Chapter 40: Space?

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So apparently if we're going to save Koro-sensei we'd have to send two of our classmates into space. I was sitting at my desk with my feet propped up on it. "Well I personally think it should be two of the Phantoms. They are the top assassins in the class after all. They'd be the best at this sorta stuff." Isogi said. "I'm not sure about going into space. What about you Itona. You're the tech guy after all." Asano said looking at the silver haired boy. "I would love to go into space. Surround by all that tech it'd be a dream come true. But I'm still a Phantom in training. And I can't speak English that well. It should be two out of our core three." Itona said looking over at me and the boys. I shrugged. "Sorry space is cool and whatnot but I'm not exactly a fan of dealing with unknown territory. If I had a little more info and I was certain this wouldn't involve so much risk than yeah. I'd probably be the best choice. But I'd rather keep my feet on the ground thank you. Send Nagisa and Karma. They've passed their Phantom Trials after all and Karma can speak English just as fluently as I can." I said waving my hand dismissively. "OH YOU'RE JUST BEING LAZY (Y/N)!" Nagisa shouted. "Sorry I would go but I'm not a fan of unknown territory either. Especially with my life on the line. How about we send Terasaka and a dummie. Their both expendable." Karma said. "A*SHOLE!" Terasaka shouted. "Actually how about we send all three of them. Shadow can just go into shadow mode and hitch a ride." Meahara said. "ARE YOU CRAZY! I'M NOT SURE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I WENT INTO ZERO GRAVITY IN SHADOW MODE!" I shouted. "Umm. Y-yeah I have to agree with (Y/N)...There's a high possibility of her limbs getting rearranged if she went into space in shadow mode." Okada said causing me to pale a little. I laughed nervously. "Hehehehe, yeah not a fan of my getting torn apart then rearranged, soooooo I'll pass on the whole space thing." I said sarcastically. Ritsu popped up on her screen. "Actually there are three seats in the spaceship so as long as we can get her a space suit she can at the very least chaperon." Ritsu said showing us video imagery of the space ship. Nagisa smiled. "C'mon guys it'll be fun. After all what could be better than a trip to space with your best friends." He said. Karma shrugged. "Eh, whatever. I did promise to hear you out after all." He said. "My answer is still no." I said. "What? You scared?" Karma questioned in a teasing tone. "Haha, very funny mister 'I won't go near Five Nights at Freddy's after one jumpscare'." I said rolling my eyes. "ONE TIME SHADOW IT WAS ONE TIME!" He shouted blushing a little. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Besides you two don't need me to hold your hands anymore. You can do this mission on your own. I trust you two." I said with a small smile. "Just go (Y/N). Just to make sure everything goes smoothly." Koro-sensei said. I sighed. "Fine but if I die from this I'm haunting the f*ck out of all of you. Not just Nagisa." I said with a small smirk. Karma and Nagisa snickered lightly at the old joke. 

~Time Skip the launch~            

I sat in the seat and buckled up. I was carrying the bag with our weapons and masks in it. We were wearing our uniforms under the space suits. We were prepared for anything in other words. "You know this takes me back. It's been a while since we've felt this kind of nervousness before." Nagisa said. "Yeah. You're right. But I can safely say we've grown a lot since then." Karma said. I giggled a little. "It's good to see you two getting along again. And you're right Karma. You both have grown tremendously since then. Mentally and physically. Like I said before I couldn't be prouder of you two." I said. And with that the launch began. All of us were a little bit uneasy and worried and terrified at the same time. Though the rush of it got my excited. "WHOA!" I shouted happily when we picked up speed. Then we heard Koro-sensei's voice. He and Nagisa shared a few words and then the rocket picked up speed. Mach 23. Today we went faster than Koro-sensei. After a while zero gravity kicked in and we noticed the small ship we were in was starting to connect with the station. We shed the space suits and put on our masks. Grabbed our knives. And Nagisa held the fake bomb. Karma chuckled slightly. "It's been a while since we last had a mission. Just the three of us. Really brings back memories huh?" He questioned. I smirked a little floating around. "I never took you to be the nostalgic type." I said. "I'm not. At least not usually." He said. "Alright let's get ready. They're going to send someone in here to see the dummies probably. We all remember the plan right?" Nagisa questioned. Me and Karma nodded. "Then let's do this." I said with determination. We all hid and once the guy came in Karma grabbed him quickly and held his knife to the guy's neck. Karma held the guy in position Nagisa smiled warmly as the other men looked inside. I smirked. "Alright boys give us a little breathing room. Just cause we're kids doesn't mean we won't hesitate to hurt anyone." I said in a cheery but threatening manor. (Bold means they're talking in English.)   

The pilots all moved away from the opening and me and the others filed out. Karma kept his grip on the one guy and just floated there looking intimidating. Like always we were in formation. Karma on my right. Nagisa on my left. And me right in the center. I tapped my knife to my shoulder a few times with our bag slung over my other shoulder. "Okay there is no need for blood to be shed on either sides. Just give us the information about the super creature that you've been studying and we'll leave. No questions asked." I said. Karma smirked. "Like Shadow said earlier give us the info we leave. Don't give us the info not only does you're friend die." He said pressing the knife against the guy's neck a little more. Nagisa held up the bomb. "Python over here will detonate the bomb and blow this place sky high. And by that time we'll be gone. So either way it's a win win for us." Karma said. The lead pilot smirked and clapped. "Well I'll be darned. You kids are really officiant aren't you?" He questioned. I smirked. "So you speak Japanese huh? Good to know good to know. But I'd like to point out that wasn't empty threats we just made." I said snapping my gloved figures. Karma pressed the knife on the guy's neck drawing a little blood. It floated around and served as a warning. All color vanished from the faces of the pilots in the room. "And don't even think of trying to take any of us down. We're all trained and trained by the best there could be." Nagisa said. We all wore matching smirks. "Of course we're willing to compromise. You give us the info maybe we can help you with something. I'd prefer for this to be as non violent as possible. After all the two behind me are still new at this." I said. Karma just growled. "HEY!" Nagisa shouted in annoyance. I laughed slightly. "I'm just poking fun at you geez calm down." I said rolling my eyes. "Really Shadow? Now of all times!? We're in the middle of a retrieval mission!" Karma snapped at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm still allowed to poke fun at you two. C'mon you can't expect me to take you two that seriously. You may have passed the Phantom Trial but you're still my students. And I still have pictures and videos of when you two were first starting out." I said snickering a little. They both blushed but it was barely noticeable. "SHADOW NOW IS NOT A GOOD TIME!" Nagisa shouted. I just roared with laughter and floated on my back while laughing. I clutched my stomach and kicked my feet in the air. Once I had calmed down I went back into position. "Sorry about that. Now I have a feeling you guys aren't at all scared of death. After all you got very calm very quickly. But we can still kill you and get the data. After all there are two very talented hackers on this team. But like I said I'd rather avoid bloodshed if at all possible. But either way we get the data. And I'm sure some of you have families yes? You want to see them again? Give us the data and everyone wins." I said calmly returning to my serious face. Karma and Nagisa both hissed a little. They knew I didn't pull the family card unless I was serious about something. 

The leader waved his hands for me to calm down. "I can already tell you're serious and that we don't pose much of a threat. I can tell from the way you speak and that you're able to joke around at a time like this. I'm sure we can work something out. All I ask is that you return our friend then we can talk negotiations." He said. "Ha! Fat chance." Karma spat. "If you have a hostage never let them go until you get what you want." Nagisa recited. "We aren't armatures." I growled. "Fine, fine. How about this. You help around the ship a little bit and we'll give you the data. Sound good?" He asked. I nodded. "Sounds good to me. Don't try anything funny. But I do have one question. It's unrelated to any of this." I said. They all nodded for me to continue. I took a deep breath. "Do any of you know of Project 'Hybrid'?" I questioned. Most of them shook their heads but the guy Karma had in a hold spoke up. "I heard a few things but not that much." He said. His voice was strained. Probably from Karma's hold. I snapped my fingers and pointed my finger down. Karma let go of the man. He took a few deep breaths and rubbed his throat a little. "Even if you don't no much it's something. Karma start helping them out. Nagisa have one of them show you where you can plug Ritsu in." I said. They nodded. Karma approached the leader with Nagisa floating next to him. I grabbed the guy and floated back into the small ship we arrived on. Once everyone else was far enough away I turned to him. "Alright what do you know? And don't try anything I won't hesitate to stab you." I growled pointing my knife at him. He held up his hands in surrender. "Like I said I don't know much. I only know that it's something about turning humans into half animal hybrids. I wasn't directly involved I only heard rumors." He said. I sighed. "That doesn't help me at all. Nothing that I already don't know." I said with disappointment. "Why are you even asking? Was there something specific you were looking for?" He questioned. I sighed again. "I'm looking for two specific things about the hybrid project. One, if there's a way to reverse the effects, and two, if magic is involved." I explained. "Reverse the effects? Magic?" He questioned. I waved my hand dismissively. "Whatever. It's nothing you need to concern yourself with. Imma go help the others now before one of them does something stupid." I said. I floated away leaving a very confused man behind. 

Me, Karma, and Nagisa all actually had fun. Of course we were questioned by the astronauts about us having fun and about our sanity for lack of a better term. But we built up a mutual respect between eachother. "By they way. Those two called you Shadow right?" The leader questioned me. I turned around. "Yeah. What about it?" I questioned. "As in Shadow the Black Assassin or am I in the presence of a different Shadow?" He questioned. I froze but then chuckled. "Shadow the Black Assassin. That's me. Yeah sorry if I make you uncomfortable but you have nothing to worry about. I only kill people who have committed crimes that are inexcusable." I confirmed. "Why did you choose the path of an assassin if you don't mind me asking." He said. "Wow this is a conversation I'd rather not be having." I said with a smirk. "Sorry. I'm just curious about why someone so young is on such a path. What led you to this?" He asked. "Sorry that's classified information that I've already told to way too many people already." I said crossing my arms. "Hey Shads can you come here for a sec? I need your help." Karma called poking his head from around the corner. "Coming Devil!" I called back. I shot a glare at the professional astronaut in front of me. "This conversation..." I said gesturing from him to me. "Didn't happen." I said before floating away and helping Karma.

It was time to pack it up. Overall we really did have fun. I was already waiting in the entrance of the small ship while the others were coming. "Oh pops. Here have a gift." Karma said tossing the leader the fake bomb. He freaked out and caught it carefully. "It's full of candy. Consider it an apology from me and my team for causing you so much trouble." I said with a smirk. They all gave us looks. Me and Karma just smirked and Nagisa apologized for scaring them. "Oh and sorry about cutting you neck." Karma said. I tossed him some bandages. "Keep those on hand incase something like this happens again. Hopefully I won't have to come back up here but if I have to I won't hesitate." I said in a joking tone. "I seriously question if she's sane or not." One of the astronauts mumbled. "Her? Sane? That'll be the day." Karma said rolling his eyes. I poked his cheek. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go Strawberry Kitten." I said. "I told you to stop calling me that!" He huffed crossing his legs and arms. "Aww. He's so cute when he's mad." Nagisa teased. Karma started yelling at us for teasing him and then we said our final good byes. On our way back Karma was playing around on his D.S and I was just floating around chilling. Ritsu was crunching numbers and getting us ready to go home in one piece. I was worried a little. We all took our seats and buckled up. "Okay guys. Let's make one thing clear. Who are we going to haunt if we die?" I questioned. "Everyone." Karma and Nagisa both responded. I laughed. "My plan was to haunt Nagisa but if we die he dies with us so yeah. Itona and Asano are the ones who made all of us go. And Koro-sensei too. So everyone it is then." I agreed. We all smiled brightly. 

~Time Skip: Back in the classroom~                   

After talking it over. And after multiple considerations. Everyone, as a class, decided to continue with the original assassination plot. I groaned in annoyance. Karma pat my shoulder. "Yeah I know (Y/N). I know." He said. "We went. Though all that. For them to do nothing. I. I need a minute." I said leaning on his shoulder. "I have a headache now. Just f*cking dandy." I growled. "What me to kiss it and make it feel better?" Karma questioned in a teasing tone. I grabbed his hand and twisted his wrist. "S-sorry!" He said quickly. I let go of his hand with a sigh. "I need to relax for a minute. See ya' Strawberry." I said walking away. I went into the Staff room and found Karasuma's computer. My curious side took over and I started my hacking. That's when I found it. Karasuma's computer had government access but it didn't have access to this one thing. Being, well me, I instantly hacked into that thing. 'Final Assassination' the government's little plan. I growled a little. Karasuma walked in. "S-Shadow! What are you doing?" He asked. I shot him one of my death glares making him sweat a little. "Did you know about this?" I asked pointing to the screen. "No, wait that's a stupid question you didn't have access to it. Let me rephrase it then. Did you have any knowledge of this whatsoever?" I asked. I turned the swivel chair around and jabbed a thumb at the screen while stareing at him with a blank expression. "I have no idea what you're talking about! Why are you on my computer!?" He questioned. "Because I'm me and you should never leave open computers where I could find them. Now answer the d*mn question!" I spat. "Did you know about the 'Final Assassination'?" I asked. "What the hell are you talking about!?" He yelled. "I'M TALKING ABOUT THIS!" I shouted turning the computer screen around so he could see it. "What the...?" He trailed off and read over the file. "How did you...?" He trailed off realizing I had already left. I sat on the couch with some beer in a glass. Don't f*cking judge me I'm in a bad mood and I'm p*ssed off. 

The others walked in and saw me with a fierce glare on my face and the alcoholic drink in my hand. "Whoa! What the hell happened to you!?" Itona asked in shock. I shot them all a glare. "I'm in a f*cking bad mood. So f*ck off." I growled. "Ouch. Harsh." Asano said. Karma smelled the air. "Is that beer?!" He questioned in alarm. "So what if it is?" I questioned/grumbled. "What happened?" Nagisa asked. "I'm not in the mood. But I'll tell you this. I am not at all a fan of adults at the moment." I growled before shadowing up to my room, leaving the beer on the table. 

~Karma's POV~

I picked up the drink she left and poured it out in the sink. The smell driving me crazy. "Yuck. Seriously what the hell has gotten into her?" I questioned. "You didn't do something to p*ss her off did you?" Asano questioned. "Nope. Wasn't me. I didn't do anything that I normally wouldn't do." I said. I set the glass down on the counter. "I'm gonna see if I can talk her down. You guys train without me." I said. With that I walked upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door. No answer. I opened the door to find her passed out on her bed. "She still looks p*ssed even in sleep." I said to myself. I closed the door and pulled the covers over her. I went back to my room since I didn't want to disturb her.                   

And the winner (Not surprisingly at all) is Insane and Insaner! Said story will be renamed into Kiss of Insanity 5. Next place is the Todoroki x Reader Half and Half. And Pyromania will be sometime in the far future. Kiss of Insanity 5 will be posted soon, seeing as I've been working on it and the other two of the past week or so. Update schedules for these two...WHENEVER THE HELL I FEEL LIKE UPDATING. There's a reason I never have update schedules, because I know I'd never be able to keep up with them unless I had the entire story finished and had a reminder on my phone saying 'Update so and so today!' or something like that. I'm a lazy person. Deal with it. So there you go. Kiss of Insanity 5 should be out sometime soon. Half and Half soon after. And Pyromania sometime in the far future. Also both Kiss of Insanity and Half and Half are filled with references and subtle nods to the Persona series. Mostly Persona 5. Yeah you'll be getting a lot of those for a while. Anyways that's all for now! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Also don't forget to soar high and roar, and as always may the stars light your path my dragon army! Bye!!!!!!!!!            

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