Chapter 30: Asano Comes to 3-E?!

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After the fall festival was done and over with the other Phantoms had stuff they needed to do so I was in charge of training Asano. "Okay so we know you can use all forms of magic depending on your mood. But you need to decide what magic you'll use most often. That way it'll be easier to train you." I explained. We were sitting down in the basement currently. We just had food because we both need energy with magic training. "Now, close your eyes and focus. What kind of magic comes to mind first?" I asked. He followed my instructions. "I don't know. It all just keeps swirling." He responded. "Hmm, I've never encountered this before but I can at least help you with some elements. There are certain ones you need to be careful when using. Like fire for example. Fire is a very emotional element and if not in check you can probably burn everything within a twenty mile radios. I had to warn Karma of the same thing especial since fire is his main element." I explained. "Fire is dangerous. Got it." He said. "Now because you can use all element from what I've seen you can probably use shadows too. This is inconsiderable dangerous. You see shadow magic is a form of black or dark magic therefor by using it you're letting yourself be consumed by darkness. This can cause you to have insane break downs, cause you to be cold to others, and the worth of humanity will die in your eyes. Trust me it's all happened to me before. Of course it's also very chaotic because not only do shadows consume and destroy, they can also create. It all depends on you. I'm a good balance in between that way I won't become consumed by insanity and so on so forth. You get the picture." I said. He nodded. "Shadows are dangerous. Got it." He said. "Not only dangerous but powerful. These are things I haven't told the others about so this stays between you and me okay?" I questioned. "Okay." He agreed. "Now let's practice the basic move for a shadow user. It may be dangerous but it's also very convenient and useful. Turning into a shadow." I said. He nodded. "Now basic steps first but after a while it becomes easier and easier. Now it'll take a lot of effort first try and you'll be drained afterward but if you keep practicing it'll become a part of you. Now let yourself slip away. Focus on the darkness in your heart. Who do you hate? Do you want revenge? Don't let yourself be angry though. Just focus on that sick joy you get from the idea of defeating them." I said. His body slowly started to melt away into the shadows. "Excellent. Just like that. Keep that same focus." I said. He was doing great but the strain was a little to much for him. He collapsed on the ground panting. "That was hard. And it felt weird." He said. "That's to be expected. But you were doing great. If you keep practicing you'll be able to do it as effortless as I do it." I said. "Once you have that down you'll be doing fire training with Karma. Fire and shadows are the only really life threatening elements you need to watch out for at the moment." I explained. "I'll make note of that." He said. I helped him to his feet. I heard the door slam open. "WE'RE BACK!" Karma shouted. He came barreling down the stairs. "Whoa what happened to you?" He asked looking at Asano. "You look like you saw a ghost." He said. "I feel like a ghost right now." Asano responded. I snickered. "Yeah, first few times will make you feel sick like that but it goes away pretty quickly." I explained. "You're right. I'm starting to feel better now." He said. "Let me guess. Turning into a shadow for the first time?" Karma questioned. We both looked at him in shock. "Yeah actually. How'd you know?" Asano questioned. Karma shrugged. "I dunno. Just a feeling." He said walking back upstairs. "Hey Karma you're on kitchen duty tonight!" I shouted at him. "Yeah, yeah, I remember!" He called back. I looked at Asano with a smirk. "Twin ESP." I said. "SHUT IT SHADOW!" He barked back at me with a tick mark on his forehead. I just laughed and ran back upstairs since I had to work on my schedule. I sat at the counter working on my schedule. "Let's see I've been meaning to visit Mable again since I need new books, we're booked tomorrow because we need to help and the prep school, then of course most of my evenings are booked because we have training, over the weekend we have a double date with Kayano and Nagisa (match making trip), grrr and I still need to plan out the Phantom Trial." I mumbled to myself. "Phantom Trial?" Karma questioned looking over his shoulder at me. "Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough. If I can ever find the f*cking time." I mumbled the last part to myself. He shrugged and got back to working on the food. The others came out of their rooms once the smelt food. Asano eventually crawled his way out of the basement. "Geez you look paler than normal." Nagisa said. "Shadow mode for the first time." Me and Karma said in unison. "Oh geez. Yeah, I feel ya buddy." Itona said. "I'm fine, I've just been doing a little practice and now I'm tired." He said. He sat down next to me and Karma smirked. "Foods done." He said. 

After we ate me and Karma went up to the roof to talk for a bit. "So deadlines coming up." I said. "Yep and the class isn't any closer to killing Koro-sensei." Karma said with a sigh. "Let's not think about that right now. I'm more concerned on where things are gonna go after the year is over." I said. "Glad I'm not the only one. The Phantoms were originally formed to help kill the Octopus and to help with our training. Knowing how things typically go all problems will be resolved by the end of the year and there won't be much reason for the Phantoms to stay together." He said. I sighed and looked down. "But hey don't be down. I'm staying for sure." He said making me perk up a bit. "I wanted to become a Phantom because I wanted to kill the Octopus but also because I want to be the first one to beat you in a fight." He said. Oh Karma... "Like you'll ever beat me." I said playfully. "Ha! I will one of these days!" He declared proudly. "Pfft. Yeah right. It'll be funny to see you try though." I said. I heard movement behind me. I turned and looked. It was Asano struggling to pull himself on the roof. "God D*mnit Carrot Top, we were having a moment!" Karma said in annoyance. Oh thank the demon gods Starburst. I thought. "Well, well if it isn't devil's twin." I said. Asano glared at me and Karma looked at me in confusion. "Did I say that out loud?" I questioned. "Yes, yes you did. You had one job Shadow, ONE JOB!" Asano shouted. "Is that just a nickname or something?" Karma questioned. Me and Asano both gave him the 'how are you so dense?' look. "Yeah it's just a nickname. Right Shadow?" Asano questioned giving me the 'tell him and I steal all your chocolate' look. "Yeah just a nickname." I lied. "Are you lying?" Karma questioned. "No." I said. "You're doing this thing that you always do when you lie." He said. "I do a thing?" I questioned. "Yes you do a thing." He said. "That's a lie." I said. "No, you're the one lying." He said. "No I'm not." This continued back and forth until Karma forgot what we were talking about. "Wait what were we talking about?" He asked. "Nothing don't worry about it. So anyway Starburst why are you up here?" I asked. "Oh, you're done arguing. Well I'm about to head out so I wanted to say bye." He said. "Alright bye Carrot Top." Karma said with a smirk. "Don't call me that Tomato Head." Asano said leaving. I snickered at them. They're twins alright. 

~The next day~     

Me and the rest of the Phantoms were studying in the council room. Koro-sensei told me to handle their studying for today since he's helping the rest of the class. He trusts that I can handle my own team. Karma looked up from his workbook. "Hey (Y/N) turn on the monitor." He said. "Something wrong?" I asked looking up from my workbook as did the others. "I just got a feeling. Can you turn on the monitor...please." He added. I was shocked as was the others. "Karma you never say please." Itona said. He's got a feeling huh? Is something up with Asano? I thought turning on the monitor. "Principal's office cam." He said. I switched over to it and put it on the big screen. It looked like Asano and the rest of the big five had been called in. "There was nothing you could do? Really? They were running a restaurant. Are you telling me you couldn't have done something as simple as food poisoning?" The principal questioned. "With all do respect sir, even that would have been impossible. They had people checking the food and dishware for poison and sabotage." Asano said. He then smirked, a smirk that was similar to Karma's. "Of course you would have known that if you actually got off of your throne and did something for once." He said. Nagisa and Itona dropped their books in shock. Me and Karma had the stupidest smiles on our faces. "Young man you will not mock me in such a manor." The principal said standing up from his chair. "Then how would you like me to mock you? I take requests." Asano said. I clapped my hands. "YOU GO STARBURST!" I shouted. "GO CARROT TOP! SHOW EM WHO'S BOSS!" Karma shouted his voice brimming with pride. "This dude is a champion." Itona said. Nagisa smiled just as stupidly as me and Karma. "I am your father." The principal growled threateningly. "Really?" Asano questioned raising an eyebrow with a frown. "Because from where I stand that couldn't be farther from the truth." He said. "OH BURN!" Nagisa shouted. "What do you mean?" He questioned. Asano raised a copied version of the files and threw it on his desk and crossed his arms. "Don't take me for a fool. You should know by now I always find the truth." He said. The camera view was to blurry so even with our enhanced vision we couldn't see what was on the papers. But we could see the principal's reaction perfectly. "What's with that face? It looks like your glitching out." Asano said. "If you have nothing else to say I'll be taking my leave now. Good day to you, sir." He spat walking out of the room. I switched over to the hallway camera. Asano stood outside leaning against the door. He covered his mouth with his hand, a shocked look in his eyes. Fear was also in his eyes. "What did I just do? Wh-where did that all come from?" He asked. Karma was still smirking. He looked so proud. He reached over and took my phone and called Asano. Asano picked up his phone. "Hello?" He questioned. "Asano dude! I'm so proud right now!" Karma shouted. "Wait. You watched that!?" Asano asked panic in his voice. "Yes we watched it! We have cameras all over the main campus!" I shouted. "Shadow! You too! Oh God you're never going to let me live this down." He groaned. On the camera he seemed to be trembling. "Adrenalin Rush?" Karma questioned. He chuckled slightly. "Yeah kind of. I have no idea where that came from but it felt great." He said. "Get your a*s over here so we can party!" Itona shouted. I just stared at the typically monotone boy. "Okay. I'll come. But oh God am I going to get chewed out." He said laughter in his voice. "Welcome to the f*cking club." I said while laughing. "Ugh, I was so worried there for a second when I felt something off but oh my God that was beautiful beyond compare." Karma said relief visible in his voice. "What? You saying you were actually worried about me?" Asano questioned a hint of mischief in his voice. "Pfft, okay slow down Carrot Top. Why don't you actually calm down before sassing someone else." Karma said. "Fine, I'm coming over." He said. He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. We turned off the camera and went back to studying while we waited for Asano. Asano arrived a little while later. Karma was the first one at the door to greet him. Karma threw the door open. "What's got you so excited?" Asano asked a small smile. "I don't know!" Karma shouted hugging the orange haired male. "ACK! AKABANE LET ME GO OR SO HELP ME!" Asano shouted. "I don't think Karma understands what he's suppose to feel. I take it you feel the same." I said looking at Asano. "Yeah, I'm not sure if I should feel great or very very terrified of what he's going to do to me." Asano said. Karma pulled away from hugging Starburst. "He touches you let me know and I'll kick his a*s for you." He said. "Why are you being so protective Karma?" Nagisa questioned. "I don't know that's the thing. Maybe because he's a Phantom? Once again I have no idea." Karma said confusion obvious. I shot a glare at Asano and tapped my foot at him. "What?" Everyone questioned looking  at me. I sighed and shot Asano the 'tell him soon' look before walking back up to my room. I decided to work on my schedule. I really need to find a time before the end of the year for the Phantom trial. "WHAT!?!?!?" And literally a few seconds later. "OH HELL NO!!!!!" Someone roared. And I mean roared, like put a dragons roar to shame kinda roar. Something tells me Asano just told Karma. I decided to hide in my secret room. I heard the door slam open. "(Y/N)!!!!!!!" Karma roared. "Wait where is she?" He asked. "How should I know?" Asano questioned. "Also who's (Y/N)?" He asked. "That's Shadow's real name. What you think that Shadow was actually her real name?" Karma questioned. "Fair enough. Shadow I told him if your here!" Asano called. I popped into shadow mode and poked my head out of the shadows to look at them. "Yeah, no s*it Sherlock. I heard that roar of his from all the way up here. Hell I'm sure the entire campus heard that. Seriously that put a dragons roar to shame and that's saying something." I said. They both looked at me in shock. I went back into the shadows and floated around in the black void. This is a space between shadows. An infinite black void that connects all shadows in the world. I've spent my entire life learning how to use this place to travel through shadows. "(Y/N) why didn't you tell me he was my twin?" Karma asked. I could still hear people talking in this void. And if I talked my voice would come from all the shadows in the room. "Well one: He asked me not to. Of course I threatened that if he didn't tell you soon I would tell you but I was being nice and waiting for him to be ready to tell you. Two: I didn't know how you would react. Nor did I know how you would feel. Speaking of how do you feel? I'm curious." I said. "Why is her voice echoing like that?" Asano asked. "How should I know!? I only know somewhat of shadow magic. She doesn't tell me the darkest secrets of her magic!" Karma shot back. "Also I don't know how I feel. Happy? Shocked? I feel like I should have gotten it a lot sooner considering it was d*mn obvious. I feel kinda stupid." He said. "That's to be expected. By the way I did a little digging. Karma your the older twin." I said smirking to myself. "OH COME ON!" Asano roared. "It's only by like a few seconds, chill." I said. (Yes I changed Asano's birthdate. Got a problem?)

After that they talked things over a little. Karma was extremely happy. "But wait I still have one question. If we're twins why is his hair strawberry blond and mine red?" "Finally someone says it's strawberry blond and not orange." "Well for that you'd have to look deep into genetics. Although it's rare it's not impossible you two are twins according to the files. If you're still unsure I could run a blood test." I offered. I was still in the shadows. "Umm, no thanks." "I'll pass." I rolled my eyes. "Geez all I need is to prick your fingers with a needle. D*mn I needed to do a blood check on Asano to see if his blood changed color." I said. "Wait WHAT!" Asano shouted. "Yeah, it's a side effect of the serum she gave us. For some reason my blood stayed the same color but her blood is black. Nagisa's is blue. And Itona's is silver." Karma explained. "Why is your blood the same?" He asked. "We don't know." Me and Karma said in unison. "I did more than one blood check on him. I even double checked to make sure there wasn't any contamination or anything. Nothing. His blood had the same supernatural properties as the rest of us it just stayed red." I explained. "Hey (Y/N) are you gonna come out of the shadows anytime soon?" Karma asked. "Oh sorry. It's just cozy in here. I'll need to experiment and see if I can drag people into the shadows later." I said. I came out of the shadows and sat in the small circle they had. "You know I honestly wasn't that shocked to find out you were twins. Sure I was shocked that my theory was right and everything but it was kinda obvious." I said. "How so?" They both asked in unison. I facepalmed. "Well one you two look so f*cking similar it's scary, two your personality and strengths are similar too. Also you both have the tired 'I'm a psychopath eyes', not only that but once again referring to your eyes. Both of your eyes glow somewhat and change color when mad or determined to win something. Case in point Asano's turn into a more redish purple and Karma's turns into a more orangeish gold. Another thing that tipped me off was the fact you're both the exact same height." I explained. They both looked at me in shock. "And sure I could go on and on about similarity and whatnot but the only think that made me not look into it was the fact Asano actually looks somewhat like the principal. So originally I debunked my theory on you being twins because it was confirmed that you belonged to separate families that had no relation to eachother. But after checking over Asano's information while encrypting it with Ritsu she alerted me about the files that stated that Asano is actually the son of Ruby and Drake Akabane. Of course files can be fake so once again I could always do a blood test while I'm checking Asano's blood for any abnormalities." I said. Both their jaws hit the floor. Figuratively of course. "Do you have like a folder or something on this!?" Karma asked. "Actually yes I do." I said. "Seriously?" Asano asked. "Yep. I had Ritsu help with a little bit of research too." I said with a smile. "YOU'RE A F*CKING STALKER!" They both shouted. I tilted my head to the side. "It's only natural after all if there was a slim possibility of Asano being related to one of my Phantoms, the second in command no less, I as the leader, should be expected to look into it." I said. Karma sighed. "Right, the whole, 'protecting the family of your Phantoms' thing right?" He questioned. "Yep." 

"Anyways there's something I want to ask you two." Asano said. "What is it?" I questioned. "After that blow out with my...principal I feel like living with him is going to get a little rough, so if all possible, I'd like to know if there's someway I can transfer out of A-class and into 3-E. Living with him will be enough for me, I don't want to be taught by him too." He explained. Me and Karma smirked at eachother. "Don't worry Kitsune we'll have you down to E in no time. Just leave it to us. Just come to the 3-E building tomorrow. We'll have everything sorted out by then." I said. "Karma go ahead and inform him of the 3-class weirdness. Me and Ritsu will do our thing." I said. "Alright Carrot Top we've got a lot of stuff to cover so get comfy." Karma said. "Stop calling me that Tomato Head." Asano shot back. I pulled up my computer and sat on my bed. "Okay Ritsu let's get to work." I mumbled. "Yes Mistress." She responded. "Who was that?" Asano asked. "I'll get to that." Karma said. "Just focus on me right now and not what she's doing." He added. By the time Karma was finished explaining E-class and answering all of Asano's questions, I was finished with me and Ritsu's hacking. "And done." I said closing the lid on my laptop. I checked the clock. "Just in time too. Time for training." We all groaned in sync. "I'm a little worn out from all this." Karma said. Asano nodded in agreement. "Please you think your worn out? Try hacking into date bases with an AI for three hours." I growled. "Maybe we should all just take a break for today." Karma said. "Agreed." Asano said. Almost instantly he passed out on the floor. Me and Karma laughed at this. "Well someones had a long day." I said. "I don't blame him. Especially after learning about E-class, sassing the principal, and having to revel that he's my twin." Karma said. "In fact I think I'll join him." He added passing out as well. I chuckled at them. They don't exactly sleep much. It's more obvious with Asano but Karma takes naps whenever he gets the chance. I set an alarm to wake me up so I could wake up Asano when it was time for him to leave. After that I crashed too. 

~Nagisa's POV~                           

Me and Itona were ready for for training but (Y/N), Karma, and Asano weren't around. We checked upstairs when we heard snoring. We walked into (Y/N)'s room and low and behold Karma and Asano were passed out on the floor and (Y/N) was curled up in her bed. "What happened here?" Itona questioned. I snickered. "Looks like they all had a long day. Help me move Asano and Karma out of the floor." I said. He nodded. We moved Asano over to the couch that (Y/N) had in her room and we moved Karma onto the bed with (Y/N). That was so I could get a good picture. It was even cuter when he sleep hugged her. I got my picture. "Why does Karma sleep hug her?" Itona asked. I shrugged. I didn't notice that the (H/C) haired female was awake and stareing right at me and Itona. I turned and met her dark (E/C) eyes stareing right at me. Being honest, even when she's being hugged by an extremely adorable Karma, that glare is still spine chilling. "Karma wake up." She growled. "Five more minutes." He grumbled. "Wake up now or I ignore you for a week." She threatened. He shot up and glared at us. He held out his hand and a gun made of fire materialized in it. He pointed it at us. "Get out." He growled. We fled. 

~The next day, Your POV~          

"Alright class Karasuma just informed me that we have a new student that transferred down to E-class." Koro-sensei announced. Whispers and mumbles broke out through the class while me and Karma smirked at eachother. Karasuma walked in, and Asano was right behind him.               

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