Chapter 24: The Reaper Vs. Shadow

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(Warning very long chapter! Also feels! You have been warned! It starts out nice but gets dark!)

When I woke up I found it hard to pry my eyes open. I was also in a familiar warm death grip. I just sighed and made a shadow wake up Itona. I'm skipping today since I'm not getting up. "Go wake Itona and get him set for school." I commanded. After the shadow left I yawned and turned back around to see deep gold eyes. "Morning." I said lazily. "Not gonna hit me?" Karma asked. I yawned. "Nope. Too tired. Now let me sleep." I said. He chuckled and pulled me closer. A warm embrace. It was nice. "Dose this mean you two are skipping?" Itona asked from the doorway. "Yes, now go to school!" I barked. He left without an argument. After a few minutes we were fully woken up and I sat up. I stretched a little. "So why are you in my room?" I asked. He yawned. "I was to lazy to go to my room." He replied. We got breakfast and just lazed around the house. We trained for a bit, played some video games, and now we were watching a new episode of our favorite anime. I got a call on my phone and pulled it out. It was Nagisa. "(L/N) residence, (Y/N) speaking." I said. "Yeah, yeah. Anyways I need your advice. How do you pick out a gift for someone?" He asked. "What?" I asked in confusion. "We need to get a gift for someone but we have no idea what to do." He said. "Ah I see. Well if you're going to get a gift for someone you need to appeal to their likes. You also need to know about age group. How old are they? What would they like? These are questions you need to ask. You also need to think of what type of gift. Is it romantic or just as friends? Keep these things in mind." I explained. "Right, well we don't know what to do for their likes seeing as how they probably have two of everything. But the gift type is romantic and it's for an adult." He explained. "Is Blueberry playing matchmaker?" I questioned with a smirk. "Kinda. It's more like the class is playing matchmaker." He said. "Well in that case go for a classic. Flowers, chocolates, maybe even a stuffed animal. Things like that will melt anyone's heart no matter the age. Classics like that are still around because they always work. But if you're going for a romantic gift then roses 100%." I explained. All of a sudden the plot twist on the anime happened. It was predictable. I was mad. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Karma shouted in outrage. "OH COME ON! THAT WAS SO PREDICTABLE! BULLS*IT I CALL BS!" I shouted. I coughed slightly and returned to the call. "But yeah if you're looking for a romantic gift for an adult, roses. Trust me it'll work like a charm." I said. "Alright. Thanks. Bye." He said. The call cut off. I put the phone down. 

"Well now I'm p*ssed. What was that call about?" Karma asked turning to me. "Nagisa needed to know about picking out gifts." I explained. "That's unusual. But yeah I'm still mad." He said with a huff. "I know." I growled crossing my arms. I glared at the TV as the credits rolled. "Oh and they had to top it off with a f*cking cliff hanger!" I yelled. He sighed and moved closer to me. "Karma." I started. "Yesss?" He asked. "Why did you shift closer to me?" I asked. "No reason." He said. "Lies." I said. "You can't prove it." He said. I turned to look at him but I was just met with bright gold eyes. "Oh hi." I deadpanned. Without breaking my gaze he wiped off the concealer that covered the scales on my neck. They were more (F/C) than black now. "Karma what are you-." He silenced me with a quick peck. "I want to test something." He said running a finger over the scales. I shivered slightly and blushed. "D-don't do that!" I stuttered. He smirked. "So that does work. Good to know~." He said in a teasing tone. "Nope!" I said turning into a shadow and going into my room. I locked the door behind me and hid under the covers of my bed while squeezing the life out of my plushy. I used a hand to cover my scales. "W-what was that?" I stuttered. "I knew these scales were sensitive but that didn't feel right!" I said a little panicked. "Stupid feelings." I growled. I heard footsteps that stopped at my door. A few words and a witty conversation later he finally got me to come out. "Just don't do it again." I growled pointing an accusing finger at him. He just held his hands up in surrender. But his smirk said otherwise. I was on guard for the rest of the day. 

After about a week I was skipping again. Karma had actually gone to school. Thank Satan, I was honestly scared to be alone with him at this point. Freaking Devil. I was tree jumping while listening to music. My phone rung cutting off the music. D*mn and I liked that one. I answered. "Hello?" I questioned. "Hey umm. Can you come to campus. Like asap. As in get here as fast as humanly possible. Did I mention hurry?" Karma questioned. His voice was calm but words frantic. I didn't need to be told twice. I shadowed over there and burst through the window. I had put my mask on as well as the rest of my gear. Everything looked messy. Everyone looked scared. And there were flower petals on the desk. "Alright what the f*ck happened here?" I asked. Everything seemed to freeze for me. I walked over to the desk, my cloak swishing behind me, and examined the flower petals. Then I spotted a map and next to it a calling card. Five words. Five words that made my heart stop. "The Reaper has come calling." I read aloud. I looked around the room. My mask and eyes had shadows covering them as I looked. My blood ran cold. Karma wasn't here. "Where's Karma?" I asked slowly. They all looked away and avoided eye contact. My bloodlust shot through the roof. Everyone fled to the back of the room except Itona, Nagisa, and Ritsu who were completely unaffected by my bloodlust. I swiftly grabbed the map and jumped on the window. "Where are you going?" Terasaka demanded. I looked at him my (E/C) eyes glowing and slitted under my mask. He froze at the fierce glare. "Your eyes!" He said in shock. "So? Is that important right now? I'm going to assume this has something to do with Professor b*tch too." I said. They all nodded. I assumed so since she's been missing since their plan to get her and Karasuma together went up in flames. "Don't worry I'll grab her too. Reap made one fatal mistake." I growled my voice full of venom. I held up the map. "He left his location." I growled shooting out the window. Wasting no time I went shadow mode and headed for the location. I got there by nightfall and scouted a little to give my bloodlust time to calm down. By that time Ritsu had tracked me down and the others arrived. 

I walked in before they could stop me. The door closed shut behind me. "Hey Reap. Come out here so I can see your face." And pound it into your skull all while tearing out your organs and using them to paint the wall red. I thought. The floor started to descend and I came face to face with him...Through bars that is. D*mn he's a little to clever. "Hmm, you look more stupid than I thought you would. " I said. "And you're not what I expected when they said a terrifying assassin was going to kick my a*s. Welcome Shadow. So we finally meet huh? So where's your class? Did they chicken out?" He asked. That's when I realized he was the flower guy that called the ambulance. "I told them to wait outside seeing that I'm in an unstable mood right now. And the things I plan to do to you aren't exactly child friendly." I said darkly with and evil smirk while twirling my knife in my hand. "I must have really touched a nerve when I kidnapped the red head. What's his name, Karma? I had a feeling he had some relation to you when he pulled out fire magic once we had gotten a good distance away from the campus but I had no f*cking idea that he was Red Devil. He told me I would regret taking him and here I am. Actually regretting it. I mean it led you right to me!" He said laughing slightly. I started chuckling darkly. Humor doesn't change even when he faces death itself. I shrugged. "Welp as enjoyable as this is I have a devil to retrieve." I said with a sigh. "So much to do so little time am I right?" I questioned. I went into shadow mode and started searching the place. Once I found the cell Karma was in I went in and tackled him. "YOU F*CKING IDIOT!" I shouted. "Oww, hey calm down there. I can't move right now unfortunately." He said with a chuckle. I pulled away and helped him sit up. We was bruised, there were a few cuts, but he still smirked away like normal. But still, seeing him like this. Really p*sses me off. When I heard the footsteps of Reap I let my bloodlust grow stronger and stronger. I sat Karma back down and faced him away from the entrance of the cell. "Yeah sure face me away from the fight." He said sarcastically. He had been drugged so he couldn't move. I didn't want him to see what I was about to do. "Sorry love, but even a sadist like you might be disgusted by what I'm about to do. Messing with me is one thing. Messing with people I care about is another." I said. "I doubt anything you do could really disturb me mentally but okay. Give em hell love." He said. I smiled. I pulled out some earplugs and plugged his ears. "Really!? Going this far huh!?" He shouted. I just ruffled his hair slightly. I stood up and walked out of the cell. I made sure Karma was still in his position then waited. The footsteps got louder and louder til finally he showed up. He was in this twisted form of shadow mode that kept his main shape. The moment he walked in the area I started laughing. It grew twisted and dark as I let sanity slip away. I launched at the reaper and broke him over my knee. A sickening crack echoed through the cavern. I started pounding him blow after blow after blow. Each time he would cough up blood or scream in pain. It was fun. I felt like I was flying. 

Insanity, feels like floating on air.  

A wild smile was on my face as I broke his bones. My eyes were dark slits that only shone with bloodlust. Without a care in the world I snapped his arms like twigs. He tried fighting back. He punched me a few times. But it was weak. I just smiled and took it then hit him back twice as hard. Carefree. Like an everyday normal thing. 

Psychopathy, a carefree life.    

I used shadow clones to beat him senseless. No remorse, no feeling. Just sickening joy as I slammed his head into the wall. He screamed for help...But nobody came. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. Like I wasn't even here. Like I never existed. To him this was a nightmare. To me this was just taking out filthy trash. I continued smiling causing the fear in his eyes to grow.   

Insanity, an illusion that can't end.    

I spilled as much blood as possible. Red stained the walls. He was The Reaper true. But right now he was my prisoner. The Reaper preys on humans. Shadows prey on anything that moves. That includes gods of death. I would let up on the pressure. Leave an opening. Give him hope that he could get away. Only to drag him back down into the depths of darkness. 

Captivity, unable to run away.  

I broke him mind, body, and spirit. By the time I was starting to get a little worn out his mental state was shattered, just like every bone in his body. I used every method possible to make him suffer. I even made a blowtorch appear as well as a knife, rubbing alcohol, and much much more. I slowly lost bloodlust. The darkness cleared from my vision. 

Sanity, can't see the dark already.   

I slowly put down the weapons except my Dragonsteel knife as he lay there dying slowly. Time seemed to slow down as it slowly dawned on me what just happened.  

Purity, the days are longer.  

But I started to get mad again remembering that he kidnapped Professor b*tch. He caused my classmates to panic. I hated him now. A smirk grew on my lips as a shadow fell over my eyes. 

Sanity, but that also must sink.     

I walked over to him and picked him up by his neck. Despite size or height I was stronger and I lifted him up to the wall and held him there as he was weakly fighting against my grip.  

Sanity, what is that?   

I reared back my Dragonsteel knife and almost stabbed him. Someone caught my wrist. I looked back with furry in my eyes. It was Karasuma. I turned my knife on him. He got my arms and held me still. I struggled. "LET ME KILL HIM!" I shouted in a distorted voice. Reap hit the ground with a thud. "He's dying. Leave it be." Karasuma said. "NO THE KILLING BLOW IS MINE! I WILL KILL HIM WITH MY BLADE!" I shouted. Nagisa and Rio ran over and helped Karma up. Nagisa took the earplugs out of his ears. I started laughing crazily. My eyes darted to the left and right frantically. "Let me go Karasuma~. Just let me kill him~. It's best for all involved really. The assassin world will be a lot safer if I make sure he dies here instead of leaving a 95% chance of him coming back." I said. "Karma! Help me control her! She's gone psycho!" Karasuma shouted to the red head slowly making his way out of the cell. He looked at the blood on me. On the walls. On Reap as he slowly tried to crawl away. The Dragonsteel knife in my hand was stained red. And completely black. He walked over slowly. The closer he got the more I struggled. My breath was ragged. He got up close. I looked into his golden eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light. He wiped off the concealer on my neck. The scales were completely black. "Let me go!" I shouted. "(Y/N)." He said sternly. I just growled and struggled more until Karasuma was forced to let me go. I stumbled forward and Karma caught me. I looked up at him rage still evident in my eyes. He pressed his lips on mine faster than lightning. I let out a small squeak.                                                                                                                                                                                      5 HIT. 10 HIT. 30 HIT. 35 HIT. 40 HIT. 

The rage and insanity faded from my eyes. He pulled away still having me in a tight embrace. "K-Karma? What's going on?" I asked. His grip on me tightened. I tried to look around but he held me still. "Karma. Why can't I look around?" I asked sternly. "Never do that again." He growled. I looked at a piece of hair that fell in my face. It had blood on it. Color drained from my face. I wrapped my arms around him. "I didn't." I said quietly. My grip tightened. "I lost control over my bloodlust didn't I?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "Oh God. You didn't see it right?" I asked starting to shiver. "You faced me away from it." He said. "Thank God." I breathed a sigh of relief. I never want him to see me like that. "No one else saw what went down either. The rest of us just got here." Nagisa said walking over. I just breathed in and out. Realization dawning on me. I was tired. And completely done for the day. "Karma. I want to go home." I said quietly. He nodded and led me out of there. The rest of the class followed. Koro-sensei was there as well. I thought he went to a tournament or something? Oh who cares. I'm way to tired to think right now.  

The next day me, Karma, Nagisa, and Itona all stood at Koro-sensei's desk. Karma hadn't left my side since last night. Well I did have to clean of the blood so he left me alone for a little while but you get what I mean. I coughed slightly to get everyone's attention. The teachers all stood off to the side of the classroom. I counted everyone mentally. Everyone was here. I cleared my throat. "Everyone. I've talked it over with my team and in light of the events of yesterday we've, I've decided there should be no more secrets between us." I said calmly. I took off my cloak and bandages. I wiped away the concealer and slitted my eyes. "I'm not fully human. I'm what's known as a hybrid. Half animal, half human." I explained. I told them everything. My past, my name, even about the blood. Karma, Nagisa, and Itona all showed their scales too. I explained that too. I also explained their powers. "I must ask you to not tell anyone what you have seen and heard. This is all highly classified. Not even Karasuma has known about it until now. But that's why my bloodlust is so strong, it's why I distance myself from others, and it's why I'm an assassin. Any questions? If not then I bid you adue." I said coldly about to walk out the door. "Hang on just one minute Shadow, (Y/N)? Ugh point is I'm pretty sure we all have questions." Terasaka said. I nodded and walked back to the desk. "Oh and you don't have to call me Shadow anymore. You can call me that if you prefer it or if we're around other people refer to me as such. But here I'd like it if you called me (Y/N)." I said. "Okay so your a member of the the (L/N) family? That's crazy!" Kayano shouted. I smiled. "Yes I am indeed a (L/N)." I said. "And in light of that, I have a small celebration coming up." I said smiling at the old memories. "My sister Ember's birthday is in a few days. Now I always celebrate the birthdays of both my siblings and my parents despite them all dying. Ember was only 3 when she was killed so by now she would have been, hang on give me a minute here." I said starting to calculate in my head. "Round 13 to 14" I said. "Sorry, can't have a solid number since I don't remember my own age." I said with a shrug. "We really need to figure out your age." Karma mumbled. "What? I know I'm around 15 to 16 so it shouldn't matter that much." I said. "Wait that brings up another question." Rio said causing us all to look at her. "When was your birthday? Or when is it coming up?" She asked. I thought for a moment. "I'll give you a hint. My last birthday present was the moon exploding. It was a very nice birthday surprise I'll tell you that much." I said with sarcasm dripping in my voice all while shooting Koro-sensei a glare. "March 12 of last year was her birthday." Karma stated. "Her birthday is on the same day as the deadline. Talk about f*cking destiny." He said. Everyone looked at me in shock. I continued to glare at Koro-sensei. "Yeah thanks for the lovely gift of the moon exploding." I said. Koro-sensei just laughed his normal laugh. "You are quite welcome (Y/N). Now then continue with the party." He said. "Oh right!" I said turning back to the class. "I'll be hosting a masquerade ball at my house. Make sure to find something nice to wear. Also masks will be provided since only Team Phantom have them at the ready." I said with a laugh. This brought out cheers as well as murmurs throughout the class. "Yay! A party is a great idea after all that's happened we need a break!" Hina cheered. "Cool I'm down for it." That was Rio. "Is a party really the best choice?" I can understand Rinka's concern. "It'll be fine! I think it's a great idea!" Fuwa said excitedly. "I'm always in for some fun! Besides a masquerade ball!? That's way to good an opportunity to pass up!" That was Okajima. "Ohhh, masquerade huh? Dark and mysterious, with just the right amount of classy. Good choice Shadow." Kirara said. "Thanks Kira." I said. I called her that since it was Japaneses for killer according to the Deathnote anime. After I explained it to her she let me call her that. They all agreed to come to the party. I smiled. 

"Thanks guys. Alright come on Karma." I said grabbing his wrist. "Whoa hang on where are we going?" He asked. "Party planing duh. I need someone to help pick out party supplies don't I?" I countered. "Hang on, before you go. Karma. Dude. How the hell did you get 40 hits in ten seconds?!" Okajima yelled. "Wut?" I questioned with a confused look. "Oh yeah. You remember how you almost killed someone last night?" Karma asked with a chuckle. I nodded while squinting at him. "Annnnnnd?" I questioned. "Well I may have been the one to bring you out of the bloodlust." He said. I paired that with Okajima's statement. "And you only got 40 hits?" I questioned even more confused. "Yeah, yeah, I know." He said. "But I had to tone it down a notch. I didn't want you to pass out." He said. "I've told you! For a trained Phantom like me it takes 70 hits at least to knock me out!" I said. "Yeah I know. But still the surprise kiss always works with you so I wasn't that worried." He said with a shrug. I sighed and facepalmed. "Okay hang on! Karma why did you go for a kiss? I'm still confused about that." Nagisa said. I sighed and pulled out my book. "Bloodlust lesson three: How to pull someone out of a bloodlust overload." I recited handing the lesson planer to Karma. "You were absent for that lesson I do believe." I said. "Right here. In the words of (Y/N) and I quote. 'The only way to bring someone out of their bloodlust is by making them feel a strong emotion other than rage or sadness. Love and joy are the two best choices.' Says so right here." He said holding up the book. "I didn't have time to do anything funny because she could easily have slipped out of Karasuma's hold." He explained. "To pull me out of bloodlust is the only time he's allowed to cause a P.D.A." I explained. After that we answered a few more questions the class had. They actually excepted that I was a hybrid. They didn't care about Nagisa, Karma, and Itona being hybrids either. It made me happy that the class was so excepting. I really do fit in here. Who would have guessed it. 

That night I sat on the roof watching the stars. I heard something and a whoosh of fire came up next to me. Karma had to pat himself down. "Note to self:" He started sitting down. "Don't travel as fire." He finished. I snickered at that. "So what are you doing up so late?" We asked in unison. We both just started laughing. After I had settled down. "I just couldn't sleep. To much on my mind." I said. He calmed down from his laughing fit. "I just got a bad feeling and checked on you. When you weren't in your room I started panicking but I sensed you up here and here we are." He said gesturing to the space around us. I laughed slightly. "Sorry for worrying you. I'm just a little on edge is all." I said looking at the crescent moon. "About what?" He asked. I sighed and looked back down. "I'm just worried. About the class, about the world, how we're going to kill Koro-sensei by March, how I'm sure most of the class is terrified of me, you know just normal high school stuff." I said sarcastically. "Okay let's start with one thing at a time." He said hold up a hand. "First. Why are you worried about the class?" He asked. "I'm worried about other assassins like The Reaper showing up. They're well trained I won't deny that. But what if they get killed by assassins in the process of trying to get at Koro-sensei? I can't be there to bail them out all the time." I said. He nodded. "We can talk to Karasuma about that. I'm sure he can do something." Karma said. "Besides the rest of the class has me, Nagisa, and Itona. All of us are being trained by the best after all. No normal assassins can take us down." He said tapping my nose. "Now next problem. Are you worried about the world blowing up or is it something else?" He asked. "The world is full of assassins like Reap. The world blowing up is just feeding the fire of things wrong with it. I have a list about why the world sucks and how one day it's going to all fall apart because humans are f*cking idiots and morons." I growled. "Note to self:" Karma said. "(Y/N) hates humanity." He continued. He then sighed. "Look at the people around us. Lots of them have problems with family and people. Hell Itona was experimented on as were you. Nagisa has an abusive b*tch for a mother and my parents don't ever have time for me. Humanity sucks. We can all agree on that. But we push through it and try to make it better. That's why you're a Phantom right? To help people take out the trash that causes the downfall of the human race." He said. I nodded. "Wow. Do you just have an answer for everything?" I asked. He laughed slightly. "Of course I do." He said in a joking manor. "Next one. Koro-sensei isn't invincible. You've said it yourself it'll be easy for you to end him on your own." Karma said. "Fair enough." I said. "But I still want the class to do it themselves. I may fit in with everyone but I'm not really a part of the class. I'm just there." I said hugging my knees. "And I'm pretty d*mn sure if they weren't scared of me before they sure as hell are now. I almost killed a guy Karma! And in the most brutal ways I could think of! If I was normal I would have run for the hills by now! And that's another thing to add to the list! I'm not normal! Never have been never will! And it's all because of my stupid powers!" I was crying by this point. "I'm not even human...I'm also an assassin...By no standers should I even be trusted...Why do people put up with me? Why am I the only one in my family who survived? Why can't I just be normal?" I questioned. I kept my gaze on the ground. Not looking at him nor the moon. I wiped off the tears and just pulled out my most convincing smile. "Sorry. Don't mind my ranting. Where the hell did that come from?" I laughed it off. I stood up and balanced out. "Welp Imma get some sleep now. Night Strawberry." I said. I started walking but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. I just stood there. Staring into the same golden eyes that I've grown to love. 

"You're wrong. They aren't scared of you. Just like me they respect you. And if they don't I'll give them hell about it. You aren't human. That's true. You're half human. And if you ask me that's even better. You're not just any old assassin. You're a Phantom. My Phantom. I trust you. And so does Nagisa and Itona. Ritsu too. Koro-sensei trusts you even though you can kill him. Rio and Kayano trust you. We're your friends. We know what you're like. You like to play and joke around. You love to read. We put up with you because you're our friend. And you're my girlfriend. Whoever targeted your family we will find and we will make them suffer for what they did. You aren't normal, but that's a good thing. You're my unusual little shadow. And you being different is why I love you. Doubt yourself again and I'll slap you." Karma said. I just took a moment to think about what he just said. He's right. I thought starting to laugh. Well I'll be d*nmed! That was what I needed to hear! I thought starting to laugh harder. He just looked at me in confusion as I settled down. I hugged him. "Thanks Karma. I needed to hear that." I mumbled. He just chuckled at me and hugged back. "Of course you did. Everyone needs to be told off once in a while." He said. We shared a kiss then went to bed. That night I didn't have any nightmares or dreams. Just blissful, dreamless sleep that I've been needing.  

"Fire and shadow go hand in hand. One a power of light and heat. The other of cold, darkness. Most believe they are natural enemies, but that could not be farther from the truth. Fire is a bright element. It's chaotic nature scares most people. Fire is a mischievous element that is truly one of the strongest out of them all. Shadow is a dark element that drives others away from it. It's a calm and cold element. But while it always avoids others it is still a strong hidden blade that most people over look. The stronger fire becomes the more it's shadow grows. Hand in hand. The strongest two are drawn together for reasons unknown. But the result of the combination could not be more breathtaking."                                                                                                                                                                 ~Flame Dragonheart Draco                                            

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