Chapter 18: KARMA'S PARENTS!?

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Today in PE we were playing cops and robbers. Once the game started I grabbed Nagisa and Karma. We stood high in a tree making sure Karasuma wasn't around. 'We should hide in my house.' I signaled. 'Yes!' Karma signaled back. 'Isn't that cheating?' Nagisa signaled. 'Trust me it'll be funny.' I signaled. They both nodded. We went to my house careful to avoid Karasuma on the way there. Then we sat in the council room and I pulled up camera feed of the entire forest. "Why do you have video cameras in the forest?" Nagisa asked as I came back in with tea. After setting the tea down in front of them I sat down at the head of the table. Like always Karma on my right, Nagisa on my left. "I'm a paranoid person. Those cameras are to make sure no wandering students get lost. If they get lost I can go get them and help them back to campus. They're also there to keep an eye out for suspicious activity incase an assassin tracks me down." I said my mind flying to Reap. "Fair enough." Karma said sipping his tea. I pulled out the book I was reading currently. For a while we listened to Ritsu telling us how many people got caught and how many broke out of 'jail.' "Time's up. Game's over." She said. I smiled and looked up from my book to see Karma playing with his fire and Nagisa sipping tea while reading a book. Nagisa had his feet propped up on the table. Let's be honest he made it look cool. "Hey Ritsu put Karasuma on the line." I said setting up my phone so it showed me and the boys just relaxing with tea. Karasuma's face appeared on the screen with Koro-sensei in the background. "Yo teach. How have you been?" I questioned. Karma smirked continuing to play with his fire. Nagisa looked up from his book and gave a kind smile before returning to his story. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU THREE! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU FOR HOURS!" He shouted. The class gathered around the phone. Karma put out his fire so no one saw. "Whoa! You three like cool like that!" Isogi shouted. "Where are you!?" Kayano shouted. "Hang on I'll give you directions." I said picking up my book and returning to it. "Isogi, Kayano, Rio, and Okada. You all remember where my house is right?" I questioned. "They do." Karma said since I was focused on my book. "Go ahead and bring everyone there k?" I questioned. I heard them all running through the phone and soon I heard the door to my house burst open. "Okay now go to the door behind the couch. That's the office." Karma said. I heard that door burst open. "Now there are two bookshelves built into the wall. Second one down from the door. Now you're going to want to pull the book on the middle row with the red spine and black detail." Nagisa explained not looking up from his book. "Once you do that there's a door. Go ahead and open it. Ritsu end call." I said. She did so and not a moment later the door swung open. They walked the short way down here and stared at us in shock. I looked up from my story as did Nagisa. "Welcome to the secret meeting room of the Phantoms." I said. "Yo. Had fun?" Karma questioned. "We've been keeping tabs on everyone's movements." Nagisa said pointing to the wall of cameras. "You three are like elite crime bosses!" "Thank you, thank you! As Phantoms we do try and impress." I said with a smirk. We got scolded for cheating but let's be honest it was funny seeing everyone's reaction. 

After that I finished my book and needed to get a new one. "Karma I'm heading out." I called already in civilian attire. "Hang on!" He called back from upstairs. He came running down in civilian attire. "I'm coming with you." He said. I shrugged. "I'm just going to the bookstore." I said heading out the door. "Good, I've been meaning to get some new manga." He said. I snickered. "Fine then." I said. As we were walking through town in silence we noticed a few news papers that seemed to point to the Octopervert. "Hmmm, I think he's being framed." Karma said looking over my shoulder. We continued walking. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "You know this. He knows he'd be dead to us if he pulled something like this. Being killed or losing our respect. We all know he'd rather avoid losing our respect." Karma explained. I nodded in agreement. "I bet it's Itona again since we haven't heard from him in awhile." I said chuckling. Karma took out his wallet. "How much you wanna bet?" He asked with his 'devil smirk.' I smirked back. "You're on Devil." I said taking out my own wallet. After placing a few bets we got to the bookstore. "Hi Mable!" I greeted the lady at the counter. "Shadow. Good to see you deary!" She greeted back. "So how'd you like the book?" She asked. "I loved it!" I said with a bright smile. "So favorite character?" She questioned. "It's a tough choice between Flame and Viper but I have to go with Viper." I said. "Who's your friend?" She asked looking at Karma. "That's Karma. The boyfriend I told you about." I said. "Ah right. The living embodiment of hell if I remember correctly." She said. Karma chuckled. "Yeah, that's me. She likes using that term for me." He said with a smirk. "Well I'm Mable. I run this little store. Shadow there's another customer here right now." She said. As soon as she said that Asuno walked out carrying a few books. He set them on the counter and looked at us. "Ah, if it isn't Akabane and his girlfriend." He said. "Oh look if it isn't Karma's clone." I countered. "Shadow." He greeted. "Asuno." I greeted back. "So why are you here?" I asked. "Looking for some good books. You?" He asked. "Same if we're being honest." I said with a shrug. "Well I'll just be paying now." He said. "You do that." Karma said grabbing my shoulder and leading me towards the rows of books. "Easy there." He mumbled. I opened and closed my hand. "Sorry. Sorry. I'm okay. I'm fine." I said taking a few breaths. I helped Karma pick out a few books and started browsing for myself. Asuno left sometime in between. Mable gave me another few book recommendations. She even asked if Karma liked the book I had got him.

"Actually yes. I really did enjoy it. And that's saying something considering I only read manga or study." He said with a laugh. She gave him a few recommendations and eventually after a little more shopping we were heading to Karma's place. Apparently there was something he needed to get. I think he's slowly but surely moving in with me. Once he opened the door to the mansion he was rushed by a red blur. We both jumped back so it fell on the ground. It was a red haired women with bright golden eyes and a pink dress. She stood up and looked at us. "Wait. MOTHER!" Karma shouted in surprise. I almost choked on air. "Wait, wait, hold on one minute." I said trying to process this. "Karma!" She shouted pulling him into a hug. "You've gotten so big!" She shouted tears falling from her eyes like waterfalls. "Honey what's going on-KARMA!" A tall man said rushing out of the doorway. He had dark brown hair with deep caramel eyes. He was wearing a suit. "FATHER!? WHAT THE HECK WHEN DID YOU TWO GET HOME!?" Karma shouted. Both of them were now hugging him on the ground. I started snickering under my breath and took a picture. "SHADOW I SAW THAT! DON'T YOU DARE POST IT OR SO HELP ME!" Karma shouted. "Heeheeheehee." I chuckled. Both of the adults eyes were drawn to me. They both stood up and dusted themselves off suddenly looking very professional. The women extended her hand to me. "Hi. I'm Ruby Akabane. Karma's mother." She said. I put my phone away and shook her hand. "Greetings. It's a pleasure to meet you. People call me Shadow." I said. She squinted at me. "You seem familiar." She said. The man shook my other hand. "The pleasure is all ours. I'm Drake Akabane. Karma's father." He said. He shook my hand strongly so I gripped his just as tight. He chuckled. "Good grip. I like you." He said. They let go and backed up a little. I looked at Karma who was just now getting up. "You didn't tell me your parents were home. I would've come more presentable." I said. "That's the thing. They always drop in unannounced. I have no idea when they come home." He said. I shook my head at him. "So Karmkarm who is this?" His mother asked. I snickered quietly, so quietly none of them heard. He stood next to me. "This is Shadow. She's my girlfriend." He said grabbing my hand. His mother gasped and started bouncing in her spot. His father nodded in approval. "She's got a strong stance. A good grip. And she seems responsible." He said. "WHO CARES ABOUT THAT STUFF KARMKARM HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" His mother shouted pulling me into a hug. I didn't know what to do, luckily she let go as soon as she hugged me. "Drake he has a girlfriend!" She said excitedly. "I can see that RueRue." He said. "Wait." She said looking at me again. She got down on a knee and looked at my face. Her deep golden eyes were just like Karma's. She lightly pushed a piece of hair out of my face. She then gasped and covered her mouth. "Is something wrong?" I questioned helping the older women to her feet. "Mother are you alright?" Karma questioned. She looked me dead in the eye. "(Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)? Is it really you?" She questioned. I froze. Then I remembered something. I looked at Karma. "Didn't you say awhile back ago that your mother used to be a friend of my mother?" I questioned. "I MADE THAT UP AS AN EXCUSE FOR RITSU! JUST LIKE HOW CARLA MADE UP BEING PRINCESS WHEN IN FACT SHE WAS A PRINCESS!" Karma shouted also referencing Fairytail. I started pacing. "Oh geez. Oh geez. This, this is not a good thing. Wait is it a good thing? I need to calm down. I need to calm down." I said pacing in circles. "So it is you. Please come inside." Drake said. We did so and just talked for awhile. I was actually prepping diner for everyone because when things like this happen I need to stay busy. 

Apparently Karma's mother was a long time friend of my mother's. She told me she used to visit me and my siblings once or twice a week. "You look exactly like your mother." She said as I set food on the table. I chuckled lightly. "Thank you. I don't remember her or my father very well. I was so lucky to have been out of the house when it was set ablaze." I said. No I wasn't. I thought in the very back of my head. I picked up my stuff. "I should be going. I've kept Nagisa waiting long enough." I said. "OH CRAP NAGISA!" Karma shouted. "Yeah, he's going to be mad." I said looking away nervously. You would think a little blueberry like him isn't dangerous right? Wrong. Very, very wrong. Nagisa is terrifying when he wants to be. "NO, MAD DOESN'T DESCRIBE IT WE ARE DEAD! WHY IS EVERYTHING HAPPENING TO ME TODAY!?" Karma shouted face planting the table. "Who's this Nagisa?" Drake asked. "Nagisa is a friend of ours. He's small adorable and over all just a cute little blueberry." I said. "Unless he's mad. And he's defiantly mad. We.are.dead." Karma mumbled. "Karma he's not that bad I can handle him." I said. "Unless he gets the drop on you. Which he will. You taught him to well, we taught him to well." Karma said. "Hey, you got your wish. You corrupted the Blueberry." I said. Karma started laughing. "I wanna take it back though." He said. I laughed at this. "Well I'll deal with him for now. You chill with your parents while I deal with the angry Blueberry. I mean he hasn't landed a hit on me since we started training soooo, I like my chances." I said. He chuckled. Karma got up and hugged me before I left. "Have fun." He said. I laughed. "Yeah, fun. More like luck." I said. He chuckled. 

After that I left and went home. Yeah Nagi was p*ssed but I got him to calm down by target practice downstairs. Today was good. I updated my book and went to bed.                                


So as you can tell I've changed up the story, a lot. Trust me it will stay on track with the series but I will be adding my own things here and there. Now before you ask no those are not the real names of Karma's parents. I made them up. I looked for a while but couldn't find anything on his parents except they travel a lot. But they will serve a purpose here later on in the book so be prepared for anything. I also want you to know that I appreciate all the support for the book. Thank you for your time. Don't forget to soar high and roar, and may the stars light your path my dragon army. Bye~  

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