Chapter 15: Phantom Assassins

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~Song: Persona 5, Life will change~

We stood below the cliff of the hotel. It was right above us. I reached up and pushed the ear piece. "Shadow to Karasuma, testing. Can you hear me?" I questioned. "Roger that." Karasuma responded. "Red Devil to Karasuma, testing. Can you hear me teach?" Karma asked. "Loud and clear." Karasuma responded. "Python to Karasuma, testing. Is my voice coming through?" Nagisa questioned. "Coming through no static." Karasuma responded. "Alright then. Ritsu the entrance point is right above us correct?" I asked. "Yes, ma'ma." She responded. I used my magic to create a small flying camera. "Alright let's go. And remember we have an audience" I said climbing the cliff. Karma and Nagisa kept pace with me. We ran up to the door and tried it. "It's locked. Nagisa lock picks." I said. He handed me the two needles. I stuck them in the lock and picked it open. The door swung open. "We're in." I said. We ran in and stuck to the shadows. 'Go.' I signaled. We ran to the next corner and peered inside the room. Guards  were everywhere. We waited until they were looking away and moved to the staircase. "First check point clear." I said. "Good job. Keep up the pace you three." Ritsu said. We ran up the stairs and then hid around the corner. A guard walked past. I jumped onto his shoulders and hit a pressure point knocking him out cold. I turned to Nagisa and Karma. 'Use the pressure points I taught you to take out guards.' I signaled. They nodded. We continued sneaking until we ran into the poisoner. Nagisa took him out by sneaking behind him while me and Karma distracted him. I tied him up with a shadow rope and we continued on. "This is truly impressive. Like true assassins." Koro-sensei said in wonder. 'We're Phantom Assassins, not just assassins. We do things with style.' Nagisa signaled to him. We snuck through a disco and once we got to the elevator on the other side had to take out more guards. 'Great work so far.' I signaled to the two.  

We ran into this samurai guy. Karma stood up. "Heh, what's with the stupid huns? Let's not wast time. We're in a rush." Karma said getting into a fighting stance. He took out the samurai with ease not even giving the other guy time to attack. "Whoa! Looking cool Red Devil!" Ritsu cheered. "Thanks nav." Karma said. I noticed an air vent. We used that to get to the next check point. "Fourth check point. We're making good time." I said. We were in a theater and got shot at. We ducked behind some chairs and listened to the guy ramble. I used a shadow and put Koro-sensei in one of the chairs in the front. "Red Devil get ready to shoot and move three chairs to the left." Koro-sensei barked. "Shadow five seats to the right." He called. "Python two rows down and get your gun ready." He said. He started using different code names too. "Devil's Girlfriend five rows down and stir up a ruckus." I did so. "BY THE WAY THAT'S PRIVET YOU STUPID OCTOPUS!" I shouted. He continued to shuffle us until it was time to fire. "Now everyone stand up and fire!" He shouted. We all jumped into the air and fired at the guy with Dragonsteel knives now Dragonsteel guns. We didn't shoot the guy but we shot his gun away and used a chandler to trap him. We stopped to take a breather. "How much time left?" I asked. "Only 10 minutes." Karasuma responded. "You guys are doing great but hurry." Ritsu said. "Got it." Nagisa said. We ran out the door but Karma grabbed my wrist stopping me. "Yes Red Devil?" I asked turning to him. "Promise you won't get yourself killed." He said. I laughed. "I should be asking you that. I've done this a million times over. But I promise I won't get myself killed." I said pecking his cheek real quick before darting. The door with the target in it had two guards posted. 'Python, Red Devil, get in there are knock em out.' I signaled. 'Right.' They signaled back. They ran up and got the drop on them hitting pressure points. 'Guards are down but we aren't using the door incase of a booby trap.' I signaled. I pointed up to an air vent. We used that and droped silently into the target's room. The target was in a chair facing a few computers. "Where are they?" He questioned flipping through security cameras. 'Looks like using air vents was a good call.' Karma signaled to me. 'I recognize that voice...It's Takaoka.' Nagisa signaled. 'Let's take em down.' I signaled. 'Formation four.' I signaled. They nodded. 

Karma darted to the right. Nagisa to the left. And me right by the door. 'Python GO!' I signaled. Nagisa jumped over Takaoka's head causing the larger man to fall out of the chair. "ACK! S*IT!" He shouted scrambling up and trying to grab a knife. Karma jumped on his shoulders and pulled on his hair getting him to face me. I ran up and delivered a punch to his chin then his gut. Takaoka spat up blood. Karma jumped off him and returned to my side. Nagisa stood behind Takaoka to keep him from getting any of the remotes on the desk that would detonate the case with the antidote in it. "YOU BRATS!" He shouted. "PYTHON NOW!" I shouted. Nagisa unsheathed his knife and it turned into a sword. He held it to Takaoka's back. Takaoka knew to freeze. "Wh-what the hell are you kids?" He questioned. Me and Karma activated our bloodlust and took out our knives. "We are Phantom Assassins and we kill in the name of justice!" We all recited and converged on Takaoka. Nagisa stabbed the sword through his back while I stabbed his chest and Karma got the neck. Takaoka screamed in pain and fell under us. Crimson blood stained the floor. "Y-you killed him." Koro-sensei said. "He deserved it. But now we need to get the hell out of here." I said. Karma and Nagisa nodded not even fazed by the fact they just killed a man. We ran out of the room and came face to face with guards. Nagisa had a hold on the briefcase with the antidote in it. Karma sent a wave of scorching heat at them causing them to cover their faces and some of their clothes to melt. Nagisa sent a wave of ice at them causing them to freeze in place. I used a shadow to tie them all up. "More security on the way. Get moving!" Karasuma shouted. I nodded and led the way as we ran down the stairs. We ran back the way we came and retraced our steps. Any guards we came across I quickly smacked out of the way with a shadow and Nagisa froze. When we burst through a door into the check in we met a lot of guards. Karma lit his hands on fire and Nagisa had an ice spear held at the ready. I took out my knife and threw it at a guard. Karma threw some fire at a few of the others not actually hitting them but it caused them to back up. "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!" One of the fleeing guards shouted. Nagisa threw a few ice weapons at them and pinned them to the wall. "I take back what I said. Ice magic is awesome!" He shouted. All the guards that were pinned or that Karma had backed into a corner I knocked out. I used shadows to restore most of the damage their magic had done and then we fled back out the way we came. 

We returned to where our hotel was and we got out of our assassin uniforms. We walked back to where our class was. Eyes of the healthy and unhealthy were drawn to our presence. I held up the briefcase. "Mission accomplished." I said with a smirk. It was quickly given to the sick. (Stop the music)             

After that while everyone was being taken up to their rooms by healthy classmates us three Phantoms were being questioned. "You three preformed exceptionally well today. The only thing I'm concerned about is the fact that you killed Takaoka." Koro-sensei said. "I'm more concerned about the fact that these three little f*ckers can use magic!" Professor B*tch yelled. "So do none of you feel guilty about killing him?" Karasuma asked. "He deserved it. As Phantoms we only kill those who have committed crimes." Nagisa said. "I personally checked. Takaoka has a long list of crimes that dates way back. Abuse, murder, sexual harassment, the works. He was an evil man." Karma said. "Not to mention insane." I added. "I see. You had good motives. But it doesn't excuse the fact that you've killed someone." Koro-sensei said. "Like you three have room to talk." I spat earning looks from everyone. "It seems you're all forgetting, Professor B*tch is an assassin just like me. Karasuma is from the government, no doubt he's got blood on his hands. And Koro-sensei we don't have a clue about your past. For all we know you could've been a cold hearted killer. At least we have just reasons behind what we do. I pick my targets with care. I don't except any jobs that require me to kill an innocent person. Why do you think I knocked the guards out instead of killing them? They were innocent people." I explained. "When the rest of the class gets up in the morning they will think this was all a bad dream. We don't need to bring this up again. I did everything that I usually do. We were all wearing gloves and we brought our weapons with us so they can't track us down either. Hell I didn't even bother leaving a calling card this time." I said. "What about the guards?" Professor B*tch asked. "They did spot you, and I doubt when they see all of them had been knocked out and there's a dead person that they'll just brush it off as a dream." Karasuma said. "What do you think the masks and hood are about?" I questioned. "Sure looking stylish is part of being a Phantom but the masks hide facial features and the hoods hide our hair." I said. "There is no possible way they can track us down." Karma said. I knocked on the table just to be safe. "You need to quit saying stuff like that." I growled at him. He shrugged. "How are you so calm about killing someone!?" Karasuma yelled slamming his hands onto the table. We all looked him dead in the eye. "Because we are Phantoms. And we kill only in the name of justice." We all said in unison. "Even I wasn't this calm on my first job." I admitted. Everyone looked at me in shock. "Just reasons or no I still killed a man. But I had the other Phantoms with me. They helped me through it. That's why I asked if Karma and Nagisa wanted to back out while the could. I didn't want to force them into something they weren't prepared for. But low and behold. They did a lot better then when I first went in. I'm proud of them in more ways than one." I said. 

Then I used hand signals that only Phantoms knew. 'You two are now official Phantoms. Welcome to the club, and if you do feel a little guilty you can come to me. I know how it feels.' I signaled. They nodded. "You three used that code a lot. I'm going to assume that was something along the lines of 'Job well done.' Or something." Karasuma said. "Close." I said smiling. "By the way, this will be all over the news for a while so we might want to make sure the class doesn't see it if we want them to think it was a dream." Karma said. I nodded. "He's right. Also yes, Karma and Nagisa can use magic. They have been for a while now." I explained. Karasuma and Professor B*tch stared at them in shock. Karma lit his finger on fire. "Shadow gave us the same vile of stuff that gave her powers." He said with a smirk. Nagisa flicked his finger at his drink and ice formed in it. "It's very useful to have around. I mean Karma can increase his body heat and set a fire place on fire. I can put ice cubes in a drink that's too warm and I'm pretty sure facing me in a snowball fight isn't a good idea. And I just learned today that I can freeze people in place. That's going to be useful for a while." Nagisa said. "How have you not killed the target yet?" Karasuma asked. "Consider us the fail safe incase the class fails. We want them to have the bounty, I mean Karma and Shadow having it would be pointless they're already rich." Nagisa said with a shrug. "Nagisa!" We both barked at him. "Oh right. Sorry." He said scratching the back of his head. "Wait. YOU TWO ARE WHAT!?" Professor B*tch shouted. "I earn millions from being as assassin." I explained leaving out the part about my family. "And my family is just loaded." Karma said in his normal 'who cares.' voice. Nagisa shook his head at us. "And they don't care either." He said. After that we called it a night. Me, Karma, and Nagisa all stood out by the dock watching the moon. "I do feel a little guilty." Nagisa spoke up. "That only means you're human. Experiencing emotion proves you haven't slipped into darkness." I said giving him a warm smile. "It feels weird." Karma said quietly. "I'm used to being in control of a fight but today it just felt...I dunno right?" He questioned. I nodded. "It can make you feel guilty true, but we did a good thing. Things will get better now that Takaoka is gone. And hopefully it prevents future problems." I said. They both nodded. Nagisa yawned. "I'm beat. I'll see you two in the morning." He said walking off. I watched him go. "He's changed so much since when I first joined the class. He's no longer the shy little boy in the background taking notes. He's finding his spotlight." I said with a smile. "I feel a little jealous over here." Karma said annoyed. I laughed at his cuteness. "I'm just proud of him. You feel the same don't you?" I questioned. "Of course I do." He said hugging me from behind. "You really like doing that don't you?" I questioned earning a laugh. "I can't help it." He said. I laughed at this. He pecked my cheek. "See you tomorrow (Y/N)." He said walking off. I continued watching the moon and rolling waves. "The secrets I keep." I mumbled. I chuckled lightly. "I like how things are right now. I don't want change. But change is coming. It's unavoidable. That's the lesson I still need to teach them." I said walking back to the hotel.               

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