Chapter 19: Itona Joins The Phantoms

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So umm, guess who's back? Yeah, Itona dragged his butt back to E-class. Well more like we dragged his butt back to E-class. He was supposed to be at school today but I wouldn't know. I managed to catch a cold. I was wrapped up in a blanket in the couch with my computer. I wasn't on the website, I was playing online checkers. The door opened. I suspected it was Karma so I didn't look over nor say anything. "So what is this your place or something?" Someone asked. I looked over to see Itona and Karma. "Ah Karma, I see you brought a friend." I said. "Yeah, no this is Shadow's place but I need to check up on her real quick." Karma said walking over to me. He felt my forehead. "Feeling any better?" He asked. "Karma it's just a cold. Nothing to serious. It should be gone in like a week or so. It's not like I'm going to die." I said rolling my eyes. "As you can see she has a cold  and thinks she can take care of herself." Karma said shaking his head at me. "Karma I was five when I lost my family and got my powers. I had to take care of myself." I growled at him. I then sneezed and shivered a little bit. "Powers? Oh right the shadow thing." Itona said. "Yeah, yeah shocking I know but it's honestly not surprising. I just call it magic at this point." I said. "You really are the strongest in the class." He said. "Yeah but I'm also lazy. If I can stay out of it or I'm not p*ssed I tend to stay on the sidelines." I said. "Speaking of why were you so p*ssed that day when Itona fist showed up?" Karma asked sitting next to me. "Some idiot decided to not pay me for a mission." I said. "Dude quickly found out you don't skip pay day." I said laughing. "Wait a minute. By chance did you blow up the dudes house then steal all his yen?" Itona questioned. I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, but how'd you know that?" I questioned. Itona took out his phone and then pulled up the group chat where I told that to Silver and Reaper. "Because you told me and Death the Kid yourself." He said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Silver? Oh my God it is you!" I shouted. I started laughing uncontrollably. "Holy s*it you found me before Reap! Oh I am never letting him live this down!" I shouted. Karma looked confused. I pulled up the website. "This is an underground website for assassins of all types. I was planing on showing it to you and Nagisa. This is a place where assassins can find jobs, trade stories and techniques, and just chat with others like them." I explained. He started reading over my shoulder as I pulled up my chatroom. "This is my chatroom. I only have two friends on this website. The Reaper, top assassin in the basic category. And Silver, a fairly new assassin that found his way into our chat. And looky here. Reaper has been trying to track me down for years and Silver found me first." I explained. "Oh I am so going to hold this over his head for a while." Itona said pulling up the chat room on his phone as he sat next to me. 

Shadow: Hey Reap guess what?                                                                                                                                      Reaper: You finally decided to work for me?                                                                                                              Shadow: Fat chance flower boy! Try again.                                                                                                                Reaper: *shrugs*                                                                                                                                                                    Silver: I'm currently sitting next to Shadow in the flesh.                                                                                      Reaper: You're bluffing.                                                                                                                                                      Shadow: Nope he's right next to me. Ironic how the one person who's been searching for me can't find me. And yet the one who wasn't just stumbles on my doorstep.                                                  Reaper: WHAT! SO FIRST SHADOW GETS A BOYFRIEND AND NOW SILVER FINDS HER BEFORE ME! WHAT IS IT WITH YOU TWO AND THE LUCKY STREAKS!                                                                                        Shadow: Lol! Someone is p*ssed!                                                                                                                                  Reaper: F*CK YOU GUYS. F*CK YOU!                                                                                                                              Silver: Ironic isn't even the word for this, I'm not going to let you live this down DTK.                    Shadow: Yeah no, I'm holding this over your head for a while.                                                                          Reaper: Silver! Dude help me! Tell me where she is!                                                                                              Silver: Nope, not a chance Reaper Boy.                                                                                                                        Reaper: Come on dude please!                                                                                                                                        Shadow: He's sitting right next to me. If he even trys then I can stop him.                                                  Reaper: HOW THE F*CKING HELL DID THE NOVICE FIND YOU!?                                                                        Shadow: My boyfriend.                                                                                                                                                        Reaper: How.The actual.F*ck.                                                                                                                                          Silver: nana, nana, boo, boo.                                                                                                                                            Reaper: F*ck you hedgehog.                                                                                                                                            ~Reaper has left the chat~

"Holy f*ck he rage quit!" I was roaring with laughter at this point. Itona was laughing too. "Wait." Itona stopped laughing. He looked at me and Karma. "YOU TWO ARE DATING!?" He shouted. I laughed at his reaction. "What you jelly?" Karma asked. "You know I should have guessed. No one else would date The Queen of Emo." He said with a sigh. I hit his head. "YOU WANT TO GO HEDGEHOG I WILL TAKE YOU ON ANY DAY!" I shouted. He growled. "I said I would find you one of these days!" He shouted. Then I quickly realized Itona might be in danger. I ignored Itona's shouts and taunts and pulled out my phone. "Ritsu." I said. The digital girl materialized on my phone screen. "You called mistress Shadow." She said. "Remember how I had you encode and put Nagisa and Karma's information under heavy security?" I questioned. "Yes ma'am." She said. "Well I need you to do the same for anything you can find on Itona. Don't forget his account. I don't want it to be hacked." I said. This caused the silver haired boy to grow silent. "Right away mistress." She said. "Thanks Ritsu." I said. I put my phone away. "Why did you do that?" Itona asked. "Reap is a very intelligent assassin. And he'll do anything to find me. Since Silver now knows where I am he's going to try and hack your account to try and see recent activity and what not. I'm having Ritsu put up high security and encrypting all your data just like I had her do for Karma and Nagisa. That way Reap can't get to you or me. You're welcome." I explained. "So you actually do give a d*mn about the safety of others." He said. I chuckled. "I may be a show off but I do take precautions." I said. 

"Yeah, sometimes a little to much." Karma added with a smirk. I pulled out my knife and held it to his neck. "Okay, geez, I get it. I'll shut up." He said pushing the knife away. I sheathed it with a sigh. "That's a nice knife." Itona said. I nodded taking it out again. "I polish it everyday." I said. "Why is it (F/C)?" He asked. "Because it's Dragonsteel." Karma deadpanned. I pointed the knife at him as it shifted into a gun. "I'll shut up, I'll shut up." He said. "Did that knife just turn into a gun?" I pointed it at him. "Wanna find out?" I asked. "I'll pass." He said completely monotone. "Good." I said. It turned back into a knife and I sheathed it. I sneezed again. "Ugggg, stupid cold." I growled turning on the TV. Soul Eater popped on. "Anyone want to play a shipping game?" I asked. "Ship or Rip?" Karma and Itona asked. "Yep, glad to see you both know it." I said pulling up different ships. "Start with a no brainier. Maka and Soul. Ship or Rip?" I asked. "Ship." Karma said. "Ship." Itona responded. "Ship. Okay so everyone here ships them good to know." I said. "Okay. Tsubaki and Blackstar. Ship." I said. "Of course." "No questions asked." They both responded. "Okay. Professor Stine and Madussa." I said. "Ship." Karma responded. "Rip." Itona spat. "Nope, rip." I said. "Okay so I'm the only one who ships them okay then." Karma said shrugging. "Soul and Death the Kid." I said. "Oh ship. Absolutely." Karma said. "Huh? People ship them?" Itona questioned looking at the fan-art over my shoulder. I pulled up my phone and gave him a fan-fiction. "Read through that and you'll see." I said. 

~A few minutes later~     

"Why did you hand me these feels?" Itona asked looking at me. I laughed at this and gave him the computer. "There's some fan-art." I said. "Oh hey, this is good fan-art." He said. "Welcome to the secret club of anime fan-girls and boys. We're the people who love this stuff but we don't want others to know about it. We meet here every Wednesday and Friday feel free to drop by." Karma said. "Is Nagisa a part of this group?" Itona questioned. "Nope/No." We said in unison. "He doesn't even know we like anime. Whenever we go to an anime store or buy Manga we do so in secret." I explained. "Yeah, I'm not sure people would take us seriously if they found out the Black Assassin and her Devil of a boyfriend like anime." Karma said. For the rest of the day we watched different anime and talked about it. Me and Itona exchanged contact info and he stayed for a little while longer. "Hey Itona you want to stick around for training?" I asked. "Yeah, dude you should train with us. Trust me with her instructing you you'll be able to catch up school why's and assassin why's." Karma said. "Sure. I've got nothing better to do." He said with a shrug. I switched the TV over to some cartoons when Nagisa walked in. "Yo Blueberry." I said. "Hi Nagi." Karma greeted. "Hey guys. Oh hey Itona." Nagisa said putting his stuff down by the kitchen table. "Nagisa, Karma, go get changed we'll be drilling formations and knife throwing." I said. "As well as a few hand signals. We need to drill the basics." I explained. They both nodded and went downstairs. "Formations? Hand signals?" Itona questioned. I turned to him. "We have hand signals so we can talk in secret. It's a code between Phantoms." I said. I taught him a few hand signals. Basic ones like 'Danger' and 'Go' as well as 'Hide'. "We can have full blown conversations like this." I finished explaining. I sneezed again. "Sorry." I said. "And these formations?" He asked. I smirked. "The boys should be ready now." I said. We walked downstairs. Karma and Nagisa were throwing knives at a few targets. Both of them were in uniform. I coughed to get their attention. They turned and both smiled. Well Karma smirked but you get what I mean. "Yo Shads." Karma said. I pulled out my knife and threw it at him. He dodged. "See, I can actually go full force and aim at him because I know he can dodge." I explained. I used a shadow to retrieve my knife. "Red Devil. Python. We'll be drilling formations now." I said. Nagisa nodded and rolled out a dummie. "Formation four!" I shouted. Karma darted to the right, Nagisa to the left, and I ran into position right in the front. I had already put my mask, cloak, and gloves on. Nagisa jumped over the dummie's head, Karma ran up and punched the dummie in multiple spots, and I finished it by stabbing the dummie's neck. We drilled a few more formations, practiced knife throwing (Itona joined us for that, he has good aim), and we practiced our hand signals. In reality during the thing with signals I was asking if we should ask Itona to join the Phantoms. Karma thought it would be nice. Nagisa was a little more hesitant but we talked it over and decided he'd be a good addition. 

We went upstairs and me and Karma got to cooking. "You two are such amazing cooks." Nagisa said happily. "Are they that good?" Itona asked the smaller boy. Blueberry nodded. "Karma can blend spices together perfectly, it's like setting fire to your taste buds. Shadow is good with sweets and what not but when she cooks you can feel the hard work and passion that went into it. They work together perfectly, Shadow has all the bases covered and can make a really tasty base for the meal, but Karma brings fire to it with spices and flavor." Nagisa said. "I think you're setting the bar a little high." I said sweat-dropping. "But it's true! You two make a perfect team! The video proves it!" Nagisa protested. "You still have that?" Karma asked with a snicker. "Yeah! Even if it's ineffective as blackmail it's still a cute video!" Nagisa shouted. He then proceeded to show the video to Itona. "You two never mentioned you could sing." Itona said. "Well I don't sing much." I said. Karma nodded. "Do you play anything?" He questioned. "Guitar, piano, and drums a little." I said. "Just a pass time for when I'm bored." I said. "You never told me this." Karma added with a smirk. I used a shadow and made a guitar appear. I started shredding. "You never asked." I said leaving them all starstruck. I made it disappear and returned to cooking. "Oh wow, Reap's gonna freak when he hears the assassin he's been chasing sings and cooks." Itona said with a snicker. "If you privet message him send me a screenshot of his reaction." I said laughing. "Oh no I'm telling him in the chatroom. This is going to be funny." He said pulling up his phone. We set out the food and after Nagisa thanked us I sat next to Itona and looked at the chat. 

Silver: Yo Reap guess what?                                                                                                                                              Reaper: What do you want hedgehog? I'm still p*ssed.                                                                                        Silver: Shadow can cook, and sing. I'm not joking either.                                                                                    Reaper: The brave assassin that loves to show off...can cook and sing?                                                        Silver: Shocking I know. But she literally pulled out a guitar and started shredding like a master! Did I mention she plays too?                                                                                                                                            Reaper: So she's perfect is what you're saying.                                                                                                        Silver: I dunno I haven't tried the food yet and her attitude could use some work, but hang on let me try the food.      

Itona put the phone down and tried the food. The look on his face was priceless.

Silver: HOLY S*IT THIS WOMAN IS A MASTER! I MEAN SURE HER BOYFRIEND ADDED SOME SPICE BUT STILL HOLY F*CK! PYTHON WAS RIGHT.                                                                                                              Reaper: Python?                                                                                                                                                                    Silver: One of her students. I just got to watch them all practice. These people are masters I tell you.                                                                                                                                                                                              Reaper: You lucky little.                                                                                                                                                      ~Reaper has left the chat~

"He rage quit again." Itona deadpanned. Meanwhile I was laughing my a*s off. Then I remembered something. "So Karma. Fork over the yen." I said. "Wait what-ohhhh. Yeah sure here you go." He said paying up. "Thank ya kindly." I said. We had to explain the bet quickly. "By the way Itona. How did your tank plan go? Did you balm Okajima like I told you too?" I asked. He nodded. "Worked like a charm." He said. I smiled. "So Itona." Karma started. "What do you think of joining our group?" I asked. He looked at me in shock. "I thought you hated me." He said. "I didn't hate you. I was just p*ssed." I said. "Wait. So you guys are asking me to join your group? I barely even know what you three do." He said. I exchanged a look with the boys. 'Should we show him Ritsu's playback of our mission?' Karma signaled. 'WHAT! No! To risky. I vote we tell him what a Phantom Assassin is then we give him a few days.' Nagisa signaled. 'I don't know who's side I should take here. But let me try something.' I signaled. I looked at Itona. "We are what's know as Phantom Assassins. I'm sure you've seen the video on YouTube about my little casino kill." I said. He nodded. "Reap sent me the video when I asked what kind of assassin you are." He said. I nodded. "Well, I've been teaching Nagisa and Karma how to be Phantoms you already guessed that and the code names I use for them." I said. He nodded. "The basic definition for a Phantom Assassin is an assassin that kills with style. There are five skills necessary to become a Phantom. Charm, kindness, proficiency, knowledge, and guts. As well as acting to pass for a normal student/citizen." Karma explained. "Phantom Assassins pick our missions carefully. We only kill for good." Nagisa said. "We don't just kill anyone. Our target needs to be evil to the bone, and trust me, we double check each targets information. We do things with style and care." Karma added. "We've all come together for multiple reasons. But we can safely say this training has helped us become stronger mentally and physically." Nagisa said. "What we're trying to ask here is if you'd like to join us. You don't have to train to become a Phantom but we would like to have you around." I said. Karma nodded. "You're good with tech, we could use someone like that. Sure Shadow is good at hacking and we have Ritsu as a nav but you would be a big help." He added. Itona thought about it for a little. "Will I get one of those cool knives?" He asked. I nodded. "And you get to eat this food anytime we meet." Nagisa added. "Yep I'll join." He said. I chuckled and held out my hand. "Welcome to the world of a Phantom." I said. He grabbed my hand. "I'll do my best." He said. Nagisa yawned. "Welp now that that's settled I'm going to change real quick and go home." He said heading to the bathroom. "So when do I get the knife?" He asked. I chuckled. "Soon but wait a little bit so we can get stuff settled." I said patting his head. Eventually after everyone left I updated my book and went to bed. Itona was now a Phantom. I wonder how this will go. 

                                                                           Stats: Team Phantom 

Karma: Charm level 5. Kindness level 4. Proficiency level 5. Knowledge level 5. Guts level 5.                          Blood: Red          Magic: Fire        Code name: Red Devil

Nagisa: Kindness level 5. Charm level 4. Proficiency level 5. Knowledge level 5. Guts level 5.                          Blood: Blue         Magic: Ice           Code name: Python

(Y/N): MAX   Blood: Black    Magic: Shadow     Code name: Shadow  

Itona: Charm level 2. Kindness level 2. Proficiency level 3. Knowledge level 3. Guts level 3.                               Blood: Red          Magic: None       Code name: Undecided                                                                                                                                                                  

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