Chapter 32: Phantom Randomness

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~Short Chapter but it's funny and leads to the finals~

Karma eventually learned how to hide his ears and tail. Just like using magic. The changes couldn't be reversed on their own so we had Okada working on a counter potion. I wasn't sure it would work though. Of course Karma was getting used to it, still I've made it clear to the Phantoms that I'm the only one allowed to tease him about it. The Phantoms were all spread out across the house but Asano was at the counter and me and Karma were on the couch. Asano was munching on starbursts while me and Karma had our chocolate and strawberry milk. I looked over at the starbursts that Asano had. He really liked the orange ones. Unfortunately those are my favorites too. I asked Karma to hold my milk. I got up and walked past Asano stealing a starburst on my way. I leaned against the wall by the door and munched on it. Karma chuckled at this. Asano noticed one of his starburst was missing. "Alright where the hell did that starburst go?" He asked. Me and Karma both snickered. I walked by again and stole another one. "ALRIGHT WHICH ONE OF YOU IS STEELING MY CANDY!?" He shouted looking at Karma. I nomed on the starburst while he wasn't looking. Karma laughed about this. "WAS IT YOU TOMATO HEAD!?" Asano shouted. He laughed more. "Why don't you ask the one who was walking past you and can manipulate shadows?" Karma questioned. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" He roared chasing me around the room. Me and Karma just laughed as he did this. 

I was sitting in my room munching on a chocolate bar while reading the spell book. "(Y/N)! We're going shopping!" Karma shouted. "BE DOWN IN A SEC!" I shouted back. I came down the stairs in my civilian attire ready to go. The rest of the Phantoms were there too. Once we went into town we all agreed to stay together. That is until spotted a shop handing out cakes for basically nothing. "Hey were did (Y/N) go?" Itona asked. I walked back out with twenty chocolate cakes in bags. They all looked at me in shock. "Any of you touches my chocolate you die." I growled. They all just backed away slowly. Once we got home I ate one of the cakes myself. "Are you gonna share th-." "No." I deadpanned. 

I was petting Karma despite his protests when he smelled something from downstairs. He rushed down in cat form with me following behind him to see Asano and Nagisa baking? "Wait are you two actually baking something?" I asked with a snicker. "Hey we need to improve these skills you know." Nagisa said. Asano put a strawberry smoothie on the counter. Karma switched to human form and stole it. He then ducked under the counter so that he was hidden when Asano turned back around. "Wait what?" He questioned. "What is it?" Nagisa questioned. "The smoothie...Oh never mind." He said with a sigh. That's when I smelled it. "Is that strawberry cake I smell?" I questioned a smirk on my face, knowing full well that Karma was here and could smell it too. "Yeah, there were a lot of ingredients for strawberry cake so we tried our hand at that...Do you know if Karma's home?" Nagisa questioned. I shrugged thinking this was funny. "If he is I haven't seen him." I said. Needless to say once the cake was ready Karma stole that too. "OKAY EITHER KARMA'S HERE OR WE'RE BEING HAUNTED!" Nagisa shouted. 

Me and Karma stared at a pile of white chocolate on the counter. "Is that yours?" He questioned. "I don't eat white chocolate. I prefer dark chocolate for obvious reasons." I said. Just then Itona ran past scooping up the chocolate in his arms before fleeing to his room and closing the door behind him. "What just happened?" Me and Karma questioned. We opened the door to find Itona on the floor shoving the chocolate in his mouth. "Um, this isn't what it looks like." He mumbled through the chocolate in his mouth. I snapped a picture then closed the door. "SHADOW!!!!!" He shouted. 

Nagisa and I were hanging out when Karma came home with all kinds of sweets. We had to restock our sweets since all of us had been hording our designated sweets for the past few days. The moment he set the bags down Nagisa disappeared as did the bag full of blueberry sweets. Me and Karma both sweat-dropped. "I'll run back to the store." He said with a sigh. "Want some company?" I questioned. "Yes." He said. Once we got home we just found Nagisa passed out on the couch with blue all around his mouth. I took a picture then helped Karma put everything away. 

"You know I just realized something." I said. Me and Karma were playing video games since we were bored. "And what's that?" He questioned. I pumbled him in the match. He sighed in defeat. "Each of the Phantoms have a really bad sweet tooth for something. I have chocolate, you have strawberries, Nagisa has blueberries, Itona has white chocolate (the copy cat), and Asano has Starbursts." I explained. "I guess you're right. Not only that but we have some kind of drink that we all prefer. Nagisa likes blueberry smoothies, Asano likes orange smoothies, Itona likes normal milk, you have chocolate milk, and I have strawberry milk." He said. I nodded in agreement. 

We were training in the basement when Asano brought the whole 'me and Karma are sadists' thing. I smiled shyly while Karma smirked. "It's to be expected." He said with a shrug. He then sneezed and turned into a cat. "I'm never going to get used to that." Nagisa said with a sigh. "You're the one who did this to me." Karma countered. Itona shrugged. "You know I would be surprised if either of them had a torture chamber or some s*it." He said. Karma chuckled. "I'm pretty sure (Y/N) would have told me if she had a torture chamber." He said. I looked away with a small snicker. "What." He questioned. His fur suddenly turned black. "What?" He questioned looking at his fur. I snapped my fingers and a small washing basin fell on his head. It bounced off and hit a red button opening the trap door under Karma's feet. He fell in. Asano was freaking out about it until Itona and Nagisa told him it was normal since Karma's a walking jinx. "Wait. If that only happens when he jinxes something..." They all looked at me in shock. I chuckled. "Yeah I should probably go get him before he touches my toys." I said hopping down the trap door. I grabbed Karma by the back of his shirt and dragged him back to the entrance. "Why didn't you tell me you had a chamber/dungeon down here?" He asked. "Would you tell me if you had one?" I countered. "......That's fair." He said. 

Later that day I decided to give Karma a tour of the chamber. It was located under the basement deep underground and away from the main house. We were unaware that Asano was following us down. We heard a whistle behind us. We looked as the orange haired male looked around with a smirk on his face. "Nice place ya' got here." He said not noticing we noticed him. Me and Karma smirked our a*ses off. "You like it?" Karma questioned. "Yeah, good tools very shiny too, deep underground so nice and privet, and WAIT YOU KNOW I'M HERE!" He shouted. "You never mentioned you were a sadist." I said with a smirk. "I'M NOT!" He protested. "He's in denial. Everyone from my family is a sadist of some kind." Karma added. 

Me, Itona, and Karma were all binge watching Fairytail. We didn't notice that Asano was here. Nagisa was in class today so we thought no one but us was home. He walked down the stairs silently when he noticed the TV. "Hey is that Fairytail?" He questioned. We were watching the episode where Natsu and Gajeel were fighting Sting and Rouge. We all looked at him in shock but he didn't seem to notice. "OH S*IT I LOVE THIS EPISODE!" He shouted. He jumped onto the couch next to Karma before steeling the popcorn from the red headed male. He then realized his slip up before glaring at us. "I was never here and that didn't happen." He growled. We all focused our attention on the screen but me and Karma weren't going to let him live this down. 

We told Nagisa and Itona about Karma and Asano being twins in the council room. After that Asano asked about why we all lived here. "My mom got arrested and I don't get along with my other relatives." Nagisa said. Itona shrugged. "My parents disappeared a long time ago." He said. "You already know the deal with Mother and Father. They travel a lot so I just moved in with (Y/N)." Karma explained. "And this is your house right?" Asano asked directing it at me. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Because if this is your house where's your family?" He asked. I looked away while the others kinda just hissed. "Bad move." "Touchy subject." "I wouldn't go there man." That's how I ended up telling him about my past. "Ouch. Sorry for bringing it up." He said. "It's fine. You needed to know anyways." I said.  

"Alright class. Finals are upon us. Let's give it everything we got." Koro-sensei said. The entirety of Team Phantom was thinking at that time.

(Y/N): It's time for the final face off. Let's do this.

Asano: Here we go. He'll notice I'm not in A by now so this will get a bit hairy. 

Karma: It's my time to shine. Let's prove my worth. 

Itona: I'll make them all proud. Just you watch. 

Nagisa: I'm gonna try to beat Karma, Asano, or Shadow in the rankings. That's my goal. 

(Y/N): But either way...

Asano: This is going to be tough...

Karma: I'd better be prepared for this...

Itona: I can't let the others down...

Nagisa: No matter what...

All: WE WILL WIN THIS!         

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