Chapter 33: The Final Results

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Me and the rest of the Phantoms were sitting in the council room studying. We had the monitor on to observe A-class but we weren't paying that much attention to it. "Hey (Y/N). I forgot how to work this problem." Nagisa said sweat-dropping a little. I got up and looked over his shoulder. "That one is kinda of tricky but the a trick to keep in mind is to break it down bit by bit. Don't over think things. Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one." I reminded. Nagisa's eyes lit up and he solved it. "Very good." I said patting his head. "Thanks (Y/N)!" He said cheerfully. "Anytime Blueberry." I said. I sat back down and got back to work. Karma, Asano, and I all finished our workbooks. I yawned and stretched leaning back in my chair and almost falling over. I laughed slightly as did the others. Nagisa and Itona both finished soon after. "Hey (Y/N). Does that trick work most of the time?" Asano questioned. "A good 90% of the time, yeah. Let's see, say you were about to kill a person. You came up with a complex method that would create a good alibi but you had to use a certain method that would leave a lot of evidence. Now if you just slipped in and stabbed the person and took your knife with you then there would be a lot less evidence for people to find. Sometimes simple is better. If more assassins did this then they would be less likely to get caught." I explained. He nodded. "That seems logically. But we're Phantoms right? Don't we show off a lot?" He questioned. "While that is true we do things in the middle of the night and because of me we can travel in shadows. Chances of us actually getting caught are pretty slim." I said. Karma and Nagisa nodded. "But during the Takaoka incident we couldn't leave camera footage because it was me and Nagisa's first kill. Shads wanted to make sure we were safe and didn't get caught first try." Karma explained. "I see. So that's why when I heard something about Takaoka dead they didn't have any evidence except guard witnesses. Of course since you were in Phantom uniforms they didn't see and major features that would put you in much danger." Itona said. "Exactly. I had Ritsu erase any footage and I typically do that anyway just in case I actually slipped up. It's rare but everyone makes mistakes so it's important to take precautions." I explained. "What about the calling cards? Don't those leave finger prints?" Asano questioned. "Basic rule of any assassin. Always wear gloves." I reminded. "Oh right." He said. We heard the door to the A-class classroom open and turned our attention to the monitor.  

The principal was going to be teaching A-class for the finals. He looked around the room and took notice to the empty desk in the front row. "Has anyone seen Asano lately?" He asked. The rest of the class started mumbling rumors. "I heard he joined E-class." A rumor spreading girl said. This caused everyone to look at the principal and holy s*it. Imagine the most disbelieving utterly hilarious and disgusted face you can think of. That was his expression. Asano and the others could not contain their laughter. I just fell out of my chair while laughing. 

"Alright class, they should be posting the results for finals at the main campus. I don't see why we can't do the same here." Koro-sensei said. He posted the results. 

1st place: Karma 

2nd place: Asano and (Y/N)

3rd place: Nagisa and Itona

Everyone else followed suit. Karma stared at the scores in shock. I laughed slightly about the dumb look on his face. He jumped onto his desk. "OH F*CKING HELL YEAH! I FINALLY BEAT HER AT SOMETHING! HA! I WIN! I WIN I WIN I WIN!" He shouted while laughing. He got so excited that his ears and tail popped out. I covered my mouth while laughing. It seemed to hit him like a train. "YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE DIDN'T YOU!?" He shouted. "Yep!" I said cheerfully. He sulked in the corner. "Does he have a cloud over his head?" Nagisa questioned. "Umm, more importantly does he have a tail and cat ears?" Rio questioned. "Shads I hate you." He mumbled. "Aw, you could never hate me." I said. "And that's what I hate about you." He grumbled. We just laughed at him. "Karma get out of the corner." "NO!" "Don't make me get the water gun." I said. "The what?" He questioned. I pulled out a small water gun and spritzed him. He hissed and jumped back onto his desk with his ears pulled back. "Bad kitten." I scolded. The rest of the class just sweat-dropped. "Wait, so Karma's a cat now?" Terasaka questioned. "Meif~wa." I corrected. "Technically the proper term is Neko but she prefers Meif~wa." Itona said. "And no, he's not a cat technically. You could say he's the cat counter part of a Werewolf." I explained. "Yeah, and she never let's me hear the end of it." He said while pouting. "Don't make me pet your ears again." I threatened. His eyes widened. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" He shouted. "Welcome to my world." I growled. "ANYTHING BUT THE EARS!" He shouted with a blush on his face. The rest of the class just looked at him in confusion. I sighed and put the water gun away before glaring at the class. "I'm the only one allowed to tease him about it. Am I clear?" I questioned. "A-aye ma'am!" They all shouted in response. I walked towards the window and grabbed Karma by his tail and dragged him with me. "OW OW NOT THE TAIL!" He shouted. "PLEASE PLEASE THAT HURTS!" He shouted. The rest of the class looked at him in shock considering he never says please. "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" He shouted. "No one can help you now Kitten." I said. "WHYYYYYYY DO YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEE!?" He asked. "Because you do it to me all the time so this is pay back." I responded. "That's fair and I hate it." He said. I jumped out the window dragging the Strawberry Kitten with me. The other Phantoms followed after. 

We all sat in a clearing just relaxing now that finals were over. Karma was using me as a pillow while he slept and I was reading. I apologized for embarrassing him in front of the class and he admitted that he kinda (defiantly) deserved it. He had been reading over my shoulder when he passed out. And before you ask yes I did throw the finals so that I could mess with him. Yes, I am a mean and cruel person. He was draped over my lap and trust me it was adorable. His ears twitched every now and then and it was so flippin' cute! I was listening to music at the time when the Sans and Chara duet of Stronger than You came on. You aren't allowed to judge me people you probably listen to it too. I hummed it to myself quietly while reading. Karma's ears twitched again and I heard him start to purr. It took a lot of self control to not fangirl and wake him up. I heard a loud bang come from the 3-E building. This caused the relaxing mood of the Phantoms to shatter but some how Karma stayed asleep. I shook him awake. "Karma wake up!" I snapped. He jumped up his ears drooping a little. Once again a lot of self control to not fangirl. I jumped up and he followed picking up on my serious aura. I left my book there and ran towards the building the other Phantoms following behind me. Something happened while I was running. I felt magic energy build up inside and around me and I changed into my Phantom uniform through my magic. Of course I didn't realize it at the time nor did the others as they changed into Phantom uniforms too. I jumped through the open window, followed by Karma, Asano, Nagisa, then Itona. We all landed in perfect formation and stared at the scene in front of us. The principal was there, he hadn't seemed to notice us yet as he explained his assassination attempt. The others all stared at us in shock. Then I noticed we were in uniform. I looked at the others, Asano and Karma seemed to be both be growling. Karma's ears and tail had disappeared as well but everyone else was in uniform. Masks and everything. Our hoods were even up. "WHEN THE HELL DID WE CHANGE!?" I shouted. The others who hadn't noticed us knew we were here now but the others looked at themselves in confusion. "Wait! THE HELL SHE'S RIGHT!" Nagisa shouted. I cleared my throat and shook my head. "Not important right now we'll figure it out later." I said. I turned and looked at the principal an actual growl rising in my throat. "Ah yes. Of course you would come once you realized team Phantom and the rest of 3-E was destroying your policy. Face it you're nothing but a coward." I growled. Everyone looked at me in shock. "What? To scared to admit you were wrong? Why am I not shocked? At least Asano can admit when he's wrong. Hell how is it that the kid is more mature than the adult?" I questioned. "BURNNNNNNN!" The others yelled. "Holy s*it and I thought I was a pyro!" Karma mumbled. "Who are you and where do you get the authority to talk to me in such a manor?" He questioned a growl in his voice as well. I stepped forward a little with a wide smirk on my face. "I'm called Shadow, the leader of the current Team Phantom." I introduced. His eyes widened in shock. "Yeah, that's right I'm one of the ones who's been tying first with your quote unquote 'son'." I said while doing air quotes. The rest of the class Karasuma, Koro-sensei, and Professor B*tch were all confused. The principal glared at me in shock. "H-how did you...?" He trailed off. "Oh for f*cks sake how many times have I had to say this at this point? I.Know.Everything." I said drawing out the last sentence. It still didn't register in his head. I sighed and facepalmed. "Let me dumb it down for you since you can't seem to understand one simple sentence." I said. "Oh d*mn she must be really p*ssed if she's roasting him this hard." Itona said. "When I first saw Asano and Karma stand next to eachother I could see a lot of things. I did a little digging and observed them both for a while before coming to the logically conclusion that they may be twins. The only thing that caused me to not do full background checks was the fact their last names were different and it was confirmed that they came from different families. That is until Asano joined the Phantoms." I explained. "WAIT ASANO JOINED THE PHANTOMS!?" The class shouted in shock. "Yes he did get over it." Itona deadpanned. "That explains a lot." The class said in unison. "Continuing on." I said causing the attention to fall back to me. "Just like every new member I did a full background check while encrypting his data and account so it couldn't be hacked. That's when I found the files that stated that Asano is in fact the son of Ruby and Drake Akabane. Of course files can be faked so I did a blood test to be sure. And low and behold the files were legit. So now I can confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn't Gakushu Asano, but in fact Gakushu Akabane, twin brother to E-class's very own Karma Akabane." I explained. "WAIT THEY'RE TWINS!?" The rest of the class shouted. "Well dang I thought they were in a relationship." Rio murmured. "WHAT THE F*CKING HELL RIO!" All of the Phantoms shouted. "Sorry." She apologized. "What is wrong with that head of yours?" I questioned. "Everything." She responded. "Fair enough I can relate." I said. I turned back to the principal. "Blood doesn't lie you know. He still has us call him Asano since it's what he's used to so we just stuck to it. You sir lied to him his entire life however. That I will not overlook by any circumstances. You never told him about his real family and that is a far greater crime than I can ever imagine." I growled clenching my fist. "I asked Asano a few days ago." I mumbled. "I asked him who he believed his true family was." I said. "You wanna know what he said?" I questioned. "He said that E-class and the Phantoms, despite only knowing us for about a week, are a far better family than anything he ever had with you." I growled. "So no matter who the hell you think you are you do not have any power here. Go ahead, carry out this assassination attempt for all I care, I will protect that d*mn Octopus and keep E-class running. Because we are the only ones who have the right to kill him. NOT some pathetic excuse for a father." I growled. 

That sent a blow to everyone in the room. Especially those who have some issue with their families, lost their families, or felt incredibly sorry about my past. After that he did go through with the assassination attempt but shocker the Living Sponge won again. After that he admitted defeat and Asano moved in with the Phantoms. All the Phantoms lived together now. I made a room for him and shadowed over to his house so he could pack his stuff. After that the Phantoms partied all night in celebration of Asano fully breaking away from his fake father. We smiled, we laughed, we had funny. "LET'S PARTY FAIRYTAIL STYLE!" Karma shouted. "HELL YA!" Me, Itona, and Asano shouted. We all looked at Asano. "You heard nothing." He growled. 


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