO HANDS!" I screamed. The rage in my voice was nothing the others had ever seen before. Not even when Karma was kidnapped or when Itona first showed up. With those my rage was sensed but not so much visible. This was completely different. The others tried to talk me down but I wasn't listening to anyone. "Her bloodlust skyrocketed, and look the shadows are going nuts!" Karma said eyeing the moving shadows. "Karma, we're trying to get her to calm down but we can't help if we don't know what's wrong." Koro-sensei said. Yukimura started to wake up. "What's going on?" She asked. "Kayano." Nagisa said relieved. "I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll kill him." I repeated over and over again. Karma was still trying to get me to calm down. He was trying everything that typically worked with me. Jokes, funny comments, moments in the past, everything. But nothing was working. He even threatened to kiss me. But nothing was working. "Guys little help her!" He said starting to lose his grip on me. "Karma if you can get 80 hits in ten seconds that means you can knock her out." Nagisa reminded remembering one of the statements I made a while ago about my limit being 70 hits before passing out. Karma's eyes lit up. "Right." He said. He turned me around to face him. Anger and hatred was all he could see in my (E/C) eyes. "(Y/N)." He started. I didn't respond. "I don't know what's going on right now. But don't be mad at me. I use this as a last resort." He said. He pressed his lips on mine. Phantom resistance kicked in so the original shock of a surprise kiss isn't what got to me. It was the follow up because d*mn Karma is a good kisser.

10 HIT, 20 HIT, 30 HIT, 40 HIT, 50 HIT, 60 HIT, 70 HIT.                   

He pulled away and a fell limp in his arms a black blush clear as day. Karma looked around at the others before smirking. "And that's how it's done folks." He said. "How the f*ck...?" Asano trailed off. "Blood rushing to her head and lack of oxygen makes it hard for her to stay conscious. But 70 hits is just where she passes out. She should wake up in a few minutes. Now if I wanted her to stay out for a while I would have to go to 90 or 100. But I haven't gotten that far with her yet." Karma explained. "But why a kiss?" Asano questioned. "If calming her down by normal methods wasn't working, just like with Kayano we had to do something to make her forget her rage and bloodlust. By doing that Karma put her focus on him instead of on her rage therefor making her temporarily forget about it." Nagisa explained. "One of the lessons she taught us was how to bring someone out of a bloodlust state. You have to make them feel a strong positive emotion. The main choices are typically joy or love." He continued. Kayano asked about what just happened. Itona gave her a quick run down. She felt really sorry. Then Nagisa gave her a speech that truly touched the hearts of the people around him. He's a Phantom through and through. That's when I started to wake up. The moment I was up I was asked questions. But I didn't care in that moment. I was just furious at Shiro. Why you ask? Well, he's the head scientist that made me half dragon. The guy who ripped me away from my family and made me a hybrid.

This chapter sucks I know but I never really liked the whole thing with Kayano and I feel like it would be pointless for her to try anything with the other Phantoms around which is why Shadow is really lazy and staying on the sidelines. She's letting the class handle themselves without her there. But in the end it's still a Phantom who finishes the job. Sorry for any errors.                       

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