Chapter 31: Phantom Bonding

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The entire class stared at him. Me and Karma looked at eachother. "Three, two, one." We both counted down. "WHAT!?!?!?!" The entire class including Koro-sensei yelled. Koro-sensei looked like he was glitching out currently. His face turned dark blue. Last I checked that means shocked. Mission accomplished. "WHAT THE HELL!?" Terasaka yelled. "WHY IS HERE!?" Meahara shouted. "I'm confused." Isogi piped up. "KITSUNE WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Nagisa and Itona shouted. "I THOUGHT HE HAS TOP GRADES! SO HOW IS HE HERE!" Kayano shouted. "Yo Carrot Top. Hows your morning been?" Karma questioned silencing everyone. "My morning went fine. How about you Tomato Head?" Asano shot back. The others looked at the two in shock as the shot back insults and nicknames back and forth. Meanwhile I was laughing my a*s off about it. Everyone else was in stunned silence after they were finished. "Whoa. Was he able to keep up with Karma in a verbal battle? I thought only Shadow could do that?" Chiba questioned. "D*mn Starburst. Were you preparing for this or some s*it?" I asked. "Actually yes. Sometimes you need to beat someone at their own game correct?" He questioned looking at me. I chuckled. "Bingo." I said. "Now I wouldn't say you beat me since I got the last word but you were really close. I'll give you points." Karma said leaning back in his chair lazily. "What.The.Actual.Hell.Just.Happened?" Sugino asked. He then turned a glare on Asano. "And why the actual hell are you here?" He asked. "Why he's here I don't know but he's here now. He's already been informed about our purpose, and all the paperwork and files check out. He is the new addition to 3-E." Karasuma stated. Asano turned to Koro-sensei. "I look forward to working with you for the rest of the year. By the way, I'm slightly curious, are you really as squishy as they say?" He asked. Koro-sensei had calmed down at this point. "Nufufufuf~ Why don't you find out?" The Living Sponge questioned making a gesture for a hug. Me and Karma gave him the 'you are so stupid how have we not killed you yet' look. Asano hugged him and Koro-sensei jumped back reveling he was mostly melted. "Heh, thanks for the tip Shads. The anti material really works huh? Who would have guessed right?" He questioned with a shrug. "Anytime Starburst." I responded. Asano then walked over to where me and Karma were. He sat down at the desk behind me. "That move was oddly similar to Karma's when we first came here." Isogi mumbled. "Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it. Also does it bother anyone else that he called her Shads and she didn't kick his a*s?" Kirara asked. "Yeah, also did he willingly just sit with the troublemakers? I don't think that's normal for him." Meahara piped up. The rumors and s*it kept spreading until attendance was taken. Then me and Karma grabbed our stuff and jumped out the window with Itona close behind. "Where are they going?" Asano questioned. "They always skip class. Something about not liking being in the classroom. They leave to go study somewhere else." Nagisa explained. Asano nodded and followed us out the window. "OH COME ON I THOUGHT AT LEAST HE WOULD STAY!" Nagisa roared in outrage. 

~Time skip~       

We came back for PE like always. "Yo welcome back." Nagisa greeted. Asano and Karma both had tired looks on their faces as did me and Itona. "What happened?" He asked. "We all fell asleep while studying." Karma explained with a yawn. "My fault. I'm the one who played relaxing music." I said. "No, it's our fault because we don't sleep much." Asano said. Karma nodded in agreement. Terasaka then walked up. He looked Karma in the eye. "Okay! What the hell is with you and Asano being so d*mn similar!?" The muscle head demanded. Karma grabbed the lager male and broke him over his knee. Repeatedly. With that blank 'I'm not dealing with your s*it today' look. "And it seems Karma and Terasaka have gotten into a fight! Who do you think will win? Place your bets!" I said with enthusiasm. Nagisa and Itona bet on Karma. "Is this normal?" Asano asked. "The betting? Yeah it's pretty normal. It's fun between Phantoms. Then again I only make bets I know with 100% certainty that I'll win. So my money's on Karma." I said. He nodded. He didn't bet mind you but he watched his twin beat the snot out of Terasaka. Terasaka fell to the floor with a thud. "And we have our winner! Since everyone bet on Karma no one loses yen. Congrats on not gaining or losing anything." I said. Karma walked back over with a smile. "Sorry you had to see that. I'm just not dealing with his s*it today." He said. He then smirked evilly. "But if he wants to go another round I'm all for it." He said cracking his knuckles. Terasaka was dragged away by his group. "Aw, poo. No more fun then." Karma said. I laughed at him. "Is that normal?" Asano asked. "Karma beating the crap out of classmates? Not usually but it does happen every now and then. Specifically Terasaka. The Muscle Head never knows when to not poke the devil." I said rolling my eyes. 

After PE we had lunch and then went to the rest of classes for the rest of the day. The only reason we don't skip much in the evenings is because Professor B*tch's lessons were in the mornings. We don't like her lessons much since it can be very embarrassing for all involved. After school we went home for some special training. All of the Phantoms sat in the basement. Ritsu had some calming music playing while making sure no one would interrupt. "Today's lesson will be very special, today we're covering unison attacks." I explained. Karma and Nagisa both let out a cheer. Itona and Asano were confused. "We learned this a while ago but it's been forever since we've done a unison rai- unison attack." Karma said correcting himself last minute. "It's basically were we combine out magic and form a very powerful attack." Nagisa said. "Let's show them a demonstration." I said. I rolled out a target and got into position. Karma on my right, Nagisa on my left. We all held out our hands in perfect sync as magic energy formed in our palms. Our eyes started glowing as we aimed for the target. "Fire, Shadows, and Ice all out attack." We said in unison. Nagisa shot ice spears out of his palm, Karma lit them on fire, and my shadows swirled around them. Once the attack collided with the target I had to put up a shadow shield around me and the others to protect us from the small explosion. There is a f*cking reason the basement walls are made of Dragonsteel. Once everything calmed down I lowered the shields. Itona and Asano were starstruck. "Is it just me. Or was that attack way stronger than when we last used it?" Karma questioned. "That's because we didn't regulate our power before hand and YOU TWO DRAGONS ALWAYS GO F*CKING OVERBOARD!" Nagisa shouted. Karma looked away while whistling and I fixed my gloves. "YA'LL ARE SO PETTY!" Nagisa shouted. "Wait, wait hold on. I'm a little confused on why they're the leader and second in command when they're both so childish." Asano said. "It's because they're half dragon." Nagisa said rolling his eyes. Itona tilted his head in confusion. "Oh right you don't know either. You see dragons are magical creatures that many aren't even sure exist. They're indescribably powerful, one of them even if they're only half dragon, has more power than all of us combined." Nagisa explained. The other two gaped at us in shock. "And we have no idea how powerful we'll get. Remember Shads created this house from her magic alone, sure she passed out from it but only for about a minute before she woke back up, and her power keeps growing with each passing day. Keep in mind she's not even an adult, sure she has the mind of one, but she's not fully grown. Neither am I. And I haven't even tried to test the full length of my power. There's no way to predict how our power will grow. All we can really do is a few calculations and find a rough estimate based on our power now, and old legends of dragons." Karma explained. I nodded agreeing with his statement. After that we got back to training. Since Asano's magic is still weak since he's not used to casting it I just had Itona practice with Nagisa and Karma while I worked with him. He was getting better but still struggling with energy management. 

After that I went up to my room and got on my computer and looked up old legends about adult dragons to try and find our how powerful they got. I was a little curious about how far my magic would go. I couldn't find anything on shadow or dark dragons. "GOD D*MNIT!" I shouted. I then decided to look up fire dragons. Fire and shadows may be polar opposites but since mine and Karma's magic are so similar I might be able to make a rough estimate based on that. I found plenty on info on fire dragons. Karma came in a few minutes later. "Foods ready. What are you looking at?" He asked sitting next to me on my bed. "I was curious so I started to look up old legends on dragons. For some reason I couldn't find anything to do with dark or shadow dragons. It's like they were wiped from existence." I said slightly suspicious. "Hey I'm sure you'll find something. Don't give it to much thought." He said. "I just find it weird." I said. He ruffled my hair making my smile. "Hey, I told you not to do that!" I said playfully. He stuck his tongue out at me then went back downstairs. "He is such a cat sometimes." I said chuckling to myself. I went back downstairs and went to the door. "Save my food for me I'll be back in a bit." I said. "Where are you running off to?" Asano questioned. "Bookstore. I need to start knocking some stuff off of my schedule." I explained. "Mind if I tag along?" Asano asked. "Sure." I said. He got up and went with me. Of course I traveled through the shadows since I was in a hurry, so I just grabbed him real quick then went to the front of the place. I gave him a minute to recover before we walked in. "Shadow, Asano, it's been too long. How are you both doing?" Mable asked cheerfully. "Pretty good. Sorry I haven't come often I've been really busy lately." I said. "Oh it's fine sweetheart I understand. What about you Asano?" She asked. "Same with me. I decided to tag along with her since I've been meaning to come back here." He said. "I thought you two hated eachother." She said. "Not anymore. We found common ground." I said. He nodded in agreement. "Well that's good since I did think you two could actually get along if you tried. You both are shockingly similar in personality." She said. We just smiled. Asano went to look around while I talked to Mable. "So do you have any books on dragons? Like old legends about how powerful they were? I've been curious lately." I said. She looked deep in thought. "It's an odd request but I think I have just the thing." She said. She went to the room in the back. A second later she poked her head out the door and looked around she made a gesture to distract Asano. "Hey Asano?" I questioned. "Yeah, what is it Shads?" He questioned. "Can you wait outside for a minute? I know it's sudden but I need to do something." I said. He nodded. "Sure, but you owe me later." He said. I laughed. "Yeah, yeah, just wait outside please." I said. He went outside. Mable came out of the back room carrying a large purple book. She placed it on the counter, dust flew off of it. It was a very big book and there was a black dragon on the front. "This is supposedly a book on spells that shadow dragons used in battle. I'm not sure if it's legit but it seems like something you'd want to have." She said. I looked at the book a little closer. "It looks like the dark spell book that Viper found in 'Tales of The Dragonhearted'." I said. "That's one of the reasons I've never opened it. The other one is that the person who gave it to me said that only those with hearts of darkness can read it." She said. I squinted at the book. It looked really old and it looked like someone had attempted to burn it. "Sounds good. It's probably a prank though but I'll take it." I said. I could sense magic from the book. I can use this. I then smirked. "I always get a weird feeling from this book. I just want it out of my store." Mable said with a sigh. "Then I'll take it off your hands. How much?" I asked. "On the house. Just get it out of my store." She said. I smiled. "Thanks Mable." I said I took the book. It was shockingly heavy. I poked my head out the door. "K you can come back now. I need to head back so pick out a book for me. Something interesting with a good plot." I said. He nodded and went back in. 

Once I went back home the first thing I realized was that there was a lot of noise from the building. Once I opened the door I saw silver and blue blurs chasing after a red blur. The red blur ducked behind me and I sensed a familiar fiery presence. The other two blurs were Itona and Nagisa. The stopped and both of them were panting but had smiles on. "(Y-Y/N)." Nagisa panted. "Look behind you." He said. I turned and looked at Karma. He had his hands on his head and kept his back facing away from me. He was shooting the nastiest glare I had ever seen him give to the two boys in front of me. "Umm, Karma?" I questioned. "J-just don't look at me." The boy in question wined. "You're hiding something." I said as the others laughed. "N-no!" He protested weakly. I put my book in one arm and used my other hand to grab his shoulder and slap his hand off of his head. Red, fluffy, cat ears. I stared, just stared at him as he blushed. I inhaled sharply. "Shads please don't." He pleaded. "OH MY DEMON GODS THAT IS F*CKING ADORABLE!" I shouted with a stupid smile on my face. "Satan why do you curse me so?" He wined. He had a tail! It was so cute! He then sneezed. I looked down. Karma was now a red furred cat. His scales were still visible on his front legs and his neck but.He.Was.A.Cat! I gasped again with a stupid smile. Let's just say I started fangirling which is out of character for me sure but can you blame me? No. No you can't. I picked him up with my free arm. HE WAS SO TINY OH MY DEMON GODS! He protested sure but he didn't have the heart to use his claws on me. He knows I'd f*cking kill him if he did. He just shut up. "Is he actually being quiet?" "More importantly did you just fangirl?" I looked at them both still with a stupid smile. "He knows I'd prefer it if he's quiet, and so what if I was fangirling? Got a problem?" I asked letting some of my bloodlust seep out. "N-no problems just curious." Nagisa squeaked. "Now let's get something straight. I'm the only one allowed to tease him about this. Anyone else teases him and I'll kill you. Got it?" I questioned in a cheery tone. They both nodded frantically. I sat on the couch snuggling Karma while opening the book. Words formed on the page. If you can read this message you are a user of shadows or darkness. Keep this in mind as you're reading. This book contains powerful shadow spells used by shadow dragons. Don't ask how I learned these. I rolled my eyes and turned the page. I turned a few more pages until I found one that had an interesting spell. Itona and Nagisa went off somewhere. And Karma, still a cat, could not get out of my death grip. 

"Why are you stareing at blank pages?" He asked. I had been reading over the spell. "Don't worry about it." I said. "That's when a worry about it most." He said. I shrugged. I closed the book and just pet him for a minute. "Sh-Shads, stop it." He stuttered. He started purring. Against his will mind you but he purred. "Stop please." He wined. "Geez I don't see what's so embarrassing." I said with an eye roll.  

~Karma's POV~                      

She doesn't know!? Oh s*it this makes things so much more difficult.          

~Your POV~        

Karma slapped his face with his paw. "Awww, facepaw!" I said. Asano opened the door. He had a lot of bags with him. "Someone went a little overboard." I said. That's when he noticed Karma. "When did you get a cat?" He asked. Karma facepawed again. "This is Karma." I said. "You named the cat Karma?" He questioned. I sighed and brought Karma over to him before pointing at the scales on his neck. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. "What the actual f*cking hell." Is all he said. Karma laughed. "Blame Nagisa." He said. "And you can talk, okay, good to know." He said. "I should expect this s*it by now it shouldn't even be surprising at this point." He said. I just laughed at him. 

~Next day~   

Karma hasn't figured out how to turn back yet. I had him tucked away in a second bag when I went to class. "Hey where's Karma?" Kayano asked being the first to notice the missing red head. At the call of his name he tried to poke his head out of the bag. "Stay in the bag d*mnit!" Itona barked at him. The others looked at him in confusion. I chuckled. "Let's just say Karma's in a furry situation." I said. The Phantoms groaned in unison because of the pun. Throughout the rest of class Karma glared at Nagisa from the bag. Nagisa obviously felt the glare of the red head but he tried to ignore it. "You feel your sins crawling on your back." I whisper so only Phantoms could hear. Nagisa just froze and the others laughed. "What's so funny?" Koro-sensei asked. "Nothing." We all responded. 

When language was about to start me, Asano, and Itona ditched. Itona went to his room, Asano sat at the counter/bar reading, and I was sitting on the couch reading this horror story Asano got me. It had a great plot. Karma ran off to who knows where. He came back down the stairs as a human. He still had the ears and tail but he was back to normal. "I found a way to transform back!" He shouted with pride. Asano looked up from his book and snickered at his brother. I was to invested in the story to notice. "(Y/N)?" He questioned poking my check. I ignored him. He tried again. No response. He kept trying to get me to notice him. "Shads! Don't ignore me!" He wined. I still ignored him. He flopped down on my lap. A tick mark formed on my head. At this point Asano had one eye on his book and the other on us. I closed my book. Karma smirked in victory. "(Y/N)..." I started. I then slammed the book onto his head. "CHOP!" I shouted. "OW OW OW!" He shouted falling off the couch. Asano burst at laughing and Itona popped his head out of his room. "Did I just hear a Soul Eater reference?" He questioned. I was already reading my book again. Five minutes later Karma tried again. The action in the book was starting to pick up so my attention was focused on that. I didn't notice the devious smirk on Karma's face. Just as the scare happened Karma brushed a finger down my scales. The shock on both ends caused me to jump up and throw the book in Karma's face. "WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CKING HELL KARMA!" I shouted a black blush on my face. Asano looked up from his book a confused look on his face. "I THOUGHT I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU TO NOT DO THAT!" I shouted. Karma sat back up in pain. "Oh, ouch. That book hurt there." He said. Itona popped his head out the door. "What just happened?" He asked. Asano looked at me. "Shadow do you understand what that feeling is?" He asked. "NO!" I shouted like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He looked at Karma with a glare. He put his book down. "Shads can you come here for a second?" He asked. "Ummm, sure." I said. I walked over. He covered my ears with his hands. 

~Asano's POV~    

"WHAT THE F*CKING HELL YOU SADISTIC B*STERED!" I shouted. He rubbed his head in pain. "What?" He questioned. "DID YOU KNOW SHE HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE'S FEELING!?" I shouted. "I found out the other night, yeah." He responded. Itona asked what was going on. I quickly explained what was going on. He glared at Karma. "WHAT THE F*CKING HELL YOU SADISTIC B*STERED!" He shouted. He pulled out his phone and called someone. He put the phone to his ear. "Hey everyone we've got a situation." He said. "Phantom Household, get here as quick as possible." He said then hung up. "Shadow Defense Squad is on it's way." He said. Not a minute later the door slammed open and Kirara, Sugino, Kayano, Rio, and Koro-sensei came running in. They all stood in front of (Y/N) protectively while shouting things at Karma. They didn't even notice the cat ears.  

~Later that night Itona's POV~ 

I heard a noise from the kitchen. I grabbed my flashlight and walked out. Nagisa and Karma found me in the dark and we went to the kitchen. I shined my flashlight on whoever was in the kitchen. (Y/N) froze a guilty look on her face with a chocolate bar in her mouth and more chocolate in her arms. "HA CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED!" Nagisa shouted. "Which we rarely ever do." Karma said rolling his eyes. She just disappeared into the shadows with all the chocolate. I sighed in annoyance. Now we have to get more chocolate. I swear that girl has a larger sweet tooth than me.  

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