Chapter 16: Shipping, So Much Shipping

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The next day, just as we planed, convinced everyone that it was all just a dream. We came to the hotel after the assassination and went straight to bed. It took some work granted but eh, what are you going to do? Anyways Koro-sensei was back to normal and decided to set up a 'test of courage' as he called it. I knew it was a ploy to get someone to hook up but I just didn't care. As me and Karma were walking through I was just confused. "Why are we being forced to do this?" I questioned. Karma shrugged. "Maybe so it'll appear like it's a test of courage but we both know it's a trap to get someone in a relationship." He said. "I'm pretty sure the others know that too though." I mumbled. Karma was actually not using the flashlight but was using his fire. "Seriously? And you call my power convenient." I teased. "Your power is the one carrying the stuff." Karma said referring to the shadow carrying the pranking supplies. "This looks like a good spot." I said. "Let's get to work." He said grabbing some glow in the dark paint. We painted the walls green and blue. The whole cavern looked alive now. "Alright now what? Glitter bombs? Please say glitter bombs." I said. "Not yet. We put those at the end. Right now fake snakes or fake spiders?" He questioned. "Spiders, 100% creepy little critters." I said. We set a few more traps and at the end of the tunnel glitter bombs. "What took you two so long?" Okada questioned. I glanced at Karma and smirked. "You'll see." I said while chuckling. A few minutes of screaming and angry people walking out of the cave. "You two. Are so. Dead." Nagisa said walking out with Kayano clinging to his arm. I high-fived Karma. "Mission Accomplished." I said as Rio took pictures. Koro-sensei came out screaming. As the rest of the class came out I started to wonder where Karasuma and Professor B*tch was. "Hey where's Professor B*tch and Karasuma?" Karma asked voicing my thoughts. As if on que the two walked out with Professor B*tch clinging to Karasuma's arm. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked Karma and Rio. "The ship has sailed." Rio started. "And it's not making any stops." Karma finished. We all gave eachother a fist bump.  

For the rest of the day we tried to get Professor B*tch and Karasuma together. It wasn't going quite as planed. Our last chance was this dinner. "Sorry sir all the seats are taken in here." I said. "Yo teach I think there were some free seats outside though, why don't you try those." Karma said. Karasuma nodded and went outside. We all watched in the background. "Karasuma. Do you know what it's like to kill? To actually take the life of another human being?" She asked. When she returned to us she got scolded by the class. "WHAT THE HELL PROFESSOR B*TCH!?" Rio shouted. "I thought adults used their tongues!" Okajima shouted. "Karma! Show her!" Rio barked. He shrugged and looked where I was. But I was up a palm tree at this point. I was hanging from one of the branches like a sloth. "NO P.D.A'S!" I shouted drawing everyone's attention. "What?" Hino questioned. "Public displays of affection." Karma explained. "Rio, look what you did it's going to take me forever to get her down." He said with a sigh. "WHAT DID I DO?" She shouted. "I'm coming down." I said turning into a shadow and reforming on the ground. "Don't do that again." Karma said to me. I shrugged. "You were the one about to listen to Rio of all people." I grumbled. He chuckled. "You are so shy when it comes to feelings. It's adorable." He said. "I'm not cute." I grumbled. "Yes you are." "No I'm not." This argument went back and fourth for a while. I eventually won however seeing as I nearly broke his arm. "You two are so violent." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. "Yeah but I'm the one who asked out an assassin." Karma said shrugging. "And I'm the one who decided to date a devil." I added. "So, Karma made the first move? You two just kinda left after Rio passed out." Kayano said. I chuckled. "Yeah Karma made the first move. It was an adorable set up I'll tell you that." I said. Karma chuckled. "Yeah I worked hard on it." He said. "By the way, how the hell did you find black roses?" I asked. "Heh, that's my little secret." He said with a wink. I shrugged. "Whatever it was still cool though." I said. "Okay I'm lost, what happened?" Rio asked. I looked at Karma, he just shrugged. "Honestly it was adorable. He set up a little area full of black and red roses it was so cute." I explained. I felt my face heat up, thank God for concealer. "Though I never thought he would Phantom the whole thing. I honestly didn't know whether to feel proud or flattered or both. D*mn you and your level 5 charm." I growled. He just laughed at this. "Wait. Karma has maxed a stat!?" Nagisa asked in shock. "Almost all of them. Though so have you." I said chuckling. "Wait, which stats!?" Karma asked in shock. I pulled out my little black book. "That's the book I saw you writing in." Karma mumbled. "This is a log that I update almost daily. There have been some situations where I haven't been able to update it but it also contains the stats of team Phantom." I said. "Except for Ritsu." I added. I opened the book to the page I had marked for stats. "Let's see. Karma: Charm, level 5. Kindness, level 4. Proficiency, level 5. Guts, level 5. Knowledge, level 5." I read aloud. "Wow! I'm almost max across the board. I'm catching up with Shadow!" Karma cheered. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, you two still have a lot to learn." I growled. "What about me?" Nagisa asked. "Nagisa: Kindness, level 5. Charm, level 4. Proficiency, level 5. Guts, level 5. Knowledge, level 5." I recited. "So both of you still have one stat to work on." I said. "How did this conversation go from Shadow and Karma's relationship to Phantom Assassin stuff that we don't get?" Rio asked. "Because Karma pulled a phantom when asking me out." I deadpanned. "What did he do?" Kayano asked. "D*mn him and his level 5 charm." I growled. "That's her way of saying I turned her own tactics against her." Karma said while hugging me from behind. Nagisa nodded. "I can see how that would work. She wouldn't be used to those tactics being used against her." He said. "Once again I didn't know whether to be proud, flattered, or both." I said. "She settled for both. But hey it worked like a charm. And against another Phantom no less. That just shows how well they work." Karma said. I think Nagisa is taking notes. "I think Blueberry is taking notes." I said with a smirk. "What! NO!" Nagisa shouted. "*Gasp* Does that mean he has a crush?" Karma teased. "NO!" Nagisa denied. "Awww, I think he's shy." I teased. "Quit with the teasing! I don't have a crush on anyone!" Nagisa shouted. "Blueberry has a crush, Blueberry has a crush!" I said in a sing song tone. "I do not! You two are terrible!" He shouted. 

After a while of pestering from me, Karma, and Rio, Nagisa still denied it. Anyway it was time to head home. I was personally glad. Last night's mission had taken a tole on me. On our way back I was facing Kayano in checkers while Nagisa and Karma were arguing about something in the background. I swear those two are like Natsu and Grey at times. "Hey Shadow. Why did you decide to train Nagisa? Karma I can understand but Nagisa just doesn't seem like the type." She said. "That's the reason. No one expects someone like him to be dangerous but in our first sparing match a while back ago I saw his potential." I explained taking her last piece. "Game set and Match." I said. She sighed. "Good game." She said. "GG." I said. After that I went back to my privet room. Since I'm an assassin and what not they made me stay in my own room and not share with another student. I pulled out my computer and logged on to this secret website. It was a network for assassins, where they could trade stories, find work, and just chat with other people like them. My fingers danced across the keyboard as I pulled up my chatroom. 

Shadow: Yo, what up?                                                                                                                                                          Reaper: Ah Shad-shad. Good to see you on the website again. 

Reaper was one of my friends on this website. He liked calling me Shad-shad for some reason. I think it's just to bother me. 

Shadow: It's good to be back. So how have you been? Any good jobs recently?                                      Reaper: Not really. Just more trash people couldn't clean up. You?                                                                Shadow: I've gotten around to training some students.                                                                                      Reaper: You? Have students? Congrats! Though I don't see why anyone would train in your weird ways. I've seen the video. You really do love to show off.                                                                                    Shadow: Oh like you don't mister flower boy.                                                                                                          Reaper: Lol, fair enough. So anything else to report?                                                                                            Shadow: Nothing that isn't classified or none of your concern. Just remember, stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. That's what we agreed.                                                                                          Reaper: True. So have you heard the rumors of the yellow octopus? I think people are going crazy.                           

I gasped at this, then sighed. I've been trying to steer him as far away from the class as possible. 

Shadow: A few. Nothing that seemed legit though. So on to important matters. Have you found a girlfriend yet?                                                                                                                                                                          Reaper: Pffft NO! Have you found a boyfriend yet?                                                                                                Shadow: Actually yes. He's one of my students. Very charming too. Sneaky devil used my own tactics against me. It's honestly scary how smart he is but hey. He's pretty violent so we work well together.                                                                                                                                                                          Reaper: WHAT!? Holy s*it how did you of all people get a boyfriend!?                                                          Shadow: People dig me.                                                                                                                                                      Reaper: Lies! I call hacks!                                                                                                                                                    Shadow: We aren't even gaming. Also I never knew you were a sore loser.                                                Reaper: I'm not. But seriously how!? Girl I need tips!                                                                                            Shadow: My secret. Get your own tips.                                                                                                                        Reaper: F*ck you Shad-shad.                                                                                                                                            Shadow: Lol! F*ck you too Reap.                                                                                                                                    Silver: You two are such children.                                        

Silver was another one of my friends on the website. He's actually really new and doesn't post often.   

Shadow: Well, well, well if it isn't Silver the Hedgehog.                                                                                        Reaper: Welcome to the chat buddy. How's it hanging?                                                                                      Silver: First off, f*ck you Shadow the Emo Queen. And second training is a b*tch.                                  Silver: Also when the hell did you of all people get a boyfriend?                                                                      Shadow: Is it that hard to believe that I can get a guy when I want to?                                                          Reaper: Yes.                                                                                                                                                                            Silver: Absolutely.                                                                                                                                                                  Shadow: You two are just jelly because neither of you can get a girl.                                                          Reaper: Oh f*ck off.                                                                                                                                                                Silver: I will find you one of these days.                                                                                                                      Shadow: Lol! You can try! Also you know you can't get rid of me!                                                                    Silver: You are such a pain.                                                                                                                                                Reaper: At least she has a brain unlike some people.                                                                                            Silver: YOU WANT TO GO DEATH THE KID!?                                                                                                                Reaper: I WILL TAKE YOU ON ANYDAY HEDGEHOG!                                                                                                Shadow: Now who's the children?                                                                                                                                  Silver: Crap. I have to go. Also we aren't done here. Ttyl.                                                                                    ~Silver has left the chat~                                                                                                                                                    Reaper: Soooooo, anything new to talk about?                                                                                                        Shadow: Nothing really. Besides the fact my students had their fist kill last night.                                  Reaper: Really? This early? That's impressive.                                                                                                          Shadow: Should be on the news. I didn't leave a calling card and I had a nav hack the cameras so no video evidence. But it should be about a man. Three wounds. One on his back, chest, and neck.                                                                                                                                                                                            Reaper: Just checked the internet. It's all over the place. So why were you in Okinawa?                      Shadow: Personal business. Nothing you need to concern yourself with.                                                    Reaper: You're no fun.                                                                                                                                                          Shadow: We're assassins. Even if I show off I remain a mystery. I live in the spotlight yet remain a mystery. I know about the bounty on my head. Like I'm letting The Reaper of all people know who I am or give any clues about it. I'm smarter than you give me credit for.                                            Reaper: I enjoy these little talks of ours. Humor, but the hard sting of reality sets in by the end of them. You always keep a level head. I can respect that. We are both assassins. Both with massive bounties on our heads. It's a race against time for both of us. Because we are being hunted, by eachother. Far the well Shadow. May the reaper never find you.                                                                      Shadow: Or your shadow turn against you.                                                                                                                ~Reaper has left the chat~                                                                                                                                       

I closed the lid on my computer. It was always like that. Humor then reality. "The winds of change are coming." I mumbled.                                                                                                                             

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