Chapter 26: The Masquerade

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The next morning me and Karma went to the cafe to start making the guest list. "So why are we making a guest list? Aren't we just inviting the class?" Karma asked. "There are other people we can invite you know. I have friends and connections outside of the class you know." I said tapping my pen on the table. "So care to explain why you have those gems?" He asked pointing at the pile of small orange gemstones next to me. The cafe was empty at the moment. A waiter or waitress would walk by every now and again but it wasn't that busy. "Oh those are for something I have planed later. Anyway we are inviting the class so lets get to work." I said poofing up some invites and envelopes. The envelopes were (F/C) and I used a black dragon seal to seal them. (Like the Skyrim logo.) The invites were pretty basic. 'You have been invited to a masquerade ball hosted by Team Phantom.' It continued with the location of my house, time they need to be there, and contact info incase they needed to call me for more information. 'We hope you can join us. And make sure to bring the gem.' That I added myself as I put the small gemstones in the envelopes. Karma was getting even more curious about it. After the invites for the class were ready we started deciding on who else to invite. "Okay so where do we stand on upper classmen?" I questioned. He shrugged. "A few of them might like to come but they are all jerks." He said. As if on que the bell to the cafe rung signaling that people had come in. It was Asano and the big five. I sighed in annoyance. They walked over and I put on my serious face. "Greetings Asano. So what brings you here? Surely not the cake." I said with a slight smirk. Karma on the other hand was confused about how they were here. "How long have we been sitting here?" He mumbled to himself checking his phone. "S*it. Shadow we might need to go or else we'll be late for training." He said. Asano raised an eyebrow. "Me being here is none of your concern. I'm more curious about why you're here." He said. I shrugged. "I like coming here. It's nice and quiet half the time. We're only here to work on some invites." I said. He looked at the (F/C) and black invites scattered across the table. He picked up one that wasn't in an envelope. He read over it quickly. "Team Phantom?" He questioned. I chuckled a little bit. "Referring to my team. My close circle of friends who I trust with my life." I explained. Karma nodded with a smirk. "Trust isn't an easy thing with her so I feel honored to know that she trusts me." He said. I reached over and boobed his nose. "You should feel honored." I deadpanned causing him to laugh. "A masquerade ball huh? Are you sure people from E-class can pull that off?" One of the big five questioned reading over Asano's shoulder. I smirked evilly as did Karma. "You'd be surprised. Especially since it's me and Karma planing it." I said. "Yeah. You probably don't know this, nor would you expect it. But my family is loaded. I picked up quite a few things over the years. Not only that but extra training from Shadow over here also helped...a lot." Karma added. I smirked. "Speaking of hows your form doing? Can you actually dance yet?" I asked. He growled. "I can dance just fine. You're the one who needs to work on their dancing." I gasped in fake shock. "How dare you! I'll have you know I have excellent form when dancing." I joked. "Surrre you do." He said sarcastically. We just started laughing. "Just going to ignore that." Asano said reminding us that he was there. "Anyway about those gems?" He asked pointing to the small gems. Karma shrugged. "She won't tell me what they're for or where she got them. She's also being very vague about who she's inviting. I can't shake the feeling that she's planing something." He said glaring at me. I chuckled evilly. "You'll find out~." I said. "Okay now I'm worried. And I'm not even involved." Asano said. He picked up one of the gems. It was about the size of his palm. "Are these real?" He asked holding it up to his eye to get a better look at it. "Oh it's real. I can assure you that." I said with a smirk. "I'm not going to ask where you got them." He said putting the gem back onto the table. I sat there thinking for a minute. "I know that look. What are you thinking about?" Karma questioned. My eyes lit up as a plan came to mind. "Hey Asano you wanna come?" I asked. "...........WHAT!?!?!?" Everyone shouted. I waved my hand dismissively. "It'll be fun. Besides you might actually enjoy yourself you know? It's not like I'm expecting you to say yes but hey, you are an intellectual rival for me and the rest of the Phantoms. It might be fun having you around. Oh the rest of you are free to come. In fact I'd love for some of the upper classmen to show up. Welp I have a Blueberry and a Hedgehog to train. See ya." I said picking up my bag and leaving. They were all frozen in place as I left. 

~Karma's POV~   

I shook my head to clear it and sighed. I looked Asano in the eye. "Listen. She hates all of you with a burning passion. If she's inviting you there's probably some ulterior motive to it. If not then maybe she's trying to reach out and be friendly? I honestly stopped trying to understand what goes on in her head a long time ago." I explained while putting together an invite and picking up the rest of the stuff and putting it in a bag (Y/N) had left for me. I handed him the invite while standing up. "You'll need that to get in. Oh and Team Phantom will be providing masks since it is a masquerade so no need to bring your own. I'm not going to question her decision even if I don't like you." I said. After he took the invite from my hand I slung the bag over my shoulder and started walking off. I ran to catch up with (Y/N) having to track her every now and then. Once I caught up with her I started throwing questions at her. "You really want to know what I'm planning?" She asked with a smirk. "Of course I do. I'm helping plan this party." I reminded. She smiled. "Okay then. I'll tell you." She said while tapping me. "If you can catch me." She added, darting. "HEY GET BACK HERE!" I shouted chasing her. She was just laughing and smiling as I gave chase. She's been acting weird for the past few days. What's going on? She's been more emotional, open, and just not like her. Does it have something to do with the break down? Or is it because of her sister's birthday coming up? I thought. I chased her into an ally way. She jumped onto a dumpster then climbed onto the roof with me not far behind. Once she started roof hopping our abilities were able to shine. She spun around and threw a dagger at me. I quickly dogged with a smirk on my face. She kept running. We continued the chase for a while, all the while fighting on the roofs. Rooftop training, (Y/N) can get really creative at times. I was quickly gaining on her since I decided to get a little more serious. On the roofs we were away from the eyes of the public. I caught up and taped her shoulder. She halted immediately. I panted a little. "You're fast." I said. She chuckled a little. "We aren't called phantoms for nothing you know." She pointed out. "Fair enough. But I did catch you. What the hell are you planing?" I asked. She smirked and explained in detail what was going to happen. I smirked. "That's my evil little shadow. I'm in." I said. She smirked. "Let's do this s*it." She said. 

~A few days later Asano's POV~      

I stopped in front of the large house. There was a line of 3-E students each showing their invites to a guy in a black and silver tail coat suit. His mask was also silver with black detail. He had silver hair too. I amused that was Itona Horiba. Ranking high on midterms along with Nagisa Shiota, Karma Akabane, Ritsu, and Shadow. I gathered that was the Team Phantom Shadow spoke of. "I still don't see why you decided to come." Koyama said. He was dressed in a basic suit. His messy hair actually straightened out and his glasses left at his house. I made sure of it. "It is puzzling." Ren agreed. Also in a basic suit. He always looks presentable so not much work had to be done. These are the only two members of the big five I brought with me. I sighed. "Like I said we can use this for recon. Have you not been paying attention? Gather info and destroy. Geez it feels like talking to rocks at times." I said while shaking my head. They both just sweat-dropped. We walked over to the entrance. "Greetings, hand over your invite and let me check if you were invited." He said. I handed over the invite. He pushed an ear piece. "Shadow why the hell did you invite Asano?" He asked completely monotone. "Reasons aren't important but I did invite him. Make sure he has his gem and let him and anyone with him in." Came the response. He sighed. "I won't question your reasons but he ruins this party you're the one to blame Queen of Emo." He said still monotone. She laughed. "Yeah, yeah Hedgehog. I get it. Let em in." She repeated. He let go of the ear piece. "When Red Devil told me you were coming I thought he was messing with me. Do you have the gem that came in the invite?" He asked looking me in the eye through his mask. I nodded and held up the small orange gem. "What about your friends? Do they have gems?" Ren and Koyama shook their heads. He sighed and handed them small gems. "You'll need those later. Trust me, don't lose them." He said. He handed us all masks then opened the front door. "Party is in the basement, don't go anywhere else we will know, bathroom is the only other place you can go to besides the basement. It's over there by the silver door." He said pointing. I nodded and walked into the house. Ren and Koyama followed close behind wanting to get away from the cold glare of the silver headed boy. "What did he mean by we will know?" Koyama asked slightly nervous. "I'd assume Shadow would have more security." I mumbled. "Oh she does." A voice responded. I looked over to see a guy in a black and blue tail coat suit. He had blue hair that was tied into pigtails and his mask was a mix of blue and green. Nagisa Shiota. "I'm here to make sure everyone can find their way and don't go snooping where their noses don't belong." He said. "Then again the rest of 3-E knows to not snoop in Shadow's stuff. It's more or less precaution since you were coming. Anyway basement is over there. And try and have fun." He said pointing to the stairs leading down. I nodded. "Come on you two." I growled walking over there. We put the masks on and gems in our pockets before heading down. The decor was nice and the food was pretty good. (Seriously the sweets were amazing even by my standers. Whoever made these deserves praise.) The people of 3-E I was able to register but there were a few people I didn't recognize. Like a female blond that seemed to be trying to seduce a man with a more professional attitude. Ren leaned closer to me. "Those are two E-class teachers. I just heard some girls gossiping about them." He said. I nodded. I also noticed a red headed woman and and a brown haired male standing next to her. They seemed to be professional but the women talked to the E-class kids with cheer and enthusiasm. There was also a tall male with four other people next to him. They seemed to be in formation, almost like how Shadow, Karma, and Nagisa stand. I didn't see Shadow or Karma anywhere. That slightly worried me. Some of the E-class kids broke off into pairs and groups. I sent Ren and Koyama to try and gather any information they could find but to not directly talk to them. I stood alone by the wall. I moved closer to the red haired women since she was talking to the brown haired male. "Where do you think Karma is? I was really hoping we would get to see him and Shadow." The women said. "Give them time hon. They're probably busy. I mean you heard how stressed Shadow was when she asked us to come." The male responded. She chuckled. "She still had energy to threaten to drag us here if we didn't come willingly." She said. The man chuckled. "True. That girl always has energy. She's a keeper. I'm glad little Karma found someone who can keep up with him." He said. I was completely lost. I put up a convincing smile. "Hello." I said approaching the two. "I couldn't help but wonder what your relationship to Shadow is. I find it odd so many adults are here." I said. It was somewhat true. The two looked at eachother. "Well she is dating our son after all." The man responded. I was shocked. These are Karma's parents? Interesting. "So you're Akabane's parents. That's interesting. I never thought I'd see you two in person." I said. The women smiled nervously. "Well we do travel a lot. We really do feel guilty for not spending time with Karma so when Shadow called and told us about this party we put aside everything to come. Besides she said if we couldn't make it she would drag us here herself. I find it adorable how much she cares about Karma's happiness. It's really touching." She said. I noticed her hair perfectly matched Karma's. And I caught a glimpse of gold eyes under her mask. The tall man I saw earlier walked over. The other four people trailing behind in formation. "So it's true? Shadow really has a boyfriend?" He questioned. Me and Karma's parents all nodded. The male groaned while the two females behind him smirked. "Fork over the yen boys." One of the females said. The three males gave each female some yen. "What did we tell you? I knew she would find someone one of these days." A brown haired women said to the other female. She nodded her golden hair shimmering. "Ha! In your face boys! Level five charm!" She said highfiving the brown haired girl. The tall male sighed. "Yeah, yeah we get it, you were right, Shad got a boyfriend, big deal." He said rolling his eyes. "How do you know her?" I asked. The male looked at me. He had black hair and seemed to stand in a way that demanded respect. "Are you like her father or something?" I asked. He looked deep in thought. "Yeah, something like that." He responded. "But speaking of Shadow where is she? I need details." The golden haired women said. I shrugged. "I haven't seen her or Akabane. It's making me nervous. I don't trust those two alone. They could be planing something devious. It wouldn't be the first time." I said remembering the pole toppling incident. The male nodded. "Yeah, I've heard rumors of this Akabane kid. He's according to the other kids one of the most vicious and devious kids around here." He said. Karma's mom nodded. "Yeah Karma is really, what's the word? Devilish I guess." She said.  

I nodded. "Karma is very smart too. Him paired with Shadow could lead to bad news. But when I talked to them the other day Karma seemed to have no idea what she was planing, but that was three to two days ago. Anything can change in that time." I explained. I looked over to the stairs to see Itona and Nagisa. They walked over. "Hey have any of you seen Shadow or Karma? The big event is coming and we have no idea what's going to happen." Nagisa said. "Big event?" We all questioned. Itona nodded. "Kama and Shadow kept mentioning a 'big event' that involved all of Team Phantom. They never specified, just told us to be ready." He explained. Itona's earpiece started buzzing. He pushed it. "Shadow? Where the hell are you and Karma?" He asked. "I have no idea where Karma went. Said he wanted to put the finishing touches on his entrance." Shadow said from the other end. "What entrance?" Nagisa questioned leaning over. "Nagisa with you too? Great. Also it doesn't matter at the moment. Itona and Nagisa I need you both backstage. Itona you're on special effects and Nagisa we need you back here. Hurry it up!" She barked. "Aye ma'am!" They both shouted running off. "What was that about?" I asked. Karma's parents shrugged. The tall man however smirked. "Guys, I think Shadow has paved the way for a new Team Phantom. Did you all hear what I just heard?" He questioned look at the others. They all nodded with proud smiled on their faces. "Phantom, she has her own team now! That's amazing." The golden haired female said. He smiled. "I know. She has students! Ha! Fork over the yen!" He shouted. All the rest of them sighed and gave him yen. "There goes shopping week." The brown haired female said. 

The lights started to dim and some lights lit up the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" A female voice called. It wasn't Shadow's voice, it was a different female. "My name is Ritsu! I'm a member of Team Phantom." She said. "Now I'd like to thank all of you for coming to this grand event! It means a lot to me and the rest of the Phantoms. So I think it's time you meet your hosts." She said. A few cheers came from the E-class kids. The song on my own started playing. "Coming as our newest member and our weapons specialist." She started. Some smoke came from the stage as the tapping of boots came. "He may have temper problems and may be a rookie, but he's an important member of the team none the less. Put your hands together for Silver!" She shouted. The spotlight came down on Itona and he spread his arms as if to bath in the spotlight. "In the end I'm realizing, I was never meant to fight on my own." He sung in sync with the song. Cheers and roars of approval came from the E-class. He stood off to the side of the stage, the music stopped and the song Devil within started in its place as a chilly wind sped trough the area silencing everyone. "Next up is one of the oldest members of Team Phantom. He slips in silently and undetected as our recon specialist and our silent snake." She said. Ice started to form on the stage. "He may be small but don't underestimate him. He has a hidden second blade that has proven fatal. Please give a round of applause to Python!" She shouted. Nagisa skated in and did a few twirls and flips before stopping in the middle of the stage. "You'll never know I hate you. Won't see me closing in. I'm gonna make you suffer. This hell you put me in, I'm underneath your skin, the devil within, you'll never know I hate you." He sung with the song. He put his hands on his hips with a sassy smirk. Even more cheers and clapping. The song cut off as he skated over next to Itona. The cold vanished and it was quickly replaced with heat. The song with me now  started playing. "Now for the second in command of Team Phantom. He's fierce, he's devious, he is the devil himself." She said. Fire lit up the stage causing a few people to panic. "The strategist and heavy hitter of Team Phantom. He carries the flag of the Phantoms. Give it up for Red Devil!" She shouted. Karma rode in on fire. He wore a red and black tail coat suit. His mask was red with gold detail. He had a wild smile on his face as he dropped onto the stage off of the fire. It continued to swirl above him as he sung the chorus of the song. "I'm ready for the bright lights, highlights, everybody's feeling like, living up, keep it popping all night. We are ready for the throw down, show down, never f*cking slow down, living up, tonight it's gonna go down. You know we need it loud, shout, if you're with me now!"  He sung. Even louder cheering now. Clapping and shouts of approval. "So that's Shadow's boyfriend." Phantom said under his breath. Karma stomped a foot in front of him and the fire vanished. He walked over to the other two with his normal smirk. "Those are amazing special effects." I mumbled in actual awe. With me now cut off replaced by nightmare. "And now for our final member. She's the leader of the Phantoms and the ring leader who calls the shots. She's not afraid to break the rules and always has reasons for what she does." Ritsu started. Darkness involved the area. "She hunts in the darkness, and is always one step ahead. Let's hear it for the leader of Team Phantom, Shadow!" She yelled. A ball of darkness formed on the stage as (F/C) lights focused on it. Shadow lashed out with two swords breaking the shell around her in one clean swipe. Glitter seemed to fall around her and a black dragon that looked more like a ghost flew above her. She wore a beautiful (F/C) dress and matching gloves (Like Mal's dress from Descendants 2). A golden heart locket rest around her neck. Her mask was (F/C) and black. On her head rested a small crown, it was silver outfitted with (F/C) gems. Her appearance was breathtaking for everyone. Loud cheering echoed around the area. The loudest it had gotten. The phantom dragon landed behind her and curled up around her. It and the swords she was holding vanished. She bowed with one hand over her heart and one behind her back. Once she stood up straight she held up a hand silencing both the crowd and the music. "Thank you all for coming tonight!" She said her voice ringing out loud and clear. She had a bright smile on her face. "It warms my heart to know I didn't have to drag anyone here by force so thanks for all coming willingly." She said. This caused laughter to break out across the area. I chuckled a little bit. "Now I know a lot of you have questions like what the gems are for and why I'm a dressed like this." She said. "I mean come on do you people really think I'd dress like this without a reason? Besides to make people gawk at me like the rest of my team." She said pointing to Itona, Nagisa, and Karma who were all hanging the mouths wide open with incredibly stupid expressions on their faces. This caused me to basically roar in laughter just like the rest of the crowd. "So I'm sure at least one or two of you have heard of the big event that will be happening, now let me reassure you nothing too serious will be happening and I'll announce it later. Hold your horses people I can't do three things at once. Also guys seriously be serious you all look really stupid." She said directing it at her team. They were still frozen in shock. She facepalmed. "Uggg, it's like talking to rocks." She growled. She threw a dagger over their heads snapping them out of it. "Pay attention ding dongs." She growled. They all shook their heads to clear them. "Holy s*it is she actually wearing a dress?" Nagisa asked. "D*mnit there goes my yen." Itona said. Karma was just silently stareing at her. She sighed. "Onto business." She said. "Let's go ahead and get the big even started shall we?" She questioned looking at Karma. He snapped out of it and walked over to stand by her side. "Does everyone have these tiny orange gems?" He asked holding one up. Everyone nodded and murmured small things like yeah or yes. Karma smirked. "Great. Care to explain or should I?" He questioned looking at her. "SO YOU DO KNOW WHAT SHE'S PLANING!" Nagisa shouted. "I'll explain." She said. She held up one of the small gems. "Everyone when they were invited got one of these small gems in their invites. For the next 3 hours of the party the members of Team Phantom will be trying to steal these gems. If you manage to keep your gem throughout the entirety of the party at the end you can ask Team Phantom one question or one request." She explained. My first thought was 'this will be easy' but hearing the loud protests of 3-E made me think twice. "OH COME ON GIVE US A FIGHTING CHANCE!" Terasaka shouted. "You do have a fighting chance." Shadow started silencing them all at once. "Team Phantom's leader will not be allowed to participate and we aren't allowed to use any powers." Karma said. There were still some skeptics but then I heard a few shouts. "WHAT THE HELL!" "HOW!" "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?" Nagisa now stood next to Shadow with three gems in his hand. "Pick up the pace guys, for the next three hours you need to guard your gem. Actually pay attention to your surroundings." He said with a smirk. "D*mn blueberry! Extra lessons much?" Karma joked. He shrugged. "You never know." He said. Itona came to their side but then disappeared momentarily. I jumped away feeling something at my side. Itona growled now in the spot where I was standing. Mr. and Mrs. Akabane jumped away and stood back to back with guards up. "MOM? DAD!?" Karma shouted in shock. "Yeah I invited them too." Shadow said. "HOW THE HELL ARE THEY HERE!?" He shouted. "You know what never mind I'm not even going to question it anymore." He said with a sigh. That's when Shadow noticed Phantom and the others. "Phantom?" She questioned squinting at them. "GUYS HOLY S*IT YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" She shouted jumping of the stage and tackling the large man. "Wouldn't miss it Shads." He said. "Yeah sure. Like the last party I threw." She said rolling her eyes at him. I was completely lost for a while. "Guys! This is the guy who trained me!" She said. "Whoa really!?" The others on her team said walking over. 

After they all introduced themselves the event continued. Almost everyone lost their gems after two hours. The only people that kept their gems were me, Karma's parents, the quote unquote 'original Team Phantom', the class 3-E teacher Mr. Karasuma as the others were calling him, and that's it I think. I heard a yell. Okay scratch that Mr. K is down. Shadow was sitting on the stage with an amused look on her face. She was currently talking to Mrs. Akabane while her husband was keeping watch to make sure the team didn't sneak up on them. I had been targeted a lot but managed to dodge Python and Silver multiple times. Red Devil however was no where to be seen but many had lost their gems to him. Python had collected the most gems but Red Devil wasn't far behind. Silver was trailing in last place. I guess it's to be expected. He is new according to the announcement of him being the newest member of the Phantoms. I heard a sharp gasp from Shadow causing my attention to fall back to her and Mrs. Akabane. She was stuttering some random gibberish while Karma's mom was just laughing. "No way! I had a feeling but whoa!" She said in shock. "That's not all." She whispered something to Shadow that caused the (H/C) haired female to nearly fall of the stage. "Holy s*it!" She yelped. She covered her face with her hands while squeaking something. "Is everything okay over there?" Karma asked suddenly beside me. "Where the hell have you been?" I asked. "Stealing some of the strawberry cookies Shadow left for me on the counter. That girl really understands how I think. But seriously what is going on over here?" He asked. I shrugged. "I think Shadow and your mom are gossiping. She said something that seems to make Shadow very embarrassed." I explained. Karma smirked. "Thanks for the tip. I'm gonna go see what that's about." He said walking over and sitting next to her. They talked for a while and they seemed to start scheming. Shadow stood up and Karma left. She walked out to center stage causing everyone to focus on her. She announced that she'd like to sing something. I was interested. I wanted to know how well of a singer she is. Music started playing.                                                      

After she was finished singing she said the event was over. She told anyone who had their gems to come forth. I reached for my gem about to walk on stage but it wasn't there. I heard a few shouts and yelling that their gems were missing too. Karma appeared next to her with eight gems in his hand. "You were all so focused on her you didn't notice me." He explained. "And no that doesn't count as her participating you're the ones who got distracted." He added before someone could scream no fair. That was devious. I like it. But her singing was impressive. Though I'll never admit it out loud I did have fun. Everyone left and Ren and Koyama trailed behind me with disappointed looks on their faces. "I can't believe it but I actually had fun." Ren said. "Really? I thought it sucked." Koyama said. "You only say that because you were one of the first people out." I said with a snicker at his protests. Pretty soon we were stopped by Shadow and the others. "So Asano, you actually showed up. Thanks for coming." She said with a small smile. "I still don't get why you invited him." Nagisa and Itona deadpanned. Karma smirked. "Hey we all had fun didn't we? So it doesn't matter." He said with a shrug. "Easy for you to say you probably know why!" Nagisa shouted. He shrugged. "I actually don't. She explained what the big event was and the entrances but she didn't explain why she invited him." He said. Now I was curious too. "So why did you invite me? Surely it had more risks than benefits." I said. She smiled while holding a finger to her lips. "It's a secret." She said with a hint of mischief. Me, Koyama, and Ren just sweat-dropped while the other members of Team Phantom just groaned. "It's always a secret with you." "I thought you told me everything at this point." "Why do I always feel left out?" They all said at the same time. She just laughed slightly. "Nagisa you should be getting home." She said. "Ah s*it you're right!" He shouted. "Later guys!" He shouted. He ran off into the dark forest. "Will he be alright?" I asked. "He knows these woods very well. All of Team Phantom do. We have different places we all like to be at and we all take different routs. These woods are our hunting grounds you could say." Shadow explained. Karma and Itona nodded in agreement. "Well I'm tired out. I'll see you two in the morning." Itona said going back to the house. "Karma you should go say hi to your parents." She said. He nodded. "They're still in the house right?" He questioned. She nodded. "Alright. Thanks Shads." He said running off. She looked at me. "So did you have fun?" She asked. "Fun?" I questioned. She smirked. "Pride can be an awful thing sometimes but weather or not you had fun doesn't really mater. I just wanted you to see that E-class isn't as bad as it may seem. As you could see everyone was having fun and not down in the dumps. Keep that in mind. Anyway do you have any questions?" She asked. I nodded. "A few. Who arranged those special effects for the entrances?" I asked. She smiled. "All of Team Phantom worked on those. But it was mostly Ritsu and Itona. They're the tech team of the Phantoms." She said. "The sweets. Who made those?" I asked. She smirked. "Those were me and Karma's creations. According to everyone in 3-E we're the best d*mn cooks and bakers in the entire world. I wouldn't go that far but once again their words not mine." She said with a shrug. "Why did you decide to throw this party all of a sudden? It didn't seem like your birthday or something." I said. Her smile fell and she fixed her gloves. "It was a party for my sisters birthday. She died a long time ago but I still celebrate her birthday." She said. "Sorry for bringing it up then." I said. "It's fine." She said. "One more thing, not involved with the party." I said. "How did you and Karma make perfect scores on midterms?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She smirked. "Me and him do secret study sessions. We complete 50 workbooks for each subject. Not only that I make sure he and the others study extra to make sure that your father can't pull the rug out from under us." She explained. I was shocked. 50 workbooks?! How is that even possible without passing out!? Ren looked like he had just figured something out. "That's why you and Karma brought so many workbooks to the table E-class was studying at!" He said. She nodded. "Yep. If that's all I'll be taking my leave. I have some old friends to catch up with." She said walking away. Lots of things happened at this party that I didn't fully understand. The 3-E kids look even stranger in my eyes now. But there was something about this party, about the way that they smiled, that made me think of them as real people. "Come on guys. Let's go." I said. 

~Your POV~     

I smirked sensing the change in Asano's heart. This party was a success by any means. I sat down at the council room with Karma and the rest of the Phantoms, new and old. "So where's the other member? The one that announced you all?" Phantom asked. He was the leader of the original Phantoms and like a father to me. I held out my phone as Ritsu appeared. "Greetings sir. My name is Ritsu." She said bowing a little. He looked shocked. "She recruited an A.I? Smart move in my opinion." Blade said. Blade was the second in command and weapons specialist of the original Phantoms. He was like an uncle to me. "So you're her boyfriend huh?" Heart said. The golden haired female was like my older sister at times. "That's me." Karma said with a shrug. Nagisa sighed. "Don't expect many romantic scenes with these two. Anytime they have moments it's in secret. And anytime I try to spy on them they notice me instantly." He said. "Well excuse us for keeping our love life privet." Karma barked at him. "Boys not now." I groaned. "Oh you wanna go Strawberry!?" Nagisa shouted standing up. "Like you'll ever beat me Blueberry!" Karma said standing up. I used a shadow and forced them back into their seats. "Not in the council room you dumba*ses." I growled. "Sorry." "Won't happen again." They both said in unison. Itona and Ritsu snickered at them. "So what's the reason for calling us here?" Phantom asked. "I wanted to know something." I said switching to a more serious expression. "Were you guys the ones who left the vile on my doorstep?" I asked. The others on my team froze and turned serious as well. "The vile? You mean like the stuff you took from the lab when you escaped?" Forest questioned. The brown haired female was always relaxed. "Okay I don't think they left it." I said with a sigh. "No that's because we did." Two voices said from the doorway. My eyes widened upon seeing who was there.        

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