Chapter 29: Kitsune Joins the Phantoms

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~A lot of ya'll might hate me after this chapter and yes I changed the story a lot! But if you're curious read the author's note at the end to explain the code name~

After the incident with Nagisa's mom Nagisa was officially staying with me. Now all the Phantoms live together. Of course that led to chaos in the mornings but hey, what are you gonna do? The fall festival was coming up and Koro-sensei brought up the idea of using the mountains natural ingredients to me and Karma. He told me and Karma to work on  a recipe. He entrusted it to us since we did live in the mountain and we were the quote unquote 'best cooks in 3-E'. Once again I wouldn't go that far but not like I can do anything to change their minds. Me, Karma, and Nagisa would also be preforming for the crowd. I used my magic to set up the stage and Itona and Ritsu helped with tech stuff and sound effects. We would be using our magic to make our performance more interesting. It's a good thing me, Karma, and Nagisa all know how to play instruments. We had Nagisa on drums and me and Karma on electric guitars. I can play any instrument I just prefer electric guitar. Me and Karma were also on vocals. All the Phantoms could sing well. It's just the others don't sing as often as me and Karma. The plan was we would entertain customers while the rest of 3-E used the recipes from me and Karma. Once a good amount of customers had popped up we were all set up. We had Ritsu announce it. "Ladies and Gentlemen! The show is about to begin! Please take your seats!" She said. I looked and Karma and Nagisa. "Ya'll ready?" I asked. "You bet!" "Let's do this s*it!" I laughed a little.

Once we were finished saying the crowd was impressed is an understatement. Using our magic during the performance was great too. We took a 5 minute break before the next performance. You could tell the other two were hyped. I however was calm. I enjoyed singing and playing in front of a crowd but I reminded myself to stay calm and not get too excited. The next song Karma and Nagisa would be singing. It was a mashup. We would only do three songs a day so this would be the intermission song before the final.

I think the boys had fun. Next song me and Karma had been planing on singing for a while now. "You ready?" I asked him. "Is that even a question?" He countered. "Lol, fair enough. Let's do this." I said. ~Play song up top~  We started playing. Only this time I had Karma on violin. Yes he can play it, very well too. The curtain lifted. Little known to me at the time Asano was watching this one. 

Me: You'll never take us alive.

Karma: We swore that death would do us part they'll call our crimes a work of art. 

Me: You'll never take us alive. 

Karma: We'll live like spoiled royalty lovers and Partners, 

Both: Partners in Crime!

Karma: Partners in crime.

Karma: This a tale of, reckless love, living a life of crime on the run.

Karma: I brush to a gun to paint these states green, and red.

Karma: Everybody freeze,

Me: Nobody move,

Karma: Put the money in the bag,

Me: Or we will shoot,

Karma: Empty out the vault and me and my doll be on our way, 

Me: Our paper faces flood the streets,

Karma: And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we'll play with fire cause'

Me: You'll never take us alive,

Karma: We swore that death will do us part they'll call our crimes a work of art,

Me: You'll never take us alive,

Karma: We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners,

Karma: Partners in crime.

Karma: Partners in crime. 

Karma: Here we find our omnipotent outlaws, fall behind the grind tonight,

Karma: Left unaware that the lone store owner won't go down without a fight.  

Me: Where we gonna go?

Karma: He's got us pinned!

Me: Baby I'm a little scared!

Karma: Now don't you quit!

Me: He sounded the alarm I hear the sirens closing in!

Karma: Our paper faces flood the streets,

Karma: And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we're burning this place to the ground cause'

Me: You'll never take us alive,

Karma: We swore that death would do us part they'll call our crimes a work of art,

Me: You'll never take us alive,

Karma: We'll live like spoiled royalty lovers and partners,  

Karma: Partners in crime. 

As the sound effects started up the stage was shrouded in darkness. Once the gun shots rang out the stage was illuminated temporarily. When we started singing again two ghostly dragons, one made of fire, the other shadows, launched off the dark stage and flew over the crowd. They spun around in the air putting on a light show.

Me: The skies are black with lead filled rain,

Karma: A morbid painting on display,

Me: This is the night, young love died,

Karma: Buried at eachother's side,

Me: You never took us alive,

Karma: We swore that death would do us part so now we haunt you in the dark,

Me: You never took us alive,

Karma: We live as ghosts among these streets, lovers and partners, 

Karma: Partners in crime.  

Karma: Partners in crime,

Both: Partners in crime! 

The dragons vanished and the stage lights returned. I smiled. I felt like I won something with that song. Karma was smirking his a*s off but I'm sure he had fun too. "That's all we've got for today folks, but please come back tomorrow for the next shows!" Ritsu announced as we left our instruments and got off the stage. "Phew. I'm beat." Nagisa said. "Oh please you only sung once." I said. "Imma grab Itona and take him to the house for extra training. Wanna come?" Karma asked. "I'll come." Nagisa said. "I think I'll help our a bit around here first. I'll meet up with ya'll later." I said. "Alright. Come on Blueberry. Let's go find the Hedgehog." Karma said dragging Nagisa off somewhere. I just walked around for a bit helping out where I could and checking things for sabotage. Kayano and Rio were both very approving of the song me and Karma sang. If you ask me that song describes our relationship perfectly. I was now standing out back with a calm look on my face wondering what to do now. I felt a tap on my shoulder and felt cold and chilling bloodlust. Thinking it was Nagisa I grabbed the hand that tapped and judo flipped the guy over my head. "BLUEBERRY WHAT'S MY ONE RULE! Wait Asano?" I questioned looking the the now on the ground male. "Oh oww, that hurt." He said slowly sitting up. "Oh geez sorry about that. I thought you were Nagisa." I said. Now I was just confused. I'm certain I felt bloodlust but...I smirked a plan coming to mind. I helped the orange headed male to his feet. "Once again sorry!" I said. "You are surprisingly strong." He said. I laughed a little. "Yeah I get that a lot believe it or not." I said. "But seriously? If you thought I was Nagisa why did you judo flip me? Last I checked friends don't do that." He said. "Then you haven't seen us Phantoms. Nagisa likes to sneak up on me and Karma...a lot, and he knows we're both trained fighters but does he ever learn? NO! You'd think after getting judo flipped twice and punched three times he'd learn but no." I said sighing. Asano laughed a little at that. "That's why we've established the don't sneak up on Shadow and Karma rule. It's not a good idea to sneak up on either of us. And be glad I just judo flip ya'. Karma flat our punches people or beats the snot out of em'." I explained. "Let me guess he doesn't like jumpscares." Asano guessed. "Not in the slightest. Trust me I had him play Five Nights at Freddy's once, the look on his face was priceless. I even got it on video so bonus points for blackmail." I said. Asano smirked. "You're gonna have to show me that video sometime." He said. "Lol, maybe I will. But anyway what are you doing here? Aren't you in A-class?" I asked. "I came to see what all the buzz was about. I heard rumors that E-class had special performers with amazing special effects. I had a feeling it was you and the Phantoms but seeing that song just now was honestly amazing." He said. "Thanks for being honest." I said with a chuckle. "Hey you know martial arts right?" I questioned. "Yeah somewhat. But how'd you know that?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I waved my hand dismissively. "I know everything." I said. "But that's not important at the moment. Me and the Phantoms do regular combat training, in fact the others are at my place practicing right now. Care to join us?" I questioned. He looked deep in thought. I was about to say something else. "Sure. I'd actually love too." I was even more confused. I buried my confusion for now and smiled. "Great! Now let's go before someone sees and gets suspicious. 3-E isn't on best terms with you right now." I said. 

After we got to my house everyone was down stairs but heard the door open. "WELCOME HOME!" Everyone shouted from downstairs. "They can tell it's you because?" Asano questioned lowering his voice. "Because they can sense me. And they also know that no one but E knows where this house is. But everyone in 3-E stays away unless invited by a Phantom." I explained. He looked slightly confused but nodded. He followed me and stopped halfway down the stairs. I told him to wait here for me. "Hey guys." I greeted. They were all in their uniforms. "Hi!" Nagisa said with a smile. Karma just waved but Itona looked at me with suspicion. "I sensed another presence with you. Who is it?" He asked. I smiled as they all looked at me with suspicion. "We have someone else joining us for training today." I said. I shouted up the stairs. "YOU CAN COME DOWN NOW!" The others started gossiping and throwing around theories about who it is. "Is it Kayano?" Nagisa asked. "Naw I think it's Rio." Karma said. "I'm pretty sure it's going to be Sugino." Itona said. "Maybe Terasaka?" Karma tried. "Anyone but him. Kirara maybe." Nagisa said. "It may be Rinka or Chiba." Itona said. "Ohhh, maybe it's Kanzaki!" Nagisa said. "She does seem to be working harder in class." Itona agreed. "I dunno. They don't seem that close. Shads only picks people she's close to. So either Kirara, Rinka, Kayano, or Rio." Karma said. "That is true. And it would be nice to have another girl on the team." Ritsu added from his phone. "You are taking way to long." I scolded Asano grabbing his arm and pulling him the rest of the way. The others stared at him in shock. "WHAT THE HELL SHADOW!" They all shouted. I had to cover my ears. Karma grabbed my wrist. "Excuse us for a moment." He said pulling me over to the others. "Okay what gives!" Nagisa said. "(Y/N) are you running a fever? Do I need to call a hospital?" Karma asked feeling my forehead. I swat his hand away. "Karma I'm fine." I said. "Then you've gone completely mad." Itona said. "I'm already insane. Deal with it." I spat at him. "THEN WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE!" They all basically roared at me. Asano was laughing in the background. "Okay can you quit yelling!" I shouted at them causing them all to flinch. "Geez. Sensitive hearing guys." I said. "Now let me explain myself. Now yes. I did invite Asano to train with us but there's a reason. I always have a reason. Has there been some point in the time you've known me that I've done something like this without reason?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"I first noticed odd behavior from him during the pole toppling thing. One he actually said 'Good Game' and shook my hand. When I reveled there was a jolly buzzer on that hand he chuckled a little. Only me and Karma noticed it though." I said. Karma nodded to confirm my statement. "Afterward we watched some video footage of the principal's office. I had cameras placed in there a while ago. Asano...doesn't have a very kind father." I said avoiding eye-contact. Karma nodded again. "I honest to goodness felt sorry for him." Karma admitted. "Well that's a first." Me and Itona deadpanned. He just glared at the both of us. "Afterward I had been planing for some time about trying to change his heart. Case and point, the masquerade." I said. "SO THAT'S WHY YOU INVITED HIM YOU SNEAK LITTLE SHADOW!" Nagisa yelled. "Thanks for the complement also, KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN NAGISA!" I shouted. "Sorry." He squeaked. "Umm, I'm still here." Asano reminded us. "I'm almost done. Just give me another minute." I said. "But the real kicker was just a few minutes ago when he tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I mistook him for Nagisa." I explained. "What wait?" They all said. "He has the same chilling affect as Nagisa's bloodlust. In other words, he has bloodlust." I said. They all stood there mouths agape. "Now do you understand?" I questioned. Karma was the first to nod. Then Nagisa, and Itona followed soon after. We all walked over. "Good news: you can train with us." I said. "Bad news: you have to deal with them." I said pointing to my team. "Wow Shadow. I thought you couldn't go lower but wow." "That was uncalled for!" "I swear to God you freaking Queen of Emo." I laughed at them. Asano chuckled at this. "By the way, what's with the suits?" He asked pointing to their uniforms. "It's cosplay." Karma said. "Do you really think I'm dumb enough to fall for that?" Asano asked. Karma snapped his fingers. "D*mn I thought that would work." He said. "WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT WOULD WORK!?" Me and the others yelled at him. He just smirked. I sighed. "You could say it's like a uniform. Since I'm the leader of the Phantoms, and because I would never be caught dead in a skirt, I wear the base of the uniform. As in I leave the mask and gloves at home and leave my hood down." I explained. "We only wear our uniforms when we're training or just relaxing in the base of the uniform like Shadow does on a daily basis." Itona added. "Do you just have a thing with skirts?" "Yes don't bring it up again devil." I turned back to Asano. "Anyway we should get to training. Everyone find a partner I'll be upstairs." I said. I walked past Asano and upstairs. "Does she always do that?" He asked. "She's like our teacher to this stuff and since me and Karma have been training since first term midterms we're a little more advanced in this stuff." Nagisa explained. "She used to train alongside us but now that we already now a lot of stuff she doesn't have anything left to teach us." Karma said with a shrug. "Don't be so sure." Itona said. Everyone looked at him. "Haven't you guys noticed her acting, strange?" He asked. "Come to think of it she's been acting weird since we got back from Okinawa." Karma said. Itona nodded. "When I was still with Shiro we monitored you guys a lot. I was always more focused on her and she's been acting a little more tense since she got back. Also I keep catching her mumbling stuff about 'change' and a 'final lesson' she must teach. It sounds like she's expecting something big." He explained. Karma smirked. "Well I can always steal her lesson planer and see if there is anything in there but I doubt it. If it's something as big as you make it seem it'll most likely be in her daily log. But we all know that's next to impossible to get." He said. Nagisa nodded. "If there is a final lesson why hasn't she brought it up yet? Also has anyone else noticed her drastic change in behavior since the Reaper incident?" He asked. Karma nodded. "I've noticed it too. Also she was paranoid before but now she's staying up later at night before going to bed. And she's constantly on edge. I rarely see her relax now and it honestly worries me." He said. "What are you all ranting about?" Asano asked with an eyebrow raised. The others sweat-dropped forgetting that he was there. "Sorry. We're just concerned about Shadow is all. She's been acting strange for a while now and it really worries us." Nagisa said as the Phantoms all nodded in agreement. "We all want her to feel safe and happy but that's near impossible. She's happy sure, it's the fact that she never feels safe. It doesn't help that she worries more about our safety than her own." Itona said. That's when Karma remembered something she said a while back ago during the Okinawa trip. "If anyone's going to die first it's going to be me." He recited causing the others to look at him. "That's what she said on the trip remember, Nagisa?" He questioned. Nagisa nodded. "You're right. She did say that the reason she prefers checkers over chess is because she isn't the type of leader to hide on a throne. She specifically stated that if any Phantom dies first on the battlefield it would be her." Nagisa said recalling what I had said. "She actually said that?" Asano and Itona asked. The senior Phantoms nodded their heads silently. They decided to go to training. Meanwhile I was upstairs making food for everyone, unaware of the conversation they were having. 

I set out the food and called them all up. There seemed to be a heavy atmosphere with them. Nope, not today. I thought a smile spreading across my face. "Geez, you all look like you just died. Isn't being emo suppose to be my job?" I said rolling my eyes at them. Itona snickered. "She finally admits it." He said. "Shut it hedgehog." I barked at him. This caused the others to laugh slightly. "You all really need to loosen up. Oh good demon gods I'm turning into the rest of ya. Shouldn't you be saying that to me?" I questioned causing the others to laugh even more. The mood was improving drastically as Karma started being the devil that he is. "You know I would point out a certain line in the song we sung but I won't because I don't want my arms broken." He joked. I clapped sarcastically. "And he finally gets it! Give the kid a cookie!" I joked back. The mood was back to how it normal was with the Phantoms. We smiled and laughed like normal. "Shadow you are really good at bringing up the mood." Asano pointed out. "All it really takes is to start poking fun at someone in the group. Of course the target of teasing is mostly Itona." I said. "HEY!" Silver shouted at me. "Well it's true." Karma said. During lunch me and the other Phantoms were also talking with hands signals if we should ask Asano to join the Phantoms. We reached the decision of yes. Mostly because me and Karma were all for it and Nagisa and Itona know that you can't change our minds when there made up. Ritsu doesn't like being a part of group decision so she just goes with whatever it is we choose. "Hey Asano. Do you want to join the Phantoms?" I asked. Said male in question nearly choked on the food he was eating. Karma pat him on the back. "Easy there. Just breath." He said. I've noticed that Asano and Karma get along shockingly well according to the conversation they were just having a few minutes ago. They were just talking about random stuff and they got along well. I was a little suspicious if we're being honest. I'll look into it later. "Why do you want me to join the Phantoms?" He asked. "Reasoning isn't important." Me and Karma said. "It's a simple yes or no." Itona said. He thought about it for a minute. "I dunno...yes?" It sounded like a question but we took it. "WELCOME TO THE TEAM!" We all shouted. Karma pulled out the party popper and popped it. I pulled out a vile of the same stuff that turned the rest of this. "Here, drink this. It's like a trial for new Phantoms." I said handing it to him. The others gave me, 'where did you get that?' and we are talking about this later.', looks. "Umm, what? This isn't poisoned right?" He questioned. "Why does everyone assume I poisoned the drinks I give them? Look if you're not sure you can pass it around the table and have the others smell check it. They all drunk the same stuff." I said. Asano passed it to Karma still looking at me. I sighed. Karma looked at it pulled the cap off and smelled it. "It smells like the same stuff to me." He said. He looked at again. "Looks like it too. I don't think she tapered with it. This might actually be the real deal." He mumbled the last part to himself. He passed it to Nagisa. "What do you think Python?" He asked. Nagisa checked it over too. "I think it's legit." He said passing it to Itona. "Silver." He said. Itona checked it over. "I can confirm, no poisoning, no tapering. It's the same stuff. And I should know, I drank it recently." He said. They passed it back around to Asano. "It's the same stuff. I can confirm it at this point." Karma said. Asano nodded to the red head next to him. He looked at it still suspicious. "If I die I'm haunting all of you." He said. We chuckled and snickered at that. Nagisa and Karma most of all since that was like what I said to Nagisa when he asked Koro-sensei to take us to the movies. "Nagisa, if I die. I'm gonna haunt the f*ck out of you." I said. The three of us just laughed as the other two looked at us, confused. "It's an inside joke." I said. Asano looked at Itona. The silver headed male just shrugged. "I only became a Phantom recently. These three have a lot of inside jokes that I don't get." He said. "King and Queen of games." Nagisa said. Me and Karma burst out laughing. "Oh my demon gods that's an old one!" I said. "I still want to corrupt him." Karma said. "Don't you dare." I said smiling at the memories. We all just continued to laugh. "Is that Karma?" Nagisa asked. I smiled at that one. "No it's a strawberry." I said. "Ah, so it's both." Itona said. He understood that one. "What?" Karma and Asano questioned. "When Karma got sick and I had to take care of him." I said. "Me, Itona, and some of the others came to check on her to make sure she didn't get sick too." Nagisa said. "She needed him to go to sleep and she was mad so she started ignoring him. That's like her way of punishing him cause he hates being ignored." "HEY!" "So he was trying to get me to pay attention to him and since he's never that whiny the others thought he was someone else." I explained. "I asked, 'Is that Karma?'." Nagisa said. "To which I replied in the most monotone voice possible, 'No, it's a strawberry.'." I said. "And then I poked my head in the door. 'Ah, so it's both.'." Itona finished. Asano chuckled at this and Karma blushed. "I'm I that whiny when I'm sick?" He asked. "OH GOD YES!" Itona shouted. "I got it on video." Nagisa said with a laugh. "You were so needy being honest. But mostly you just wanted to cuddle a lot. A lot more than normal before you ask." I said. He just covered his face in shame. 

Afterward Asano drank the vile and became half snake like Nagisa and Itona. He was very confused to say the least. We calmed him down and explained what the vile does. He was upset but found it kind of cool. He could use a lot of different forms of magic. His powers were more based on his emotions. His magic type reflects what emotions he's feeling. Anger equals fire. Calm equals ice, water, or both. Carefree is wind. And so on so forth. He was an elemental so to speak. The others were jealous because he had more than one power. For the rest of the day we taught him the basics of being a Phantom. How to hide his scales, fangs, and control his eyes. How to go unnoticed. We got him his Dragonsteel knife and I was getting to work on his uniform. He decided his code name would be Kitsune since it fits his personality. Me and Karma got along with him at the beginning but it took a little longer for Itona and Nagisa to accept it. We also made it clear he was not allowed to tell anyone about him being a hybrid, Phantom Assassin, or any of the stuff we do. He understood perfectly. He had a lot of questions but once they were all answered he just fit in with the group. We didn't tell him about Ritsu though that will come up some time in the future. Currently he's downstairs with the boys, their just bonding right now. I was up in my secret room doing some stuff with Ritsu. Making sure Asano's profile can't be hacked and that his location can't be tracked. You know, we were doing background checks and encrypting his information so that it can't be hacked. "Mistress (Y/N) I've found something you may want to look into." Ritsu said materializing on my computer. "What is it Ritsu?" I asked. She pulled up some old files. What was on them shocked me to my very core. I grabbed my computer and brought it downstairs. "Hey Asano can I talk to you?" I asked. He looked over to me from the couch. "Yeah what is it?" He asked. "Alone." I said shooting a glare the others who flinched back a little. Well Nagisa flinched. Itona looked at me with suspicion and Karma looked at me with confusion. "Umm, sure I guess." He said. I dragged him into the council room and put the computer in front of him. I opened it to show the files. He looked at them in shock. "Explain!" I hissed. He slammed the lid down. "Don't tell anyone! ANYONE! Especially Karma!" He hissed. "Why shouldn't I!" I countered. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell him he has a f*cking twin brother!" I hissed. "I'm not sure how he'll react! Don't you think I would have told him by now!" He hissed back. I sighed and sat down. "Look. I won't tell him or anyone for that matter as long as you say something by the end of the year. If you don't I'll shove these files in his face and tell him myself." I threatened. "Fine, fine. I'll tell him when I'm ready." He said. "How long will that take?" I asked. "I don't know. I wanted to get to know him first before telling him. I only found out recently while looking for something I could use against my father." He said. I sighed. "Once again. Tell him soon or I will. So help the demon gods Asano you can't spring s*it like this on me." I said. "I'M NOT THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP!" He shouted. "AND HOW DID YOU FIND THIS ANYWAY IT TOOK MY ALMOST A YEAR TO FIND THAT FILE!" He shouted. "Number one: It still counts as you springing on me because I always do background checks on new Phantoms. Number two: Team Phantom has two hackers, me and Ritsu. We were working on encrypting your data so it can't be hacked by other people or outside forces when we found the file." I explained. "That reminds me when do I meet Ritsu?" He asked. "Soon. But for now just focus and telling Karma you're his twin. It'll be awkward if I have to tell him." I said. "Fine, but just drop it for now." He said. I nodded and picked up my computer. I clicked my tongue as I got up. "Oh and Starburst, be careful how you tell him. Karma is an odd person so not even I know how he'll react." I said. I went back back upstairs and got back to work. After we all bid Asano good bye and he left me, Karma, and Nagisa planed out what are final song should be for the final day. We found a pretty good one. After that I updated my book and got on the website.

Shadow: And Kitsune has joined the fray.

Void: Who?

Shadow: New student. Really cool too. Being honest I mistook him for Python earlier.

Void: Oh d*mn. Must be powerful bloodlust then. 

Shadow: You bet'cha. I mean I judo flipped him and he was able to get up soooo, points I guess? 

Void: Lol, I thought you didn't give points or pick favorites.  

Shadow: Shh, hush child. I don't pick favorites and I don't give points. 

Void: Lies. I know Red Devil gets points because he's your boyfriend. 

Shadow: Shh, I don't give points. 

Void: Your in denial. Anyway I got to go meet up with someone who didn't pay me. Any ideas?


Void: Lol, that's too harsh you sadist. 

Shadow: Aww.

Void: Buuut, I'll think about it. 

Shadow: YAY! 

Void: Ttyl Shads. 

Shadow: Lol, ttyl Void. 

I got of the computer and did a few more things before bed. 

Kitsune (狐, キツネ, IPA: [kitsɯne] ( listen)) is the Japanese word for the fox. Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. There's your explanation for the code name. Now if you're mad about Asano joining the Phantoms then you're just going to have to deal with it. And before you ask no, Asano and Karma are not related in the actual anime I just changed the story up again like I did with Takaoka. I'll also be tweaking the timeline a little so if things seem different that's why. If you have anymore questions please ask in the comments. If you hate me that's fine just don't hate the story and pardon bad grammar or spelling. Once again I speed read when spell checking so if there are mistakes keep in mind I'm not perfect. No ones perfect. If you still feel upset watch this video it'll make you feel better. (No songs are mine) Thank you for reading and have a nice day. May the Stars light your path my dragon army. ~Bye!

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