Chapter 34: I Know Everything

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"Eh?" The class asked. "A Drama Festival?" They questioned. "THAT SOUNDS FUN!" I shouted a smile on my face. The class looked at me confused. "What? Am I not allowed to have other interests?" I questioned shooting them all a glare. They all looked away. Karma smirked as did Kirara. "Hey if we're suppose to plan this let the Phantoms do it! Kirara you wanna help?" I questioned. "HELL YEAH!" She shouted. Me and her wore matching smirks as we both chuckled darkly. "I don't like where this is going." Everyone (except Karma because he doesn't give a s*it) said. 

We all got in our places as Ritsu started to read the script. "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen. Today we will be preforming a play for you! So I present to you 'The Underground' a Team Phantom and E-class  production. Please enjoy the show!" She announced. I stood out in the center of the stage as the spotlight came down on me. "There once was a girl, her name was Midnight." Ritsu started. Some of the others (not team Phantom) came out and started playing catch. "Midnight was different from other kids. She never smiled, she didn't play, and she didn't like people in general." She said. Meahara was laughing. "Hey Midnight come play with us!" He called over to me. I waved. "No thanks." I responded weakly before walking off stage. The others cleared off stage and the lights went off. I layed down on the stage face down. "Then one day, while she was exploring the mountain close by her home, she fell down a hole. Deep deep deep underground. Luckily some flowers broke her fall." Ritsu said. I sat up and rubbed my head as the spotlight came back down. "Oh ouch. That hurt. W-where am I?" I questioned. "Little known to her at the time she had fallen into The Underground. Long ago humans with magic power were sealed in The Underground, and she was about to meet two of them." Ritsu said. "Oi! I think I heard something over here!" Karma shouted. He walked across the stage with Asano following behind him. They both wore matching hoodies. Karma's was red and Asano's orange. They noticed me. "Who are you?" Asano questioned. I froze on the spot and tried to stand up. "I-I'm no one important. I-I just want to know where I am." I said backing away from the two. "C-calm down kid." Karma said. I glared at him. "I'm not a kid!" I barked. "Okay okay geez. But seriously calm down. We aren't going to hurt you." He said with a chuckle. "Midnight didn't know what she should do in this situation. She could either run, try to fight, or try to talk to them. Running was out since the only way out was behind the two, she didn't want to fight either, but she didn't know how to talk to them." Ritsu said. "Okay let's all just calm down here." Asano said. "You're in The Underground. I'm Fox, this is my brother Devil." He said gabbing his thumb at Karma. "Now can you tell us your name?" He questioned. "Midnight started to relax. She sensed no evil from these two." Ritsu said. "My name is Midnight." I said slightly hesitant. Karma leaped forward and shook my hand. "Welp it's a good thing you're here! Nothing interesting ever happens it's so boring!" He wined. I gave him a look of confusion. Asano smacked him upside the head. "Devil that isn't true. Things happen down here." He scolded. Karma pouted. "Yeah, boring political stuff that I couldn't care less about." He said rolling his eyes. I chuckled at them, then laughed while smiling. "And for the first time, Midnight smiled a genuine smile." Ritsu said. With my hand in his Karma led my off stage with Asano. "This is fun." I said while we were back stage. "True, I never thought I'd have this much fun acting." Asano said while nodding. "Let's do this." Karma said. 

I walked back out onto the stage Nagisa and Kayano following. The lights came down again. "Midnight became close to a lot of the magic users. Even the King and Queen of The Underground." Ritsu said. They both smiled at me before walking off stage. Rio came next. "The caption of the Royal Guard as well." Ritsu said. Rio walked off again. Karma and Asano came back on stage and Karma took my hand while Asano smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "But she became especially close to Fox and Devil. The two that found her." Ritsu said. The light then switched to a black light as Karma and Asano walked off. "But as she grew closer to them a darkness inside her started to grow as well. The reason she was always distant from others was because if she saw the worth of other people the dark power inside her would grow. She tried to fight the darkness...but." Ritsu said. I clutched my head in my hands. "Stop it. No. Leave me alone!" I said in defiance. Then I smirked and a dark chuckle rose in my voice. I looked out at the crowd my eyes now blood red. The lights turned off and all you saw was my glowing red eyes. My chuckling turned into evil laughter and my glowing eyes disappeared as I walked off stage. "But the darkness over took her." Ritsu finished. My eyes returned to normal when I came up to Asano and Karma. "How'd you do that?" Karma asked as Asano walked out on stage. "Shadow spell. I can change my appearance. Even eye color." I explained waving a hand in front of my eyes so that they turned red again. "Where did you learn that?" He asked. "Don't worry about it." I said. "Then one day..." Ritsu started. "That's my cue." I said. I walked back out onto stage a fake knife in hand. I kept my gaze downward. "Oh hey Midnight!" Asano greeted cheerfully. "By the way, Devil was looking for you. Said he had something he wanted to tell you." He added. I stopped right in front of him. "Midnight?" He questioned. He noticed the knife in my hand. "Why do you have a knife?" He asked. "Fox...Run." I pleaded. "What?" He questioned. I looked up with a smirk my eyes red. "She warned you.~" I said evilly. The lights cut off and Asano screamed like he was just stabbed. He fell on the floor. "Good acting." I whispered. "Thanks." He mumbled back. The lights cut back on again to show him on the ground and me trembling. "N-no. Fox? Fox wake up. Please." I pleaded my eyes back to normal. They went red again. "One down, let's continue.~" I said holding the fake knife in a ready position. The lights cut off and I walked off stage. They cut back on and Karma walked onto stage. He yawned. "Geez I wonder where everyone is." He said. He froze and looked at Asano. "W-wait. Fox?" He questioned. He knelt down and felt his pulse. His eyes widened in shock. "N-no." He mumbled. He shook Asano gently like he was trying to wake him up. "Fox wake up! This isn't funny man!" He shouted. "Fox didn't say anything. He didn't stir. He was dead." Ritsu said. "W-who did this?" Karma questioned quietly. The temperature of the room spiked and a fiery circle appeared around him. "WHO DID THIS!?" He roared. 

"The truth was that Devil was secretly the most powerful magic user in the entire Underground. No one but the king knew this however. Although Devil was lazy and preferred to pull pranks and mess with his brother, he was the last line of defense for The Underground." Ritsu said. The fire and heat died down much to the crowds relief. "Bro, I-I don't know who did this, but I will avenge you." Karma said. He hugged Asano before setting him back down gently. He stood up and walked off stage. I high-fived him for a job well done. "That was quality acting right there." I said. "Thanks. I've been working on it." He said with a smile. The lights cut off so Asano could get up and come back stage. "You actually seemed p*ssed. Way to go." He said. Karma blushed slightly at the compliments from the both of us. "Midnight continued her killing streak. She had no more control over herself. She tried so hard, she didn't want to kill her friends, but she couldn't control the darkness any longer, until..." Ritsu trailed off. Me and Karma stood opposite ends of the stage. 

The lights came down. "Midnight...I didn't think it would be you who was killing everyone..." He said. "Midnight? Who's that? Oh that weakling right? No, she's not here anymore. Sorry.~" I said. "So that's it. I read about this somewhere I think. Oh well. It's too late now." He said with a sigh. He lit his hands on fire as we both got into battle stances. "It's a beautiful day outside." He started. "Birds are singing, flowers are blooming." He continued while closing his eyes. "On days like these, kids like you..." He opened his eyes to revel that they were glowing. "Should be burning in hell." He growled. He charged at me first and I dodged his flurry of attacks then tried to slash at him with the fake knife. He dodged it. "What? You think I'm just going to stand there and take it?" He questioned. He took a few swings at me and blocked my path with fire. The battle went back and forth for a while. We both stood on opposite ends of the stage again. He was panting and so was I. "You know." He started. "This fighting is getting really boring. And you and I are both tired. It seems we are at an impasse." He said. "Come on, buddy, friend, I know you're still in there somewhere right? So please, Midnight, if you're in there, let's just end this fighting okay?" He offered. He opened his arms in a gesture for a hug. "Please? For me?" He questioned. I stepped forward holding the knife out. He flinched a little but held his position. The knife trembled in my hands as my eyes flashed back and forth between red and their normal color. "What are you doing you fool! Kill him and we win this!" I shouted at myself my eyes red. They flashed back to normal color. "I can't! I can't kill him! I won't do it!" I shouted. My eyes flashed red again. "You will! I will make you!" I shouted. "NO!" I screamed dropping the knife as my eyes returned to normal. I ran up and threw my arms around his neck. "I'M SORRY!" I shouted while crying. D*mn I am good at acting. I thought. He chuckled and returned the hug. "You were still there. Good. Don't worry about it Midnight." He said. "It's okay. You're okay now right?" He questioned. "I don't know! I'm scared!" I shouted. "It's okay." He repeated. I clutched my head. "Are you alright?" He asked. "N-no. It's trying to take over again. I don't want it to take over. Devil! Help me please!" I pleaded. "I don't know what to do!" He shouted hugging me tighter. "You're going to have to kill me." I responded weakly. "WHAT!? NO! I just got you back I am NOT losing you again!" He protested. "JUST DO IT SO I DON'T HURT ANYONE ELSE!" I shouted. "Midnight." He said quietly. Fire formed a fake knife in his hand. He held it to my back. "Just remember...I-I love you." He said. In one swift movement he dragged the fake knife over my back and I fell limp in his arms. 

The stage lights went dark and we walked off stage. "That was some d*mn good acting!" Karma said to me. I chuckled slightly. "I guess I have a talent for it." I said. "You guess!" Asano said walking over to us. "Oh my God! I'm crying at that!" Kayano said. "And I have it on video!" Rio stated proudly. I chuckled at their praise. "I was so drawn in. Way to go." Nagisa said. "Karma wasn't to shabby either. It seemed like there was real emotion behind his eyes." Asano added. "True you both did wonderful." Koro-sensei said seeming to be crying. "Thanks but the idea isn't that original though, the inspiration came from Undertale." I said. "Ah, that's why it's so familiar, no wonder Karma was so good at that, Sans is his favorite character last time I checked." Nagisa said. Karma shrugged with a smile. We all walked back out on stage and joined hands. The stage lights came back on and we all took a bow. "Thank you for coming to see our performance. We hope you had a wonderful time!" We all said in unison.

 After that everyone left except for me and Kayano. We both had decided to help clean up the classroom. "Thanks for the help (Y/N)." She said. "No problem Yukimura." I said with a chuckle. She dropped her broom in shock. "W-what did you just call me?" She asked. "Aw, were we not suppose to use our real names? My bad." I said with a chuckle. "Wait y-you know?" She questioned. I chuckled darkly. "Honey how many times do I have to say it before people understand?" I questioned shaking my head. I turned to her with an evil smirk on my face as my eyes turned into slits. "I know everything."        

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