Chapter 41: Valentine's Day

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~Karma's POV~

Me and the others were walking down the street talking about the future. (Y/N) was off doing something by herself. Saying that she needed to be alone. "So Karma. Where do you have your sights set on?" Nagisa asked me out of the blue. I thought back to what Shads said that night. She wanted me to think hard before choosing. I shrugged. "I think I'm just gonna stay with Shads. If I'm going to learn from anyone...I want to learn from her." I said honestly. "What? But I thought you completed training?" Sugino questioned. "I completed Phantom training sure. But I asked her if she was sure there was nothing left she could teach. You want to know what she said?" I questioned. They all nodded. I looked up at the snowing sky. "She told me there was a lot she could still teach. Just because I passed the Phantom Trial doesn't mean I'm a Phantom Assassin. That was basic training. That was all she could teach incase I wanted to do something else with my life...She told me to think it over before choosing what path I wanted to be on. But I want to stay with her. I want to continue my training in other words." I said firmly. "You mean..." Nagisa trailed off. I looked back at him and nodded. "I'm going to become a full time Phantom Assassin and learn from Shads." I confirmed. "An assassin?! Karma is that a good idea!?" Kayano questioned. I smirked. "No other job or school would offer me what I would get from being a Phantom Assassin. By learning from Shads in this past year everything the school has thrown at me has been a piece of cake to solve and overcome. And by continuing to learn from her my skills can only get better. And is there another place that offers someone who can not only challenge me mentally and physically, but also care about and accept me for who I am? No I think not. (Y/N) is a good teacher and an even better girlfriend and leader. Not only that but I'd like to stick around until Asano completes his training. And since he can use so many elements that's going to take a while." I explained. I closed my eyes and smiled normally. "I want to stick around for the people I consider family. And knowing Shads she needs as much emotional support as she can get. I'm staying with her. No matter how many times she warns me about the assassin's path, she can't scare me. And besides." I opened my eyes and sighed. "Just because I beat her once doesn't mean I can beat her again. She wasn't even using her full power in that fight. Hell we weren't using real knives so how could she go full force? And it irks me knowing that she's still better than me and can kick my a*s anytime she wants if she gets p*ssed. I won't even consider leaving until I know with absolute certainty that I can beat her at 100%." I said with determination. "I will never, in all my years, understand you and her's relationship." Sugino said while sweat-dropping. Nagisa had to go off to help little Sakara with her entrance exams. The kid had grown on all of us Phantoms. Even the newbie. Aka my twin.

~Time skip the next day~

Today was Valentine's Day. In the morning when Shads came down stairs I expected her to be lazy like she usually is on holidays but no. She was on high alert and full blown assassin mode. She was in the base of the new uniform (basically without the gloves, mask, and tail coat) and was doing her normal morning routine, only she was tense and seemed to be ready for action. "Yo (Y/N) aren't you typically a lazy a*s on holidays?" Itona asked beating me to it. She hummed a little in response. "And don't you typically stay out of people's business?" She countered. "Oh d*mn." Asano said. "Seriously Shads why are you so tense? Do you have a mission or something?" I questioned. "I have two reasons for being tense today. Reason number one, I'm not missing out on any kind of ships today. It's Valentine's day so I'm gonna go full stalker mode." She explained. Me and the others sweat-dropped. "Geez what a creep." The others said. I was expecting this. "Reason number two...him." She said pointing to me. I gave her a look. "What the hell did I do this time?" I questioned with a smirk. "It's Valentine's Day. And I have a devil as my boyfriend. I'm not taking chances so guess what? You have to deal with full alert assassin Shadow today b*tches." She said with a small smirk of her own. I sighed. "What the hell makes you think I was going to try anything?" I questioned. "Because you're you." She said in a matter-of-factly tone. I shrugged. "Eh, that's fair I guess. I was expecting you to be more chill today." I said. "AH-HA! I knew it!" She shouted. After that we all ate and went to school.

The moment we got to school everyone was just doing their own thing. I think class was canceled or something. Shads, Nagisa, Itona, and Asano all ran off somewhere. That's when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. Kayano had chocolates. I smirked slightly. I poked my head over her shoulder while smirking my a*s off. Rio peered over her other shoulder. "And what do we have here?" I questioned. "And who's the lucky fella you're giving these too?" Rio questioned. Kayano started blushing madly. "They're just a formality! Why do you have to go there!? Everyone loves chocolate, they could be for anyone!" She defended. "Riiiiiight. And by anyone I suppose you mean your boyfriend right?" I questioned pulling up one of the pictures I had of her and Nagisa kissing. Her entire face rivaled that of the great Erza Scarlet's hair. "DON'T YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND YOU SHOULD BE TALKING TOO!" Kayano shouted covering her face in embarrassment. "She won't let me anywhere near her at the moment and she already ran off somewhere." I said dismissively. "Whoa hang on since when did her and Nagisa start dating?" Rio asked me. "You don't know?" I questioned tilting my head to the side. I shot a glare at Kayano. "How much chocolate did you use to bribe (Y/N) so she wouldn't tell?" I questioned. She chuckled nervously.

After that we spied on a few couples since Kayano had no clue on how she should give Nagisa the chocolates. After watching for a while I pointed out that everyone has their own approach to this kinda stuff. "Nagisa likes you for you. So just be yourself. Trust me he'll be really happy." I said. "Thanks you guys." Kayano said. "It's no problem." Rio responded. "There's only one problem that you'll run into." I said causing them both to look at me. I pointed downwards their gaze following to where I was pointing. "Privacy." I said shooting a look at Koro-sensei and Shads who were both teaming up to watch the couples. "Not only is the Octoperv on the prowl but so is my stalker of a girlfriend." I said. "But don't worry. I have a sure fire tactic to stop both Koro-sensei and (Y/N). Kayano you brought the you know what right?" I questioned. She nodded. "Good. That'll keep Koro-sensei distracted. I'll handle Shads. Best of luck to ya'." I said jumping to another tree as I made my way back to campus.

~Your POV~

I was making my way back to campus. Karma texted me saying that he needed help with something. I opened the door to the classroom and spotted the devil in question sitting at his desk in the back. I walked over. "Alright you called me all the way over here what do you want?" I asked. He handed me a small box of chocolates. "It's still Valentine's day. It'd feel wrong if I didn't do something for you." He said with a kind smile. My face flushed black a little causing me to be confused. I never blush that easily. I think the fact that his ears and tail were out wasn't helping. "Well th-thanks but surely that isn't the only thing. You said in your text you needed help with something." I said. He pouted. "I was lonely." He admitted. I sighed. "You're so childish sometimes Strawberry." I said. But I did smile at him. "But I don't mind spending time with you as long as you don't do anything stupid alright?" I questioned. His cheeks flushed pink as soon as I smiled.

~Meanwhile in Karma's mind~



Dragon Karma: *is smirking his a*s off while stretching his wings out*

Normal Karma: Alright dragon boy what the hell did you do!?

Dragon Karma: I did nothing. This is just an effect of nature.


Dragon Karma: *uses his tail to sweep the feet out from under normal and neko*

Dragon Karma: You'll find out soon enough. Just wait for the first week of spring.

Neko Karma: *ears pull back*


Normal Karma: Guys calm down please no need to fight.

Dragon Karma: *pats normal's head slightly*

Normal Karma: *swats his hand away*

Normal Karma: QUIT PETTING ME!

Dragon Karma: *quickly ties down normal*

Dragon Karma: Imma do something real quick.

~Back in reality~

I got lost in thought so I didn't notice Karma standing up slowly. I didn't notice him until I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and I looked into deep gold eyes.

~Meanwhile in Shadow's mind~


Dragon Shadow: Did you just openly call him hot?


Dragon Shadow: *smirking ever so slightly*

Normal Shadow: What the hell did you do!?!?!?

Dragon Shadow: You'll understand when the time comes. But I bet someone's regretting turning him into a half dragon.

Normal Shadow: Wait you don't mean...OH F*CK NO!

~Back to reality~

Once it clicked in my mind about what might be happening I quickly walked out of Karma's embrace and stood in the corner with my back to him. Just don't look at him, just don't look at him. I repeated in my mind over and over again. "Shads~." He said in a teasing tone. D*mnit level five charm! I cursed in my mind. He poked my cheek a little but I ignored him. "Shads don't ignore me~." He whined. I closed my eyes and focused on control. I have like, zero resistance when it comes to charm. Especially with level five charm. And it's even worse when it's Karma. The blush on my face never left. I took a deep breath and pulled out my daily log. I pulled up the stats of team Phantom and next to my name quickly wrote, 'Charm Resistance, level: -5.' Once I wrote it Karma burst out laughing from behind me. I turned around slightly to see him absolutely dying of laughter. I ran past him while he was distracted. "Assassin's rule number 3: Always be alert! Later Strawberry!" I shouted with a smile as I went shadow mode right at the door. I went down the hallway and quickly ran into Nagisa. I was forced out of shadow mode and sat on the ground rubbing my head. "Ouch. I thought I would go through you if I was in shadow mode." I grumbled. "Shadow? What's going on?" Kayano asked. "Honey I told you once before call me (Y/N). And I'm running." I said. "From what?" Nagisa questioned. "Shads~ Where'd you go?~" I blushed upon hearing his voice. "That. I'm running from that." I said. I stood up quickly before giving them a small salute. "Later." I said before hiding in a nearby classroom. I hid in the back corner of the classroom and crouched down. I was watching the door carefully.

~Time Skip~

I sat down in my room with a sigh of relief. I had managed to dodge Karma for the rest of the day and could now relax. I pulled up the book about dragons that Asano gave to me. I flipped trough a few pages and eventually found what I was looking for. Dragons go through a mating season. Typically the first week of spring but they do feel the effects beforehand. It read. My cheeks flushed black and I sat there with a shadow covering my eyes while I was trying to process that. I sighed and leaned back in my chair and placed a hand on my forehead. "I had a feeling it was that but ughhhhhh. Why me?" I questioned. Then there were three knocks on my door with exactly three seconds in between. "Come in Asano." I said. The door opened and the strawberry blond haired male walked in. "Hey. I came to check on you." He said. "I'm doing fine." I said. "Really? Then why do you sound like you just had the life sucked out of you?" He questioned. "I'm just tired from avoiding Karma all day." I explained. He raised an eyebrow. "I told you I'm fine." I said. He walked over to me. "You sure? After all you're blushing right now." He said. I just threw the book at him. "Page 28 through 35." I said. He picked up the small book and read over the few pages quickly. "Do you want me to separate you two during the week?" He questioned. "Please do so. But there will be a lot of difficulty in that." I said. "The best we can really do is lock Karma in his room. Lock me in here. Make sure neither of us have lock picks and that you stop me from shadowing out of this room." I said. "What about bathroom and food?" He questioned. "I've been trained to go almost an entire month without eating. You can shadow in here to bring me water and as for bathroom just take me out of the room and to the bathroom. Get it done as quickly as possible so that I don't lose control." I said. "And Karma?" He questioned. "Same thing with him. As long as we can regulate food, water, and bathroom time as well as make sure I don't shadow out of here we should be good." I said with a sigh. "It'll be difficult but I think I can manage." Asano said patting my shoulder. "I've been a half dragon since I was five so I've felt the effects before. But since there was no half dragons around the effects were weak. But now there is another half dragon, who is my boyfriend no less. And it doesn't help that he has level five charm!" I said slamming my head on my desk. "Calm down Shads. We've got this, don't worry." Asano said. I chuckled. "I'm trusting you alright." I said. "I've got your back." He said. I felt like our bond grew a little deeper.

I handed Asano a small box. "Those are for Karma. I noticed that he really liked them at our favorite cafe, and it is Valentines day. Might as well do something for him." I said dismissively. "Aww, Shads cares about someone." Asano said in a teasing tone. "I CAN CARE ABOUT PEOPLE!" I shouted making him run out of the room chuckling to himself. After a while it was nightfall. I decided that I needed food. More like I just wanted chocolate because I ran out. I put on my Phantom uniform because I felt like being sneaky. Mask and everything I went down into the kitchen. Everyone was asleep since it was past midnight at this point. I opened the door to the kitchen, silent as if I was sneaking in for a kill. I started looking around in the fridge when I heard the door close. I froze on the spot. I had been caught red handed. By none other than our favorite red head. I turned around with a guilty look on my face. He, on the other hand, had a s*it eating grin on his face. He was in his Phantom uniform as well. "Well, well, well. It seems I've found a wild Shadow in her natural habitat." He said in a joking tone. "Haha, very funny pyro. What's with the uniform huh? You planing on stealing my heart or something?" I questioned. He continued smirking. "Only if you want me too." He said. Karma you smooth motherf*cker. I thought as I started blushing. Then an idea popped into my head. I pulled out the golden heart locket he had given me a while back. I barely ever take it off. "Hmm, I don't think you'd be able to steal my heart since I already stole yours." I countered with a smirk. His turn to blush. Not my best come back but it worked. I thought. "A-anyways. I had a feeling you might be down here. It is a day full of chocolate after all." He said with a chuckle. "Oh shut it Strawberry boy. Remember the 'Strawberry Ghost' incident?" I questioned with a snicker. He chuckled a little more. "Nagisa thought the house was haunted for weeks. I enjoyed being the Strawberry Ghost until I got busted." He said with a sigh. I sat on the counter and he sat next to me. "I still can't believe the year is almost over. It's honestly so stressful." I said running a gloved hand through my hair. "Yeah. With the deadline coming up and collage entrance exams I can see why everyone would be stressed. Even you." He said. I sighed and used a shadow to fetch a small carton of chocolate milk. "I guess I'm just conflicted. Stupid octopus making me think I can actually be something else." I muttered to myself. "Be something else?" Karma questioned. I sighed again. "During career counseling he wrote down options for me. He said I could do something else with my skills. Way to give a girl false hope there teach." I said poking a straw in the carton and drinking. "False hope?" He questioned. I put my drink down. "I don't think he realizes how much being a Phantom Assassin has affected my life. Killing people in the name of justice, training every day, learning to hide your emotions. It's all become a part of me. Being a Phantom Assassin has it's perks sure. And the risks can be fun to take. But the cons. That's what you need to look out for. It isn't all puppy dogs and rainbows Karma. Something that Phantom told me a long time ago, before I started training to be a Phantom Assassin, 'once you walk this path you can't ever go back'." I recited. I shook my head slightly.

"He was right. I can't go back and I can't be anything else. Life doesn't work that way. I still regret the decision every now and then. I still feel guilt. I never asked for this path. I was offered at a young age when I thought it was the only possibility." I smiled slightly. "If only I knew then what I know now." I said. I held a hand over my heart. "Being a Phantom Assassin has become a part of me and my everyday life. My heart belongs to my craft at this point. Even if I went back now I would only want to come back. That's the true risk of becoming a Phantom Assassin. Becoming attached to your work, and loving every second of it." I explained. "The reason you hate being a Phantom Assassin..." "Is because I love it so much." I finished. I closed my eyes slightly. "I still see them...Every time I close my eyes. In my nightmares...I can see the faces of the people I've killed. Even if it was for a just reason that doesn't make it any less painful. When I first started killing I thought 'why do we have to kill these people?' and 'can't we just leave it to the police?'. But I learned that sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands." I said. I pulled out a coin. "I see it as two sides of the same coin. Phantom Assassins are tails, and police, detectives, and what not are heads." I flipped the coin in the air and watched it spin. "The detectives and what not work in the daylight. They do things legally but a good half the time they can't touch some criminals." The coin started to fall. I caught it and placed it on my hand without removing my other hand from covering it. "But us Phantom Assassins work in the shadows. Those untouchable criminals are the ones that we get. We take out the trash that normal methods can't touch. But no matter what we always have the same goal in mind. Justice. We're just two sides of the same coin." And with that I removed my hand to reveal that the coin was on tails. "I just work on the side that has more repercussions." I explained. "Two sides of the same coin huh? Does that work for fire and shadows as well?" He questioned. I thought for a minute. "I suppose it does. Fire and shadows balance eachother out. They're different but the same. Kinda like yin and yang. One is of warm light, the other of cold darkness. And yet in the end the draw eachother closer, while driving others away. I guess the thing with the coin does work for that." I said mostly to myself. "Hey (Y/N). Can I ask you something?" Karma questioned. I chuckled a little. "You just did but sure. What is it?" I asked. "A while back, when we first met, you said that if you could get rid of your scales you would, was that a lie?" He questioned. I sighed slightly. "If you had asked me when I was younger, no, that wouldn't have been a lie. But now a days, just like being a Phantom Assassin, my powers have become a part of me." I said slowly. I used my hand to cover my scales. "These scales...They aren't as strong as you might think...They're more of a hindrance than a help...But they've been a part of my appearance for so long. They to have become a part of me." I said with a smile. "By the way have they still been growing?" He asked. "No. In fact they became smaller. Just a little bit though." I said. The whole weight of the fact that the year was coming to a close soon dropped on my head and my heart. "Karma...It's been almost a year since I met the class. Since I've met you. And...I honestly don't want it to end." I said honestly. My hands clenched. "Koro-sensei...He's made an impact on me too. But as an Assassin, a Phantom Assassin no less, I have to remain strong. I have to keep calm and blaze a trail. But...I can only think of how killing him will effect the class. They can't kill him. They won't be able too. It'll scar them. The person who deals the final blow...will have to be someone who can stomach killing him and not feel much regret for it later." I said quietly. My teeth clenched when a felt tears sting the corners of my eyes. "Nagisa...He'll regret it later and most likely panic when dealing the final blow. Itona...I feel like he still considers Koro-sensei like an older brother or something. Asano...He's not experienced enough for that yet. Actually killing someone I mean. And...I honestly can't push that on you. No mater what you tell me I know killing someone like Koro-sensei will hurt you. So...That only leaves me. His student from past and present. But...the thing is...." I trailed off as tears slowly slid down my cheeks. "I don't want to. I don't want to kill him. I know I have to but that doesn't mean I want too." I said my voice falling apart slowly. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them. "I'm suppose to be this invincible warrior who can do anything. I can't show weakness at anytime. It hurts. Ever time my bond grows with him it hurts. Because I know I have to kill him. It can't be anyone else. Hell it's my f*cking duty as a student from his past. But that doesn't make it any easier. And I can't tell anyone because it makes me look weak. Why do I have to be so weak? Why does this s*it always happen to me?" I questioned in barely a whisper. I quickly removed my mask and wiped my tears. "What the hell is wrong with me? Why does this only happen when you're around? Heheh. I'm truly a pathetic teacher. And an even worse Phantom Assassin. I can't do either of my jobs right. Hell I'm getting torn up about a target of all things. And I just have to rant about it to one of my students- oh sorry. Ex student." I corrected myself. I smiled slightly. "Emotions suck. Why do I have to be the one type of Assassin that can still feel them? Maybe I'm just stressed and need sleep. Yeah, that's it." I was about to put my mask back on when Karma caught my wrist. I looked over at him slightly confused. He plucked the mask out of my hand before grabbing his on mask and setting them off to the side.

"You always wear a mask around other people right? Even with the other Phantoms yeah? I must be one special cookie to see you without any masks." He said with a small smile. "But you know..." He trailed off frowning slightly. He pulled me closer to him causing my to blush slightly. "We have got to do something about that depressing attitude. You sure hide a lot of sadness and crap for someone who makes so many jokes." He said. He leaned in closer a little. "But that's how you wear your mask huh? You make jokes and laugh it off to trick others into thinking you're fine. When really you're not. You just need someone to listen to you." He said. I can't believe it...I can't even lie to him anymore...He sees right through me...Wow...I need to stop teaching him crap. I thought chuckling slightly. I leaned into his embrace slightly and rested my head on his shoulder. "I suppose you're right. D*mn I need to stop teaching you s*it. You're getting way to good at figuring my out." I said. "I don't need to know your lessons to figure you out...I just need to know you for the person you are. Don't worry. You're teachings not that good." He said chuckling. I chuckled and punched him lightly. "Shut it I'm an amazing teacher." I growled playfully. "Suuuure you are. And I'm the Prince of Hell." He said with sarcasm. "Wait you aren't? D*mn there goes my theory." I said with actual shock. He just gave me a look. "Whaaaat? Was I that far off? I thought for sure you'd at least be the Prince of Hell. D*mn don't tell me I'm dating the King of Hell. That'd be bad. I'd have a bunch of angry, jealous fan girls on my doorstep." I said with a small snicker. "Wait so you're telling me you're not the Princess of the Underworld?" He questioned. "B*tch to hell with that. I'm the f*cking Queen. Call me princess again and I'll clock you." I said. We both just started laughing the serious mood gone in an instant. After that I got up and picked up my mask. I yawned slightly. "Well I really do need to sleep. See you tomorrow Strawberry." I said about to walk out the door. "What? No good night kiss?~" He questioned in a teasing tone. I blushed slightly before smirking. "Wellllll if you insist." I said with mischief clear in my voice. "Wait what?" He questioned, slightly panicked. "Juuuuust kidding!" I said in a sing song tone. I opened the door and walked out of the kitchen. "Heheh, still got it. You're not the only one with level five charm." I said to myself.

~Meanwhile in Karma's mind~

Dragon Karma: She didn't.

Normal Karma: She did.

Neko Karma: D*mn and I thought I was the flirty one...I need to ask for pointers.

Dragon Karma: That was honestly terrifying. I was panicking there for a second.

Normal Karma: B*TCH PLEASE!

Neko: I'm done. I just want to nap.



Normal: Just shut up the both of ya. I need sleep.

Dragon: We all need sleep. Shads did bring up a good point. The deadline is approaching.

Normal: It came faster than I thought it would...

Neko: It really makes you think huh? Just how far we've come...How everyone's come.

Normal: I feel like we've made so much progress with Shads. And yet....

Dragon: She's still so distant....It's still so hard to reach her.

Neko: And she doubts herself so much. It's way to obvious that she hates herself. I want to help her.

Normal: Get in line. We all want to help her. But every time we try to get close she pushes us away.

Dragon: But it does make sense. Think about it. She keeps pushing us away because she doesn't want us to feel that same self hate that she does. She's looking out for us even now.

Neko: ...

Normal: You're right. In that case we need to make our intentions more clear. We need to make it impossible for her to push us away.

Dragon: D*mn. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Neko: Yes. We do need to make it harder for her to push us away. It's just hard because she changes the subject so fast. Either that or shadows away.

Dragon: Remember if we keep the heat turned up then we should be able to prevent her from going into shadow mode. It's her dodging the question and conversation shifting skills we need to be aware of.

Normal: We need to help her in some way or the other. We need to get her alone and tell her that we aren't leaving.

Neko: News flash she's alone right now. Can't we just talk to her now!

Dragon and Normal: ...


~Back in reality Karma's POV~

I got up and quickly tracked her. She had gone into her room. I paused for a minute. I knocked on the door twice with four seconds in between. "What is it Karma?" She questioned. "There's one thing I forgot. Can we talk?" I questioned. I heard a sigh. "One second." She said. A few seconds later she came out in her normal attire. "Let's go for a walk." She said walking past me. I followed her. We walked a little while away. All the way to the cliff where we first met. She sat down with a bored look on her face. "So what did you need to talk about?" She asked. I sighed and sat down next to her. "Shads...I want to continue being your student." I said. She tensed up a little and didn't look at me. "I'm going to assume you thought hard about this." She said. I watched her face carefully waiting for a reaction. "If I'm going to learn from anyone...I want to learn from you. You said it yourself, there's a lot you could still teach me. And I still have a promise to make good on." I said. I smiled slightly. "Remember. I promised I would stay by your side. I promised to never leave you. And I don't go back on my word." I said. Her form seemed to be trembling. "You keep warning me. You keep telling me to be careful where I decide to walk. But I made my decision a long time ago. I want to be a Phantom Assassin. I want to walk by your side with my head held high. Because that's where I belong. No where else would ever be able to make me as happy as I am now." I said firmly. I grabbed her hand stopping her trembling. "You may try to cover up the fact that you're broken but you're not fooling me. I want to be there for emotional support. And I at least want to be there to help Asano with his training. You two are like the ones I truly consider family. And you two are here. And I can tell, that by staying here training will get tougher and harder. But the harder the training the better the pay off. For me to just up and leave is like admitting defeat before even trying. It's unthinkable. So cut the bulls*it and accept that I refuse to leave." I said sternly. She looked at me her eyes full of turmoil. "Why? Why do you insist on staying? You do understand why I'm trying to push you away don't you?" She questioned. "You want to steer me away from the same path you followed. So that I don't feel the same self hate and guilt that you feel." I answered. She looked at me in shock. "You want me to be able to choose. Because you didn't have a choice. You don't want me to follow in your footsteps because you hate yourself and the things you have done. You, as a teacher, want to make your students better than you. So that they don't make the same mistakes you did." I said.

I brushed a strand of her hair out of her face letting my hand rest on her cheek. "But even if you made mistakes you learned from them didn't you? If I make those same mistakes so what? I can learn from them too. You've taught me so many things. And knowing that you can still teach me more only draws me in. You made learning fun for me. Just like Koro-sensei. This past year has been the best of my life and that was all because of you. Leaving as is would only p*ss me off in the future. You still have more to teach? Then teach me what you know." I said. I leaned in a little closer. "I refuse to let you push me away anymore. I will drive away the darkness that's in your heart. And that's a promise." I finished. I kissed her passionately to get that meaning across. When I pulled away she was crying a little. I smiled at her and did something I haven't done in a while. "Fire souls." I mumbled waving my free hand. Small balls of fire swirled around her causing her to giggle a little. She smiled brightly at me. Something she rarely ever does. That's how I knew I got my point across. I wiped away her tears with my thumb before kissing her forehead. "I'm not going anywhere. And no force on the planet can change that."

"I love you." "I love you too."

A lot of people seem to forget the power of words. The term 'actions speak louder than words' is true. But words are powerful as well. Words can start a war, words can change lives, and words can drive away the darkness in someone's heart. The words 'I love you' are some of the most powerful words in the world. But most people overlook the true meaning of these words. Lots of people see them as just words. Words that can be spoken on a whim by those who trick and deceive others. And this is true. But when spoken by those who harbor nothing but true love for another person these words have the power to change the course of history itself. As a realm traveler who has lived for thousands upon thousands of years I have seen these three simple words change lives and alter the past, present, and future. And it breaks my heart to see them used to deceive and trick others. I do believe love at first sight is bulls*it. You can't love someone you just met. True love is built on time, trust, and respect. But sometimes you don't understand the true meaning of love until you've lost it forever. But to me love is love. So embrace what you have before you lose it. Because trust me when I say, love is the most fragile yet powerful thing I have ever seen in all my 13,557 years. Piece of advice. If you love someone truly and deeply put them before anything else. Because losing a loved one is not only tragic. It can break you to a point of no return. ~Flame Dragonheart Draco/Author-Chan

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