A/N (You can skip but I would recommend reading)

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Hello my dragon army! So I'm sure you're wondering what this is about. Now don't worry I'm not going to stop writing this story. I have too much fun writing it! This is here to explain some stuff. So I will be answering a few questions you might have. You're allowed to ask more questions but this is just a few things you might want to know about this story. 

1: Why is Karma's personality different somewhat? The answer to that is simple. (Authors response) In most of the Karma x readers that I look at the reader needs Karma to protect them and bail them out. I don't agree with that. Have you seen the people on Wattpad!? Most of them are bada*ses that will kick your a*s if you look at them funny! So I made the reader a little more like that and Karma more respectful of her. (Story response) Karma and (Y/N)'s relationship is built on respect. Karma excepts that she is stronger than him and respects her for it. But he still trains in hopes that one day he will be able to beat her in a fight. They get along great but (Y/N) isn't used to most emotions seeing how most people avoid her because she's an assassin. Those who do spend time with her left when she became a full fledged Phantom. Emotions are complex things for her because of how long she's been off the grid and in hiding. She wants to take things slowly in a relationship and keep things smooth. Their relationship is built on trust and respect. Karma will still be Karma though and (Y/N) is fine with it as long as they aren't in public seeing as how she can be very shy when it comes to feelings. There's the answer to that. 

2: What's withe the whole Phantom thing? And on that note why did reader's personality change so drastically between the first few chapters? Well that's just as simple. (Author's response) Around that time I was going through some writers block and didn't know how to continue this story. My friend told me that I should watch Persona 5. That's where I got the idea for the Phantom thing because if you've seen Persona 5 you'll know about the Phantom Thieves. That's where the inspiration came from. That's why her personality did a 180 too. (Story response) Shadow was trying to keep her true intentions masked in the beginning. She didn't want others to know she was a Phantom assassin. But slowly, as she grew closer to Nagisa and Karma, she warmed up to it and eventually it was well known in the class about her being a Phantom and her more dark and serious personality faded and in it's place was a friendly (still terrifying) girl who just wanted to be excepted for what she is. 

3: What's with the hybrid thing? That was mostly for my own entertainment and it makes the story more interesting. I always planed for them to all be hybrids tbh. It was just a cool concept. When you look at a bunch of Karmasagia (yes I ship it) fan-fics where Nagisa is half snake you want that kind of stuff in your story too. 

4: The vile on the doorstep. A lot of you are probably curious about this. Who did it come from? Why did it have the same affects? And how did they know to give it to Shadow and the others? Well I can't say much because that would be spoilers. It will come up in the story later however. You're welcome to theorize but if you do I'd actually like to hear it in the comments. Maybe talk about it with others who read the story? I'll let you know if you get close. Well I can't tell you who it came from but I can tell you how and why. Why? They knew that Shadow and Karma were hybrids so they knew that giving the vile to them would be the best choice. How? They were involved with the project that turned Shadow into a hybrid. They helped Shadow escape the lab however and they took a vile with them. Every since they've been trying to track her down to do anything they could. They thought it might help if Shadow had the vile. 

5: What's Itona's power? And why is he a snake like Nagisa? Itona's power isn't elemental like the others. He can create weapons and has venom like Nagisa. That's basically it plus all the heightened senses and what not. He's a snake because I feel like that reflects Itona better than a dragon. Besides I wanted the types of hybrids to be even. 

6: Why dragons and snakes? One, I like dragons and always work them into my stories. Besides I see Karma more as a fiery dragon than a silent snake. I mean come on I can't be the only one who sees it right? And two, snake is defiantly Nagisa. That is without a doubt.

7: Why is there so little romantic scenes? (Authors response) I am new at this cut me some slack please. It's hard enough to write cute stuff okay! Don't judge me! I'm socially awkward and bad with romance because I don't have a heart! (Story response) (Y/N) is flustered easily and since she has to hide her black blood it's not a good idea to do romantic stuff, especially in public. Karma and (Y/N) have their moments but they keep their relationship more or less to themselves.   

8: Why did Karma's blood stay the same? Because it's the color of his magic. Blood changes color to reflect the power that they have. Karma is fire. Red, orange, and gold. And as we all know Karma's main color is red. 

9: What do I need pictures for? Once again something I'm doing at the end of the story requires it and I can't draw for s*it. I would have my friend do it but she's never watched Assassination classroom and refuses to watch it despite me and my other friend trying to convince her. So I turned it into a contest for my readers and here we are. 

10: When will the next chapter be out? Soon my Dragon army! In fact after one last spell check after this is out I will be publishing it. It's a very important chapter so I'm taking my time with it. If you know what episode is coming up well get your popcorn ready because the chapter is very very long and I'm not making it a two parter.  

11: Is Asano going to be of importance? Somewhat. He will be popping up more and more in the story as it continues.

12: THE STORY IS ALMOST OVER!!!!!! Right? Is that what you're thinking? Well think again my friend there will be a sequel! Now I know the anime ended but that doesn't mean I have to stop! The sequel will be about life seven years later when everyone is adults. It will feature more adventures between you, Karma, Nagisa, Itona, and Ritsu as Phantoms. So be prepared for it and get excited! 

13: What was the relationship between Shadow and her family? Well she was the eldest so she was suppose to inherit the fortune and company. Spoiler alert, she only got one of those things! Her family was high standers but she didn't want that. She had the mindset of a 14 year old when she was 5 because she was suppose to be the one to take the fortune. So she wasn't that close to her mom and dad. But she still misses them. She loved her siblings with all her heart so they were the more devastating deaths. But despite that she was closer to her old childhood friend more than her family. (You get three guesses to who the friend is. There's a clue in chapter 18.) 

14: If you have anymore questions ask them in the comments and I'll get back to you eventually. Until then just have fun reading. That's all I really want. Is for people to enjoy my books. 

Well I hope that helped clear some things up. Oh and sorry for all the spelling errors and what not. I try to spell check but I'm a speed reader and I tend to miss things because I want to get the newest chapter out as fast as possible. I would have people read over it but friend number one isn't interested in this book. Friend number two reads this story and doesn't want spoilers. I can't have my mom look it over for obvious reasons. And no one else in my family has the time and/or doesn't care/doesn't understand/can't read that well. Being honest out of all the people I know I'm the best writer and reader. So yeah. Sorry friend number two who reads this story no offense. And sorry friend number one if you do decide to read this story.              

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