Chapter 25: Our Promise, A Phantom Contract?

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The next morning me and Karma got up early to work on things for the party. It would be on the weekend so we had around four days to get everything set. That's enough time for me at least. I decided to have the dance floor in the basement so me and Karma had to find a place to store the weapons and what not. We did that quickly. The basement was huge so I put a stage down there. "Why is there a stage?" Karma asked walking back down the stairs after taking the last few weapons to the secret stock room. "You'll see." I said with a smirk. "I don't trust that but whatever." He said with a shrug. Itona walked down with a yawn. "What are you two doing up so early?" He asked. "We've got a party to plan for." I said with a normal smile. "So you two are going to be absent for a while." He said walking back up. "I'll let everyone else know." He said. Me and Karma started decorating. I honestly had fun. "Karma help me over here with the streamers!" I shouted fighting with the golden paper. "I would but I'm tied up at the moment." He responded. I looked back to see him tangled up in a red ribbon. I snickered at it. "Hey, HEY! NO PICTURES!" He shouted as I pulled out my phone. I snapped a picture and sent it to my group chat. Kayano, Rio, Nagisa, Karma, Itona, Sugino, Fuwa, and Kirara. 

Mint: OMG HE LOOKS SO CUTE!                                                                                                                                    Shipping Goddess: Welp I found my new wall paper.                                                                                            Silver: Holy s*it! Lol I'm keeping this picture.                                                                                                            Python: D*mn now I want to be there.                                                                                                                        Kira: Hehehe, blackmail. Thanks Shad!                                                                                                                      Baseball Nerd: Holy f*ck he's actually blushing. Never thought I'd see the day.                                      Anime Fangirl: Awww so cute! 

Karma got himself untangled and walked over to me. 

Shadow: Uh oh. Strawberry's mad. I might want to run. Bye guys. 

With that I put my phone away and dodged him as he tried to pounce me. "I said no pictures!" He shouted chasing me around the room. I just laughed and decorated the room with shadows while he was doing this. He eventually cornered me. "Hehehe, aww come on it's just a joke." I said with a smile. He just stared at me. I started to blush about how close he was to me. "C-can you back up a little?" I asked. He smirked. "Aw, is someone flustered?" He questioned in a teasing tone. "Yes." I deadpanned. I jumped over his head. "Annnnd the decor is finished." I said looking around the room. He stood next to me mouth hanging open. The room was decorated with gold and (F/C) decorations. (Imagine whatever you want but keep in mind it needs to be somewhat fancy.)  

"How did you..." He trailed off. "I'm me remember?" I deadpanned. "True." He said putting his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. He sighed. "Geez am I ever going to catch up to you?" He asked. I smiled at him. Truth is you surpassed me a while ago. I only out do you in knowledge and experience at this point. I thought. I would never say it out loud though. My pride wouldn't let me. "Come on Karma we've got to work on food and the gust list at this point." I said dragging him by the arm. "Alright I'm coming." He said while laughing. I made a list of things we needed to do while we ate breakfast. "Alright." I said finishing the last of my pancakes. "We've got decor set. Now we need food, music, guests, and a few other things. You up for a shopping spree?" I asked. He sighed. "This is going to take a while." He said. "Maybe I can be of assistance?" Koro-sensei questioned. I spun around and threw a knife on instinct. "Oh sorry sir." I said as he caught the knife. "It's fine (Y/N)." He said as the blade of shadows melted away. Karma was currently on the floor laughing his a*s off to hide the fact it scared him. "So why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked. "Nufufufufuf~ I thought you could use some help with your party planing." He said. I hummed for a minute as Karma got up. I smiled. "Okay. But let's make it fun." I said. "Mew?" He questioned. I made a copy of the shopping list and gave it to him. "It's a race. You vs. Me. Whoever can get back here the fastest with all the stuff wins." I said. "You do realize his whole thing is speed right?" Karma questioned. "You do realize in shadow mode I'm fast too right?" I countered. He shrugged. "That's fair." He said. "Nufufufufuf~ I accept your challenge." He said his face turning yellow with green stripes. We stood outside doing a few stretches before getting into position. I handed him some yen for the groceries. Karma had his phone out recording the whole thing. "Oh and before we begin." I said giving the octopus a small smile. "Sorry for being so cold to you over the year. You're a good teacher...Koro-sensei." I said. He nodded a red circle appearing on his face. "Very good (Y/N). I accept your apology." He said. Karma started the countdown from ten. "Five." "Oh and one more thing." I started looking ahead. "Four." "Yes (Y/N)?" He questioned. "Three." I smirked as five other me's flanked me. "Two." "You're not the only one who can make clones~." The look on his face was priceless. "One. GO!" Karma shouted. 

~One shopping race later~

I flopped on the ground after putting all the bags down in sync with Koro-sensei. We now lay on the ground completely exhausted. "Annnnnd it's a draw. It was close though." Karma said turning his phone to himself. "And that my friends was a mach twenty octopus verses my girlfriend. This was unexpected. I honestly didn't expect a draw of all things. Welp this is Red Devil tuning out til next time. Bu bye!" He said turning off the camera. "Did you you have to do that?" I asked. "Yes. Yes I did." He responded helping me up. "Well I think we went a little overboard with shopping but hey, what are you going to do?" I questioned with a shrug after dusting myself off. He chuckled at this. "Anyway we need to decide on what kind of sweets. Look at all this stuff! I'm going to have leftovers for weeks!" I said pointing at the bags. Koro-sensei left and me and Karma just tried out different sweets than after taste testing decided what would be the best for the party. All the while I had music on. Wake up, get up, get out there from Persona 5 to be precise. Me and Karma kept singing it over and over. Yep this is how Phantoms do things. When Itona and Nagisa came in for training they were confused about why we were both covered in flour and batter. "Ummm, I think we got a little too into it." I said with a small smile while laughing. Karma shrugged and just kept dancing to the music. After a while the other two joined us then we trained. Itona was a fast learner but still had a long way to go. Nagisa and Karma were already on my level and starting to free style a little bit. I let them spar while I helped Itona. "I'm kinda jealous." Ritsu said. "You all get to do all this fun stuff while I just sit here. I'm a member of Team Phantom right?" She questioned. I reassured her. She's an important member and I won't let her doubt herself. Me and Karma decided to make the guest list tomorrow since we were both tired. I went straight up to my room and, after getting into my night cloths (an over-sized black shirt and shorts), crawled into bed and was instantly asleep.

My eyes slowly opened and I quickly realized that I wasn't in my room. I was in some kind of prison cell. There was a chain on my wrist and leg that I only noticed after sitting up. I looked around trying to clear my head. "Okay, new dream I'm assuming." I said then sighed. "Great. Just perfect. I have a new dream. Yep my day is going great." I said sarcastically. I heard a chuckle. I turned to look outside the cell to see some weird goblin man. There was a small girl in blue next to him. My eyes widened. "Okay what kinda crazy s*it did Karma do to the cookies?" I asked myself. "No, no he couldn't have done anything to the cookies I was watching him to make sure they weren't prank cookies. I'm confused, what's going on anymore?" I asked shaking my head. I looked down at my feet. I stood up and walked to the door of my cell to get a better look at him. Pale skin, eyes look like he haven't blinked in weeks, pointed nose...literally it's way out there, some kinda fancy suit, I-I have no idea how to comprehend this. He held out his hand. "Trickster, welcome to my Velvet Room." He said in a weirdly high pitched voice that still contained authority. "Velvet Room?" I questioned. He gestured around the area. "It's a space between dream and reality, mind and matter. This room reflects the state of your own heart. To think that the leader of the Phantoms' heart would look as such." He said. I shook my head. "Okay slow down I'm still confused here. Why the f*ck am I here?" I asked. He chuckled again. "Oh follow up question. Why does my heart reflect a prison of all things? I'm pretty d*mn sure that I threw off any chains I had a long time ago." I growled. "Prisoner of fate or of the past? Who really knows? You tricksters are always the same." He said. I was just getting more and more p*ssed at this guy. An alarm sounded. "Ah, it appears our time is up. Return to the real world. We shall continue this some other time." He said. 

My eyes snapped open and I shot up. I clutched my head and just sat there, breathing. It wasn't scary, not even creepy. I was just unsettled. I looked at the doors to the balcony and decided that I needed some fresh air. I stood out there looking at the trees while leaning on the railway. "Hm? You okay (Y/N)?" A voiced asked. I looked over already relaxed at the familiar presence. Karma jumped onto the railway next to me from the trees. He was in uniform strange enough. He sat on the railway and just looked at me. I just sighed. "I had a weird dream that's all." I said. He tilted his head to the side allowing me to see his bright golden eyes. "Weird? How so?" He asked. I sighed again and explained what I saw. "Soooo, did you put something in the cookies?" I finished. He just laughed at this. "No (Y/N) I didn't poison the cookies." He said while snickering. I just shook my head and smiled. That's when I remembered. "So why are you out at night? In your uniform?" I asked. I could've sworn I saw a small blush under his mask. "Umm, late night training?" He tried. I shook my head with a smirk. "Not gonna work. Try a little harder love." I said in teasing tone. "No, no it was training." He said. I sighed. "You and I were both very tired this evening after training with the others. In case you're forgetting I had to help you get to your room." I said. "It could've been an act." He said with a shrug. I gave him a look. He seemed to be struggling to find words under my glare. "Oh fine." He said with a sigh. I smirked in victory. He held out his gloved hand to me. "Come on. I'll show you what I was working on." He said. I nodded taking his hand in mine. He stood up and pulled me up with him. He jumped into the trees keeping a tight hold on me. I was able to keep up with him just fine. After a while of tree jumping we arrived at the cliff area. It was dotted with red and black roses. "Whoa." I said examining one of the black roses. "I still don't now where you get these but whoa." I said. I turned to look at him. He had a little flame in his hand making it easier to see the area. "I wanted to do something for you and here we are." He said while laughing a little. I walked back over to him and took notice that his other hand was behind his back. "Karma. Why is that hand behind your back?" I asked. "I'm getting to that. Don't worry." He said. "When you say that it makes me worry more." I deadpanned causing him to laugh a little more. He flicked his hand and the little flame shot out and formed little sparks that floated in the air. It added a calming and warm glow to the area. "Alright. I want you to close your eyes for a minute." He said. I sighed slightly. "Fine. I'm trusting you right now." I said. "That's all I ask." He responded. I closed my eyes. A million thoughts ran through my head at that moment. They were all silenced when I felt something cold rest on my neck and a quick peck on my lips. "Alright you can open them." Karma said. I opened my eyes. A golden heart locket rest calmly around my neck. I lightly brushed it with my finger. It had a slight warmth to it. "Something for the phantom that stole my heart." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back. "Th-thank you. I love it." I said. Me and Karma share a special bond, not just as lovers or friends, but as phantoms. "Karma, can you promise me something?" I asked. He tilted his head to the side lightly. "Depends on what it is." He said. "I just want you to promise that you'll stay by my side okay?" I questioned. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. After he pulled away he hugged me. "I thought I already made it clear I wasn't going to leave you. I love you after all." He said with a small chuckle. I laughed a little too. "Yeah, love you too Karma." I said. "But if it makes you feel better, I promise to never leave you. Better?" He questioned. "A lot. Thanks." I said. "Anytime (Y/N)." He said. That night a special promise was made. One that reaches beyond normal human understanding. A promise as Phantoms a contract so to speak. A bond built on trust and respect, something both of them were unfamiliar with. (Y/N) had never trusted anyone as much as she trusted Karma, and Karma was not used to being respected as a person with an opinion. They trusted eachother with their lives. A special bond indeed.  

Shadow's daily log. Entree number 20: Trust is an important and fragile thing. I've gone through life without trusting anyone. One of the lessons I learned as a child was to trust no one. But recently I've learned to trust a few people. Karma, Nagisa, and a few from the class. I feel a strong connection with with Karma and Nagisa specifically. Their bloodlust may scare me at times, but they have my trust. It's a rare thing to gain I'll tell you that. ~(Y/N) (L/N)/Shadow

Shadow's daily log. Entree number 39: I've placed my trust in everyone in class 3-E. To Karma and the other Phantoms especially. But something between me and Karma is stronger than normal trust. Tonight we formed a contract, a promise as phantoms. I trust him more than I trust myself. I don't see how he and the others can all trust me, but I trust them. I won't question their judgment nor their loyalty. If they trust me I'll trust them. I need to start teaching the last lesson that they need to know as phantoms. Change is coming at us full speed. I just hope we're ready for it. ~(Y/N) (L/N)/Shadow                      

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