Chapter 22: Before and After Time

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Midterms were coming up. I was helping the others study like always. Karma and Nagisa were actually paying attention this time in class so I made sure to teach a little extra like always. Koro-sensei was using one of my strategies of honing in one their weakest subjects, once those were nailed started sharpening the others. But despite everything, the room was tense. Only 5 months left til the assassination deadline. The clock was ticking. We were impatient. 

The next day on the way to school we were jumping on roof tops. Well Okajima and the others were. Me, Nagisa, and Karma were flat out running across the roofs. We had broken off from the group and we were actually preforming tricks much to everyone's awe. We kept our distance from the others but we were having the time of our lives. I'd never seen Karma and Nagisa with such big smiles on their faces. We stopped after a while to take a break. The others went on ahead. I taught Nagisa and Karma to never over do it. Eventually Itona caught up with us. He panted and collapsed next to our feet. "You three, need to learn, to slow down." He said while panting. "Either that or you need to learn how to use your powers already." Karma said. You remember that vile that we found like a week ago? It was full of the same stuff I used on Karma and Nagisa. I ran a few tests and confirmed it had no tampering and would have the same effect. Itona had begged me to let him take it so he wouldn't be the odd one out. Now he was part snake like Nagisa. Now Team Phantom had two snakes, two dragons, and one Nav if you count Ritsu. "You three have had your powers longer, don't blame me for still getting used to mine." He growled standing up. "While I have everyone here. What's your favorite curse word? I need it for a team project I'm working on." I said with a smile. Karma looked deep in thought. "I have to go with b*sterds." Karma said. "I'm going to go with s*it." Nagisa said. "Mine would be d*mnit." Itona said. I nodded. "Thanks guys." I said with a smirk. "I don't trust that look." They all deadpanned. "You guys are no fun." I said in a playful manor. We started laughing afterward until we heard a loud crash. 

It didn't take us long to all catch up. I jumped down and looked at the scene. An old man, him and his bike had been crushed by the others. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?" I shouted. A guy with silver hair and golden eyes turned the corner. "Oh crap! Let me call an ambulance." He said. "Thanks!" I said checking the old man's vitals. He seemed to be waning in and out of consciousness. "He's alive!" I shouted in relief. "Who?" He questioned looking at me. "Don't worry sir. Help is on the way." I said in a calm tone. Karma and Nagisa jumped down. "Nagisa get some ice! Karma call Karasuma and Koro-sensei!" I barked. They nodded. Karma got out his phone and Nagisa ran around the corner so no one could see him make the ice. He brought it back in a small plastic bag that I have him carry for situations like this. I placed it on his head. "Sir, are you okay? Is anything broken?" I questioned. "How should I know!?" He spat. Temperamental one aren't you? I thought. "Sir, please save the attitude and what not for my classmates since their the ones you fell on you. I'm currently the one having my team help you. So bite your tongue and save it." I hissed. He flinched a little and sighed. "Fine. I like you kid. You get things done." He said. I smiled. "That's my job as leader of my group." I said. I turned to Karma. "Did you reach them?" I asked. He nodded. "They're on their way." He said. I looked at the flower guy. "How's that ambulance coming along?" I asked. "It's coming." He said. "Thanks. You can go now. Thanks for the help." I said. He nodded. "You're welcome. Always happy to help." He said with a smile. That's a fake smile...No don't worry about it right now. Focus (Y/N). I thought.

Eventually the ambulance came and got the man. Karasuma came and got us. We all now stood in front of the hospital. Well Me, Karma, and Nagisa all stood by Karasuma. We weren't getting chewed out because we actually helped the guy and didn't cause any of this. Itona had disappeared without a trace. Koro-sensei came and gave everyone including us a tentacle slap. Albeit light and it didn't hurt. I could understand his frustration. But touching my students when they didn't do anything is crossing the line, no matter the lesson behind it. I launched forward and punched the octopus. He fell back, a piece of his face melted off. I held up my fist to show the anti material I stuck on. "I took a page from Karma's book. It works like a charm does it not?" I questioned. Everyone looked at me in shock, even Karasuma and Koro-sensei. "Listen pal. I feel like you've forgotten who I am. I'm Shadow, the Black Assassin. I have never failed a mission. And there are missions that I complete like a normal assassin. I can kill you anytime I want, I just choose not to because these kids want that honer for themselves. You're also forgetting that Karma, Nagisa, Itona, and Ritsu are all members of Team Phantom. Not only that, they are my students, and my friends. I don't give a f*ck about whatever lesson is behind this, I don't give a f*ck if it needs to be learned as a class, these are my students too. I recommend keeping your tentacles off of them. I don't mind you lecturing them but do not touch them. I take full responsibility for their actions but they did nothing wrong today. The others I can't make and excuse for because they should've known better. They aren't the ones I taught. The ones I taught knew better. I'm not questioning your teaching methods. Hell you're one of the greatest f*cking teachers I've ever seen. But Karma and Nagisa helped today. Karma called you guys and Nagisa brought ice for the old man. I did nothing wrong, they did nothing wrong." I said. "You can slap me all you like. But I won't stand for you slapping them. I'm going to check on the old man. I will take the punishment for the class if it's necessary. Because no matter what I've been through hell and back so I can take anything you dish out. Good day to you octopus." I growled storming off inside. I went up to the old man's room. I stood in front of his bed. He stared at me. I bowed lowly to him. 

"I'm deeply and truly sorry for the actions of my classmates. As the leader of Team Phantom I truly apologize on their behalf." I said. "Where are the rest of them?" He asked in a sincerely p*ssed off tone. "Getting lectured by our teacher if I had to guess. I'm just here to apologize and to negotiate with you." I said. "Negotiate?" He questioned still p*ssed. "Me and the rest of my class are a state secret. I take full responsibility for what happened today so any punishment you have in mind I will take for them." I said still bowing. "Did you have anything to do with the incident?" He asked seeming to relax. "No sir. Me and my team were roof jumping true but we weren't the ones who jumped on you. We were actually hanging back talking and taking a break so one of the others could catch up. But still as a leader of the class, and as one of their teachers I'm still taking responsibility for it." I said. "If you had nothing to do with it you shouldn't be the one apologizing." He growled. "Also what the hell? You're one of the teachers?" He questioned in a more shocked tone. "I have three roles in that classroom. Teacher, classmate, and friend. I take all of my roles very seriously. And as a student, a teacher, and as their closest friend, I'm sorry. I'm sure they will come in here and apologize themselves but I'm still sorry." I said. I stood up straight to look him in the eye. He seemed shocked at my appearance. "How old are you?" He asked. "Fifteen to sixteen. I stopped counting after I was five." I said. He seemed even more shocked about that. "You don't even know your own age?!" I nodded slowly. "I didn't have a normal childhood so to speak. My family all died so I had to grow up alone since I didn't want to go to an orphanage. My physical age may be young, but mental age is a whole other story." I said sadly. "Okay, back up! What about relatives? Other family? What even is your name!?" He asked. "All my family was killed in fires. I knew it was no accident someone was targeting us. My name is a closely guarded secret but everyone calls me Shadow." I said. I heard a knock on the door. Saved by the knock. I thought with a sigh of relief. "Well, that's probably Karasuma here to negotiate. I'll be leaving now." I said. I walked out nodding to Karasuma on the way. "Whoa hold on! Get back here young lady!" He shouted. I ignored him. Karma met me in the hall. "Well?" I questioned. "We've been prohibited from studying." He said grimly. I paled at the thought. "I can't carry the class alone!" I hissed. "We'll be fine. We can always bounce back. Besides I've been studying since we came back from Okinawa. And even without books you have the knowledge and you know what we need to know for this test." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "We'll get through this." He said. I nodded but had a sad look in my eyes. "Are you blaming yourself for all this?" He asked. I looked away. "You had nothing to do with this." He said. "Yes I did. I could've stopped them from doing that." I said. "You can't see into the future. You never could've guessed this would happen. It's not your fault. You knew that everyone needed to relax because of all the tension. And tree jumping always helps you and the rest of team Phantom when we need to clear our heads." He said. I chuckled slightly. "Fair point. I think I taught you too well in terms of arguments." I said.

We heard screaming from the old man's room. We rushed in to see Koro-sensei bowing surrounded by flowers. He was terrifying the old man. I ran up and punched the octopus. "Sorry about my teacher too." I growled watching as he slowly got up his face somewhat melted. "Sh-Shadow." He said his voice full of guilt. "Shut it octopus you just can't tell when you're scaring someone can you? Geez, you'd think a creature like you would be able to read people better." I growled. "Wait! Hold on! Teacher? And what the hell is he!? How'd you hurt him!?" The old man asked. "Sorry for the disruption. We heard screaming so we came to make sure everything was alright." I explained. "We'll leave now." Karma said grabbing my hand.

The next day we were forced to stay and help out at a prep school. *Cough cough* pre-k *Cough cough*. Everyone was complaining about it. I was fine with it. "Well at least one of us is doing pretty good." Sugino said. Everyone's gaze flew to me as I talked to the children. "Whoa! Your hair is so pretty!" One of the little girls said. I smiled brightly at her. "Thank you. Say do you kids like magic?" I asked. They all cheered. I clapped my hands together and held them out. Balls of shadows formed and shot up into the air. They didn't break anything, just slowly exploded into little harmless fireworks. Only with out the fire and death and what not. "Wowwwww!" All of the children said. I started spinning my hands in circle motions putting on a small light show. I used one to write in the air and draw a dragon. Using my shadow manipulation I made it fly around the room. It stopped right above me and exploded into glitter. It fell around me as I took a bow. All of them started clapping. "I never saw you as one to be good with kids." Terasaka said with a snicker. I glared at him making him fall silent. "Seriously though?" Nagisa questioned having one kid pulling on his hair. "I had younger siblings. I just picked up a few tips and tricks." I said. Then one girl with pink hair stepped up. She looked a lot older than the other kids. She started lecturing us and tried to take charge. Me and Karma smirked in the background. "I like this one." We mumbled in unison. "So who's the leader out of all you losers?" She asked with a fierce glare. Everyone cleared a path that led straight to me and Karma. They all pointed at me. I rolled my eyes but walked forward. I got down on her level and looked into her eyes. They held hatred, fear, and anger. "What's your name?" I asked. "It's none of your business." She growled turning her nose up at me. I smirked and chuckled. "I like you. You're feisty." I said. "Huh?" She questioned looking at me like I was weird. Oh wait I am weird. "Everyone calls me Shadow." I said. "Why do they call you that? It's a very weird name." She said. I chuckled. "They call me Shadow for multiple reasons. But mainly because I go unnoticed in a crowd. No one pays attention to me unless I demand it or make myself known. Trust me if I don't want you to notice me you won't see me coming." I said. "That's an odd reason." She said. I laughed again. "Well odd or no it's still a reason. But it's not the only reason either. So care to tell me your name? Or do I have to call you 'no name' for the rest of the next two weeks?" I asked. She pouted. "It's Sakara." She said. I nodded. "A strong and pretty name for a strong and beautiful girl. So tell me. Why does someone with a name like that hold so much darkness in their eyes?" I asked pointing to my own eye. "Wh-what are you talking about?" She asked nervously. "I can see into the souls of others by looking into their eyes. Your eyes are strong, therefor so is your soul. But it holds darkness. Trust me I know better than anyone else. You don't have to say anything. I just call 'em like I see 'em. It doesn't mean I'm spot on all the time." I said laughing slightly. I pat her head. "I like you. You're strong and have the stance of a leader. If you need advice come to me. I actually love passing on what I know to others." I said looking at Karma and Nagisa with a smile. "Hey Nagisa. Can you watch her for a little while. I want to make sure the school is stable." I said. He nodded. "On it." He said. I turned back to Sakara. She looked slightly confused. I opened my hand in front of her. A black bracelet with her name engraved in pink on it was in the palm of my hand. "A gift." I said clipping it on her wrist. She looked at it in awe. 

After that I did indeed look over the schools structure. It needed an upgrade. Bad. I took the responsibility of making plans and organizing everyone so we could start building. Nagisa had gotten little Sakara to open up more. Apparently she was the victim of bullying. Nagisa gave her a few tips and tricks as I watched from the background. During all this me and Karma studied in secret for the midterms. Kayano organized a play for the children to watch. E-class taught them some things. And I helped watch them. A day turned into a week. One more week and it would be midterms. After Nagisa left Karma asked me to help him with special training. Ummm, he just had me use him as a punching bag. "I really don't see the point of this." I said letting him get up. "To help increase pain tolerance." He said spiting out some blood. "Maybe we should take a break? You know, before you black out from the pain." I said with an eye roll. He scoffed but rested for a bit as I tended to his wounds. After that we enjoyed some tea while having a secret study session. "Man we are lucky Koro-sensei doesn't check to see if we aren't studying." Karma said. I knocked on the table. "Quit doing that Karma." I growled. He just chuckled at me. "So how's your parents?" I questioned. "They're leaving tomorrow. Again." He said with an eye roll. "You'd think they'd try to stay in town more now that they know you're here but noooo. They just have another meeting somewhere across the f*cking globe." He growled.  I nodded and sipped my tea. "We should do something about that." I said. "What can we do?" He questioned. I shrugged. "I dunno, but we should do something at least." I said. He sighed. "I've tried. Believe me I have tried. But nothing seems to work." He said. 

Then over the next week I only grew closer to the children. I taught Sakara how to sneak and get the drop on her opponents, just adding to what Nagisa told her. And I feel like I got closer to my classmates as well. But when the midterms came up it was a whole other story. Me and Karma were walking up behind Asano as he was teasing Nagisa and the others. "You know. It's not nice to tease the classmates of the people who beat you out of the top spot." Karma said with a smirk. Asano glared back at us. I snickered. "Wowwww, someone's salty that he lost top spot." I said. "Easy now Shads lets not tease the poor boy to much." Karma said. "Shouldn't I be telling you that Devil." I argued back playfully. "I will never understand their relationship." Sugino said scratching the back of his neck. "Now Asano, the only reason E-class didn't put up a fight this time is because we were forbidden from studying after an incident." I explained earning shocked looks from the big five. Karma nodded. "Yeah, teach gave us a ruff time for that. But I do like the fact you punched him for hitting me and the others." He said with a snicker. I punched him in the arm. "Shut it." I hissed. "Your teacher hit you!" One of the big five shouted. "And you punched them!?" Another one added. "Oh not hard. In fact I barely felt it. But just touching us was enough to set her off." Nagisa commented ignoring the last comment. "Blueberry shut up now or I make your life a living hell." I spat. He flinched back. "Okay I'll shut up now." He squeaked. "Yeah, we all know she makes good on her threats." Sugino said while laughing. "Eh, she makes good on her threats but somehow is great with kids." Rio said. "Yeah, now that's an interesting fact." Karma said. I covered my face with my hands. "F*ck you. F*ck you. F*ck all of you." I barked causing all of my E-class friends to start laughing. I took a breath and uncovered my face with a serious expression. This caused everyone to become silent. I started walking. "There are two kinds of leaders in this world." I started. "Those who fight by their men." Karma said. "And those who hide on a throne." Nagisa added. "It makes me wonder." I said looking back at Asano and the big five as the E-class kids crowded around me. "What kind of leader are you Asano? One who hides or one who fights?" I questioned continuing my path. "You and I are a lot more similar than you might think. We can both light a fire in our people, we can both lead our armies into battle, and we both were polished from a young age. But I threw off my chains a long time ago. When will you throw off yours?" I asked. As we left the main campus Karma was curious. "Why do you keep lecturing him like that?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess I'm just like that. No matter who they are I want to help them. A teacher. In other words I'm a teacher." I said with a sad smile.  

Once the old man came back to the school he was impressed by the renovations we did. Our tech team had fixed up his bike. I had tutored the children in all subjects and helped their reading skills by giving them books they'd like. We didn't leave him room to complain. Me, Nagisa, and Karma all smiled. Sakara ran up to us. "Nagisa, Shadow! Look!" She said holding up a math test that she aced. I smiled and picked her up. "Way to go Cherry!" I said. That's a nickname I gave her. She giggled. "Thanks Shadow! You and Nagisa's teaching really help. I followed your advice and snuck in while the others were busy with their tests. They couldn't get at me!" She shouted hugging me. "That's great Sakara. Keep using those hit and run tactics." Nagisa said patting her head. "That's what we in E-class call getting the drop on our opponents." I explained. Karma reached over and pet her. "Karma!" She shouted jumping over to him and getting him in a headlock. "Easy kid!" He said while laughing. "On my way out a bully tried to get me. But I did what you told me!" She said. Karma smirked. "Did it work?" He asked. She nodded. "Worked like a charm!" She said. Karma had taught her how to stand up for herself. Just a few combat moves she could use as a last resort. But before that he taught her about intimidation factor. Smile creepily at them, walk up slowly, and get up in their face. Taunt them. Scare them. Make 'em not want to mess with you. And if necessary put them in a hold. "I didn't even have to use one of the moves you taught me. I'll I needed to do is smile at them with the glare you taught me. And just like Shadow sneak away while they were afraid. It worked so well! Thank you!" She said with a small smile. We all smiled at her. Sakara has been learning things from the three main members of Team Phantom. We liked her. Consider her a junior member of Team Phantom. The old man looked at us in shock. Nagisa took Sakara from Karma and led her over to him. "Mr. Principal!" She shouted. He smiled and pat her head. The teacher poked out of the doorway. "Shadow! Karma! I could use you and Nagisa in here! Sakara come on it's time for class!" She shouted. "Coming!" We all called running in. I liked it here. I'm going to keep coming here for a while to hang out with little Sakara. I guess in an odd way she's like my daughter.                                             

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