Chapter 21: Pole Toppling

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Me and Karma were walking into our favorite cafe. "Ah, good morning you two." Isogi greeted. I smiled. "Hello Isogi." I said. He led us to our table. We came here often so we knew Isogi had a job here. We agreed that as long as he didn't mention we came here, we wouldn't say anything about his job. "So I'm going to assume you want the usual?" He questioned as we sat down. "Yep. Same old same old." Karma said with a smirk. "Right, I'll have it right out." He said with a bright smile. Me and Karma chatted like normal while we were waiting. We didn't notice that our classmates were stareing at us. "So any new missions?" He asked lowing his voice. Isogi brought out our coffee. "Here you two go. Strawberry cream coffee for Karma and extra black coffee for Shadow. Enjoy!" He said walking off. I took a sip of the hot drink. I slid a file across the table to him. "This is a file on a new target that I was recently assigned. Like normal I had Ritsu check all of it over. It all checks out. Best part is it's close by." I said. He crossed his legs and leaned back while reading over the file in one hand. His coffee in the other. He sipped on it while reading. "Looks interesting." He said sliding it back to me. "OKAY WHAT THE HECK!?" Kayano shouted. Me and Karma froze. We slowly looked over to see a few of the others including Nagisa. "Oh. H-hey." I said waving nervously. "Sup. Nagisa hey! It's been a while." Karma said with a smirk. I could tell it was an act. "I SAW YOU LAST NIGHT! AND WHAT THE HELL!? SINCE WHEN DID YOU TWO COME HERE!?" Nagisa shouted. We both sipped our coffee and ignored him. "So any cool games you know of?" I asked turning back to Karma. "Eh, not really." He said with a shrug. "DON'T IGNORE ME YOU TWO!" He shouted. I picked up the menu and started looking over the sweets. "Whoa they got some new stuff." I said actually shocked. "Really?" He questioned plucking it out of my hands. "Hey I was reading that." I said in a joking manor. He just chuckled at me. "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL COME OVER THERE!" Nagisa shouted. We still ignored him. He read over the menu. "Oh hey. Look at this." He said holding it out to me. He pointed at something on the menu. Chocolate covered strawberries. "Ohhh, that looks good." I said. "It does." He agreed. "Anything I can get you two?" Isogi asked walking over. We both placed our orders and continued chatting. Yeah, Nagisa did come over. "Okay, seriously. What are you two doing here?" He asked. I put my cup down. "We actually come here often. It's one of our hang outs." I said. Karma leaned back in his chair. "Yeah. It's typically quiet so it's a good spot." He added. We talked with the rest of the group for a while until the big five crashed the party. 

"Geez why is it any time I go somewhere you always pop up." I growled getting in Asano's face. "This is why we relocate. We don't like dealing with you." Karma added walking up behind me. "Well, if it isn't Karma and Shadow. So how have you two been? Midterms are coming up you know. I expect great things." Asano said. I chuckled. "Of course you do. But that doesn't mean you can beat us." I said. Karma smirked. "So what are you doing here anyway? Surely not for the food." Karma said. "A fine question indeed. We heard rumors of a student working here and decided to check it out. Seems it was true." He said pointing at Isogi. 

After that things started escalating quickly. Bottom line, we have to beat him at pole toppling. "It shouldn't be that hard. We just got to beat the nerds at pole toppling." Miahara said slamming his anti knife on Isogi's desk. I nodded but was thinking. Asano surely has something planed. He knows I'd find a way onto the team and that would be a great disadvantage since he knows I'm a good strategist. Besides that but he knows how violent and strong Karma is. And by now he also knows that E-class is a lot stronger than we seem. He's got something up his sleeve. That much is obvious. I thought. "Hey, you alright? You've got that look on your face." Karma said poking me lightly. "Just thinking of a good way to take down Asano. You and I both know he's no idiot." I said. "He still can't score higher than us though." He said rolling his eyes. I hit his head lightly. "What have I been drilling in your head about being cocky." I growled. "Fine, fine. You're right. He's got to have something planed. He isn't dumb. He's a good intellectual rival. He's smart. He knows there is something up with E-class. We need to proceed with cation." Karma agreed leaning on the wall next to me. "Exactly. Isogi isn't anything to sneeze at however. He's a good leader as well. As long as we keep an eye on stuff in the background and keep things as planed this should go off without a hitch." I said. "So we need to make a plan of attack. Let's grab Isogi, Nagisa, and Itona, go to the council room, and make a game plan." He suggested. I nodded. 

We went over and told Nagisa and Itona to take Isogi to the council room after he was done talking with everyone else. Me and Karma went ahead to grab some books and set everything up. Once everyone was there we started the meeting. "Now I'm sure you all wondered why I called you here. And why Isogi is here in a Phantom meeting." I said. They all nodded except Karma. I used a shadow to pull down a screen to show some video footage from the main campus, mostly of Asano. "As you all know there is a problem. E-class has been challenged to a pole toppling match by Asano. Now, I know you're probably thinking that this will be easy. News flash, it won't." I deadpanned flipping to a slide of Asano's test scores and records. "Asano is a smart kid. He knows E-class isn't normal. He will have something planned. That's why I asked Isogi here today. He is the one who will be leading us in this fight." I said. "Wow, this feels so professional." He said in awe. "Isogi, focus. This is important." I said in slight annoyance. "Right sorry." He said with a shy smile as he scratched the back of his head. I sighed and flipped to the next slide which shows some transfer students. "These are transfer students that are enrolled in the school. I think they will have something to do with this seeing as how they're athletic and strong." I said. Karma nodded slowly. "I agree. Asano has been put in a position with us constantly bringing up the fact that we creamed him on finals last term. He's backed into a corner. Between us and his father. And we all know which he'd rather face." Karma said. I nodded. "Asano is going to try and beat us with every trick in the book. This is why I've called you all here today. To come up with a fool proof strategy to beat him and his no good father." I said sliding a book across the table to Isogi. "That book contains some of my favorite strategies throughout history. I use them to help plan out my missions. If you don't like some of them in there we can come up with something else." I said. He looked through some of them. "I see you have a keen eye for historic battles. I was actually looking at some of these earlier since I had a feeling Asano might be prepping something. But you're right. It'd be best to consult other great strategists before charging in with a plan. But the thing is Asano might also be preparing some kind of counter measure for carefully calculated plans. We need something bold and unexpected." He said. I nodded with a smirk. "Good point. He'll be expecting something devious. Especially with me and Karma working things behind the scenes. So lets come up with something unpredictable. He'll never see it coming." I said. "We should have formations like what we drill." Nagisa said unfolding a piece of paper showing all our formations. Karma nodded and pointed to a few. "Like formations three. Two of us distract the opponent while the others sneak up behind. It's a classic but it works." He said.

We continued talking and planing. We had come up with a decent plan. And it was crazy, devious, but also genius and perfect. We would win this without fail. "Thanks for letting me be a part of your planing. See you all tomorrow." Isogi called as he left. "I should be heading out too." Nagisa said grabbing his stuff and leaving. Although it may not seem like it today was great training. Planing and talking are both key factors to being a phantom. Me and Itona got on the website. Karma looked over my shoulder since we were cuddling in my room. 

Shadow: Hey Reap! Long time, no chat.                                                                                                                      Reaper: Hey Shad-shad! So anything cool coming up?                                                                                        Silver: Just a little battle so to speak. She got to teach her students a few things about strategy and planing. I think she had fun. Though I've basically become one of her students at this point.  Reaper: Ah, an important lesson indeed. And what kind of battle?                                                                Shadow: Sorry no can say. It would give you a hint to where we are.                                                            Reaper: Why do you never slip up!?                                                                                                                              Silver: Because she's paranoid and way to cautions.                                                                                            Shadow: I will come down there hedgehog!                                                                                                              Silver: Sure you will. 

Karma pulled out his phone and pulled up the website. 

Red Devil: She might not but I sure as hell will.                                                                                                        Silver: WHEN THE HELL DID YOU GET THIS WEBSITE!?                                                                                        Red Devil: Shadow helped me get set up. Hi, so your the infamous Reaper huh? I've seen some of your previous chats. Not that intimidating.                                                                                                                Shadow: What did I say about never over or underestimating your opponent?                                       

He just chuckled behind me. 

Reaper: I take it your her boyfriend.                                                                                                                              Red Devil: And I take it your her online friend.                                                                                                          Reaper: Lol! I like this one! Way more fun than the hedgehog.                               

Me and Karma started laughing. "EXCUSE ME!?" Itona screamed from downstairs.

Red Devil: Omg he started screaming holy f*ck that's funny!                                                                            Silver: I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW I AM WAY MORE COMICAL THAN HIM! ALL HE DOES IS SIT IN THE BACKGROUND AND TORTURE PEOPLE!                                                                                                                      Red Devil: Says the one who just sits in the background doing nothing.                                                      Shadow: Buuuuuuuurn! Forgive the pun.                                                                                                                  Red Devil: Pun forgiven.                                                                                                                                                      Silver: F*ck you all!                                                                                                                                                                ~Silver has left the chat~

That was followed by slamming doors. We started laughing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Shadow: He just left the house!                                                                                                                                      Red Devil: Talk about rage quit.                                                                                                                                      Reaper: He has no sense of humor, don't mind him.                                                                                              Red Devil: You should see what he's like IRL. He's completely monotone about everything it's honestly hilarious.                                                                                                                                                                Shadow: Not everything. I mean sure he looks like he doesn't care but I've taught you how to read eyes. You know what happens when shocking news pops up.                                                                Red Devil: Tell me about it. Anyways we have a big day tomorrow so we should get some rest.        Shadow: True. Night Reap.                                                                                                                                                Reaper: Lol! I like you two as a team. Makes things interesting. May the Reaper never find you.      Shadow: Or your shadow turn against you.                                                                                                                Red Devil: Or the flame of justice come down upon you.                                                                                    Reaper: Nice one.                                                                                                                                                                  Red Devil: Thanks. 

We put our devices away and talked for a bit before shutting down for the night. 

The next day we started off the pole toppling match with a bang. Like always we went in guns blazing. After a while Karma and the others were distracting the A-class defensive line. I snuck around behind the A-class pole and was waiting for my que. Asano got on top of the pole after knocking off a few of my friends. That was my que. I jumped up and knocked him off the pole while the others brought it down. He looked at me in shock seeing as I had him pinned a good yard or so from the pole. "Ha! Can't defend it if your not there! And you can't give orders since the rest of team Phantom is stirring up chaos!" I shouted. "WHAT!" He shouted looking past me. Nagisa and Itona were keeping the other members of the A-class from doing anything. Karma and Isogi were taking down the pole. "That's the thing. Normally when facing multiple adversaries you cut off the head the body dies. But not with the rest of us. This body has multiple heads. Me, Karma, Nagisa, Itona, and Isogi all call shots here. Isogi might be the leader here, but in times of crises he has the support of team Phantom, who act as his generals for this fight. If he goes down one or all of us will take over. And before you know it." I said as he watched the pole fall. "You've run out of men to keep knocking us down." I said getting off of him. I looked back at him. "Take this lesson to heart. From one leader to another, always have a second in command. It could save your whole operation." I said running over to everyone else. Me and Karma gave eachother a high five then hugged. "I knew it would work!" He shouted. Isogi ran over. "That worked so well! Operation Phantom was a rousing success!" He shouted. "You did amazing." Itona said walking over. "A Shadow original. Great plan taking out Asano like that. You were right. His men didn't do anything without orders." Nagisa said. The others started asking Isogi about that plan. "It was all Shadow and the others. They invited me to a strategy meeting and we worked stuff out." He said. Everyone looked at me and the boys. "Since it was from team Phantom, we called this Operation Phantom. And it worked like a charm." He said with a bright smile. "Hey, you had an input too. Without you we never would have come up with the whole general thing." I said.

"Oh quit being so modest! This was all you." He said. Karma smirked. "That's my little shadow." He said. "Don't call me that." I growled. "Little Shadow." He said in a taunting manor. I took him down like I took down Asano, only he was somewhat prepared and was able to hold me off for a while before I creamed him. "No nicknames." I said sitting on him. "Why do I not get to use a nickname?" He whined. Everyone just laughed at us. "That's the number one ship in the class alright." Rio said taking a picture. I got off of him as Asano walked up. He extended a hand to me. "Good game." He said with a sigh. I took my hand out of my pocket and shook his hand only for him to get shocked. I started laughing and held up my hand. "Jolly buzzer. Never leave home without one." I said while laughing. Surprisingly enough he chuckled a little. Only me and Karma noticed it though. We talked about that alone for a bit. "I'm not the only one who noticed that chuckle right?" I questioned. "No, no you're not. I think we're corrupting him since he runs into us so much." Karma whispered. "Oh I hope so. Maybe we can actually get a spy in A-class." I mumbled with a smirk. "Don't get your hopes up." Karma warned but I could see the mischievous look in his eyes. I snickered. "Still I think it would be fun to manipulate someone like him." I said rubbing my hands together. Karma nodded. "He's one of those people who'd get far in life. With someone like him under our thumb we'd be unstoppable." He said with his 'devil smirk'. We continued to joke about it for a while in the council room. I had pulled up some vid feed of the principal's office. (I planted cameras in there about a month ago.) We watched a horrifying scene. "What is it with people's parents doing stuff like this!?" I asked throwing my hands in outrage at the screen. "First Nagisa, now Asano! This is bulls*it!" He shouted. I shook my head in shame. "I wish someone would put his name on the website so I have an excuse to kill him, but then the school would be shut down until they found a new principal and Koro-sensei would have to leave because of it. Therefor it would ruin the entire assassination plot." I growled. "D*mn. He's got us in one hell of a spot here." Karma hissed. The door opened and Itona and Nagisa walked in. "Hey are you two going to join us?" Nagisa asked. Itona yawned. "What are you talking about anyway?" He asked. "Plans for midterms." I said. "Yeah, we should start studying. Something could happen between then and here that might prevent us from studying." Karma said leaning back in his chair. Little did I know I should have knocked on wood right there. Either that or smacked Karma, because not a day later would we run into a road block.                                                                                 

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