Chapter 28: Nagisa's Mom Is a B*tch

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~Ruby Akabane's POV~   

(Y/N) and her friends all stared at us in shock. Then their hands shot up to cover the scales on their necks. "You don't have to do that. We already know." Drake said sadly. "What the? Mother? Father? How, when?" Karma said. "I'm confused here." Nagisa added. "I know you all have a lot of questions but we will answer them. No more secrets between us." I said. We walked down to the table they were all sitting at. (Y/N) was still in shock. "What do you mean 'because we did'?" (Y/N) asked her voice a low growl as a Shadow covered her face. "We're the ones who left the vile on your doorstep. We knew you would know what to do with it better than we would." I explained. "How did you get it?" She asked her voice just as dark. She had already put the pieces together. "I worked in the lab that was doing the human experiments." I admitted sadly. The room tripled in heat, I wanted to run but something held me in place just like everyone else in the room. "NAGISA, KARMA BLOODLUST!" (Y/N) shouted at the two boys that had very scary glares on their faces. Everyone was able to move again but the heat remained. "Karma." (Y/N) said reaching over and grabbing his head. "Calm down." She said. He took a few breaths and the heat vanished. "Sorry." He said. "No it's fine. You have every right to be mad." I said. They all turned their attention back to me. "I worked in the lab, this is true, but I only recorded what happened to the test subjects, and I never saw who or what they were testing. That is until one day while I was doing my normal rounds when one of the test subjects had a power surge. They knocked off the thing that hid the camera view and that's when I drew the line. They were testing children, children that had been ripped away from their family and being a mother myself I couldn't stand for that. But the real kicker was the girl they did the most tests on, that was the daughter of my best friend that had gone missing almost a month before hand, that was you (Y/N)." I explained. She looked at me with shock and pity in her gaze. Almost everyone wore similar looks. "After she told me what was happening we set a few explosives in the building and waited for another power surge, that was also (Y/N)'s doing. After she had a power surge we set of the explosives, disguised as her power surge we were able to get a good majority of the children out of there, we even grabbed one of the three finished viles on our way out." Drake explained. "Ever since the (L/N) mansion burned down we've been trying to track you down (Y/N), we had no freaking idea you would come to our doorstep as Karma's girlfriend." He continued with a small chuckle. "I swear it was fate." I said laughing a little. "What are you-OH GOD NO!" (Y/N) shouted remembering what we talked about earlier. We both started laughing at this as a black blush creeped across her face. "It was destiny." "NO!" "(Y/N) what are they talking about and why are you blushing?" "NO!" "I don't think Karma remembers." Drake said. "He was really young." I agreed with a mischievous smirk on my face. What? Karma had to get it from someone. "You two say anything else I swear to Satan." She growled. "Why am I the only one left out of this conversation?" Karma asked. "Dude this is getting good. What is she so embarrassed about?" Nagisa asked. "This must have something to do with the conversation you had earlier." Karma said looking deep in thought. Drake and I wore matching smirks. "Well the conversation we were having was originally about how you and her were childhood friends. Since I was besties with her mom I thought it might be nice for you two to get to know eachother from a young age." I started. "SHUT UP.RIGHT NOW.OR ELSE!" (Y/N) shouted realizing what I was going to bring up. "We were childhood friends? Huh, I had a feeling but wow." Karma said. "But that's not something to be embarrassed about." Itona said. "That's not the embarrassing part." Drake said. (Y/N) had gotten up and left. "You two always got along so well. So me and her mom talked and decided to arrange a marriage for you two when you got older." I said with a bright smile. Silence. "OH MY GOD THAT IS PERFECT!" Nagisa shouted roaring with laughter. "Heeheeheehee." Karma chuckled lowly to himself. We could see horns at this point. He got up with a smirk on his face and left the room. "Where's he going?" Drake asked. "Probably to tease (Y/N) about it." Nagisa said. We all decided to go and watch this. We found Karma standing in the living room lost in thought. "Hmm, if I was (Y/N) and I knew that I was coming to tease her where would I hide?" He mumbled to himself. He then sighed. "Probably somewhere I don't know about." He said. His eyes were drawn to the coffee table. "Looks like 'Tales of The Dragonhearted' is missing, so she probably went somewhere quiet to relax. Let's see, she knows I can pick locks so in her room is out, on the roof perhaps? No she knows I'd check there as one of the first spots. Where the hell would she go?" He asked himself. He searched the entire house but found nothing. He now stood in the kitchen thinking. "Note to self: Never play hide and seek with (Y/N)." He said. A concerned look spread across his face. "Geez now I'm getting worried." He said. He yawned a little then smirked. Looks like he came up with a plan.  

He walked up the stairs and came back down in normal clothes instead of the suit. He and a computer tucked under his arm. He sat on the couch and opened the computer. 

~Your POV~    

I had been watching Karma run around the house trying to find me for a while now. I was actually tucked away in the shadows so that he couldn't get to me. Yes I am a cheater. I brought 'Tales of The Dragonhearted' to read incase I got bored. Karma was sitting on the couch in his civilian attire with a computer opened on the table in front of him. Stupid curiosity. I thought poking my head out of the shadows. I used the shadows and changed out of the dress already, it was getting uncomfortable. I didn't notice the other people watching my movements. I slowly came out of the shadows. I walked over silently and peered over his shoulder at the computer. Nothing was on the screen except his reflection and now mine. Wait...REFLECTIONS! I was quickly grabbed and pulled over to him. "ACK!" I yelped closing my eyes on reflex. "There you are. Geez don't disappear on me like that." Karma said holding me in a tight embrace. "Karma! Let me go!" I whined. "Nope, not this time." He said. I looked over my shoulder at him. He stuck his tongue out at me. I returned the gesture. I turned back around and opened my book to the prologue and just started reading. He read over my shoulder. We stayed like that for a while. The others had left already and Itona turned in for the night. "Dang, Viper is savage." Karma said with a chuckle. "That's why she's best girl." I said while closing the book. We were both very fast readers. He yawned behind me. "Tired?" I questioned. "What do you expect I should have gone to sleep hours ago." He said. "And yet you decided to stay here and cuddle for what?" I questioned looking at his watch. "Two hours? One hour? Something along those lines." I said. After that we decided it was time for bed. 

~Next day~         

Each of us were given forms that we should fill out with jobs we would like to have in the future. I stared at mine with a confused look on my face. I already have a job. I'm a Phantom. That's the path I chose, so that's the path I'll stick too. I thought. Professor B*tch walked in actually looking like a normal person. I was shocked to be honest. After Okajima did his thing and I slapped him with a shadow Rio and Karma just had to tease Nagisa. I just sighed and tried to get them to leave the poor Blueberry alone. Once Koro-sensei told me it was my turn I walked in with a blank look on my face. "So (Y/N) anything that peeks your interest?" He questioned as I sat down. "With all due respect sir I don't see why you gave me one of these." I said handing him the blank paper. "I already have a chosen profession. I'm a Phantom Assassin. I know that an assassin isn't the best choice you'd have in mind for your students. But it's all I've ever known. I don't think I could do anything else." I said. He nodded. "I understand where you're coming from." He started. His tentacle shot like lightning over my paper a few times. "But you do have other skills that can be applied to other things. Yes you learned these things by killing and or preparing for a kill but you you have skills none the less." He said handing me back the paper with the first three slots filled out. "Give it some thought. I wrote down a few suggestions for you. See if anything on that list peeks your interest. If you still decide to be a Phantom I will support you. After all it is what you grew up learning." He said. "You can go now." He said. I nodded and got up. After giving him a quick bow I left. Give it some thought? Maybe, I dunno. I'll have to think it over, but chances are slim. I love being a Phantom, it's where my heart is. I thought. Me, Kayano, and Karma were all there with Nagisa reading over his shoulder, we were curious to be honest. That's when Kayano noticed Professor B*tch had the tag on her sweater still. Nagisa said he'd handle it. He masked his presence and matched her wavelength so he'd go unnoticed. After taking off the tag he walked out to go meet with Koro-sensei. "Do you think Nagisa will decide to stay a Phantom?" Karma asked. I shrugged. "Who knows. But I won't be mad if he decides to do something else." I said with a small sigh. "Not everyone has their heart in it like I do. My true passion is being a Phantom. The thrill of action, the careful planing, and being able to pass on what I know. It's who I am. And it's all I've ever known." I said. My thoughts went back to my conversation with Koro-sensei. I sighed and shook my head. "Something wrong?" Kayano and Karma asked at the same time. "No, just something the Octopus said is all." I said with a shrug. Once I got home me and Nagisa trained in silence. Karma had to go help his parents with something and Itona just disappeared like always. 

"Hey (Y/N)?" Nagisa said suddenly. My attention focused on him as he continued to practice a few hand to hand combat moves on one of the dummies. "Yeah?" I questioned. "If I decided to do something else besides being a Phantom would that make me a coward?" He asked. "Strength and courage come in all kinds of different forms, Nagisa. No it wouldn't make you a coward. Nor would I be mad or disappointed. Your future is your own, let no one tell you other whys. Being a Phantom doesn't limit you to killing. Phantoms have the right to chose whatever they want to do with their skills. We make our own destiny. Take me for example. I was trained to be a Phantom Assassin, and because I grew up like that it was the only thing I knew. But if I had grown up some other way I might have used my skills to be a detective. Hell maybe I would have been a teacher like Koro-sensei." I said while returning to practice with my knife. "The point is you can choose what you do with your skills. You don't have to be an assassin. You can be whatever the hell you wanna be. I won't judge you for it. As a Phantom you have the greatest power of all. The power of choice. Take your future into your own hand, and mold it however you please." I said with a smile. He smiled too in the corner of my eye. "Thanks (Y/N)." He said. "No problem." I responded. 

After he left Karma and Itona returned soon after. Karma said his parents had taken off and Itona gave no reason to his disappearance. Me and Karma sat down playing video games until nightfall. "I've got a bad feeling." I said. Karma shrugged his attention focused on the game. "Who knows maybe Nagisa will have an episode with his mom." He said. "Oh demon gods I hope not." I said with a small chuckle. My phone rung. I paused the game giving Karma time to stand up and stretch. It was Nagisa. He had an episode with his mom. I looked at Karma and snapped my fingers. A metal washing basin fell on his head. It bounced off and hit a convenient red button that opened a trap door under his feet. He fell in. I laughed. "HA IN YOUR FACE YOU WALKING JINX! Now continue Nagisa." I said. He told me all that happened. And what might happen. "Do you want to come over?" I asked. "If you don't mind." He said. "Of course not Blueberry you're welcome anytime." I said. Nagisa arrived a few minutes later. Karma came back up too. Nagisa yawned when he got here. I walked him over to his room and helped him get settled in. I noticed quickly he still had a blank look in his eyes and that he was tense. "Karma wait outside the door." I said to the red head behind me. "Why?" He asked. "Don't question me." I growled. "Aye ma'am." He said going outside and closing the door behind him. "Hey Nagisa do you mind if I sing something?" I asked. He shrugged. I started humming. (Play song)

Distant moon, so big and bright,                                                                                                                                  Softest silver glowing through the night,                                                                                                                    High atop, the mountain gold,                                                                                                                                        Sun unseen, the world is cold,                                                                                                                                        Here I wait, and here I stand,                                                                                                                                            Early morning, northern hour hand,                                                                                                                              Studying, in solitude,                                                                                                                                                            Looking for, a hidden clue,                                                                                                                                                I wish, to see this world through my own eyes,                                                                                                    To calm the elders, and silence their cries,                                                                                                                Because of you I now gaze up and sing,                                                                                                                  The Lullaby of The Moon.  

I continued to hum as Nagisa's eyes started to droop. The relaxing melody of the spell taking it's toll on me too. 

Found at last, I steal away,                                                                                                                                                Moving faster through the silent shade,                                                                                                                      Sea of stars, like flowers bloom,                                                                                                                                    Looking for, a hidden tomb,                                                                                                                                              Here I found, the crescent blade,                                                                                                                                Forged by Rakkor, surely lunar made,                                                                                                                          Shining down, upon the earth,                                                                                                                                        Now they'll see, I'll prove my worth,                                                                                                                              I wish, to see this world through my own eyes,                                                                                                        To calm the elders, and silence their cries,                                                                                                                Because of you, I now gaze up and sing,                                                                                                                      The Lullaby of The Moon. 

Condemned me to death,                                                                                                                                                  With my last breath,                                                                                                                                                            Sorrow and anger, fill my head,                                                                                                                                      Distant moon, so big and bright,                                                                                                                                    Softest silver glowing through the night,                                                                                                                    High atop, the mountain gold, sun unseen the world is cold,                                                                            Now I know, my chosen path,                                                                                                                                          Higher calling, they will know my wrath,                                                                                                                    Raise my relic blade, I will not be swayed,                                                                                                                With the might of the moon by my siiiiiiiiiiiiiiide. 

(Stop Music) Once I had finished Nagisa was out like a light. I got up slightly stumbling a bit. I opened the door and fell into Karma's embrace. "Whoa you alright?" He asked. "Shhh, Nagisa's asleep." I said punctuating my sentence with a yawn. He nodded and pulled me away from the door. After shutting it he helped me over to the couch. "Now seriously, are you okay? I heard singing but couldn't hear the words." He said. I nodded. "It's a sleeping spell I learned a long time ago. Only those in the same area can be effected by it and after it's casted the caster feels the affects too. It makes them more relaxed and their senses duller." I said yawning again. "So it's a double edged sword." He said. "Yeah that sums it up." I said. 

~The next day~    

Me, Karma, and Nagisa were all standing outside the 3-E building. Nagisa yawned and rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes. "Nagi f*cking sa wake your a*s up!" Karma hissed elbowing him. "Sorry sorry!" The Blueberry yelled. After scolding the boys Nagisa's mom came. I tensed up when she smiled at me. "Shadow dearest good to see you again!" She said cheerfully. "Umm, hi Mrs. Shiota." I greeted pulling out my most convincing smile. "I had no idea I would be seeing you today! It's a pleasure." She said taking my hands in hers. The feeling isn't mutual. "The feelings mutual." I said with fake cheer. "We should get going. Don't want to keep Mr. K waiting." Karma said. She looked at him and tilted her head to the side. "Akabane Karma correct? You were friends with Nagisa a while back." She said. Karma chuckled a little. "You can call me Karma. And yes me and Nagisa are great friends. Right Blueberry?" He questioned. Nagisa yawned again. "You still tired?" I asked him. He nodded slowly. I sighed and pulled out a sugar cookie. "There you go. You already had breakfast this morning so try and wake up K?" I questioned. He nodded while taking the cookie. "Thanks Shadow." He mumbled munching on the cookie. "No problem. Anything Blueberry." I said with a smile. "It's nice to see that little Nagisa has friends who care about him." Mrs. Shiota said with a smile. "If he needs anything he can always ask me. What're friends for am I right?" I questioned with a smile. "We really do worry for him. I was honestly concerned when he asked Shadow if he could stay over. But luckily it was all for fun so we had a little sleepover." Karma lied skillfully. I think I taught him a little too well. "Sleepover? Well that must have been fun! I hope you all went to bed on time." She said. Fake smiles I can see through just as easily as air. I thought. "Yes. We all went to bed on time. Of course when Nagisa had a nightmare I was really worried. But I do have a talent for singing." I said with an equally fake smile. "Yeah. Thanks for that Shadow." Nagisa said with a small smile. 

After we were done chatting we went to the teachers office. Koro-sensei is very bad at disguises but luckily every human on earth is dense as f*ck. Once he brought up Nagisa's looks Mrs. Shiota grabbed Nagisa's head and undid his pigtails. I've never seen Nagisa with his hair down so it shocked me how much he looked like a girl. Once Koro-sensei started lecturing her and she looked like she was getting mad I motioned for both Nagisa and Karma to cover their ears. Itona, who was outside spying on this conversation with the rest of the class, understood the signal and covered his ears as did the rest of the hybrid Phantoms. Nagisa's mom exploded, not literally but you get what I mean. She stormed out of the office but not before grabbing my wrist and tugging me along with her. She left Nagisa in there, thank the demon gods. Once we were outside the building she stopped and panted. "Mrs. Shiota, why did you take me with you?" I asked honestly confused about why she took me. She calmed down and looked at me with a smile. "Sorry Shadow dear. I guess I just grabbed your wrist on reflex." She said. Ha, yeah right. You just grabbed the only other girl in the room. I thought. I checked the time on my phone. "I have a little while before class starts. Would you like some tea? My house isn't that far from here." I said with a smile. "You know what? Sure. I could use some time to relax." She said. I was trying to get her to calm down so she didn't do anything crazy. Once we got to my house she was really tired. Probably because of the walk here. "Sorry for the long walk." I apologized. "Oh no it's fine. It must be amazing being this close to your school." She said. "Destiny has it's way." I said with a chuckle. B*tch. I thought.            

Once she sat down at the counter I started boiling some water and got out three containers of tea. "Which do you prefer? Green tea, Golden Flower tea, or Moon Flower tea?" I asked. "I've never heard of Moon Flower." She said. "It's a rare blend but very popular with my family. It's a very calming tea that relaxes the mind and purifies the soul." I explained. "It's called Moon Flower because it's made with the pedals of the Moon Dragon flower and because the tea itself has a silver coloring just like the moon it's named after. It's my favorite kind of tea so I have a lot of it in stock." I said. "I'll have some of that if you don't mind." She said. I smiled and put the other two containers away and pulled out two tea bags from the Moon Flower box. While prepping the tea Mrs. Shiota asked. "Why is the flower called Moon Dragon?" She asked. "Legend has it that a dragon as silver and as calming as the moon itself descended upon the earth. Where ever it walked silver flowers would bloom. These were the Moon Dragon flowers. It's also called Moon Dragon because apparently dragons favored this flower over many others because of its calming effects and its color. Not many believe these legends but I actually do." I said. Well no duh, I am half dragon after all. Then again the legend might be fake. I may be half dragon but I could just like the tea. I thought. The tea was finished and I poured it carefully into two cups. I still had some left over so I poured some into another cup and saved the rest. I set Mrs. Shiota's cup in front of her and set the other cup next to her and held my cup in my hand. She looked at the third cup in confusion. "Is someone else coming?" She asked. I looked at the clock on the wall. "Three, two, and one." I said pointing to the front door. On que Karma slammed the door open. "THERE YOU ARE GEEZ WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND DISAPPEARING ON ME!" He shouted. "Welcome back Karma. Care to take a seat?" I questioned with a smirk. He grumbled something at me then sat down. "Hope you're happy. You made all of us worry." He said. I smiled sweetly. "Eh? You guys should know I can handle myself." I said. "Yeah, I know that but tell that to Nagisa and Itona." He said plopping down next to Mrs. Shiota. "Does this happen often?" She asked. I nodded. "My friends like to come here to study every now and then. Karma just barges in like he lives here." I said rolling my eyes. "I basically do live here." He mumbled but I heard it because of my sharp hearing. He sniffed the air then looked at the cup of tea in front of him. "What kind of tea is this and did you poison it?" He asked. I snickered at him. "No Karma, I didn't poison the tea." I said rolling my eyes at him. He drank some of it. "Whoa this is good." He said. "Hmm, maybe the legends are true after all." I mumbled to myself remembering Karma is half dragon too. We all just sat there in silence drinking tea. Mrs. Shiota put her cup down. "Thanks for the tea." She said. "Anytime. Please feel free to come again." Please never show your face here again. "I'll be sure to do that." She said. Demon gods, why? I thought. Once she left me and Karma went to class. 

~Later that night~        

I sat on the couch playing an RPG on my DS when I heard a knock on the door. I paused my game and checked the time on my phone. It's almost midnight. Who the hell would be up at this hour besides me? I thought. I got up and opened the door. "Mrs. Shiota?" I questioned. "Sorry to barge in like this." She said. I took quick notice to her keeping one hand behind her back. "Is something wrong? Did something happen to Nagisa?" I asked worry creeping into my voice. "No, no. Nothing happened I was just curious, is anyone here at the moment?" She asked. "Umm, Karma is upstairs out like a light and Itona should be in his room, why?" I asked drowsiness making my mind muddled. "Your parents aren't home or anything?" She asked. "They're at work most of the time." I lied, no amount of drowsiness would make me spill that my parents are dead. "Ah, I see." She said. I noticed movement from the hand she held behind her back, I jumped back on instinct. And good thing I did. She stabbed the spot my arm was with a needle. She glared at me as I looked at the stairs and the silver door. "ITONA, KARMA, WAKE YOUR LAZY A*SES UP!" I shouted dodging Mrs. Shiota as she tried to stab me with the syringe. No one came. I pulled out my phone still dodging her and called Karma. "Where the hell are you!" I screamed at the phone once he picked up. "Whoa! What the hell! I'm in my room!" He responded. "Don't lie to me you freaking devil! I just screamed for you and Itona but did no one come? NO!" I shouted still dodging Mrs. Shiota. "Wait did you have a nightmare?" He asked. "NO! I'M CURRENTLY BEING ATTACKED BY A CRAZY EVIL PSYCHO B*TCH!" I shouted. "WAIT WHAT!" He shouted. A few seconds leader the back door slammed open. I looked and saw a panting Karma in his Phantom outfit. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS OUT AT NIGHT!" I shouted putting my phone away. "BECAUSE I'M ME!" He shot back. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. She had got me. "S*it." I cursed jumping away to Karma's side and covering the puncture with my hand so she wouldn't see the black blood. She growled and fled out the door leaving the syringe on the ground. Once she was out the door a wave of sickness fell over me and I took a knee. "Are you okay?" Karma asked. "What the hell was in the syringe?" I growled my head getting dizzy. "I'll take that as a no." He said. "No duh genius. Not like I was just attacked or anything." I said sarcastically. 

I stood up with his help. "We need to check on Nagisa." I said trying to make my way to the door. "Whatever was in that syringe in clearly affecting you. No chance." He said. "Let me handle it." He added. "NO! Nagisa is my student! I'm drawing the line here. She attacked me. Nagisa can't protect her after that. Ugh my head hurts." I growled. "There is no reasoning with you is there?" He asked. "Nope." I responded. Then I remembered something. "Karma get the tea that in the fridge." I said. "IS THIS REALLY THE TIME!?" He shouted. "JUST DO IT!" I shouted. He sighed and helped me to the counter. After getting the tea and pouring some in a cup he gave it to me. I downed it quickly. "Is this really the time?" He asked again. After I finished I put the cup down. My eyes shined silver for a minute shocking Karma. They returned to normal and all sickness and fatigue vanished. I stood up with a smirk. "Legends are true after all. Let's go!" I said. "What the?" He questioned. I grabbed his wrist. "I'll explain later let's see where Mrs. Shiota goes." I said. 

We watched her bring an unconscious Nagisa and lay him in the grass gently. He started to wake up. Mrs. Shiota held a torch. "I don't like where this is going." Karma mumbled. I nodded my head in agreement. Once Nagisa got up she told him to burn the E-class building. When he refused she blew up in his face. We couldn't stand this. Me and Karma jumped down and front of the 3-E building. "Sorry Mrs. Shiota but we can't let you burn this building." I said. "Shadow! How!? I got you right in the arm!" She shouted. "Moon Flower tea. Works like a charm. There's one legend I forgot to tell you about. It's said that dragons are also attracted to the flower because it supposedly could heal their wounds and sickness. Poisons too. Really amazing what nature can do am I right?" I asked with a sinister smirk. "Karma? Shadow? What are you two doing up? I thought you'd be long asleep by this point." Nagisa said. "This b*tch attacked me!" I spat. "Wait what!" Nagisa shouted looking at his mom in shock. "Attack is a strong word. I merely wanted to help you sleep." She said. "Sleeping poison huh? Something tells me she was planing on kidnapping you." Karma said waving his hand and making the fire go out. I growled as did Nagisa. An assassin showed up. Nagisa used a move I haven't seen in a long time. The stunner clap. "What the hell was that!?" Karma shouted. I smirked. "Lovro you sneaky b*stered. And I thought I had an eye for pairing moves." I said. "What the hell (Y/N)!? I still have no idea what that was!" He shouted. "That was a stunner clap. A very effective move, especially when used on other assassins." I explained then explained how it worked. He stood there mouth agape. Koro-sensei showed up. "What happened here?" He asked. I let Karma explain while I knocked out Mrs. Shiota and made sure Nagisa was alright. "I'm fine." He said, but I could tell he was scared and mad. Mad at his mom for hurting me, and scared about what we might do with her. I was p*ssed too. And if it weren't for Nagisa I would have reported this b*tch a long time ago. We all talked it over with Koro-sensei. He decided that Mrs. Shiota would be turned into the police for assault, child abuse, and attempted kidnapping. Nagisa was scared. He didn't want to go to his father or any of his other relatives. Something about not really getting along with most of his family. Koro-sensei said that he would handle things and that Nagisa would stay with me. We all agreed it was for the best. As we were walking home Karma asked about the tea. "Remember what I said to Nagisa's mom. Legend has it the flowers the tea was made out of can heal dragons of wounds and toxins. And look." I said turned my arm. The wound had healed up. "Since I'm half dragon and the tea was made out of the flowers I thought that maybe it would have the same affects. Low and behold, it did." I explained. They both stared at me wide eyed. "Anyway that's not important right now. Nagisa are you okay? This must be mentally taxing right?" I questioned. He nodded. "Sorry to be a bother." He said. "It's no trouble Nagisa. You're fine Blueberry." I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "By the way where the hell is Itona?" Karma asked. I smirked. "I'm right here." Itona said. Both the boys spun around and watched as Itona dropped down from a tree. He was in his Phantom uniform. Same thing as me, Karma, and Nagisa's uniforms only silver. 

"Itona does late night training so he can catch up to you two. When he didn't answer me yells I knew he was out training. He's been following us for a while now." I said. "WHAT THE HELL SILVER!" Karma and Nagisa shouted. He just laughed at them. We all went home and went to bed. I updated my book first since I hadn't updated it in a while, then I logged into the website before going to bed. 

Shadow: Yo, what up Void.     

Void: Hey! You're still alive! Geez it's been forever since you've talked to me. It's about f*cking time. 

Shadow: You can't expect me to be on all the time!

Void: Oh please, you've been talking to death the kid and hedgehog! I know you've been on the site!

Shadow: Stalker.

Void: Call me what you will. I'm just making sure you're alive. 

Shadow: Lol! Fair enough. I've had a long day so Imma get some sleep now. 

Void: Wuss.

Shadow: Shut it Queen of Destruction. 

Shadow: Night

Void: Night 

                                                                 ~States: Team Phantom~              

(Y/N): MAX           Code name: Shadow             Blood: Black            Position: Leader

Karma: MAX       Code name: Red Devil           Blood: Red               Position: Second in command 

Nagisa: MAX       Code name: Python                Blood: Blue             Position: Recon Specialist   

Itona: Charm level 4, Knowledge level 4, Guts level 4, Proficiency level 5, Kindness level 3                                        Code name: Silver                   Blood: Silver           Position: Tech Specialist     

Ritsu: None         Code name: Nav                       Blood: None            Position: Hacker 

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