Chapter 20: What the?

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Today everyone was talking about names. And some were complaining about their names. "Wow, you guys have some really weird names. How do you poor b*sterds stand it?" Karma asked. "Says the one named Karma." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. "I personally like my name. I mean who wouldn't want to be called Karma?" He questioned with a smirk. "True. It does fit you." I said. I currently had my feet propped up on my desk. I was twirling a knife in my hand. "That reminds me. Isn't Shadow just a code name?" Kayano questioned. "Yep and a fitting one at that. That's why I chose it. It matches with my personality and my abilities." I said. "Well then what's your real name?" Rio asked. "Not happening Shipping Goddess." I growled. "Do I need to tickle you again?" She questioned. I growled. "Try me." I growled stabbing the knife into my desk. "Well someone's in a bad mood huh Queen of Emo." Itona taunted. "Don't make me come over there hedgehog." I growled. Koro-sensei than assigned us to come up with code names for our classmates and we would use those for the rest of the day. We used them during a pain-I mean paint ball war. Once we got back to the classroom I was glaring at everyone in the room. 

"Who's bright idea was it to call me Devil's Girlfriend?" I asked for like the fifth time. No one answered and just looked away from me. I noticed a certain red head snickering and failing to try and hide it. "Hey Strawberry shut your trap." I hissed. That's when Koro-sensei told us to call him. 'Prince of the Fateful Eternal Wind.' "Yeah, no." I said opening fire on him. After that we called him. 'Octopus of the Idiotic Perverted Chicken.' Or if you're me just 'Octopervert.' 

After that we got our stuff packed up. "Come on guys." I said. Itona, Karma, and Nagisa all came to my side. "My, my, my. I never expected Itona to find his way to the Phantoms." Sugino said. "Karma and Shadow are really great cooks. And training with them is a good outlet for stress. Besides Shadow's a good teacher. She helped me cram the other day and it really helped." Itona said. "Yeah, but the training is tough when you first start out." Nagisa said smiling nervously. "And it can really change your personality." Karma said glancing at Nagisa. "Don't think I didn't notice that." Blueberry said glaring at Karma. 

~Later that night Karma's POV~

I woke up suddenly with a bad feeling. I slowly got out of bed and woke myself up before looking around the house. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. No broken windows, the locks on the doors hadn't been picked. Itona was passed out in the room (Y/N) made for him the other day since he didn't want to stay with Karasuma. I scratched my head in confusion. "Okay? So where's the problem? (Y/N) tells me to trust my instincts so what's wrong?" I asked to no one. That's when it hit me. "(Y/N)!" I said rushing back upstairs. But when I checked on her she was fine. It didn't look like she was having a nightmare either. That's when my phone rung. I went out of (Y/N)'s room before answering it. "Karma. Thank God you're up! I'm not the only one who got a bad feeling just now right?" Nagisa asked on the other end. "No, you're not the only one. I just checked everything in the house and nothing was out of the ordinary. I even checked on (Y/N) and Itona. Neither of them seemed to be having a nightmare or anything. Either way I'm not going to sleep after that. I'm on high alert now." I growled. I heard a yawn followed by a gasp. (Y/N) came out of her room with a panicked look on her face. She looked at me and calmed down. "Oh, Karma. Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Nagisa, (Y/N) just woke up." I said. "Is she alright?" Nagisa asked. "She's fine. But I think she got the bad feeling too." I said looking at her. She nodded. "Yeah, but now I'm even more worried since both you and Nagisa sensed it. Karma did you check everything in the house?" She asked. I nodded. "Of course. I also checked on Itona. You didn't have a nightmare did you?" I asked. She shook her head. "No I was actually having a nice dream for once. Then the stupid feeling had to go and wake me up. Now I'm p*ssed off." She growled. I chuckled at this. She's always so cute when she's mad. She shook her head. "Alright. Let's focus here. Nagisa did you check everything in your apartment?" She asked. I put the phone on speaker. "Yeah. Checked on mom too. She's out like a light." He said. (Y/N) nodded. "So nothing is out of the ordinary at anyone's house-wait! Karma have you heard from your parents recently!?" She asked in a panicked tone. I pat her head. "I talked to them earlier. They're fine." I said. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God." She said. "Look. I'm getting nervous staying here by myself so I'm going to head over there. (Y/N) do you think you can come and get me real quick?" Nagisa asked. She nodded. "I'll be right over." She said. She turned into a shadow and left. "Geez her power is convenient." I said with a sigh. Nagisa snickered on the other side. "Shut it Blueberry." I growled. He hung up. Itona came up the stairs. "Is everything alright? I heard voices." He said with a yawn. I gave him a small smile. "Everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about." I said. "Now I'm worried. Where's Shadow?" He asked looking around with that same dead look in his eyes. "She just went out for a walk." I lied. He glared at me. "Try again. She wouldn't go out for a walk this late at night. I mean come on it's 1:00 in the morning." He said pointing to the black clock on the wall. 

I sighed. "Fine. Nagisa had a nightmare and she went to go and get him." I lied. "I can't shake the feeling that you're lying to me." He said crossing his arms. I facepalmed. "She's taught you too well. Fine. Since you are a member of the Phantoms now we'll tell you everything once the others get here." I said. He nodded and we went back downstairs. I got to work on making some food for when the other two came back. Itona yawned again from behind me. He was sitting at the counter. "Hey Karma. Is there something red on your neck? Are you bleeding?" He asked. I froze and covered the scales with my hand. F*ck! I forgot the concealer gets smudged when I'm trying to sleep! I thought. I sighed and lowered my hand. "That's something else we have to tell you about. Geez I should make a list at this point. Well might as well give you a quick run down." I said. I turned towards him and took off the bandages on my right arm. I rubbed off the concealer on my neck. I also slitted my eyes. "So yeah. As you can see I have scales. Annnnd my eyes turn into slits as well. Shadow and Nagisa also have these features and everyday we discover something new about ourselves. Now I know what you're thinking. How, what, and when right?" I questioned seeing his shocked expression. He nodded. "Well the 'how' is this serum. It's what gave Shadow her powers. She had two of these that she stole and she used that on me and Nagisa. Granted we had to except it first but I knew she wasn't fully human since a saw her scales after the cliff incident." I explained. "The 'what' is simple enough. We are what's known as hybrids. Half animal half human. Me and Shadow are both half dragon. Nagisa is different, he's half snake. We're the only known hybrids, that we know of. Shadow has no idea how many survived the experiments and got away. There could be more out there but we wouldn't know unless they made themselves known." I said. "The 'when' was a really long time ago. Around the time she started training us. She gave us the serum when we got our uniforms. Speaking of uniforms and what not I think you've been training with us long enough to get your stuff now. I'll bring it up to her once she gets back." I said going back to cooking after washing the concealer off of my hands. 

"Any questions?" I asked. "A few. But I'll wait for Shadow. Thanks for telling me this. It's a lot to take in." Itona said with a chuckle. I laughed a little. "Yeah. But hey, you're taking it better than Nagisa." I said. The door opened and (Y/N) and Nagisa walked in. I placed the food on the counter in front of their seats. "Thanks Karma." (Y/N) said with a tired look. "Itona? What are you doing up?" Nagisa asked. "You all woke me." He said. "Sorry." (Y/N) said sitting down. I quickly told her that Itona knew about the scales and what not. She nodded. "Yeah it was about time he knew about that. So Itona, any questions concerning it?" She asked. "A few. If the serum gave you your powers and you gave that same serum to the other two, does that mean they have powers as well?" He asked. I held up a finger and a little flame hovered over it. "Yep. I'm fire and Nagisa is ice." I explained. Nagisa tried trowing a snowball at me but it melted on contact. I growled lowly while glaring at him. "Nagisa what did I say about snowballs in the house." (Y/N) scolded. "Sorry." He said. "You should know by now that's useless." I growled. "It's still funny." He said sticking his tongue out at me. "You wanna go Blueberry!? I will wreck you!" I shouted at him. "Karma, voice volume!" (Y/N) snapped at me. "Fine, sorry." I said sitting down next to her. "Okay. Next question. How do you know Nagisa is half snake and not dragon?" Itona asked completely ignoring the little argument. "Well one, his bloodlust takes the form of a snake and not a dragon like me and Karma." She explained. "And two. We found out that Nagisa has venom in his fangs. It was an accident but luckily we found out about it before he bit someone." I said while leaning back in my chair with my arms behind my head. "You're oddly calm for the guy who almost got bit." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. I shrugged. "It wasn't that bad. I mean sure you looked like you actually wanted to kill me, and you nearly bit me sure, but I knew you had no control over your actions. Besides I shoved a board in your face so it was worth it." I said with a smirk. 

(Y/N) hit me on the head in a playful manor. "A board? And if he didn't bite you then how did you know he has venom?" Itona questioned. I chuckled. "To keep him from biting me I grabbed a small flat board and shoved it in his mouth. It snapped him out of it but after he spit the board out of his mouth we quickly took note of the fact that blue poison started spreading across the board causing it to slowly dissolve. We ran a few tests on it and made a profile for it." I explained. (Y/N) took out a small syringe with Nagisa's venom in it. She made a piece of paper and put a few drops of venom on it. "Observe." She said holding it out for him. The blue venom started spreading across the paper and it started to swell and dissolve the paper. "It's fast acting and spreads quickly, it starts dissolving after swelling. If say it was injected into a blood stream it would swell and most likely pop. If that doesn't kill the victim then it starts dissolving any substance. We tested this venom on a few small animals. Don't worry we didn't make Nagisa bite any of them we just injected the venom after taking it from his fangs." She explained. "Whoa! That's scary!" Itona said. Nagisa looked down. I pat his head. "Scary it may be. But it's useful. It also completely paralyzes the victim. No sound, quick kill, perfect for his kind of assassin. As Phantoms we kill with style, but if necessary this can be used if someone needs to be killed in secret. Sure traces of the venom will be left, but this kind of venom isn't documented anywhere. We dubbed his venom as Dragonbite Viper venom. A very appropriate name." I said. (Y/N) smiled at me. I smiled back. "Blueberry may doubt his skills at times but he's a good student, and an even better friend." She said. I nodded. I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Everyone froze, I exchanged a look with Nagisa and (Y/N). I already had my knife out and was walking to the door. 'Stay back.' I signaled. They nodded but stood only a few paces behind me. I opened the door. No one was there. My gaze fell downwards and my eyes widened. I droped my knife and stumbled backwards in pure shock. "What is it?" (Y/N) questioned looking at the thing on her doorstep. She gasped and picked it up. 

A small vile. The same kind that made her half dragon, me half dragon, and Nagisa half snake. 

A/N: Hello my dragon army! So Nagisa's venom huh? Interesting right? So I know you probably have a lot of questions but it won't be coming back up for a while. Now there's a contest that I will be hosting. So I need some fan art for something I plan on doing for this book. The fan art needs to be of team phantom. Individuals, and a group photo. They need to be of each member in their phantom uniforms. I will announce the winner at the end of the book once I get all the fan art. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions on this contest please message me. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability. Don't forget to soar high and roar, and may the stars light your path my dragon army. Bye!                            

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