Chapter 23: My Devil of a Boyfriend

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The class got assassins uniforms. It's about time if you ask me. It was now the weekend, thank God. When I woke up this morning the first thing I noticed is that I felt a lot warmer than normal. Second thing I noticed is that I was in a death grip of a hug. Third thing I noticed is the face of a sleeping Karma. Yeah did I mention he's a sleep huger? He also is a pain in the a*s to wake up in the morning. I shrugged it's the weekend I'm going back to bed. I just snuggled into his embrace without a care in the world. 

I heard mumbles. "Aw, let me get pictures before they wake up." "Are you f*cking crazy! Karma would kill you! And don't get me started on Shadow! Last time I woke them up I almost died!" "Wait this has happened before?" "S*it I think she's waking up!" I yawned and sat up, Karma somehow keeping his death grip on me. I glared down Rio, Kayano, Nagisa, and Itona. "Oh, good morning everyone." I growled. Karma mumbled something in his sleep. "KARMA WAKE YOUR A*S UP!" I shouted throwing a pillow at him. He just turned away from me grumbling something. I kicked him out of the bed. "F*CK!" He shouted. I just laughed at him. He sat up from the floor a drowsy look on his face. "Eh? What's gotten into you this morning? Wait, you didn't have another nightmare right?" He questioned now wearing a concerned look on his face. I pointed at the other people on the room. He reached in the nightstand lazily and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at them. "Out." He growled. They fled. He yawned and crawled back into bed. "Now let me sleep." He hissed. I sighed and was about to get out of bed. He grabbed me and pulled me back. "Nope." He said. I just sighed. This happens. Typically when I have a nightmare he'll stay with me until I calm down. And on occasion he just stays here. I don't give a s*it, first few times I almost killed him but it's honestly sweet once you think about it. I just yawned and snuggled back into his embrace. As you can see neither of us are morning people. I heard the door open but I threw a knife at it. "OKAY NEVER MIND!" Came the panicked replies. 

When we had manged to wake up we came downstairs. I glared at Rio and Kayano. "Alright so why the f*ck are you in my house?" I asked in a p*ssed off tone. "S-sorry Shadow! Nagisa asked me if I wanted to hang out today and he said he had to stop by here." Kayano explained. I turned my glare at Rio. "And your excuse?" I questioned. "I saw Kayano and Nagisa walking around, I started stalking them to get a good picture. But I saw an even rarer ship. I never see cute things between you two." She said. I could see the horns at this point. "F*ck you Rio." I growled rubbing my forehead. "Why was Karma in your bed anyway?" Itona asked. "Wait, I haven't told you yet?" I questioned. Nagisa sipped some tea. "This is the first time I've heard of a reason. I thought he just did that because Karma is Karma." He said with a shrug. I looked at Karma. "We haven't told them?" I questioned again. He shrugged lazily. I face-palmed. "So I have really bad nightmares and night terrors. Mostly about when things went to complete and utter hell in my life." I started. "Whenever this happens I seem to have a sixth sense for it because almost a few seconds later I'll be there to help calm her down." Karma explained. "Occasionally I'll stay with her because I'm worried it'll happen again. And trust me it happens frequently." He added. "And for some unknown reason he's always impossible to get up in the mornings whenever he stays with me." I growled. "I'm not a morning person." He said. "Neither am I but I still get up in the morning." I argued back. "Really? You didn't seem that eager to get up this morning." He countered. I scratched me arm a little while avoiding eye-contact. "It was a really bad one this time." I mumbled. "Oh, that explains the power surge." He said. "Wait you don't even know what she dreams about?" Nagisa questioned. "I don't make her go into detail, all I can gather is typically when she mumbles things like 'I'm sorry.' and 'I didn't do it.' Those are the most common ones." He explained. I started shivering slightly. "That bad? Typically it stops by morning time." He said pulling me into a hug. I composed myself quickly. "I'm okay. I've handled them before I can handle them now." I said. He nodded and let me go. "Alright!" I said clapping my hands together. "Sorry for that scene right there, my nightmare was a level 9 so yeah." I laughed nervously. "Whoa! Hang on! Freeze!" Karma said. "Level 9? No, no that's bad. That is way to close to a 10 for my liking." He said pulling me back into a hug. "Karma I'm fine." I deadpanned. "No you are not!" He growled back. "Level 9?" Rio questioned. "Since I don't know what goes on in her nightmares we set up a scale of 1 to 10. 5 and below are something from her past. She's used to those so it's never that bad. 6 and above are according to her, 'newer, more like fears of things that will happen in the future.' Now a level 10 has only happened once. That was hell on Earth." Karma explained. "Wait, was that the week where you two disappeared off the face of the Earth?" Nagisa questioned. Karma nodded still keeping an arm around me. "Unlike normal it took her days to recover from that one. She stayed in her room the entire time hiding in the corner. I had to stay with her the entire time. Not that I'm complaining we made some good memories once she got better." He said with a small shrug. "Wait, she didn't even leave her room!?" Kayano shouted. "WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT WHEN YOU SEE CLOSE PEOPLE THAT YOU CARE ABOUT DIE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO SAVE THEM!?" I snapped drawing everyone's intention back to me. " know you can help. You have the power to save them. But something's stopping you. You can't move. And they're screaming. Begging you to help them. And you can't do anything. You want to help but you can't." I said shakily. Karma's grip on me tightened. "It's okay. You're okay. Nothings wrong. Everything is alright." He said calmly. "It's okay. I'm okay. Nothing is wrong. Everything is right." I repeated. 

"Nothing happened. Everyone is okay. I'm fine. Nagisa is fine. Everyone is fine." He said. "We're here with you. You can see us. You can hear us." He continued. "I can hear you." I said slowly calming down. "Whoa." Itona said. "I've never seen her like that." Nagisa said in awe. "I don't like these nightmares of her's. I hate seeing her like this." He said hugging me tighter. "A level 10 nightmare is the only one she's ever told me about. Once again hell on Earth." He said. "But just seeing how fast she can recover from something like that, it only proves how strong she is. If I dealt with something like that I wouldn't move for an entire month." He said. "Nor would I be able to look at my friends without crying." He said looking at me. "When this nightmare first struck she refused to let go of me." He said slowly. I chuckled slightly. "Yeah, the look on your face was f*cking adorable." I said. "Well excuse me for thinking you were trying to coke me." He said in a joking tone. "The great Karma was scared out of his mind because he thought I was trying to kill him." I said. "Your grip is strong can you blame me?" He questioned. I just started laughing. "And when you realized it was just a hug, holy s*it." I said. "Yeah, yeah you'll never let me live it down I know." He said rolling his eyes but I saw his smirk. "I'm lost here." Kayano said. "Just old memories." He said with a laugh. "Oh before a forget I have a new cookie recipe I need you to try." I said pulling away from him. "Wait really?" He questioned following me to the kitchen. "Yeah." I said. I heard a quiet 'yesssss' but ignored it as I pulled out a plate of cookies from the microwave. He plucked one of the chocolate drizzled cookies and took a bite of it. 

~A few seconds later~   

"Karma give the plate back." I deadpanned. "NO! MINE NOW!" He shouted. "Karma." I said sternly. "LET ME HAVE THIS!" He shouted. I pulled out a list and put a check-mark by the name of the cookies. "Alright we are a go for this batch." I said. The others just stared at the office door. Karma stole the plate of cookies and locked himself in there. I picked the lock open and tried to push the door open but he had barricaded it. I went into shadow mode and stole the plate back. Karma chased me around for a while but we both got tired. "Hey didn't we have plans today?" I questioned. "I dunno." He said. "Karma ya freaking devil where's my schedule?" I asked. I passed me a tiny book. "Thanks." I said flipping through the pages. "Ah, nope I'm free all day." I said. "Great!" He said jumping up. He helped me up. "Good thing you're free. I need your help." He said. I tilted my head to the side. "I found this alley that is crawling with delinquents. You want to go shake a few of the b*sterds down with me?" He asked. "Hell yeah!" I shouted. "Is that like your form of a date?" Kayano asked while sweat-dropping. Karma shrugged. "Kinda." He said. "Well this is gonna be fun either way. And a great way to get pocket cash." I said with an evil glint in my eyes. "Let's do this s*it." He said with a smirk. "Ya'll watching? I'll bring popcorn." I said. "Hey I'll watch." Rio said. "Knowing you two you'll use me as bait so no thanks." Nagisa said. "Awww, come on Blueberry don't be a kill joy." I said. We dragged all of them with us. We stood in front of the alley. I handed Rio the popcorn bucket. "Enjoy the show." I said cracking my knuckles. 

~A few minutes and screams later~        

Me and Karma walked out with a bunch of wallets in our arms. I giggled. "That was fun." I said. He smirked. "So let's take these home and sort through them." He said. Rio and Kayano stood there mouths hanging open. Nagisa and Itona were clapping. "Job well done." Itona said. Nagisa took a few wallets from our piles. "Mind if I borrow these?" He asked. "Go right ahead Blueberry." We said in unison. We took them home and after taking anything valuable sent them back to their owners. Kayano and Rio took off, Nagisa went off somewhere with his share of the reward, and Itona just vanished. "So now that we've got some pocket cash wanna go shopping?" Karma asked. "Sure. Orrrrr, I heard a new arcade opened up." I said. He smirked. "Let's go." He said. Yeah we had fun. Especially since a few more delinquents showed up. So we got a few more wallets to sort through. We has some fun at the arcade. By the time we were done it was night. We went up on a hill and stargazed for a little. I was laying back in the green grass while pointing out constellations. "We must have been shaking those b*sterds down for a while if it's already night." Karma said. I laughed slightly. After a while of silence. "Hey Karma. Remind me to thank Koro-sensei." I said. "Hmm? For what?" He asked. "For convincing me to join the class. If he hadn't been pestering me about it daily I might never have gotten to know everyone, or you." I said. He chuckled. "Alright. Hey (Y/N)?" "Yeah what is it?" I asked. "Hang on can you sit up for a minute?" He asked. I sighed and sat up. "What is it ya freaking de-." He cut me off my pressing his lips on mine. I was shocked by the sudden kiss but melted into it quickly. When he pulled away he pressed his forehead on mine. "Love you too ya freaking devil." I said grabbing his hand. We looked at the crescent moon in the sky. Throughout this year he's been like a lifeline to me. I care a lot about him. One of the only people I can trust. "Hey Karma...Never stop being you okay." "Heheh, got it. Love you too (Y/N)." He said. I just smiled. 

My phone buzzed. I growled in annoyance. "D*mnit!" I growled causing him to laugh. I pulled out my phone. It was Nagisa. I answered and put it on speaker. "D*mnit Blueberry we were having a moment." I growled. "Whoops. Anyway I need your opinion. Which is cuter, cat ears or bunny ears?" Nagisa asked. I tilted my head to the side. "Why do you need to know?" I asked. "It's for a prank I need to do. So, what's your preference?" He questioned. "This smells like a trap but fine. I find cat ears far more adorable." I said. "Alright thanks. Later." And with that he hung up. "Well that was suspicious." Karma said. "Yeah I know. But let's just be careful k?" I questioned. He nodded and pecked my lips. This caused me to blush slightly. He just chuckled. I heard Karma's phone go off. He looked annoyed now. He picked it up. "I'm having a moment right now!" He growled. He seemed to calm down as the person on the other line kept talking. "Alright. Bye." He hung up. "Was it blueberry?" I asked. "No. Just Karasuma." He said. "What da f*ck did he want?" I asked. "He asked if I could help the class with sparing." He said. "Geez. Does everyone need to ask us something today?" I asked. As if to answer my question both out phones went off. "NO!" I shouted putting my phone on silent. He laughed and did the same. "Alright now that that's settled." He said. "We should get back home. Itona will probably be wondering where we are." I said. "Awww, already?" He questioned with a pout. I laughed at his cuteness. "Come on I'll let you help me make some more of those cookies." I said. His eyes lit up. "Let's go then." He said standing up and tugging me with him. We grabbed our stuff and went home. That night we just laughed and messed around. I ended up putting cookie batter on his nose since he kept trying to steal it from the bowl. This turned into a batter war. We spent some time cleaning and played video games until it was time for bed. 

I didn't know a storm was brewing. I didn't know he was about to come knocking. If I did I would have been more prepared. I would have been ready. But he came as silent as the wind. And put everything I cared about in danger. The first time I had a breakdown in front of everyone. The first time I saw true terror in the faces of my team. I would regret it. If only I had know that night, when I was laughing with Karma, that The Reaper was coming.                         

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