Chapter 17: When Shadow has a day off

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Kayano was handling the assassination today. Something told me I didn't need to be there so I picked up my stuff and opened the window. "Ummm, Shadow where are you going?" Kayano asked. "You won't be needing me for this so just let me know if it works. Until then it's time for Shadow's day off. See ya!" I said doing my normal bow before jumping out the window. I went all the way home to drop off my stuff and change into my normal civilian attire. Just a (F/C) shirt and black shorts.  I picked up my black combat boots and put them on. I slipped my knife in them and threw on a black hoodie. I made sure to have my assassin uniform in my bag just incase. I put my phone in my pocket and had one ear bud in my ear just incase I got a call. A good assassin is prepared. I checked some things on my schedule. Looks like there's a movie I've been meaning to see coming out today. A new bookstore just opened up. And looks like those are the only two things I have marked for today. 

I went into town and saw the movie first. Nothing really interesting happened. The movie had lots of explosions but the writing was sloppy, the actors couldn't act, and the plot was dried up and used. I left disappointed. I walked all the way to the downtown area. It was always calm down here and very quiet. A good place to open a bookstore. I walked in to see no one there but an old lady behind the counter. "Ah welcome young lady. Can I help you with anything?" She asked. Her aura was calm and her smile was friendly. I sensed no malice from her. She seemed nice. I smiled. "No ma'am. I'm just browsing. I always do when a new bookstore opens up." I answered honestly. "So you're a big reader huh?" She questioned. "Yes ma'am." I said. "I don't really care what genre as long as it's fantasy and you know. A good story." I explained. "Yes there can be some awful stories out there, but the movie adaptions can be worse." She said. "True." I said looking around. "Well most of the books in here are fantasy so no need to worry. This is mostly a fantasy bookstore." She said. I sighed. "Perfect." I said quietly. "It's hard to find a good quiet bookstore these days." I said. "Hence why I chose to open down here. Nice and peaceful." She said. "And thank God for it." I said looking over a few titles. "So what's your name hun?" She asked. "People call me Shadow." I responded. "Your real name sweetheart." She said. I froze. I shrugged. "It's (Y/N) but I go by Shadow." I said. "Really. And why do you go by Shadow?" She asked. "It just fits me." I said looking at some manga on the bottom shelf. "Oh hey manga. Nice Karma will dig this." I said. "Why does the name Shadow fit you?" She asked. "I guess it's because half the time I can sneak past people without them noticing. It's one of my talents. And it's useful too. Easier to get past a crowd." I said. She chuckled. "I know how that feels. I typically get unnoticed by people unless I snap my fingers in their face." She said. I laughed lightly. "That's a useful skill. Being able to sneak has been helpful during school too." In more ways than one. I thought. "Say are you a student at that elite prep school?" She asked. I nodded slowly. "Yeah but my class isn't doing anything special today. Nothing that involves my help anyway." I said. "Are you in A-class? You seem like the intellectual type." She said. "I'm actually in E-class. I'm one of the top ranking students sure, but the rest of the kids in A-class are all jerks, and all my friends are in class 3-E. Even if the principle asked me I would stay in E-class. Heck he's sent his son to try and convince me." I said sighing. "You're a loyal soul. That's a very respectable trait. Be proud of standing up for yourself and for your friends. So how bad are the kids from A-class?" She asked. "Pretty bad. They look down on others especially my friends. The school itself actually cheated on midterms last semester by putting material on the test we weren't ready for. Me and two of my closest friends actually were prepared for it though since I knew the school would try something like that." I said. "So you're smart, loyal, and you care about others. These are all great traits to have. But every light has it's darkness. What are some of your worst traits?" She asked. 

I sighed. "I can be pushy, and sometimes violent, okay I'm really violent, I can be really stubborn to, and can never let things go. I let the past haunt me and hold grudges for life." I said. She nodded slowly. "I see. You're a strong independent woman with a rebellious soul. You stick to your guns and don't let others push you around. You fight for what you think is right and can plan things ahead of time. You let your past come back so you can learn from it. One of the lines I would use to describe you is 'When my mind is set you can't change it.' Here I think you would like this book." She said. I turned to see her place a book on the counter. I walked over and looked at it. "The Tales of The Dragonhearted." I read aloud. "It's a spellbinding tale about four girls who each master an element. Flame, the Fire of Rebellion. Breeze, the Wind of Change. Tide, the Water Assassin. And Ivy, the Blooming Fighter. There is one more girl who comes into play later on. They call her Viper, the Spark of Darkness. It's a good book." She said. I looked at the back of the book. The description was just as mesmerizing. "This does sound like a good book." I said. "I'll take it. But let me pick out a few gifts for my friends." I said starting to brows again. "What are they like?" She asked. "Nagisa is gifted for staying calm under pressure but the poor kid has it pretty rough with his mom. I know he can defend himself if he wanted but he never does. He's respectful but tends to cut lose with me and my other friend. When he want's Nagisa can sneak up on anyone and send a chill down their spine. He's like me when it comes to reading but he likes horror, mystery, and action novels most of all. Trust me I like to keep tabs on my friends likes and dislikes. Nagisa is cool, calm, and collected. But he's also got this knack for blackmail and has a way for words. We like to call him 'the viper who thinks he's a bunny.' But me and my other friend like to call him Blueberry." I explained. "And your other friend?" She questioned. 

"Karma is my boyfriend. He's nice and all when you get to know him but we call him the Devil for a reason. He loves pranks, blackmail, and also loves to play games. He's deviously clever and is a great strategist. But he's also very sadistic. One of the terms I've used for him is 'the living embodiment of hell.' One of his nicknames is Strawberry I have a lot of nicknames for him though." I explained. After that she gave me some books that both Nagisa and Karma. Her name was Mable. She's nice. I think I might pop back here every now and then. I walked out the door when I got a call. "Yellow?" I asked. "Hey (Y/N)." Karma said on the other end. "So how'd the plan go?" I asked. "Up in flames." He said. "Not literally I hope." I said. "No, no. As in Koro-sensei saw through it. Again." He said with a sigh. "Welp I knew that was going to happen." I said. "Yeah you called it. So where are you?" He asked. "Eh, no where." I said. "Where are you?" He repeated. "Okay, fine shesh. I'm in town I'll be home in a little bit as long as I don't run into trouble." I said. "Don't jinx it that's my thing." He said with a snicker. "Bye Karma." I said. "Heheh, Bye love." He said hanging up. I growled. "He's always like this." I said. Then I realized something. "Wait what did he just call me!?" I yelled. I shook my head. "No time for that." I said starting to walk home. That's when I ran into some thugs trying to kidnap someone. I threw on my cloak, mask, and gloves and got to work. After that I just shadowed home. I found Karma sitting on the couch. "Decided to skip for the rest of the day?" I questioned sitting next to him. "Yep. What's in the bags?" He asked. "Books. There was a new bookstore that opened. Lady there was really nice." I said setting the bags on the coffee table and slipping off my boots. The news showed me taking down the thugs. Someone had recorded it. Good thing I brought my mask and what not. "Oh yeah. Did that on the way home too." I added. He just smirked at me. "You love attention don't you?" He questioned. I shrugged. "Sometimes, sometimes not." I said lazily. "So what books did you get?" He asked snooping in the bags. I pulled out 'Tales of The Dragonhearted.' and started reading the prologue. Karma was looking through some of the other stories. "Some of the ones in there are for you and Nagisa. I decided to pick out a few for you two." I said starting to get invested in the story. "Oh no. She's entering reader mode. Code (F/C)." He said sarcastically. I shrugged. We spent the rest of our time reading stories. I actually finished 'Tales of The Dragonhearted.' and can I say Viper is best girl. "So wanna play a game or something?" He asked. "Yeah sure. Sounds fun." Needless to say I crushed him. Over and over and over and over again. 

"How are you so good at this!?" He asked in shock. "Heh, practice." I said. "Rematch!" He demanded. I beat him again. Karma growled. "Hacks. I call hacks." He said. I chuckled at him. Once he left I logged into my computer again to find Silver and Reaper having a debate. 

Shadow: Hey guys!                                                                                                                                                                Reaper: Shad-shad good to hear from you again! Help me out here! Which is better? Soul Eater or Deathnote?                                                                                                                                                                          Silver: Soul Eater is a beautiful anime with plenty of ships!                                                                                Reaper: Deathnote is a solid anime with good characters and an interesting plot!                                   Silver: Shadow help me here!                                                                                                                                          Shadow: Hmmm, tough choice. But I have to go with Deathnote.                                                                  Reaper: HA, IN YOUR FACE HEDGEHOG!                                                                                                                      Silver: D*mn it! Shadow I will get you for this!                                                                                                          Shadow: XD try me snowflake!                                                                                                                                        Reaper: Thanks for the support Shadow.                                                                                                                    Shadow: I like the rivalry between L and Light. Besides Light's last name spelled backwards is I'm a gay and there was that kiss scene between the two.                                                                                  Reaper: *Facepalm*                                                                                                                                                              Silver: LOL! XD                                                                                                                                                                        Shadow: It's funny. 

I logged off after biding them farewell and decided to crash since something told me tomorrow would be something else.                  

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